BareBottomGirl (11 page)

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Authors: Sarina Wilde

BOOK: BareBottomGirl
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After stroking Wyatt’s chubby, sleep-flushed cheek, Liam
leaned over and kissed him. He had lost his baby smell. Now Wyatt just smelled
like little boy. His mouth tightened. What had given him a nightmare? He’d have
to remember to ask Greer, but he hoped it was just something silly, and he
really hoped this wasn’t happening at Julie’s house because he seriously
doubted how much sympathy or attention Wyatt would receive.


Greer awoke as Chas laid her on the bed. The only thing she
could think was it wasn’t her room. As she started to open her mouth, Chas laid
a finger across her lips.

“We didn’t want you to awake alone and in a different bed
from where you fell asleep.”

“Thanks,” she murmured. Avoiding his hands, she pushed into
a sitting position. “That was thoughtful.”

She looked around the room, feeling just a little lost on
the edge of the king-sized bed, feeling just a little embarrassed when she
thought about what she’d done on this bed. “I can go back to my room.”

Liam entered the door. Hearing her last words, he shook his
head as he came to Chas’ side. “We want you to stay—if you’d like to. If that’s
too much for now—you could use Chas’ room. The point is—we want you with us at
whatever level you’re comfortable with.”

“What about Wyatt?” she whispered.

“You’d be closer to him,” Chas pointed out.

She blinked and shook her head. “Wouldn’t he…well, wouldn’t he
think it was odd if I was here…with you…both?”

“He accepts Chas and me together,” Liam said. “Adding one
more person to the mix probably won’t make a difference, especially if we don’t
make a big deal about it. We try to address his questions as they arise as
honestly and age appropriately as we can.”

Greer wrapped her arms around her waist. “Why would you want

Chas sat next to her. “Why would we not?”

Liam sat on her other side. “Just sleep with us tonight. No
pressure. If it feels weird, like something you don’t want to do, we’ll
understand.” He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Hell, we’ll even leave
our boxer shorts on.”

Greer couldn’t help it, she laughed, and with her laughter
came a sudden easing of her tension, her fears. She looked from Chas with his
golden good looks to Liam, dark and sometimes brooding. A look deep in their
eyes made her want to believe everything could be fine.

“Do I get the middle?” she asked.

“Of course,” Chas said.

“Yes,” Luke said simultaneously.

“Aren’t you worried I’ll snore?” she asked with a grin for
them both.

“No,” Chas said. “We’ve seen you sleep. We already know you

Liam put his arm around her shoulder. “Give it a try
tonight, like a sleepover.”

She nodded.

They let her have the bathroom first, and she thought that
might just be the first step in falling—for both of them. Greer sniffed their
colognes as she stripped. From the back of the door, she grabbed a T-shirt—Liam’s
she could tell by the aroma—and pulled it over her head. It swallowed her, but
it was perfect for sleeping.

When she came back into the bedroom, both guys were in their
boxer briefs, giving her a feast of masculinity to gaze at.

“Climb in, sweetie,” Chas invited.

In just a few minutes, Greer had a gorgeous guy crawling in
on either side of her. She’d worried it would be awkward. Instead, she just
felt protected. As Liam reached over to turn off the bedside lamp, she stopped

“Do you mind if we talk a little bit?”

Chas rolled onto his side, then Liam did the same and she found
herself the center of attention—not a place she was comfortable with at all.

“I— If we do this— I have some scars…”

God this felt even worse than she’d imagined. She’d known at
some point she would have to explain to a man about her injuries, but she’d
never, ever suspected she’d be explaining it to two.


“A part of you,” Chas murmured.

“But not you,” Liam added. “Your appearance is only a small
part of the whole puzzle, Greer. Why don’t you let us see?”

She had kept herself covered from everyone for so long, even
her parents, that she wasn’t sure she could.

“Greer,” Chas spoke gently, “I’m a trauma surgeon. I see all
kinds of injuries come in to the emergency room…and I’ve seen yours, sweetie.
There are pictures in your medical file.”

She glanced at Liam. “You’re an artist…I’m not…not perfect.”

He stroked her cheek. “You love my son. What could be more

Chas eased the too large shirt off her shoulder. Greer
closed her eyes, afraid to see the revulsion at the puckered, mottled skin there.
As time stretched and they didn’t speak, she began to shake all over. Their
hands turned her onto her stomach. Someone, she wasn’t sure which of them,
gently stripped the shirt from her body.

