Bad Penny (26 page)

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Authors: Penny Birch

BOOK: Bad Penny
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Ginny certainly had no trouble. She must have been really high on the experience of being milked, and I could just imagine how having her nipples sucked into the cups must have felt. The erotic humiliation must have been exceptional as well, perhaps stronger even than being a piggy-girl, which is my personal favourite kink of the type. Add to that the vibrating hose and having Amber's well-lubricated fist working her vagina open and it wasn't surprising that, within a minute of Amber starting, Ginny had begun to moan and push her bottom up.
Fisting is not my favourite thing, but it's certainly nice, and Amber had learnt her technique from a girl called Melody, who in turn had learnt it in San Francisco, where I'm told it's something of a fine art. Anyway, she quickly managed to burrow most of her hand into Ginny's vagina and was working it inside her and rubbing on her clit with the pump hose. Ginny was always noisy, but she really screamed this time when she came, pushing her bottom back and clutching at the straw underneath her. It lasted ages, and only when Amber made her own choice to take her hand out of her friend's pussy did Ginny finally ask to be taken out of role.
I had been standing next to Michael throughout this, and getting increasingly steamed up. So had he, although, being Mr Cool, he showed this by simply taking my wrist and putting my hand to his crotch. His cock was already out, which I hadn't noticed and, by the time Ginny came, it was stiff in my hand. I continued to nurse his erection while Amber disconnected Ginny from the milking machine.
‘Go on, Michael, pop her on,' was the first thing that Ginny said, when the cups had been pulled off her nipples.
Neither of us needed any encouragement. His hand was already up my skirt, fondling my bottom through my panties. When Ginny suggested he fuck me, I simply reached up under my skirt and pulled off my panties. Michael took me by the hips, lifting me with ease. As Ginny had suggested, he simply popped me on his cock, sliding inside without difficulty. I put my hands on his shoulders to steady myself and then just relaxed into it. He held me by the bottom, with the cheeks pulled apart and a little finger just touching my anus. I was soon panting and groaning as he bounced me up and down on his erection, never losing his poise until the moment he actually came inside me. Even then he just groaned, continuing to bounce me until he had drained himself dry up my pussy.
It was all hugs and kisses and excited conversation after that. Amber wanted to milk Ginny by hand when she felt ready for another go. Ginny was all for this, loving being the centre of attention as always. My own suggestion excited her even more, and it was agreed that we'd do it that evening after dinner. I was going to be Ginny's baby.
Once I knew what I was going to get, I couldn't come down from my sexual high. My idea was really dirty, and very, very humiliating for me. It also demanded Ginny being in a dominant role, which she was keen on as, with Michael, she never really had the chance.
This was even more true after Amber had given her her hand-milking and made her drink the results herself. Watching Ginny lap her own milk out of a bucket was too much for Amber, and Michael and I watched while she poured some on to her pussy and had Ginny lick until she came. She had a long skirt of plain white wool on, underneath which she took her knickers off and then just hitched up. She looked wonderful, demure yet dirty as Ginny lapped at her milk-soaked pussy. That had me hornier than ever, and I was getting desperate for my own go.
We went back to their house after that, with both Amber and I still pantyless under our skirts. As soon as we were in the door Amber took me by the hand and pulled me upstairs to get me ready. Ginny had gone to take a quick shower, and then joined us. She dressed while I sat on the bed, choosing a plain blue skirt and a big woolly jumper. I like my partners big and strong anyway, but my small size in comparison to theirs was really highlighted by the fantasy we were about to play out. Once Ginny was dressed, we were ready. First they stripped me, pulling my clothes off without my assistance. When I was naked, Amber carried me into the bathroom and put me down in the tub. Ginny had already filled it, and checked the temperature with her elbow before I was lowered in.
