Baking Love (17 page)

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Authors: Lauren Boyd

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: Baking Love
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“Yeah, she implied the same thing to me after we’d known each other for about six minutes.”

“I’m sure that was her insecurity talking.”

“Her insecurity pissed me off.”

Eric chuckled.

So that’s why Cecilia treated me the way she did. She saw me as a threat to her relationship with Eric.

He picked at the label on his bottle. “Remember how Cecilia seemed to have trouble deciding between your wedding cake sketches?”

“Yes! It blew my mind that she didn’t like any of them!”

Eric leaned toward Kate. “She liked all of them.”

“How do you know?”

“I overhead her telling her parents as we left the bakery that day.”

What the hell?
“Why did she pretend not to like them?”

“She didn’t want to give you the satisfaction.”

“Because she’s insecure?”

Eric straightened. “No, because she’s a bitch.”

Kate burst out laughing.

He took a long drink. “The final straw came the night of the rehearsal. Cecilia and I took a walk after dinner, and while we were walking, she asked me about my ‘Hillsborough friends’. I told her I planned on staying in touch with you guys once she and I were married, which included traveling to Hillsborough on occasion. That’s when she flat-out told me she wanted me to cut ties with y’all after the wedding.” He scoffed. “I knew her well enough to know what she was really saying.”

“Which was what?”

“She was telling me to cut ties with

Just as I’d expected.

“At that point, I’d had more of Cecilia’s insecurities than I could take. I told her it was over between us, and I took off. I would’ve headed home right then, but I’d had a few drinks at the rehearsal dinner, so I just stayed another night at the inn. In the morning, Cecilia was at my door, begging me to take her back and promising to change. Talk about too little too late.”

Poor guy.
“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m over her. I’m ready to move on.”

Eric’s words caught Kate by surprise.
I hadn’t even thought about him dating again.

Lightning flashed, and a rumble of thunder echoed across the sky. “We’d better go,” Eric said. “Storm’s here.”

“Right.” Absent-mindedly, Kate stood up and poured melted ice from the cooler.
He’s ready to move on.

“You want me to carry that?”

“I’ve got it, thanks.”

“Alright.” Eric started across the field toward Kate’s house with the grill, and she followed with the cooler.

Heavy rain began to fall. It quickly soaked Kate’s hair and clothes, and left her blinking profusely to try and keep her eyes clear. Lightning illuminated the field, and thunder cracked in its wake.

The weather hardly fazed Kate compared to the final words Eric had spoken: I’m ready to move on. Unease filled her frame.
I don’t want him dating and falling in love with another woman.

I want him dating and falling in love with me.

Realization set in.
If I want a chance with this man, I’ll have to put it all out there. In doing so, I risk him saying he no longer has feelings for me, which would leave our friendship strained at best and ruined at worst.
Kate watched Eric walking a few steps ahead of her.
Is it worth it? Am I willing to jeopardize my rekindled friendship with him if it means the chance to kindle new love?


Kate stopped in her tracks and dropped the cooler. “I’m in love with you.”

Eric came to a halt. He didn’t turn around. He didn’t speak. He simply stood motionless in the pouring rain.

Fear swept over her.
Did I just make the biggest mistake of my life?

He turned and met her gaze. “You’re in love with me?”

I’ve already jumped in the water—guess it’s time to start swimming.
“I fell in love with you the summer you were home from college. I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want things to be awkward between us if you didn’t feel the same way about me. My grandma finally convinced me I should; she said there was always the chance your feelings
mutual. Before I could tell you, you emailed to say you’d started dating someone—and that was the last time I heard from you. After we lost touch, it took me a while to get over you…at least I
I’d gotten over you.” Kate felt tears welling up in her eyes. “I realized I still love you after walking down the aisle at the pre-rehearsal. Out of respect for your relationship with Cecilia, I hid my feelings and tried to treat you like my customer rather than my friend.” Kate wiped her cheeks with her hands and couldn’t tell if she was pushing away rain or tears. “No matter what I said, or how I acted, my love for you was there. It’s still there.”

