Read Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5) Online

Authors: Chiah Wilder,Hot Tree Editing

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Crime, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Heist, #Crime Fiction, #MC, #Fiction, #Romance

Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5) (38 page)

BOOK: Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5)
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Banger’s Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Book 5)

Dear Readers,

Thank you for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed the fifth book in the Insurgents MC series as much as I enjoyed writing Belle and Banger’s story. This rough motorcycle club has a lot more to say, so I hope you will look for the upcoming books in the series. Romance makes life so much more colorful, and a rough, sexy bad boy makes life a whole lot more interesting.

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A big thank you to my readers whose love of stories and words enables authors to continue weaving stories. Without the love of words, books wouldn’t exist.

Happy Reading,



Book 6 in the Insurgents MC Series

Coming in June, 2016

The first time Jerry saw Kylie, he was taken by her beauty and innocence, but he stayed away because she was too young.
A member of the Insurgents MC, Jerry’s life revolves around the club, his Harley, and easy sex. Women clamor for the rugged, tatted outlaw’s attention, and he obliges, but his sights are set on the pretty, young blonde who is all grown up now—sweet curves and all….

Kylie fills his thoughts, and he dreams of his fingers tangling in her glossy hair, her legs wrapping tightly around his waist, her full lips quivering as she comes.

Too bad he can’t have her.

But… he can’t stop himself from craving her, and if he acts, it’ll surely cost him

His resistance is waning….

Kylie McDaniels is the pretty daughter of Banger—President of the Insurgents MC.
She grew up in the outlaw biker life, but her father shielded her from the dark side of it, and she still has an innocence he prefers she keep. Banger is very protective of his daughter, and he’s made up his mind that she won’t fall in love with a biker, especially Jerry.

She’d listen to her father, but the hot, muscular biker makes her want to do some not so innocent things.

Her insides melt, and her brain turns to mush whenever he looks at her with his hungry, brown eyes.

Damn. Why does he have to be so sexy?

As Kylie maneuvers her budding sexuality and attraction to Jerry, and trying to stay on the good side of her dad, someone is out there, watching her, waiting to make his move. He’s come for retribution, and Kylie is the pawn in his scheme. Will Jerry be able to stop the madman before he strikes?

Can their forbidden love survive the chaos of the world around them?

The urge to make Kylie
is too strong, and Jerry will let nothing or no one take her away from him.

The Insurgents MC series are standalone romance novels. This is Jerry and Kylie’s love story. This book contains violence, sexual assault (not graphic), strong language, and steamy/graphic sexual scenes. It describes the life and actions of an outlaw motorcycle club. If any of these issues offend you, please do not read the book. HEA. No cliffhangers!
The book is intended for readers over the age of 18.


Jerry’s Passion

Note: This short excerpt is a ROUGH DRAFT. I am still writing the story about this bad boy. It has only been self-edited in a rudimentary way. I share it with you to give you a bit of an insight into Jerry’s Passion.


Mid-March, 2016

Red Rocks University

Crested Peak, Colorado

e stood in
the shadows behind the bush, as he stared intently at the window on the second floor. A glimpse of her made his heart race and he licked his lips, ripping off the dry skin with his front teeth. She was so damn beautiful. When he’d decided to seek her out, he had no idea how pretty and innocent she was. Since she was the daughter of the president of the Insurgents MC, he’d figured she’d look tough and used up. But she was a lovely angel with blonde hair that touch the top of her ass, rounded tits that would fit perfectly in his hands, and large blue eyes that sparkled with innocence.

He inhaled sharply. Seeing her had changed his plans somewhat. Watching her come and go for the past several weeks, he’d grown attached to her. As crazy at it sounded, he wanted to get to know her, become a part of her world.

“Mary, come on up. Taylor and I aren’t ready yet.” Kylie yelled out her dorm window, her hair framing her face.

