Bailey Morgan [Seven Brothers for McBride 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (3 page)

BOOK: Bailey Morgan [Seven Brothers for McBride 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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The threat to take away his share of the profits got Caleb to turn on his heel and enter his house. About the only thing that worked on the eldest and most massive brother of the Morgan clan was threats against his benefits. Pushing him around was not so effective, even with the prod. Caleb could withstand incredible pain. In fact, Bailey began to suspect Caleb liked receiving pain as much as he liked to give it. Watching Caleb fuck the sexdroid had been as fascinating as it was terrifying. Caleb had rammed his cock in so hard and fast he’d shattered the thing’s backside, which delivered a powerful shock to Caleb’s prick, given how he jolted and his long hair started to rise, but Caleb kept right on fucking until he’d come all over the twitching and sparking unit. After laughing, he’d kicked it and returned to his home, presumably to sleep. Bailey had gone home hard and disappointed, but filled with dreams of his copper-eyed companion.

“Come along, Bailey. It’s time for your first lesson.” McBride entered Bailey’s little house and went right on through the main room to the bedroom.

“Lesson?” Bailey followed quickly on his heels, noticing that, though McBride was a bit sweaty, he smelled of that high-end soap the landed gentrymen all seemed to use. No matter how many times he smelled that interesting aroma, Bailey had no idea what it was. Something off-world and exotic, probably. An expensive herb or flower, perhaps. Whatever it was, it smelled very good.

“I must show you the ways of a man with his mate.” McBride took off his cowboy hat and set it aside on the dresser. The battered fabric was once white, but after only a few weeks on the farm, it had turned gray from the black dust. He removed his boots, socks, and shirt. “You don’t wish to hurt him, do you?”

“No.” Bailey gazed wonderingly at young Ferris, who stood watching McBride disrobe. “He’s so pretty.”

Ferris blushed and smiled at Bailey.

“Indeed he is.” McBride removed his trousers and his skivvies. His body was well formed and powerful, just like Caleb’s, but McBride wasn’t quite as hairy as Caleb. Or maybe because his body hair was dark brown rather than black it just looked less dense. Still, he had a big cock. Bailey had only felt it against his backside when McBride fed from him, since he liked to stand behind him, but seeing it now confirmed what he’d felt. McBride was big, and his sac was large and looked heavy. “Undress, Bailey. Have you showered?”

“No, sir. I just finished picking right before you showed up with my companion.” Just saying the word hardened Bailey’s prick. The thought of inserting his tool into a real, live man had him trembling all over. How would it feel to be engulfed by that softness? Oh, to feel his heat. To feel him move! If Bailey didn’t calm himself, he was afraid he’d lose his load in his picking suit.

“Go and do that now.” McBride motioned him away with a flick of his fingers. “Your first lesson is that you should always be clean for your companion.”

Bailey ran to the bathroom. He was so excited he could barely get his suit off without falling. As he struggled to get the legs of the trousers off, he realized he still had his boots on. Laughing at himself, he sat down on the closed lid of the toilet, shucked his shoes and socks, then finished disrobing.

Once he had the water going, he jumped within the stall and briskly scrubbed away the black dust. Ollie said the dirt was fine clay, which was why it powdered so easily and puffed up when it was dry. Bailey didn’t know about that. All he knew was the black dust clung to everything. Bailey swore he would always be clean for Ferris, who was certainly clean. Why, he hardly had any dust on him from the distance he’d traveled to get to the farm from the market.

Bailey looked at himself in the reflective tiles across from the showerhead. Black streaks swooshed out of his hair, down his face, and then his chest. He must have looked dreadful. No wonder Ferris had been afraid. The poor creature probably thought he’d been about to be mated to a mud dweller.

Bailey took extra care to clean himself as thoroughly as he could. He gave himself a close shave then dried off with a fresh towel. He didn’t want to linger, but he wanted to be as attractive as he could. It mattered a great deal to him that Ferris enjoyed their couplings. Bailey was aroused a lot. Everything gave him a stiff dick. To finally have someone to share his lust with was literally a dream come true.

