Based: A Stepbrother Romance (Extreme Sports Alphas) (8 page)

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“I can’t imagine hearing that.”

“You’d be surprised at what you can handle, if you have to.”

I blinked at him, surprised by the serious expression on his face, but it didn’t last long. He was back to his cocky grin seconds later.

“Having a hot nurse helped the recovery,” he said.

I rolled my eyes. “I was waiting for something like that.”

“I figured. Can’t keep the fans waiting.”

I paused a beat. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’ve been wondering. Why are you doing this documentary and recovery here, in this house?”

“Seems weird, right?”

“Yeah, it does. I mean, not that I mind you being here and all. Or well, I mean I hate the cameras, but you know what I mean.” I shut my mouth, realizing I was babbling.

He grinned. “Right. I know you love having me around. The truth is actually pretty shitty, though.”

“What, my dad blackmail you or something?” I asked jokingly.

“Something like that, yeah.”

“Are you kidding?”

“It’s complicated, Brie. Why do you even care?”

“I’m just curious. What did my dad do?”

“Nothing really. The building I jumped from, it wasn’t exactly legal. We had to break in to get to the top. I was arrested and almost went to jail again, but your dad showed up at my trial and begged for leniency. Said he’d take me into custody, watch over me personally. The judge ended up giving me probation under the condition that I live here for the duration of it.”

“I had no idea.”

I couldn’t believe my dad would do that and not even mention it to me. Bringing my injured stepbrother home to serve his probation was a huge deal, and yet my dad hadn’t even considered telling me. That was typical of our family. If it didn’t need to be said, then it would never get mentioned, no matter how important it might end up being.

“I’m not surprised he never mentioned it. When we left the courthouse, your dad told me that he was going to film my recovery.” He paused for a second and stopped playing. “I said no, but he reminded me that my probation was contingent on my being able to stay at his house.”

I stared at him, shocked at what he was saying. “So my dad really did blackmail you?”

He looked at me. “No, not really. It’s complicated.”

“Sounds simple to me.”

“It’s not. This entire PT thing is expensive, and yeah, I could afford it, but the documentary budget is helping out with that, too. And it’s keeping me out of jail.” He started playing again. “Plus, I’ve fucked up enough. I can at least do this for your family.”

“Still, Lincoln. If you don’t want to do this thing, just don’t. I can talk to my dad.”

“No. I don’t need that.” He gave me a look that nearly took my breath away. It was intense, ferocious, and sexy all at once. “Don’t say a word to him about this. It’s my problem to deal with. I shouldn’t have told you.”

“I can help. I mean, I can try to help.”

“You don’t need to. I’m fine, Brie.”

I lapsed into silence and watched him play, my mind a mess of conflicting emotions. I didn’t know much about my father; he had always been a distant person, always so wrapped up in business when I was younger and then his films as I got older. But I never thought that he was a bad person or was remotely capable of forcing someone to do something they didn’t want to do.

“I just can’t imagine my dad doing that.”

“There’s more to it. I owe your dad a lot.”

I shook my head. “What could justify this?”

“Back when I first left, your dad supported me. He used his industry contacts to help make some of my early videos. Basically, I wouldn’t have a career without him.”

I let that sink in. “I had no clue.”

“He didn’t want to bother you.”

“Telling me about my family is bothering me?”

“You know how he is.”

“Yeah, I do. Distant.”

“Must suck.”

“It really does.”

He stopped playing and looked at me. I blinked as he put his hand on my leg, and shivers ran down along my spine. I found myself staring at his body again, imagining his tongue along my skin.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “The film isn’t that bad. Sorry to unload on you.”

“It’s okay. I just want to help.”

He grinned. “Yeah, I know.”

There was a moment where neither of us spoke, and his hand lingered on my skin, only inches away from my soaking underwear. I wanted him to cover that space and play my pussy like he played the piano keys, but I knew it was wrong. Or maybe not wrong, but people would talk.

He wasn’t really my brother. But he was my stepbrother. It was really hard to think straight with that strong hand on my skin and that gorgeous face looking at me intently.

And then he pulled his hand away. It shook me out of whatever fantasy I was having, and I quickly stood up, awkwardly stumbling away from the bench.

“What, did I scare you away?”

I shook my head. “No, I’m just tired.”

“Look, keep this shit between us, okay? I must be fucking crazy from exhaustion for telling you all that.”

“Okay. I promise. And the offer to talk to my dad still stands.”

He grinned. “Thanks, Brie baby.”

I turned to walk away, my heart hammering in my chest. As I got to the door, he spoke up.

“By the way”—I turned and looked at him—“your ass looks fucking fantastic in those shorts.”

I blushed and looked away. “Keep that to yourself next time, dick.”

“Nah. Close the door on your way out.”

I huffed and walked out, shutting the door softly. My breath came heavily and tingles were running along my skin where his hand had touched my skin. I leaned my back against the door for a second, gathering myself, as the music started up again. I knew on the other side of the door, Lincoln’s shirtless, perfect body was swaying softly as he played, and I wanted nothing more than to go in there, slam the piano’s lid shut, and let him fuck me until I screamed.

Instead, I went back to my room and tried not to dream about him.

Chapter Eight: Lincoln




hin cotton T-shirt and loose short cotton shorts, her hair messed up from sleep, her confused expression when she saw that I was awake.

I couldn’t get her out of my head, even as the usual sweat-inducing nightmare began to fade and the pain in my legs began to climb. She was still there, lodged in my skull. She was so fucking sexy, and she seemed to have no clue what she did to me. I’d had to constantly shift on the bench while she was next to me to hide the raging hard-on threatening to give me completely away.