Michael came up to watch me bathed, and to video my self-imposed degradation. He leant on the door frame, camera in one hand, with his face set in a cool grin. I was scrubbed down, using a stiff brush and plenty of soap. This left me pink and tingling all over, but they were far from finished. They completed the job of washing me, then they took me out of the bath, towelled me down and sat me on the bathroom chair. Ginny held my legs apart while shaving foam was rubbed in between them, over my pussy mound and down between my bum-cheeks. Amber shaved my pussy, slowly, taking care to get at every crevice and fold while Ginny held me spread and helpless. Once my pussy was smooth and bald, not to mention moist and swollen, they turned me over. Ginny held my bum-cheeks apart while Amber rubbed cream in. It stung my bumhole, but she shaved my bottom with the same thoroughness she had shown my pussy, leaving me slick and hairless down between my cheeks. Michael videoed all of this, sometimes so close up that, I knew that when it was played back, the whole screen would be filled by incredibly detailed shots of my pussy being shaved or of Amber stretching my bottom-hole out to shave around the ring.
They then washed my pussy and bum again, and rubbed soothing cream in before starting to powder me. Every inch of my body was done, from feet to face, powdered and slapped a bit to distribute the powder. Inevitably they concentrated on my more sensitive areas, especially my titties, powdering each, slapping them lightly, flicking my erect nipples until I couldn't help but start whimpering. They ignored me, just turning me over to give my bottom another dose of powder and slaps and then turning me completely upside down to show off my newly shaved underside. That was filmed, too, the girls making sure that my legs stayed well spread and repeatedly exploring my pussy and anus with their fingers, just to make sure that I was really clean. By the time they had inspected me to their satisfaction, I was limp and helpless in their arms, my breathing was coming deep and strong and my need for an orgasm had risen until it was barely tolerable.
‘We should take her temperature,' Amber said decisively.
‘Absolutely,' Ginny agreed. ‘You get her in position; I'll find the thermometer.'
I knew they weren't going to put it in my mouth, but up my bottom. Sure enough, Amber quickly had me down across her lap and once more pulled my bum-cheeks apart. I was shivering with sexual humiliation, aware that Michael could see every detail of my freshly shaved fanny and bum. I saw Ginny hand her a tub of Vaseline and a thermometer, and a moment later I felt a well-lubricated finger invade my anus. Michael was close, filming every detail as Amber opened my bottom-hole and then slid the thermometer in. I squeezed my anus on to it, hardly able to feel the thermometer, but knowing how dirty it would look on film.
Amber held me gently over her lap with the thermometer sticking out of my bottom for three whole minutes, then pulled it out and read my temperature off as normal. Michael filmed this in detail, and then a close-up of my greasy bottom-hole, which I tightened and relaxed for him, deliberately making it pulse. I felt so rude and so helpless, completely irresponsible, yet fully aware that if I did anything really disgusting it would earn me a spanking.
‘We'd better put her in a nappy,' Amber said, as if reading my thoughts.
Ginny went to the bathroom cupboard, quickly finding a big white beach towel and an over-large safety pin. Amber turned me over and sat me down on the towel, which Ginny had folded into a triangle. Working with a truly nursemaid-like efficiency, Amber pulled together the three corners and pinned them at the front, over my tummy. I put my thumb in my mouth and began to suck, adding yet another touch to my submissive bliss.
Ginny left the room briefly, and I stayed quiet until she came back. She was carrying two big pink ribbons, which they tied in my hair, making bunches at either side.
‘I think she's ready,' Ginny declared, standing back to admire her handiwork.
I certainly felt ready. I was in nappies, sitting splay-legged on the floor, shaved, creamed and powdered, my hair in ribbons and my thumb in my mouth, completely theirs, and best of all, about to be breast-fed, for real.
‘Doesn't she look sweet!' Amber exclaimed. ‘Come on, Penny, crawl a bit, then it's feeding time.'
I rolled over obediently, crawling to show off my nappy-clad bottom and my little dangling titties. Their big bathroom mirror showed my reflection, crawling naked but for the bulge of the nappy around my hips and over my bottom, with the pink ribbons making me look really girly and pathetic. It looked so rude that it made my head swim. I was also beginning to feel not just the emotional urge, but a real need to pee, and knew that when I did I would just wet myself, filling my nappy in front of them and on film so that I could relive my humiliation later. First, I wanted to be fed.