As a member of the lower class, a slammer, Bailey hardly ever craved blood, but when he did, he would be able to drink from Ferris. This in turn would make him a better blood provider to McBride. As a landed gentryman, McBride drank almost every night and sometimes during the day, too. He rotated through the brothers so that all of them had time to recover.

Bailey had always enjoyed when McBride drank from him. The act itself was arousing, and McBride allowed Bailey to masturbate. McBride could have, too, but didn’t. Bailey wondered if he did that with his other brothers, but he’d never gotten the courage to ask any of them or his master. Bailey had discovered under the ownership of McBride’s father that sometimes knowing something really wasn’t that important. Questions could get him into difficulties that were hard to get out of because once Bailey knew something, he couldn’t unknow it.

When Bailey returned to the bedroom, he discovered that McBride had stacked the pillows up against the headboard of his bed and then leaned back on them with his legs spread around Ferris.

Jealousy surged. Ferris was his companion! Bailey wasn’t selfish, but he thought that when he got a mate, he would be his and only his. A man like McBride could have any man he wanted, and since he was upper class, most men would want him in return. How could Bailey ever compete with him?

“I see the rage in your eyes, Bailey.” McBride was sitting a bit away from Ferris. He was close but not actually touching Bailey’s companion. “I’m only going to be touching him and you in order to train you both. I will not touch your companion but for this teaching. Do you understand?”

“Can’t you just tell me what to do?” Bailey wanted to be the only one to touch his beautiful companion.

“I must show and tell.” McBride frowned, but he didn’t look angry. It was more a pursing of his lips with understanding. “Have I ever touched you in a sexual way before tonight?”

“No, sir.” Bailey hung his head a little. He’d just been thinking that McBride never even masturbated when he drank from him. Obviously, the man had tremendous self-control.

“Please trust me that I am being honest with you. Now come. Get on the bed.”

Bailey climbed upon the bed on his hands and knees.

“Spread your legs, Ferris. Bailey? Come and kneel before your companion.”

Bailey did so. The urge to caress Ferris was almost overpowering.

“Touch him. Carefully. Think of him as the most fragile blown-glass vase in the world.”

Now that he had permission, Bailey hesitated. He didn’t know where to begin.

Softly, McBride encouraged, “Touch his face with your fingertips. Trace the outline as if you are memorizing his features.”

Bailey did as instructed. Ferris’s face was so smooth. He had no bumps, scars, or even harsh bristles from a beard. Not even an errant freckle marred his pale perfection. As Bailey caressed him, Ferris kept his eyes riveted to Bailey’s face, almost as if he were memorizing by using his gaze rather than his touch.

“Stroke your finger over his lips.”

When Bailey did, they plushed against his finger. “So soft.”

“Lean close and kiss him.”

Bailey was up and off the bed and back in the bathroom in a flash. Berating himself, he hurriedly brushed his teeth. No way would he kiss his companion for the first time with a sour mouth.

When he returned, McBride and Ferris were waiting. They didn’t ask, and Bailey had an idea that McBride knew exactly why Bailey had rushed off. Bailey returned to his place between Ferris’s parted legs. He leaned over, holding his weight balanced on one hand pressed against the bed. Slowly, he descended until his lips pressed lightly against Ferris’s. Contact caused a spark of bliss that tightened every muscle in Bailey’s body. Bailey let out a growl of pleasure. Ferris answered with a whimper that hardened Bailey’s aching cock.

“Kiss lightly with just your lips. Grow accustomed to one another, but don’t advance just yet.” McBride’s voice was very soft and low. He seemed to be a part of the furniture rather than a part of the action. Bailey was now glad that McBride was here to help him. The only pleasures Bailey had known were at his own hands. “Very good. Now, Bailey, gently open your mouth. You will track his progress with your lips, Ferris, and allow Bailey to slip his tongue against yours.”

When Bailey did, Ferris leaned up into him, deepening the kiss, so Bailey knew he was doing it right. He was pleased beyond words. They kissed for a long time before McBride urged them to pull apart.

“See what you have done to one another.” McBride darted his gaze downward.

