Bad Romance

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Authors: L Kirk,Bonnie Bliss

BOOK: Bad Romance
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Bad Romance








Writing as


Copyright © 2015 Bonnie Bliss



Bonnie Bliss asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work


This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed within are the invention of the author’s imagination. Any similarities are purely coincidental. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in an information retrieval system in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, and recording, without prior written permission from Irish Wolf Publishing or the author.


Content Advisory: the below contains graphic material of a sexual nature, adult situations, sexual reference, explicit sexual description, and depiction of alternative lifestyles.


Copyright © 2015 Bonnie Bliss


First Edition




Smashword License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



Cover Design by LMK Graphics

Formatting by Mr Bliss

Edited By Kasi Alexander

Published by

Irish Wolf Publishing







Also by Bonnie Bliss


Chains and Chocolate

Whips and Wax

The Christmas Feast

(A Dominance Holiday Short Story)

Kitten’s Fantasies

The Postman

The Plumber

Twisted Oz

Twisted Dreams

Twisted Ropes

The Holiday Series

Bondage on the 4th of July

Halloween Submission

A Slave for Christmas


(The Complete Holiday Doms Collection)

The Men of the North Series

The Viking’s Prize

The Vikings’ Conquest

The Vikings’ Claim

The Stolen warrior

The Realm Series



Stand Alone Titles

Cuff Me Santa

The Blackwood Wolves Saga


Blackwood Novella

When the Hunger Comes

(Writing as R Kirk)

The Devil and the Diamond







Bad Romance




Chapter One





“Holy hot frat boys, Batman!”

I hadn’t even woken up yet, and already Shannon was screaming in my face. One eye peeked open as I looked over at my friend, gazing out my bedroom window that had a full panoramic view of the neighborhood. Not that it was anything fabulous. I lived in Claremont, California in propert
y owned by the Pomona Colleges.

We start classes tomorrow, Shannon. Can’t w
e just sleep today?” I groaned.

My throat was scratchy and I cleared it before reaching for the glass of water on my night stand. We’d been at Disneyland/Downtown Disney until three in the morning. As I reached for my phone to check the
time, I fell back onto the bed.

What could possibly be so entertaining that you are awake at seven in the morning af
ter we got home two hours ago?”

I picked up the pillow she had been sleeping on next to me and tossed it at her. She let loose a veritable platter of curse words that would make any frat boy proud. Her coffee slooshed from her mug, dribbled down her
hand and got on her pajama top.

“What the fuckity fuck, Clara? I am trying to look at hot shirtless men next door, and you’re worried about your rem cycle.” Shaking her head, she looked back out the window and took another sip of her Colombian brew.

Hot shirtless men next door?

“What are you talking about? That house is for sale.” I tossed the blankets off, scrubbed my hands over my face and got up. It didn’t take long to gaze out the window. I was on the top floor and my huge bay window faced the neighborhood. I could see it all. Including the parade of, as my best friend said, hot shirtless men moving furniture into the house next door.

What the hell. Just a week ago a nice gay couple with a baby was looking at that. How the hell did they get moved in so fast?” I was talking more to myself than Shannon. But of course sh
e answered my mumbled question.

Who the hell cares? That is Beta Lamda Ki, the hot f
rat in a school full of nerds.”

I glared towards my friend. While she would be attending Mt. Sac in two weeks, I was going to Harvey Mudd College, which was one of seven Ivy League level colleges that made up the Pomona Colleges. My father was a professor and it just made sense. It helped I wanted to follow in his footsteps of archeology. So, to see a group of college men this good looking moving in next door was odd. Not that nerds couldn’t be hot. I mean, look at all the men in Star Trek. That was wank
material for all men and women.

I was frustrated, still sleep groggy, and so ready to curl back up in my bed, and not get up until my classes started in the morning. I slid on a pair of slippers and dragged my feet all the way down the hall and down the kitchen, where my friend had already brewed her first of about ten cups of coffee.

