Baking Love (18 page)

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Authors: Lauren Boyd

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: Baking Love
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The photographer came up beside them. “Would you do that again?” he asked. “I missed it.”

“With pleasure,” Eric answered. Still cradling Kate’s face in his hands, he pressed his lips to hers a second time. As they kissed, she heard the camera shutter clicking.

“Got it. Thanks.”

“Nice shot, you two.” Kate turned to find Jess standing behind her, holding a small gift. Jess motioned toward the bouquet in Kate’s hand. “Good catch.”

“Good aim.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Kate grinned. “Oh, I think you do.”

Jess returned her grin—mischievously—before handing her the gift. “This is for you, to thank you for being my maid-of-honor.”

“How sweet!”

“I’d like you to open it before I leave.”

“Of course.” Kate passed the bouquet to Jess, then removed the cream-colored bow and burgundy wrapping paper from the gift, revealing a wooden box. She lifted the lid…and clapped her hand over her mouth.
My grandma’s pocket watch.

“You recognize it?” Jess asked.

Kate lowered her hand. “Yes,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes. “How did you get this?”

“You told me your grandma used to carry a pocket watch in her apron. I got to wondering what happened to it, so I called your parents and asked them. At first, they weren’t sure where it was because they hadn’t been through all of your grandma’s stuff yet. A few days later, they called me and said they’d found it.”

Kate took the watch out of the box and ran her fingers across its worn, golden case. She opened it and laid eyes on the watch face for the first time in years. Its delicate hands pointed to Roman Numerals printed on a yellowed background, which had surely shown white in its original form. The sound of the watch took Kate back to her days of working with her grandma, when she could hear it ticking inside her grandma’s apron. Kate closed her eyes to concentrate on the sound, and tears spilled down her cheeks.
It’s like she’s right here with me again.

“Your parents told me your grandma wasn’t the first one in your family to have this watch,” Jess added.

Kate opened her eyes. “She inherited it from her dad, my great-grandpa.”

“Three generations. That’s pretty incredible.”

Kate shifted her gaze from the watch to her friend. “You’ll never know how much this means to me.”

“No…but I’ve got a pretty good idea.”

She wrapped her arms around Jess. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Kate released her and looked again at the watch.
I’ll treasure this forever.

“Alright, ladies and gentlemen!” the DJ’s voice boomed. “Grab a bag of birdseed and step outside, because Jess and Mark are about to leave for their honeymoon cruise in the Caribbean!”

“That’s my cue!” Jess said with excitement.

Kate gave her another quick hug. “Have a wonderful time.”

Eric gave Jess a hug as well. “Have fun.”

“Thanks. We’ll see you guys next weekend when we get back.” Jess returned the bouquet to Kate, then walked across the room to Mark. As she took his hand, Kate squeezed the watch in her own. She smiled.

Jess Turner is the best friend a girl could have.



Chapter Twenty


Saturday, May 4


Kate was attaching fondant flowers to a twenty-fifth wedding anniversary cake when Jess walked into the kitchen. “How’s it going with that cake?” she asked.

“I’m almost finished. How’s it going out front?”

“Slow.” Jess refilled her coffee cup.

Kate lowered the pastry bag from the side of the cake and met Jess’s gaze. “Have you seen my workbag today?”

“No. You can’t find it?”

“No. It wasn’t in my car when I got here this morning.”

“It’s not like you to lose track of your bag.”

“I must’ve taken it in when I got home last night, but honestly, I don’t remember doing that. I called Eric a little while ago, and he said he’d go by my house and check.”
If he doesn’t find it, I don’t know what I’ll do. My whole world is in that bag.

The bakery phone rang. “I’ll get it,” Jess said.

“Special delivery!”

Kate turned and saw Eric standing in the kitchen doorway, holding her workbag. “You found it!” She ran over and planted a kiss on his lips, then took the bag. “Thank you, baby!”

“My pleasure.”

“Where was it?”

“Beside the front door, where you always set it.”

Kate scratched her head. “I just don’t remember setting it there last night.”

Eric slipped his arms around Kate’s waist. “Maybe your mind was on something else, like how much you love me.”

Kate lowered her bag to the floor and wrapped her arms around Eric’s neck. “You’re probably right. After all, I can’t seem to get you out of my head.”


She glanced at Jess and noticed concern on her face.

“You have a phone call.”

“Who is it?”

“The Health Inspector.”

Kate’s arms fell limply to her sides. “Did someone complain about the bakery’s sanitation?”

“I don’t know. He only wants to talk to you.”

“This doesn’t make sense,” Eric frowned. “You guys keep the bakery spic and span.”

Kate took the phone from Jess and forced herself to put it to her ear. “This is Kate Sullivan.”

“Hello, Ms. Sullivan. My name is Leonard Duvall, and I’m with the North Carolina Department of Health.”

“What can I do for you?”

“This morning, two people notified me of having found something in slices of cake purchased from your bakery.”

“What?” Kate blurted out.
This is absurd! We take precautions to keep this very thing from happening!
“What’d they say they found?”

“They didn’t say.”

Anger surged through her. “With all due respect, sir, didn’t you want to know?”
I sure as hell do.

“Ms. Sullivan, it doesn’t matter
they found. It only matters that they found

I beg to differ.
“Which cake did they complain about?”

“Are you getting smart with me?”

“No, sir,” Kate quickly replied.
Calm down before you get slapped with a citation.

“I hope not, because this is serious.”

“I meant no disrespect.”
Tell him what he wants to hear.
“I need to know which cake it is so I can throw it out.”

“Your customers said it’s a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.”

“I’ll take care of it right now.”

“Good. Thank you for your time.”

“Thank you.” After hearing Mr. Duvall hang up, Kate did the same.

“What was that about?” Eric asked.