Then they kissed her.

Their lips touched the sensitive, injured skin of her back
and shoulder with lips that brushed as softly as feathers.

And she cried.

They caressed her with lips and hands, deep voices murmuring
reassurance. And when they had calmed her, they wrapped her in their arms,
holding her closely between the two of them.

Liam turned off the light and kissed her gently on the lips.

“Not all my scars are on the outside,” she confessed in a

“Tell us, sweetie,” Chas urged quietly. “Whatever you’re
comfortable with.”

“You want to talk about what happened?” Liam prompted.

She nodded then realized they probably couldn’t see. “Yes.”

That one word brought her so much relief after so long
holding in her feelings and her fears.

Chapter Seven


Greer shifted onto her side, her back to Liam, and sucked in
a breath when he kissed her scars and curled his big body around hers. Chas
moved closer, his long-fingered surgeon’s hands touching her and Liam. Their
closeness gave her confidence.

“I spent a lot of time on the river with my friends, but
especially with Markus Spencer. We grew up together. As we got older, our
friendship morphed into dating. Markus was driving the boat.”

Greer took a deep breath, but her voice was still high and
strained. “We skied a lot on the river, and we knew the dangers. We were
upstream near a bend. We knew better, but we were trying to get away from some
of the heavier recreational traffic closer to downtown. I’d said something to
Markus. He turned, for just a second to reply. We hit something floating in the
river. And the boat died. Just then our skier, another friend of ours, started

“In all the chaos, I guess we never heard the barge’s
warning. Markus tried to get the boat started, and I was screaming at him to
forget it, to just jump off and swim away as fast as we could, but he wouldn’t
go. I waited as long as I could. I felt the impact just as I jumped and heard
him scream. Oh God.”

Greer stopped, grateful for Liam’s arms around her trembling
body, grateful for the sympathy she saw shining in Chas’ eyes in the moonlit
room. Taking a deep breath, she finished. “He’d asked me to marry him the night
before. I never told anyone. We couldn’t afford a ring, but I’d told him yes.
We hadn’t even told our parents. I couldn’t tell them afterward. It’s just been
locked inside me.”

Liam kissed the top of her head and somehow managed to hold
her even closer. Chas moved in as well, taking her face between his hands. He
brushed her forehead with his lips, kissed the tears on her cheeks and finally
wrapped his arms around her and Liam.

“Markus was the Spencers’ youngest son. And I killed him.”

Liam and Chas both stiffened. Then Chas spoke. “No, Greer.
It was an accident. Have you carried this with you all this time?”

“Yes.” Her voice was just a whisper, but they both heard.

“Why do you say you killed him?” Liam asked.

“If I hadn’t distracted him, he wouldn’t have hit whatever
was in the river.”

Liam turned her head so their eyes met. “If he’d jumped when
you first asked, he’d still be alive.”

Greer let that sink in, realizing at some level the thought
had always been in her mind. The problem was it had only served to make her
feel even guiltier because she’d been angry with him. She took a deep breath.

“I was so mad. Our last minutes together, and I was yelling
at him.”

Chas brushed his lips against her ear. “It sounds like the
two of you had a full life, Greer. Would he want you to shut yourself away?
Would he have done that?”

Markus had always wanted to be in the middle of a crowd,
even sometimes when she would have preferred they had time to themselves.

“No. Markus loved having fun too much.”

“Let him go, Greer. Don’t hide behind what happened. We’ll
be here to help.”

She felt the truth of that. Liam was snugged against her
body, and there was no mistaking the feel of his cock pressing against her
butt. Her legs were tangled with Chas’, and she felt his arousal as well. They
were ready for whatever she would allow, but she knew if sleep was all she
wanted, that’s all she would get. She had lost a boyfriend, but she had a chance
for something unique with these two men. Men not boys.

“You both are so good for me. You just have no idea.”

Liam pulled her tighter. “I think we do, baby. The way you’ve
taken care of us, of Wyatt—”

“But you pay me to do that,” she protested.

“We’re not talking about doing some laundry or cooking some
meals,” Chas murmured. “We’re talking about you knowing when we might be upset
or tired and being there to help. About the way you’ve already shown Wyatt more
mothering than he’s probably had in ages.”

“We’re talking about seeing you stretched on the floor
drawing pictures with him and curled around him in his bed because he had a
nightmare,” Liam added. “In just days you’ve worked miracles. We’d be lost
without you.”

