Bailey Morgan [Seven Brothers for McBride 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (4 page)

BOOK: Bailey Morgan [Seven Brothers for McBride 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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Ferris shivered and clutched at McBride for balance.

“That’s the sweet spot. Touch him again there. Remember how you swirled a circle around his nipple? Lick your finger and do that motion there.”

Bailey did as instructed.

It was as if his touch caused Ferris to melt. He relaxed utterly in McBride’s embrace and even spread his legs farther apart.

“You see how seductive a slow, teasing touch can be?”

“Yes, sir.” Bailey had thought hard and rough would be the way to find pleasure, but he was wrong. Dragging out the arousal only enchanted his companion to him more. When he looked up, Ferris’s eyes were dreamy and turned up at the corners, just like his beautiful mouth. Obviously, he was happy, and that was just how Bailey always wanted him to be.

“Now, lean down and use your tongue.”

A jolt of power went right through Bailey’s body at the mere idea of licking his companion in his secret place. He lowered himself to his belly and then spread Ferris’s cheeks a bit more before he extended his tongue and licked a long, slow line up and down his crack.

“Ahhh!” Ferris squirmed, but McBride held him steady.

“Tell him how good that feels, Ferris.”

“It feels blissfully divine, my mate. So wonderfully good. I will gladly show you.”

Bailey grinned as he continued to lick his perfect pink hole. Around and around he swirled his tongue, loving the noises his companion made.

“You are pleasing him greatly. Lift up and see what you’ve done just with your talented tongue.”

Bailey looked up and discovered that Ferris’s cock was leaking clear fluid. “What is that? It looks almost as if his prick was crying.”

“It’s pre-cum. A very obvious sign of arousal.” McBride nodded. “Taste it.”

Bailey rose and slurped at the tip of his companion’s prick. Ferris jerked up, ramming about half his cock into Bailey’s surprised face. Rather than startle back, Bailey took the extra length easily and sucked harder. The liquid was slick and surprisingly sweet.

“Pull back, or he’ll climax.”

Bailey did, but Ferris squirmed and struggled. It was obvious he was trying to get his hand around his cock to touch himself, but McBride easily blocked him with his elbows.

“He’s gotten too aroused. Take your right hand and make a circle with your forefinger and thumb. Put that at the base of his prick and squeeze gently but firmly.”

Bailey did as instructed.

“Now, take your left and squeeze the tip of Ferris’s cock by doing the same thing.”

When Bailey did, he saw Ferris visibly relax.

“Hold steady there for a moment while Ferris takes slow, deep breaths.”

Bailey cradled his companion’s cock while Ferris closed his eyes and drew air slowly in through his nose then blew it out through his mouth.

“Whenever you sense he’s about to climax, that is how you can delay him. He can do the same for you. And don’t be afraid to ask him to delay you, Ferris. The longer you hold off, the more intense your ultimate pleasure will be.”

“Can we hold off too many times?” Bailey asked. “I mean, is it possible to do it so much we can’t find release?”

“It’s unlikely to become an issue. But you can time yourself if you wish. Try to prolong your release with each encounter you have. You’ll find more satisfaction that way for you and your partner.”

Once Ferris was settled, Bailey returned to licking the puckered flesh that surrounded his hole. Certain licks made the skin tighten and caused Ferris to flex in McBride’s hold. Bailey swore he could do this all day.

“Press the very tip of your tongue hard against his pucker and hold,” McBride instructed.

Bailey did.

“Press harder until you force your way inside then stab your tongue in and out very fast.”

As Bailey followed directions, McBride had to exert more effort to hold Ferris still. For a moment, Bailey worried he was inadvertently hurting him because Ferris moaned and squirmed, but he quickly realized Ferris’s movements were from bliss and not agony. Had McBride not held him, Ferris would have dislodged Bailey from his sensual work.

“How will I do this when you are not here?” Bailey did not see how he could hold him and tongue fuck him at the same time.

“Rise up, both of you, and I will show you.”

All three of them got off the bed.