She didn’t answer. Instead, she kicked the kitchen door open and stormed over to one of the display cases. She threw it open and yanked out the chocolate cake Jess had made the previous day. Two slices were indeed missing. Kate looked closely at what remained and didn’t see anything unusual.
She carried the cake back to the kitchen.

“What did the Health Inspector say?” Jess asked.

Kate slammed the cake down on the work table. “He said two of our customers found something in this cake—but he didn’t know what they found because, for whatever reason, he didn’t ask.”
going to find out.”

Kate plunged her hands into the cake. She ripped off chunks and rubbed them between her fingers until they were mere crumbs. With every handful that came up empty, Kate’s blood pressure skyrocketed again.
This is ludicrous! There’s nothing in here!

Suddenly, her finger made contact with something hard inside the cake. Her heart sank. “Oh, no,” she whispered.
Our customers were right.
Kate’s mind spun in confusion.
How did this happen? How is it even possible? What went wrong?

“What is it?” Jess asked.

Kate pulled her hands from the cake. “I don’t know…and now I’m not sure I
to know.” She met Jess’s gaze. “You look.”

“Uh, no, I think you should look.”

Kate frowned. “Why?”

Jess hesitated. “Your hands are already dirty.”

“We have a sink.”

“Just finish what you’ve started.”

Jess’s refusal to help reignited Kate’s anger. She thrust one hand back inside the cake, grabbed the object, and jerked it
out. It was a ring—and peeking out from beneath its chocolate coating was a stone.

A diamond.

Immediately, Kate looked at Jess’s left ring finger.
It’s not hers.
Kate’s breath caught, and her gaze shot to Eric’s. “Is this for…” Anticipation choked her, leaving her unable to finish her sentence.

“You?” Eric smiled. “Yes.”

“Is it an…”

“Engagement ring? Yes.”

“How did you get it…”

“Inside the cake? Jess.”

Jess darted across the kitchen to the door. “My work here is done, so I’ll leave you two alone.”

Eric slipped the chocolate-covered ring out of Kate’s grasp and into his mouth. He picked up the dishcloth next to the sink and took her hands in his. She watched as his muscular fingers moved tenderly across hers, cleaning the chocolate from each one. “I’m sorry about the mess.” When Eric spoke, Kate could see the now-spotless diamond sparkling as he clenched the ring between his teeth.

“Don’t apologize. This is amazing…and so are you.”

Eric kissed her right hand, then released it. He pushed the ring out of his mouth with his tongue and held it up for her to see.

Round cut diamond. Gold band.
Kate beamed. “It’s perfect.”

“I knew you’d like it.”

Seeing the man she loved holding the engagement ring meant for her brought tears to her eyes.
I will never forget this moment as long as I live.

Eric caressed her left hand. “Ten months ago, on that stormy July night, we realized we were in love with each other. It turned out to be the greatest moment of my life…because you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. Since we started dating, I’ve never felt so alive. I’ve never laughed so much. I’ve never been so happy. I want to feel this way every day for as long as I live—and I know exactly how to make that happen.” Eric got down on one knee and met Kate’s gaze. “I love you, Kate Sullivan. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

She smiled, and tears fell down her cheeks. “Yes, I absolutely will.”

Eric slipped the ring on Kate’s finger, then stood up and took her in his arms. Their mouths met in uninhibited celebration and love.

After kissing, he held her tightly against him. “I have one more gift for you. Close your eyes.”

Kate did as Eric had asked. She felt his lips brush across her ear, and she shivered in delight. “Guess what?” he whispered. “You’re not in trouble with the Health Department.”

Her eyes flew open. “I’m not?”


“Who was the man on the phone?”

“A buddy of mine from work. I had him call the bakery while I was here so you’d rip into that cake and find the ring. Incidentally, I hid your workbag in my truck last night so I’d have an excuse to come by the bakery this morning and pop the question.”

He did all of that for me.
She traced his lips slowly with her finger. “You are one sweet man, Mr. Wagner.”

Eric wrapped his hand around hers and methodically kissed her finger. “Not as sweet as you are, Mrs. Wagner.”

The warmth and moisture of his lips and breath against her skin left her writhing in desire. “Take me home,” she begged.

“You got it, baby.” Eric scooped Kate up into his arms, and she squealed in surprise. “Your chariot awaits.” He backed through the kitchen door and came out behind the counter, where Kate caught sight of Jess.

“Jess!” She stuck her left ring finger in the air. “I’m engaged!”

“You’re engaged!” Jess echoed with a scream.

Eric whisked Kate out the front door of the bakery and over to his truck. He opened the passenger’s side door and lowered her onto the bench seat. While unwrapping his arms from around her, she met his gaze. “That was good practice for carrying me across the threshold,” she noted.

“It sure was. Now let’s get you home so we can practice for our honeymoon.” Eric closed the door, and Kate laughed.

He hopped behind the wheel and started his truck. As he pulled out onto the road, Kate removed her ponytail holder. She rolled her window down, and fresh spring air rushed in to greet her. It blew across her face and through her hair, and warmed her body and soul.
I feel so free, so fortunate…so happy.

I have friends I love. I have the job I love. Although I miss the family I love, things are made better by the man I love.

I couldn’t ask for more.

Kate looked across the seat at Eric.
One day soon, I’ll meet Eric at the altar. We’ll take each other to have and to hold. We’ll be with each other for better, for worse. We’ll love each other in sickness and in health.

We’ll wake up to each other every morning and come home to each other every night. We’ll spend all the time we can down by the watering hole—talking, playing, laughing, loving.

Eric caught her eye and winked. Kate smiled.

Life is sweet.


About the Author


Lauren Boyd writes romance that entertains and provides escape from daily life—and sometimes, you might just learn a thing or two.

Connect with her at


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