Banshee Seduction (Montgomery's Sin Book 1) (32 page)

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Authors: Diane Saxon

Tags: #paranormal erotic romance

BOOK: Banshee Seduction (Montgomery's Sin Book 1)
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“I love you, Matthew Dane. I. Love. You.”

“I love you, Ginny Golding. I claim you.”

With a flash of burnished flames that engulfed the pair of them, they climaxed together, shuddering their release, wrapped in silken bonds to make them whole.

The hot rush of fire tamped down to a warm glow that flickered over them, relaxing her muscles and filling her heart.

Flat beneath him, she lay completely still. Her breath came in small, satisfied pants, and a wicked smiled curved her lips. God, she loved him. She curled her fingers through his long blond hair and stroked his hot scalp while his muscles relaxed against her. “Are we bonded?”

He raised his head, his deep green eyes filled with satisfaction. “You bet your sweet ass we are.”

Amusement rippled through her. “It was good.”


“You tried very hard to keep control.”

He smiled, and his blond hair flopped forward as he braced one elbow on the pillow beside her head and leaned his chin on his hand, not taking his gaze off her for one moment. “I needed to. I was worried with you being half human, you might not survive the inferno.”

Surprised, she raised an eyebrow and stared hard into his handsome face.

“Half human? Who said I was half human?”

He jerked upright and brought her with him as he sat himself up and hauled her into his naked lap, pulling her in close and cupping her face in his hands.

“You’re half banshee.”

“Yes.” She nodded in agreement.

“Then what the hell is the other half?”

She smiled into his confused face and realized it was something they’d never mentioned. The subject of her other half had never arisen. How had he not realized? If she’d been half human, she would never have had the capacity to survive a dragon bonding. A small muffled giggle escaped her, and she reached out a comforting hand to smooth the flop of his hair away from his face. She wondered how he was going to respond. She allowed her eyelashes to flutter down over her eyes before she flicked them open and stared straight at him. Best to get it out in the open.


He looked as though he was about to laugh out loud, but she pinned him with a serious stare and willed him to understand. His mouth quirked up at one corner.

“Angel, huh? Some angel.” He swiped a finger down the length of her nose and then dotted his fingertip onto her chin.

Relief flowed through her. It was going to be all right. “Half angel. The other half is banshee. I’m just really surprised Daniel didn’t say something.”

He froze. Silence stretched out before he opened his mouth again. “Daniel? Well, how the hell would Daniel know something like that?”

She chewed the inside of her cheek for a moment while she considered the wisdom of imparting the information she had. Then again, there should be no secrets between soul mates. “How long have you known Daniel?”

“About ten years.”

Surprised, she thought it might have been longer. “I thought he was your best friend.”

Matt’s careless shrug didn’t fool her. “You don’t need to know someone very long to understand if they’re important in your life. You should know that.”

“Yes, I do. But I’m surprised you haven’t realized the most essential thing about Daniel.”

Impatient, he gave her body a little jiggle, almost making her laugh. “And what might that be?”

“Daniel is…”

“C’mon, Ginny. Tell me.”

“Daniel’s an archangel.”

Stunned silence filled the room as Matt stared for a long moment at her. His tanned skin turned ashen and then flushed red to the roots of his blond hair as he closed his eyes and allowed his head to drop forward. A leaden weight smacked into her shoulder and muffled his voice.

“Of course he is.”

She stroked his hair in slow, comforting swipes.

He raised his head again, his emerald eyes a swirling mass of confusion.

“The white feathers.” He nodded as though everything he knew about his best friend and had chosen to ignore slipped into place. “His remarks about souls.” He rubbed the crease in his forehead. “His ability to move quicker than greased lightning.” He shook his head. “His avoidance of bad language.”

She waited patiently and witnessed the next thought in his widening eyes before it spurted from his lips. “His hatred of the vampire.”

“Yes. She has no soul.”

“Her fear of him.”


“It makes sense.” He snuggled her in close and placed a tender kiss on her forehead. “I wonder why he never told me.”

“You weren’t meant to know.”


“Because he’s your archangel. Sent to help you. If you knew, you would have wondered for the last ten years what he needed to help you with, and you may have missed it.”

“Yeah. I couldn’t imagine missing you.” He rested his chin on the top of her head and rubbed a soothing hand over her naked back. “He held the golden key for me so I could rescue your soul.”

“But more than that, he stopped you from losing yours. That’s why he was there. Not to save my soul, but yours. I just happened to be a side issue. A touchdown.”

“Does this mean I’ll no longer see him?”

“No. He’ll always be your archangel, but there will be others he needs to help.”

“He’s in the right job—an agent. There to help.”

“Yes,” she agreed. She listened to his even breathing as he thought.

“When did you know he was an archangel?”

“The very first moment I touched him, when we were both repelled by each other. It was his archangel touching my tortured soul. He recognized me too. Knew I was half angel.”

“It’s no wonder you couldn’t live with the banshee spirits; it must have torn you apart.”

She smiled. She’d have never met him if she’d stayed with the others. It was meant to be. Fate had dealt her a kind hand.


He shifted her body so she fit better in his lap. He leaned back against the headboard and stretched his legs out in front of him, moving her so she rested her back against his chest and gave him better access to her sweet ear so he could whisper dark obscenities. He wrapped his arms around her lushly curved body and nuzzled into her. The woman was half angel. No wonder he’d had a demon of a time with her.

He stroked the length of her neck with the back of his fingers. Her silver-blonde hair waterfalled over her shoulder in a satin gleam and threw a shimmering halo to surround her head. He traced the smooth line of her cheek, relishing the satin touch of her skin. “You know, we’d have beautiful babies.”

She turned her head; her startled blue eyes stared at him. “I wouldn’t have to lay an egg, would I?”

Amusement rumbled through his chest and burst out of his lips in a roar of laughter. Her expression remained serious. “I mean it, Matt. I don’t think I could bear having to roost for however long it takes for a dragon egg to hatch.”

He laughed again and wiped the tears from his eyes.

She smacked him on the shoulder and twisted around in his lap to straddle him, the smile dropped from her mouth. “I’m serious.”

“So am I.” His heart felt like it might explode in his chest. “I want us to have babies.”

In quiet contemplation, she feathered her fingers across his lips and traced the line of the top one. Then she leaned in and placed her mouth against his. “I want babies too.”

His heart swelled to the sound of sweet angelic music, prompting him to confess. “Just for your information, in case you lay an egg instead of giving birth. In the dragon realm, it’s the male who hatches the egg.”

“Holy cow.” She gurgled. “It’s a deal.”

Her warm lips smooched his again. The fire she ignited spread through his belly.

“I didn’t mean straightaway.”

Delighted laughter tinkled around, echoing the muted sound of wind chimes. One more peck to his mouth and she whispered against his lips. “Nor me, but who’s to stop us from practicing?”

He nuzzled his face into the side of her neck, closed his eyes, and inhaled the scent of the half angel he held in his arms, his heart and his soul.

Yeah, he was in heaven.




About the Author

Diane Saxon lives in the Shropshire countryside in England with her tall, dark, handsome husband, two gorgeous daughters, a Dalmatian, a one-eyed kitten, a ginger cat, four chickens, and a gorgeous black Labrador puppy called Beau—a name she’s borrowed for her hero in For Heaven’s Cakes.

After working for years in a demanding job, on-call and travelling great distances, Diane gave it all up to write when her husband said, “Follow that dream.”

Having been hidden all too long, her characters have burst forth demanding plot lines of their own, and she’s found the more she lets them, the more they’re inclined to run wild.

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