“Wait, wait, wait for me!” Shannon called as she nearly collided with my back. I stopped short and let out a huge gust of air.

“How can you possibly be this excited after like thirty minutes of sleep?”

She lifted her shoulders and dashed around me. “I don’t need sleep when I got frat boys moving in next door to my best friend.” As she grabbed the handle of the front door, she turned back towards me before opening it. “Can I just say how excited I am that your dad took that job at Cambridge for the semester? I mean, not only am I staying with you while he is gone, but next door to
fraternity on this campus. The group of hot smart men that are our future dirty politicians and producers of awesome movies.” She jumped, squealed, and was dashing out of the house and down my front porch before I could stop her.

I seriously considered going back to bed at that point. If she wanted to have a day with the boys, so be it. Personally, I was in no mood to be social, flirty, or even remotely human. Against my better judgment I popped a coffee cup into my Keurig and waited on my mug to fill up. As the cup filled, I gazed out my kitchen window. It faced the opposite side of the house and I watched as my older neighbor, Mr. Lambert, watered his award-winning rose garden. He saw me spying on him and I lifted my mug before taking a sip and allowing the deep, rich scent of caffeine to penetrate my sleep-clogged brain.

going back to bed,” I mumbled.

I set the mug down with a hard enough thump to slosh out coffee on the countertop. Not caring at that point about the mess, I turned quickly to head back up into my
room, and collided with a wall.

That’s funny. I don’t remember there being a wall here.

My hands pressed against warm, hard flesh. I sucked in a breath just as a rumbling laugh vibrated out of the body in front of me. My eyes traveled up slowly. I was gaze level with just under his pectorals. I looked down first and those low slung jeans did nothing to hide that deep V that would make even a nun’s brain melt into a pile of horny goo. Lord, the man had a dusting trail of hair that slipped right into those pants, his groin barely hidden by the denim. He was slick with sweat and he smelled like citrus, soap, salt, and that musky man scent they all had when they had been working hard. Pecks that put a comic book hero to shame made my fingers itch to touch them. He gleamed with sweat and it seemed to accentuate his ten pack. My gaze went higher and took in his features. His nose was straight, his jaw seemed to work as he watched me examine him, his bottom lip was fuller than his top and I fought to not lick my own bottom lip in response, then his eyes. Those baby blues were something out of a teenage dream. He was perfect. Handsome. And I was just staring like an idiot.

His lips were curved up. I realized, as a shiver shot up my spine, that a very large, warm hand pressed into the small of my back, bringing me in closer to him. I felt his whole, hard front pressed against mine.

“Aren’t you a cute one, little girl?” he drooled.

Little girl?

Who was this dude?

I would later blame my temporary insanity on my hour of sleep. But for now, in this moment, this ridiculously hot frat boy calling me ‘little girl’ and ‘cute’ ruffled every feather in my nerdy, smart-girl brain.

I shoved at his chest, and his arm slithered around me tighter. He pulled me in tight and tsked down at me. His voice was deep, masculine, and was this
really a college student? His hair was untamed and messy, the thick brown locks falling over one side of his sunglasses. He was perfect. One of those guys you look at in passing and they don’t even realize you were there because you are plain, small, and very mousy indeed.

“Oh, no you don’t,” he smirked as I shoved at him harder.

I was seriously considering kicking him in the shin when Shannon’s loud voice vibrated off the walls of the room.

Oh good. You met!” She was
in the doorway of the kitchen.

I shifted to look around the creep who wouldn’t get off me. Shannon wasn’t alone. A leaner, sweeter-looking version of the man that held me was standing next to her. His blue eyes glittered with mischief as he spoke.

“You’re Professor Parker’s daughter, right?”

I was quickly released at that. My feet didn’t seem to be working as I stumbled back. I reached behind me to grab the counter and, swallowing hard to catch my bearings, I nodded towards the handsome guy smiling very genuinely in my direction.

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