“Ferris will lie on his back with his bottom right at the edge of the bed. You will hold your own legs open for your mate.”

When he did, Bailey couldn’t help but stroke his fist over his cock as he looked down at Ferris willingly holding himself open. He felt powerful to be above him. It was a curious feeling because he didn’t want to hurt him, but he did want to have control over him. Not for the purpose of pain, but so that he could keep on teasing him before he finally let him climax. Having that authority was shockingly arousing.

“Kneel between his legs and lick to your heart’s content. If he should try to dislodge you by squeezing his legs together, simply grasp them in your hands and hold them open. Doing so will also keep him in place.”

Given permission, Bailey buried his tongue in his companion’s hole. When he squirmed, Bailey reached up and planted his hands on Ferris’s thighs, forcefully holding him down while he continued to tongue fuck him.

“Careful, Bailey, or he’ll climax.”

“What should I do?” Bailey wanted to eat him more, but he didn’t want him to climax just yet. Envisioning a long night of loving ahead, Bailey wanted to learn more ways to please his thrall from his knowledgeable boss.

“I will show you another trick that will keep him from climaxing but leave your hands free to hold him steady.”

Chapter 3


“There is another way to prevent his climax?” Bailey asked.

Ferris watched as McBride and Bailey went to look at something in the pouch that had been slung over McBride’s brawny chest at the auction. He was relieved he had a moment to gather himself. Ferris had never felt such ecstasy. He couldn’t believe his luck in being mated to such a kind man who only wanted to please him. The others in the thrall house had terrified him with tales of abusive masters who would ram all kinds of objects within his tender bottom and laugh as he cried. How wrong they were. This man was affectionate, sweet, and he had the most intriguing sage-green eyes Ferris had ever seen.

Controlling himself had become impossible as his companion tongue fucked him. There was a name they called it in the thrall house—annilingus—but Ferris found the word ugly and he’d been convinced he would hate something that sounded that nasty. But he loved it. Bailey’s tongue was so soft, wet, and hot. When he pointed it and burrowed into his hole, Ferris had almost climaxed against his own belly without a stroke being made to his cock.

Dreamily, Ferris looked up at Bailey and McBride. He’d been sad at first that he would not belong to the gruff sheriff, but he remembered that a man with land was forbidden from taking a thrall.
. McBride with his easygoing instructions would be a most amazing lover. Still, Ferris was quite taken with his actual companion. And he would learn all his tricks from a true master of the sexual arts.

“How do I put this on?” Bailey stood staring at a curious device in his hands. Ferris glanced down and noticed that Bailey’s cock was almost standing straight up, like it was straining to touch Bailey’s belly button. He was big, thick, and black hair clustered around his powerful prick. Yet somehow, he wasn’t menacing. Ferris sensed that even without McBride to guide them, Bailey simply wouldn’t hurt him on purpose. In his hunger and his haste, he might have, but that was why McBride was with them.

“Allow me to show you.” McBride took the object. “First, gather his cock and balls gently and lift so that you have a clear area to wrap the device around.”

Ferris held perfectly still. An hour ago he would have been terrified at them doing something to his genitals, but after all that had happened, he knew his companion would not do anything to harm him, nor would his master.

“You see how it wraps around the base?”

Bailey nodded and Ferris did, too. He couldn’t see the object, but he felt a snug bit of something encircling his cock and balls.

“Now, once that is in place, it will allow blood to flow into his erection but not out, making him harder.”

“And bigger.” Bailey nodded.

“Now this”—McBride held up another object—“goes at the tip of his penis to prevent premature ejaculation.” With just as much gentle care, McBride encircled the tip of Ferris’s cock with the new device. Between the two objects, which felt almost exactly like what Bailey had done earlier with his hands, Ferris realized he was just as painfully aroused, but the pressing urgency to climax was abated. “Does that feel okay?”

“Yes, sir.”

McBride smiled at Ferris then turned to Bailey. “When the time comes, you’ll remove them.”

“You’ll show me?”