Eric set the grill on the ground and walked over to Kate. “You fell in love with me the same summer I was already in love with you.”

“That’s right.”

“We were in love with each other and didn’t even know it.”

The words were too much for Kate. She lowered her eyes from his. “Yes.”

“Too bad one of us didn’t speak up so we could’ve done something about it.”

“I know.”

“Fortunately, we can do something about it this time.”

Her gaze shot to his. “What?”

“I’m in love with you, Kate.”

She gaped at him in surprise. “You are?”

“Yes. I called off my wedding because I could no longer handle Cecilia’s insecurities…and because I no longer loved her.”

“You love
,” Kate whispered, trying to assimilate the notion.

“Very much so. I planned on telling you as soon as we got back to your house.” Eric took Kate’s hand, and excitement rushed in to replace her surprise. “In New York, I told you I’d made up my mind to get over you. Instead, I ended up falling out of love with Cecilia and back in love with you. I didn’t realize what was happening until the night of the rehearsal, when Cecilia and I took that walk. It kind of all clicked at the same time.” He smiled tenderly. “Guess the mind and the heart aren’t always on the same page.”

She returned his smile. “Tell me you love me again.”

“I love you.” Eric leaned down and gently pressed his lips to Kate’s. Her body ignited, and her lips responded to his kiss as if they’d been waiting for this moment her entire life. He released her hand and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her tightly against him. She slipped her arms around his neck, and their kiss deepened. The rain ran relentlessly around the tip of her nose and into her nostrils, making it difficult for her to breathe, but she didn’t care.

If I suffocate while kissing this man, then no better death could there be.

Eric pulled his lips away, but kept Kate close. Her gaze met his.
I’ve never seen his eyes so intense, so impassioned…so full of desire.

“I could kiss you all night,” he said softly.

“Maybe you should.”

“Sure would beat dreaming about it.”

“You’ve dreamed about kissing me?”

He put his lips to her cheek and kissed her wet skin. “Oh, yeah,” he answered in a low voice.

Kate closed her eyes.
His lips, his words, his voice.
I want you.

She felt his lips brush across hers before kissing her other cheek. “In my dreams,” he murmured against her skin. “Kissing isn’t the only thing I do to you.”

Kate’s eyes flew open, her gaze locking with his. “What else?”

A salacious grin spread across Eric’s face. “I’ll show you when we get back to your house.”

Kate returned his wicked smile. She lowered her arms from around his neck and took his hand. “Come on.” Forgoing the cooler and grill, they ran across the field in the rain.

Little did Eric know, Kate had a few things of her own to show



Chapter Eighteen


Thursday, July 5


Kate pulled into the bakery parking lot.
Yes! Jess is already here!
She jumped out of her car and dashed inside. “Jess?”

“In the kitchen.”

Kate hurried behind the counter and into the kitchen, where Jess was turning on the oven. “Morning.”

“I saw fireworks last night!” Kate exclaimed.

“Me, too. Mark and I shot them off in his back yard. That is, until the storm arrived.”

“No, I didn’t see literal fireworks. I’m speaking metaphorically here.”

“You’re going to have to use smaller words. I haven’t had any coffee.”

Kate could barely contain herself. “When Eric came to my house yesterday evening, he told me he called off his wedding because Cecilia was insecure in their relationship.”

Jess’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yes—and that wasn’t the only reason he broke things off with her.”

“What was the other reason?”


Jess screamed. “Are you serious?”

Kate echoed her scream. “Yes, I’m serious! Eric said he
loves me!

Jess ran over to her. “Did you tell him you love him?
tell me you told him.”

Kate smiled. “I told him.”

Jess threw her arms around her. “That’s the right answer!” Kate laughed as Jess released her. “What happened next?”

Kate winked. “We spent the night making up for lost time.”

“You should’ve called in sick this morning and spent the day making up for it, too.”

Kate laughed again and grabbed Jess’s hands. “I can’t believe this is happening!” She hesitated. “This
happening, isn’t it? I’m not dreaming, am I?”