The girl she’d yelled out to bounced up the flight of concrete stairs then entered the three story Gothic-style building. It had taken some time for him to find which dorm Kylie lived in. The university had more than fifteen thousand students, but he’d persevered and he found her. She lived with a dark-haired roommate—Taylor—in room number two twenty-two, on the second floor in the middle of the hall. A perfect location for him to watch her as she sat at her desk and studied, glanced down at her phone, or just stared out the window looking at the Rocky Mountains in the distance, a faraway look in her blue gaze.

The man had been driven to find her, hate and retribution had fueled him on, but then he saw her and his pants grew tight, and he knew his plan had changed. He buried himself further in the bush when the large wooden doors of the building opened and Kylie, Taylor, and Mary filed out, laughing and talking like young college students do. He breathed out when the trio passed by the greenery which hid him. The scent of vanilla, lavender, and patchouli lingered as they scurried down the brick path. Not knowing which scent belonged to his Kylie—he had started thinking of her as
—the young man made a note to find out which aroma was hers.

Slipping out from his hiding place, he shoved his hands in his pockets, keeping his distance as he followed the young women. Each time Kylie’s hips swayed, his pants grew tighter, and he willed himself to focus on the goal of his plan.

A broad shouldered young man approached the girls. “Hey, Ricky.” The slight breeze carried Kylie’s sweet voice.

“Hey. What’re you guys up to?” he asked.

“We’re going to grab a burger at the University Café, then check out the show for Thursday Thrills.” Kylie moved closer to Ricky. Her stalker growled when he saw her arm rub against the college boy.

“There’s a hypnotist. Everyone’s raving about him. Want to join us?” Mary asked.

He watched as the three women flirted and fawned over Ricky who kept staring at Kylie in a way that made his blood boil.
Note to self—Ricky’s fuckin’ history!

“Sure, why not?” Ricky looped his arm with Kylie’s, and the four students ambled toward the café.

Wrapping his leather jacket tighter around him, he leaned against the wall of the Student Center. He’d wait…he
to. The man wanted to make sure Ricky fuckface didn’t spend the night with Kylie. She was his, and no one would take her away from him. Just thinking about running his hands through her silky hair, and touching her skin—he’d imagined it would be soft as velvet—made his dick jab hard against his jeans. It wasn’t time yet, but soon, he’d have her legs wrapped around his waist as he plunged his hardness into her tight heat. Their fucking would be sweet and nasty, and she’d cry out his name as she came all over his cock.

Then he’d hurt her real bad. Maybe even cut her delicate throat.

He had to.

Retribution fucking sucked sometimes.

Chapter One

April, 2016

erry leaned against
the trunk of the evergreen as he watched Kylie and three friends amble on the sidewalk. Kylie’s hair shone in the moonlight like liquid gold, and he sucked in his breath when she threw her head back and laughed, covering her lips with her hand. He knew her lips well since he’d been studying them for the past three years. He loved the way she’d lick the sugar off them whenever she ate the donuts the club always had in the kitchen. So many times he wished he were those granules on her lips as her pink tongue skimmed over them.

Kylie stopped and checked her phone, the glow of it casting a white sheen over her face. “Ari says she’s going to meet us,” she said, then giggled uncontrollably. The other two women started laughing with her, then all three of them bent over, holding their stomachs, laughing and gasping for air.

A smile brushed over Jerry’s lips.
She’s fuckin’ plastered.
His amusement quickly turned to anger when he saw the guy, who’d been walking with them, wrap his arm around her as she leaned into him, swaying and stumbling. She didn’t seem like she cared that the young man’s hand slowly rode up her shirt, but Jerry cared. He cared a whole fucking lot.

Propelling himself with his boot against the tree trunk, he came behind her. “Kylie,” he said in a low, deep voice. From the way she jumped at her name, he knew he’d startled her. She whirled around, and, at first, she peered at him, her face blank, her eyes narrowed as she scrutinized his face. Then a broad smile rolled over her mouth, as he saw recognition dawning on her.

“Jerry, I didn’t recognize you because… you’re
What are you doing on campus?” her eyes didn’t quite focus on his.

“I came up to visit some friends who live near the university. I thought I’d come by and see you.” His gaze roamed up and down her body, and when it landed on the guy’s hand, fierceness replaced softness. “How are you?”