“Oh, yes. You’ll both love the results.” McBride pointed to Ferris’s still-spread legs. “Feel free to lick your companion for as long as you would like.”

Grinning, Bailey knelt between Ferris’s thighs and set to work with his wicked tongue. Willingly, Ferris held his legs open wide. Given the way he was angled, he felt certain he could hold himself steady all night. When Ferris looked over, he discovered McBride watching them. His cock was hard, but not pointed up like Bailey’s. McBride’s prick was slumped to the side. Clearly, he was aroused, although not painfully so, but he seemed separate from them. How could he stand to become so excited with no hope for release?

“What about you?” The words tumbled from Ferris’s lips before he could stop them. “Oh, my gracious sir. Forgive me for my mindless chatter.”

“You’re forgiven. But see that you don’t trouble yourself about me again.” McBride sounded very stern, but there was a hint of a smile at the corners of his lips. By law, he could not indulge himself with a thrall. To do so would be a gross violation, and it was obvious that McBride was a man of honor. Ferris had simply forgotten in the heat of the moment. “Are you glad now that you I bought you?”

“Yes, sir. I couldn’t be more pleased with my companion.” Ferris looked down as Bailey looked up. Their gazes locked and held. There was fire between them, but Ferris hoped it didn’t burn out quickly. He wanted more than a way to sate his own sexual needs or those of his mate. Ferris wanted love to bloom between them. He knew it was a foolish hope for a thrall to have, but such was the nature of dreams.

“I am pleased as well.” Bailey watched Ferris’s face as he teased his thick finger around and around Ferris’s tender hole. As far as Ferris could tell, Bailey took great pleasure in arousing him. It seemed Bailey took Ferris’s pleasure and multiplied it for himself.

“There is much more you can do,” McBride suggested easily. “I realize you are quite enjoying his sweetness, but I think it best for me to complete my lesson.”

“Forgive me, sir. I am selfish not to think that you have things to do beyond indulging me.” Bailey stood and hung his head, impressing Ferris that he was not an overindulged slammer. In the thrall house, Ferris had heard of such spoiled men. They said some were so doted on by their masters they became as arrogant as the landed gentryman himself. McBride was clearly kind and conscientious, but he wasn’t overly solicitous. As Ferris considered him, he also realized his master was not egotistical at all. There was a calm kind of power to McBride that made Ferris wish to satisfy him. Not in a sexual way, but he wanted McBride to be proud of him and glad that he had spent so much money on him.

“It’s your first such encounter. I’m quite pleased I chose so well. I hope I can find all your brothers such excellent and well-suited companions.”

Ferris hoped so, too. He worried that if the other massive brothers were displeased with what they were given, they might come after him. Out of all the men, Bailey was the smallest, which still made him much bigger than Ferris. Bailey had to be at least six and a half feet tall and over two hundred and fifty pounds. All of it muscle. Even the man’s cock seemed strong.

“Remember when you asked me what a rectal dilator is?”

Ferris nodded. Rather than tell him, McBride promised to show him when the time came.

“Although, to be fair, after that lengthy tongue fucking I don’t think you’re going to really need it.”

Bailey blushed, which caused Ferris to turn red in empathy.

“This is the dilator.” McBride held up a slender cylinder that was very shiny. “It’s fashioned of heat-sensitive metal that expands according to temperature and pressure.” McBride offered out the tool to Bailey. “Before you insert it, you must make him ready to receive it.”

“More tongue fucking?” Bailey asked hopefully.

McBride grinned and shook his head. From the pouch he removed a bottle of greasers. Ferris recognized those instantly because he’d seen them in the thrall house. The other boys wouldn’t tell him what they were for, but when he’d examined one of the items and it had slowly melted in his hand, Ferris had figured its use out for himself.

McBride removed one from the bottle and held it up between his fingers. It was a plump, golden oval gel capsule. “This is a grease pellet, commonly called a greaser. What it does is slick up the inside of your companion to ready him for your cock. However, in this case, it will prepare him for the dilator.”

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