Jess squeezed her hands. “No, you’re not dreaming. This is real.” She smiled. “You stole Eric’s heart.”

“Like he stole mine…years ago.”

“He’s yours.”

Kate screamed again. “He’s mine!” The women released hands and started dancing around the kitchen.



Chapter Nineteen


Saturday, October 20


The reception hall was full of people, but Kate hardly noticed. All she could think about was the man she loved holding her tightly in his arms.

“You look incredible tonight,” Eric whispered. “You even outshine the bride.”

Kate glanced over Eric’s shoulder at Jess dancing with Mark. “No way. I’ve never seen Jess look more amazing.”
That long-sleeved sheath really is the perfect wedding dress for her.

Eric met Kate’s gaze. “Nor have I ever seen
look more amazing.” His eyes slid down her body. “Dark red is definitely your color.”

Kate bit back a smile. “You mean,

“Is that the color of your bridesmaid’s dress?”

“Yes, baby.”

“In that case, you should wear
more often.”

“This isn’t the only piece of
apparel I own, you know

“It’s not?”

“No. I have one more. In fact, I just bought it a few days ago.”

“You’ll have to show me sometime.”

Kate lifted her lips to Eric’s ear. “I’ll show you tonight.”

“Oh my—”

“Ladies!” the DJ’s voice rang out. “If you’re single and eligible, come on up! It’s time for Jess to toss her bouquet!”

Eric trailed kisses along Kate’s jawline, leaving her barely able to contain a moan. “I’d take you home right now,” he murmured against her skin. “But I guess you’d better do this.”

“Do what?” she asked breathlessly.

“The bouquet toss.” He released her. “See ya in a minute.”

“The bouquet toss?” she repeated, her head in a fog.
The only thing I want to toss is you…into my bed.


Kate forced herself to focus on this conversation. “I’m not participating in the bouquet toss.”

“Why not?”

“I’m not single.”

“Yes, you are. You’re not married.”

“I have a boyfriend.”

“That doesn’t count.”

Kate’s shoulders drooped. “It’s so embarrassing to try and catch the bouquet.” She looked at Jess, who now stood facing a group of women. When Jess caught her eye, she mouthed, Get over here.

Kate sighed. “Alright.” She meandered over to the group and took her place in the back.

Mark held Jess’s hand while she stepped onto a chair. Before turning around, Jess met Kate’s gaze…and winked.


“On the count of three, we’ll find out which of you ladies is the next to get married!” the DJ exclaimed. “One, two, three!”

Jess tossed her bouquet over her shoulder. Kate watched it sail through the air above the outstretched arms of the other women.
It’s headed right for me.
She held up her hands and caught the bundle of cream-colored roses. The women in front of her turned around, as did Jess, who smiled and nodded in seeming satisfaction.

Kate lifted the roses to her nose and inhaled their signature aroma.
Wonder if I’m really the next woman to get married.

“Now let’s get the bachelors up here for the garter toss!” the DJ clamored.

Turnabout’s fair play.
Kate hurried back to Eric. “Come on.”

“Do I have to?”

“Oh, yeah.” She pushed him over to the group of guys already starting to form.

Jess sat down in the chair. To cheers and applause, Mark slid the garter down her leg and over her high heel. He faced the guys and positioned the garter like a slingshot. “Here we go!” He pulled the garter taut, then released it. Almost immediately, it hit the floor.

Without missing a beat, Mark scooped it up and walked over to Eric. “If Kate’s the next woman getting married, I assume you want to be the next man getting married.”

Eric’s gaze slid to Kate, then back to Mark. He grabbed the garter. “Damn right I do.”

Kate’s breath caught.
Did Eric just imply…

“The photographer needs a shot of the lucky lady and gentleman,” the DJ announced.

Eric turned toward Kate, and with resolve in his step, strode over to her. He took her face in his hands and kissed her passionately. The room erupted into cheers, and Kate couldn’t help but smile while still trying to kiss.

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