“Great.” She pushed the man’s hand away, and Jerry smiled, letting his eyes linger on her mouth. Her full lips shone under the full moon, and he imagined she was wearing lip gloss tasting like cotton candy or watermelon. How he yearned to taste those lips.

“That’s good.” He leaned in close and caught a whiff of lavender and patchouli as it wafted around him, landing on his dick. With his fingers, he brushed her hair back from her face, and it felt soft like a whisper.

She looked up at him and blinked. “You’re so sweet.” She pressed against him. “You made a special trip to say hi to me.” She curled her arm around his neck, pulling him down toward her. “Thanks,” she breathed, her lips grazing his ear.

Jerry looped his arms around her small waist and held her close, loving the way she felt in his arms. He’d fantasized about holding her for too long. With her long, silky hair, round tits, and curvy hips, she was his perfect wet dream. And what the hell was up with the way his nerves were sparking? He’d held a ton of women before, but he never felt this connected, this emotional with any of them. Then again, none of them were Kylie.

“Hey, are you coming with us?” one of the young women asked.

“Who’s the hot guy you have wrapped around you?” the other woman said.

Kylie pulled away from Jerry, but he reached out and grabbed her as she nearly fell. “You’ve had too much to drink,” he rasped against her ear. She giggled.

The young guy took hold of her hand and tugged her to him. “Let’s go.” He began walking away from Jerry with a swaying Kylie in tow.

Gritting his teeth, Jerry sprinted ahead of the group, then stopped abruptly, causing the guy and Kylie to crash into him. Putting his arm around her shoulder, he glared at the young man. “I’m taking care of Kylie. Her dad would want it that way.” The guy looked Jerry up and down, then rushed over to the two girls, and hooked his arms around each of them.

Jerry was such a bullshitter because he knew Banger would be livid if he saw his precious daughter snuggled against Jerry’s chest. He knew she was off limits because she was the president’s daughter, and Banger had made it a point, on more than one occasion, to let Jerry know not to get near her. Hell, Banger didn’t even want Jerry to talk to her, but he couldn’t keep himself away from her. He was drawn to her and even though he knew it was wrong, and dangerous, and all kinds of stupid, he’d wanted Kylie so badly for too long.

“You want to come with us to the festival?” Kylie looked up at him, her pretty face so innocent and tempting.

I want to kiss you hard, suck your pretty tits, and ram my cock in you. I hope you’re not fuckin’ that pansy-ass prick up ahead. If you are, I’ll have to beat his ass.
“Sure. Where is it?”

“In the quad. It’s the spring festival, and they have a band, beer, and everything.” Her gaze was wide.

He laughed and fought down the urge to kiss her. She was so damned adorable.
Fuck, I’m playing with fire.

“Wait up, guys.” Kylie gestured her friends to stop. She looked up at Jerry. “I want you to meet some of my friends.”

“Is the asshole prick a friend or boyfriend?”

“Ricky? We’re just friends. Anyway, so what if he were my boyfriend?” She raised her chin in a defiant move.

“I don’t give a shit, but your dad would.”

“You’re not going to tell my dad about me being tipsy, are you?”

“You’re more like drunk, babe, but no, I’m not gonna tell him.”
There’s no fuckin’ way Banger’s ever gonna find out I’ve got my hands all over his daughter. Shit.

“Thanks,” she whispered.

They caught up to her friends, and Kylie introduced them to Jerry while he stared impassively at them. His thoughts were only on Kylie, and if she continued drinking at the festival, he would definitely have to carry her back to her dorm room, tuck her into bed, and give her a long, deep kiss goodnight.

“It’s kind of awesome you being here. I never pictured you at my college.” Her soft voice interrupted his thoughts.

“How come?”

She lifted her shoulders up and down. “I don’t know. I just think of you as being at the club.”

“So you think of me?” he teased, clasping her shoulder tighter. “I like that.”

She punched him lightly in his side. “You know what I mean. I just picture you and all the other guys as living and breathing the club. I guess I never imagined you outside of the Insurgents’ world.”

BOOK: Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5)
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