Ferris was as hard as Bailey. His prick was a good size for his body, and wonderfully thick.

“Can I touch him there?”

“Not just yet. I want you to explore him the same way you explored his face. But don’t lunge for his cock right away. Be more subtle. There are many places on a man’s body that respond to caresses.”

Bailey understood that while he could just grab his cock and stroke, things would be over very quickly if he did. Taking his time and rubbing all of him, Bailey would build the anticipation in his companion and himself. Tentatively, Bailey slid his fingertips over Ferris’s shoulders then down the strong, smooth planes of his chest. When he slid his nails across his nipples, Ferris arched his chest, almost as if he were lifting himself in offer to Bailey. Intrigued, Bailey swirled the pad of his thumb around and around his nipples until Ferries was shivering.

“Do you like that?” It was obvious he did, but Bailey wished to confirm his observation.

“Yes, sir. It feels very good.”

“I am your sir, Ferris,” McBride cautioned. “You will call him Bailey.”

“Can he call me mate?” Bailey’s dreams of his copper-eyed love always culminated in an epic climax as they called one another mate.

“Yes, if he so desires.”

Bailey lifted his brows as he looked to Ferris.

“My gentle mate.” Ferris smiled and reached out to stroke his finger over Bailey’s bottom lip. “Oh.” He yanked his hand back. “I’m sorry. I did not ask permission.” Ferris hung his head as if he expected to be struck.

“Reassure him,” McBride urged Bailey.

Cupping his chin, Bailey gently lifted Ferris’s face. “I would never strike you, my mate.” Just calling him that sent another bolt of giddy pleasure down to Bailey’s prick. “You may touch me as you wish because that is how we should be with one another.”

Bailey knew he’d said the right thing when both Ferris and McBride smiled.

Once he was assured of no repercussions, Ferris stroked his small but strong hands all over Bailey’s body. Bailey did the same to him. They each discovered they had incredibly sensitive nipples and necks.

“Now that you are both well aroused, I will show you how to heighten your enjoyment even more.” McBride had Ferris rise so that he could situate himself. McBride brought his legs together, then settled back so he was kneeling on the bed and sitting on his feet. He drew Ferris to sit on the edge of his knees. “Part your legs and lean back into my arms.”

When Ferris did, McBride cupped his massive hands under Ferris’s knees. He lifted and parted his legs until Bailey had an unobstructed view of Ferris’s tiny, pink hole.

“I want you to lean close and examine him.”

Bailey did, utterly fascinated by the sheer beauty of his companion’s body.

“May I touch him there?”

“Gently, just as you did with his face. Stroke all along the secret place of him, not just on his pucker.”

Again, Bailey realized this was a way to enhance Ferris’s pleasure. As he traced his fingers lightly over the smooth skin on his inner thighs, Ferris chuckled quietly.

“Am I doing it wrong?” Bailey didn’t know a lot about sex, but he was fairly certain his companion shouldn’t be laughing when he was trying to arouse him.

“You have a ticklish mate.” McBride didn’t sound angry at all. He sounded happy that they had made the discovery. Taking a cue from his master, Bailey stopped being angry or worried. What they felt was normal, no matter what it was. He knew this would be difficult for him because as the youngest, he’d been teased the most, and it had made him rather pigheaded and prideful. “Press a bit harder. Make your strokes more firm but not hurtful.”

When Bailey did, Ferris’s giggles faded away into mewling cries of pleasure. He wriggled in McBride’s hold, but not even a very strong thrall could escape such a powerful man. McBride held Ferris firmly with his legs parted so Bailey could continue to explore his secret area and all the surrounding flesh. As much as he wanted to focus on his hole, Bailey knew that was like going straight for his companion’s cock. To truly arouse him and ready him for sex, Bailey had to touch him in
places, not just the obvious ones. Bailey smoothed his hands all over Ferris’s lower half, noting that he liked to have his inner thighs scratched and the arches of his feet rubbed.

After a long time of exploring him, Bailey then stroked his finger over the pink, puckered flesh that surrounded his companion’s hole.

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