Ginny wanted to feed me, too. When I had given them a good eyeful of me crawling around the bathroom floor in my nappy and nothing else, she picked me up and carried me through to the bedroom. I expected to be put straight to Ginny's breast, but don't suppose I should really have been surprised when she tipped me over her knee instead. She pulled my nappy down at the back, just far enough to get at my bum. Her arm went around my waist and she started to spank me, not hard, but just enough to bring the blood to my cheeks. She told me that I was a naughty girl while she did it, waiting until I started to whimper before pulling up my nappy. I felt really contrite and punished, knowing that my bottom-cheeks would have red tops and that I was now going to be given a good cuddle after my spanking.
Ginny turned me over and cradled me in her arms, hugging and whispering sorry in my ear. My head was resting against the plump softness of her huge breasts, which made me feel wonderfully protected and small. She smelt faintly of milk, too, making me all the more urgent to feed, and I began to nuzzle at her jumper. She sighed as she pulled it up. She had a maternity bra on, which she unzipped, pulling out her breasts right in my face. Her jumper was up just far enough for me to get at her nipple, as if she were embarrassed to be seen feeding me. I nuzzled again, my open mouth touching the flesh of her boob, then finding the nipple.
She pulled the jumper up a little more and I began to suckle, shutting my eyes in utter bliss as her milk began to flow into my mouth. It was warm and rich, sweet yet oddly sharp, and quite simply the most delicious thing that I had ever tasted. It had been nice drunk from a glass, but to be feeding at her breast was an experience so wonderful that I quickly had tears in my eyes. I sucked and swallowed, her nipple stiff in my mouth, the milk coming in little squirts against my tongue. She was sighing gently, as deep in as I was. I pulled her jumper up more, pushing my face into the soft, fat cushion of her boob, sucking eagerly.
My head was pillowed on her chest, her left arm supporting my back and head, her right draped over my waist. My tears were flowing freely down my cheeks as I took hold of her boob with one hand, squeezing the soft flesh into my mouth. My whole world was Ginny's body and my own, the firm nipple in my mouth, the plump breast in my face, the feel of the nappy around my hips, the desperate, urgent need to masturbate.
I slid my free hand down the front of my nappy to find my pussy. The smooth skin felt exquisitely rude and, not surprisingly, I was soaking. Ginny eased her right arm under me and I knew that she had put a hand to her own pussy. We began to masturbate together, utterly wrapped up in each other, oblivious to everything else, including the fact that we were being filmed.
‘Do it in your nappy, Penny,' Ginny sighed.
I nodded around my mouthful of nipple.
‘I want to come when your nappy's wet, and with your pee all over my lap,' she moaned. ‘Come on, darling, do it all over me.'
My bladder was taut with pee and ready to do exactly what she wanted, yet I was in such bliss that I couldn't bear to bring it to an end so quickly. Still, my middle finger was busy with my clit and I knew I could only hold it off for so long, both orgasm and urine.
‘Do it, Penny, wet your nappy for me, please!' Ginny begged.
I couldn't resist any more, and let go, the pee gushing out of my pussy, all over my hand, into my nappy and down my legs. Ginny groaned as the warm, wet pee began to trickle on to her, but, maybe because my bottom had been Vaselined, I felt something else start to happen. I clenched my anus quickly, but my orgasm was building and it was just too much. Ginny must have felt my muscles tense, because she groaned again.
‘Oh, you're not, Penny,' she sighed. ‘Oh, you are; yes, do it, Penny, do it in your nappy, Penny!'
Her voice had risen to a near scream and, is she started to come, I surrendered my last pretence of reserve and just did what nature wanted me to do. My bumhole opened and I was filling my nappy even as I too started to come. Ginny knew exactly what I was doing, which made me want to let go even more. I felt it squeezing out and up between my burn-cheeks as she hit her climax. She called my name, tensing underneath me even as my own muscles started to contract.
I was coming. My mouth was full of Ginny's milk, my nappy sodden with pee and full of my own dirt. There was plenty of it, and more was coming. I could feel its weight in the nappy as the pressure built up in my head until I thought it would burst. I was totally out of control, surrendered to pleasure without a thought for anything else, nor capable of controlling myself had I wanted to. I squeezed another piece out of my bottom, revelling in the sensation. Then the bubble burst and I was biting and sucking at Ginny's nipple, plunging my hand down my nappy, rubbing frantically at my clit, kicking, wriggling, pulling away from her because I just had to scream, only to fill my mouth with soft, fat breast flesh once more.

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