Her breath caught. These two beautiful men needed her,
wanted her. Twining her arms around Chas’ neck, Greer pressed her mouth to his,
teasing the seam of his lips with her tongue to let him know she was ready for

“Baby,” Liam growled. “Are you sure?”

She covered his hand and brought it to her breast. She
needed this. Needed to feel them touch her. It was more than just a validation
she was attractive. It was an acknowledgement she could open herself to a
relationship. In her mind, there was no separating Chas from Liam or Liam from

She was on her back between them and they took turns kissing
her, their lips teasing. When they gave her a moment’s breathing space, she
laughed. “I have now officially been kissed by twice as many men as ever
before. Whatever we’re doing, I want it to be a threesome, not just the two of
you making love to me.”

Chas ran the pad of his finger over her pebbled nipple. “You
want to see Liam and me together too?”

She nodded. “That was so hot. But it’s more than that. You
two were already a pair. I don’t want to change you—I want to be a part of what
you already share.”

Chas stroked her cheek. “You are already, but there are
things to think about. How many men have you been with, sweetie?”

“J-just Markus.”

He smiled ruefully. “I don’t think you’re ready for both of
us. There’s no rush. Let’s just take it easy.”

Liam’s hand had run beneath the covers, his fingers
exploring the curls at the juncture of her thighs. “Let me play with your
pussy, baby,” he murmured, “while Chas sucks me.”

Chas chuckled. “So subtle, Liam.”

Liam raised his brows innocently. “Just a suggestion.”

They threw off the covers and stripped off their boxers.
Lord, but they were both hung and so wonderfully hard, their cocks swollen and
glistening as if they had a mind of their own and wanted access to her. Greer
swallowed a little nervously, though she was more than ready to give it a try.
They’d touched and tasted her last night, but tonight, she wanted one—or both
of them—inside her.

Liam was so ready to do just that. As he nuzzled the sensitive
skin behind her ear, he nudged her thighs apart, his clever fingers sliding
between her slick folds in long, easy strokes. “Already so wet for us, Greer?”
he whispered.

His cock pushed, hard and heavy, against her hip. Chas sat
next to them, leaning over to dip his fingers into her wet, swollen pussy. He
grinned an instant before he slipped his fingers into his mouth and sucked them

Liam chuckled. “If you’re going to suck on something, Chas,
I’ve got just the thing for you.”

As Greer watched, her breathing shallow with excitement,
Chas leaned across her, fisted Liam’s shaft and stroked in the same rhythm as
Liam’s fingers were now working her clit. When she was sure it was almost too
much to stand, Chas ducked his head and swallowed Liam’s glistening plum,
deep-throating him.

“Oh yes,” she moaned, spreading her thighs even wider for
Liam’s probing fingers. He slipped his middle two inside her, using his thumb
to stroke her sensitive bud. Sensation built in a wave of heat as intense as a
forest fire. Her whole body felt flushed. Liam continued his rhythm, and Chas
continued to slide his mouth and tongue over Liam’s shaft. Caress built on
caress until Greer’s hips slowly pumped off the bed.

“More,” she whispered. “Please…ohhh!”

As her climax rolled over her, Chas shifted position. Liam,
as if by some unspoken agreement, raised Greer’s legs and moved between them,
his cock at her opening. He glanced at Chas.

“Guide me in. I want you to be a part of it.”

Chas’ blue eyes met hers and Greer couldn’t believe the
warmth there. “You okay with this, sweetie?” he murmured.

“More than okay. Please, I need to feel you inside me. It’s
been so long, and I …” She trailed off, her voice too choked to go on. After
swallowing a couple of times, she managed, “I need you.”

“God, yes,” Liam growled, pushing forward into her hot,
slick passage. He filled her until she was sure she couldn’t take any more. As
he began to thrust, Chas’ fingers found her clit, rolling it with the pad of
his index finger while he nuzzled her breast and suckled her nipple.

Greer’s body exploded with pleasure, but it was more than
just the physical sensations Liam and Chas created with their loving. Greer didn’t
know when she had ever felt so cherished. At this moment, she was the center of
their desires, and their focus on her brought her to her knees at the same time
it made her passion explode.

Liam cupped her butt cheeks in his broad palms, lifting her
into his long, powerful thrusts. When he lowered his head to kiss Chas
open-mouthed, their tongues tangling and their jaws scraping, Greer lost it,
coming yet again with a cry of nearly unbearable pleasure.