After she left, I couldn’t help myself. I was way too worked up thinking about the feel of her skin and those sexy lips. I slipped my hand down my shorts and rubbed one out right there in front of the piano, thinking about her mouth wrapped around my dick’s tip, sliding her tongue along my shaft, and grabbing onto her hips as I fucked her rough from behind.

Did I feel guilty, jerking off to thoughts of my stepsister? Yeah, maybe a little bit. But we were barely related. And besides, I was Based Carter. People expected that sort of shit out of me. And even though I was doing it for nobody but myself, it was nice to have an excuse to justify it.

I grunted and climbed out of bed, grabbing my cane. The usual fuck morning routine. Easy for most people, excruciating for me. The pain usually subsided a bit as I worked the kinks out of my muscles, but until then it was fucking torture just standing still.

I made my way downstairs dressed in my usual workout clothes, ready for another day of grueling and embarrassing PT. Part of me wanted to avoid running into Brie, and part of me hoped she was still wearing that same outfit from the night before. Truthfully, I knew I should avoid her as much as possible, since apparently I could barely control myself around her, but that was exactly the problem. Logic and reason meant nothing when I saw Aubrie’s body and my desire threatened to drown me all over again.

Thankfully, the kitchen was empty as I grabbed some cereal and wolfed it down as fast as I could. The less I saw of her, the fewer stupid personal things I would admit to her. I was like a whiney kid, telling her about all my problems. And mentioning the deal with her dad?

Fuck, I was an asshole.

Fortunately, I didn’t have too much time to mentally berate myself, as the camera crew began to filter into the kitchen and Jess went through the list of shots she wanted to get done. I nodded at her, barely listening.

The only thing I could think about was Brie.


grunted, lowering the ten-pound weight with my legs. Ten pounds was nothing, babies could lift ten pounds, and yet the muscles in my legs were screaming with every rep.

“Come on, Lincoln. You can do this,” Tracey said.

I growled at her, drenched in sweat. Down and up, down and up. Pain and more pain.

I wanted to give up. I wanted to stop. But I wanted to jump again more than I cared about the pain and the suffering.

“Five more and you’re done. Give it to me, Lincoln.”

I concealed my grin. I’d give it to her, all right.

Down and up. Down and up. I grunted, hands clenched on the bench, body covered in sweat. I could practically feel the crew tightening up on my face, getting every ounce of sweat in super detail. Jess was probably imagining the inspirational music she’d play over the scene as I busted out the last three reps.

“There you go!” Tracey said as I let the weights drop onto the ground, panting.

“Fuck, that shouldn’t be so hard,” I said.

She laughed. “Actually, you shouldn’t be lifting these at all. You’re way ahead of schedule.”

“What can I say? I do nothing half assed.”

“There you go. Full ass everything, always.”

I laughed and grinned at her. Even though she was basically my full-time torturer, Tracey was pretty cool. And I had recently found out that she was gay, which meant I didn’t have to worry about her secretly pining for me or some shit. Maybe that was really conceited, but I’d had too many cool girl friends end up in my bed over the years and too few of those friends left. I didn’t need to alienate my physical therapist too.

Then again, it would probably make for some awesome footage for Jess.

“Cut. That’s good for now.” I looked up as the crew started switching off the equipment and Jess walked over to Tracey and me.

“Done early?” I asked.

“Taking a break. Cliff wants to talk to you.”

I had expected to hear from him a little sooner, but I knew I couldn’t avoid at least one conversation with Brie’s dad.

“Who’s Cliff?” Tracey asked.

“Man of the house,” I said.

“And my boss,” Jess added. “Also something of a hippie.”

I laughed. “He’s an L.A. hippie, which basically doesn’t count.”

“Hippie with a huge bank account,” Jess said.

“Isn’t that a yuppie?” Tracey asked.

I shook my head. “Different thing.”

“Anyway, good work this morning. I’ll see you later.”

It was like being back in high school playing football again: two a day every day. “See you then, coach.”

She laughed and walked off to get changed and to do whatever she did with her off time. I looked back over at Jess.

“When’s he want me?”

“Now, I think. He’s out by the pool.”

I sighed. No rest for the wicked. I stood up with some effort and shrugged off Jess’s attempt to help me. She handed me my cane and I began the trek outside, a towel wrapped around my shoulders.

“Have a good break, guys,” I said to the crew. Despite the fact that they shoved cameras in my face all day every day, they were decent people.

I gimped my way out through the kitchen, taking my time. Part of me hoped Cliff would get sick of waiting and head out to do whatever he did with his ample time and money, but I wasn’t so lucky. He was sitting out by the pool, dressed in his usual khaki pants and green collared shirt. He waved as I approached, his eyes hidden behind sunglasses.

“Lincoln Carter, how the hell are you?”

I made a face. “Walking, more or less.”

“That’s really, really good to see. Last time I was home, you were still in the wheelchair.”

Cliff hadn’t exactly been around much during my stay, even though he was supposedly watching over me during my probation. Still, I didn’t give a shit what he did, so long as he kept calling my case officer and didn’t fuck over my mom.

“PT’s going good. I like Tracey.”

“I’m really glad to hear that. She came highly recommended.”

I struggled to sit in the chair next to him. As much as I hated it, I couldn’t help but let the pain show on my face as I stretched my legs out in front of me, working the kinks out of the muscles.

“She deserves a raise.”

“Maybe she does.” He looked at me for a second. “How’s the shoot?”

“Ask Jess. She doesn’t show me the footage.”

“I’ve talked with her and seen some stuff, but I wanted to get your perspective. This is your brand and your journey, after all.”

“Not sure what you want from me, Cliff. I didn’t want to do this to begin with.”

“Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have an opinion.”

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