“That’s it,” Chas urged her on. “Come for us. Oh God, Liam,
I need to be with you both.”

“Get behind me, Chas, but hurry. I can’t last much longer.”

The mattress shifted as Chas moved until he squatted behind
Liam. Greer whimpered as she felt Chas’ thick shaft slide next to where Liam
pumped, not invading, but moving between her and Liam. She looked at them,
seeing the two masculine faces, one so blond and angelic, the other dark—his
brooding look tightened now with intense passion. Her heart swelled. For the
first time in years, she felt whole again.

Through gritted teeth, Liam asked, “Do I need to pull out?”

It was so tempting to tell him no. she’d like nothing more
than to feel him fill her with his seed, but this was too new.

“Yes, but come on me.”

“Fuck. Yes!” Liam slid free, fisting his cock as Chas
shifted and did the same thing. Greer watched, mouth feeling swollen with
passion as her lovers stroked their orgasms over her. Their cum mingled on her
belly and breasts, and all she could think to do was to run her fingertips over
it, loving the slippery, creamy feel of it.

Almost as if they read each other’s minds, both men dropped
their heads to tongue the cream from her taut nipples.

They collapsed on either side of her, their bodies hot and
sweaty against her as they snuggled close and hugged, with her deliciously
sandwiched between them. With reverence, she touched Chas’ cheek then glanced
over her shoulder at Liam’s face, so close to her own.

She wanted to laugh, to cry, to shout for joy at the freedom
she felt. It was as if the weight she’d carried for the past five years had
simply vanished.

“Okay, baby?” Liam rumbled.

“More than okay. Thank you.”

“Oh sweetheart,” Chas purred. “You’re so damn pretty. We
just wanted to show you. We want to make sure you know. You do, don’t you?”

She looked at Chas and nodded. “I do now.”


Chas hated having to leave for the hospital the following
morning, but thanks to that shift change it was now his weekend on call. He
slipped out of bed as quietly as he could so he wouldn’t disturb Liam or Greer.
What he hadn’t counted on was how light a sleeper Greer was. By the time he
came out of the shower, she had thrown the too big T-shirt back on and was
running her fingers through her spiky hair.

“Would you like some breakfast before you go?”

He stopped on his way to grab underwear and a fresh set of
scrubs. “Coffee would be nice. Nothing heavy. Should be some yogurt and fruit…”

“How about a smoothie? You can take it with you.”

He stopped and pulled her into his arms for a quick hug. “You’re
the best, Greer.”

He patted her ass as she slipped out the door.

By the time Chas traipsed downstairs, he had little time to
stop and eat. Greer handed him two to-go mugs.

“Will you be back for dinner?”

He shook his head. “You won’t see me again until tomorrow
afternoon at the earliest. Just depends on what’s going on. I’ll keep you
posted.” Chas leaned in and touched her lips with the softest of kisses. “I’m
glad you’re here, Greer,” he whispered against her mouth.

His reward was the smile lighting her face.

As soon as he reached St. Mark’s, Chas knew he was in for a
hell of a weekend. No sooner had he gotten in the door than he was headed for
surgery. Most of the time, the adrenaline rush of his job kept him focused, but
this morning, his thoughts kept going back to Greer and Liam.

“Doctor? Are you ready?”

His surgical nurse gave him an odd look as he paused over
the gunshot victim on the table in front of him. Yeah. Right. Not a good time
to get distracted. Chas brought himself back to the here and now. He had
patients depending on his ability, his training, and his concentration.

By late afternoon, Chas had come to the conclusion everyone
in the metropolitan area had decided to shove their heads firmly up their
asses. During the few breaks from operating on victims of brawls, drug deals
and vehicle accidents, he’d had to call in another surgical team to help with
the influx. He had handled everything from stitching a guy’s arm when he’d
ended up on the wrong end of a knife fight, to performing an appendectomy on a
ten-year-old, but that was what he’d trained to do when he decided to become a
general surgeon specializing in critical care.

After stepping out of the operating room, Chas stripped off
his gloves, gown and mask, disposing of them and changing shoes before moving
into the hall. With his pager at his waist, he headed for his office where he’d
left his cell phone.

“Dr. Lynch? Do you have a minute? I need to talk to you.”

Chas turned. It was a female resident who’d recently joined
the staff. Although he wasn’t her mentor, she seemed to be going out of her way
to ask him questions, and more and more he was spotting her on the same shifts
as him.

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