Bash, Volume II (14 page)

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Authors: Candace Blevins

BOOK: Bash, Volume II
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With Bash, what you see is what he is. No pretenses, no worry of whether he should or shouldn’t do something. You either liked him or you didn’t, and he didn’t really give a fuck either way, in most cases.

I knew he liked me, but he still wasn’t going to go out of his way to be likeable. It was honest in a way so few people are, and it touched my heart.

“What’s going through that beautiful head, Princess?”

“I love you.”

He chuckled. “Love you, too. Now wash my cock.”

Dawg was still in the bathroom, and he groaned as he said, “Damn, Bash. Need to work on your romancin’ skills.
.” The bathroom door opened and cold air rushed in. “Ya’ll don’t take too long. Can’t wait to see her ass sportin’ your handprint.”

“Did you know a spanking hurts worse on wet skin?” Bash asked with a shit-eating grin, his eyes dancing.

I glared at him. “No, and maybe we need to go for another walk after our shower, before we get started.”

“Nope. I promised a reward spankin’, and you’re gonna get it.”

My hand was still soapy, and I grasped the base of his cock and met his gaze as I slowly slid my hand up the shaft. The muscles in his face relaxed, his jaw softened, and I couldn’t help the shit-eatin’ grin I knew I flashed him.

“That’s it, Princess,” he said, his gaze dark and full of lust as it met mine. “Work my cock, and know it’s gonna be back in your ass before too much longer.” It pulsed, and grew wider in my grasp — a
wider. “Someday, I’m going to enjoy hurtin’ you with it. Have to teach you to enjoy it, first, but you have to know I’m only goin’ to be gentle with you for so long, right?”

My heart jumped into my throat and slammed back down into my rib cage, but my hand kept working his now short and insanely fat cock. “You were gentle to start, but I don’t think you ended gentle. Not that I’m complaining, or anything, but—”

He touched under my chin, closing my mouth and shutting me up. “Was gentle with you, even when I went a little wild. I
the fact I’m getting to break your ass in and no one’s been there but me. I won’t give you more until you’re ready for it, but I know how strong you are, and I’m lovin’ how wild you’re turning out to be,

I grabbed the handheld shower unit and rinsed the conditioner out of my hair. Apparently, with my head tilted back and my arms over my head, my boobs looked more interesting, because I gasped as his hand plumped my right boob a second before his lips sealed around the nipple — just enough teeth I felt it, and he

Blood pulsed to my clit, and my groan echoed back to me off the shower’s hard walls. I focused on getting the conditioner out of my hair, but then jumped a little as a slick finger slid between my folds. I whimpered, and he gave a cocky chuckle. “Like keepin’ you on edge. Gonna get you horny as hell before I spank you, Princess. How much longer you gonna fuck with your hair?”

“Have to get the conditioner out. Dawg helped me with the shampoo. You’re
the process.” I had to work to keep my speech steady and not speak in a sexy, breathy, femme-fatal voice. I held back a groan as his finger slid alongside my clit hood, shifting it back and forth as he stroked, and I decided maybe some conditioner could stay in. It wouldn’t hurt anything.

“Done. I’m done.
, Bash.”

Dawg was waiting for me with a towel when I opened the shower curtain, and he wrapped it around me and started drying me as I stepped out.

“Yeah, you need to be sure you get my ass dry,” I told Dawg as I grabbed another towel and bent to wrap my hair in it.

I have no idea how they managed it, but minutes later I was on my knees with Bash’s cock in my mouth while Dawg blow-dried my hair. I couldn’t stop laughing, but it was a lighthearted, fun moment, and I wished my mouth wasn’t full so I could ask Dawg if his secret desire was to be a hair stylist. He’d seriously known what he was doing when he shampooed it, and now he worked the blow drier like a pro, too.

I tilted my eyes up to meet Bash’s gaze, and saw his need as well as his good mood. I knew things would get hot and heavy before long, but I loved being able to cut up and play with these two men. I ran my tongue around the ridge of Bash’s cock, and the heat I saw in his eyes spurred me to seal my lips around the head and suck while I worked my tongue. I let it go wolf and stretched it out longer, wrapped it around the base of his cock and squeezed there as well as with my lips, and smelled a huge spike in his arousal.

“Fuck, Angelica.
. Dawg — quit fucking with her hair. Don’t care if it’s wet or dry.”

A few minutes later Dawg shut the dryer off and quickly braided it. I had a little organizer with ponytail holders on my vanity, and he grabbed one without asking.

I finally pulled my lips off Bash’s cock and asked, “What’s up with your hair skills, Dawg?”

“Story for another time, Girly. I think it’s time for your spanking, and I’m hoping Bash’ll be on board with my mouth on your sweet cunt a few minutes before he starts.”

Bash seemed to like the idea, and within minutes I was on my back on the bed, begging for more as Dawg’s mouth drove me fucking

I was inches from an orgasm when Dawg sat up. “Okay, Girly. Gonna turn a shoot’em up movie on in your living room, cover up the sounds we’re gonna make in here. Time for your ass to meet Bash’s hand.”

I pushed up and leaned back on my arms, my legs still spread, and my gaze met Bash’s as my heart and my stomach seemed to change places for a moment. He moved the pillows, sat with his back against my headboard, and patted his thighs.

“Over my lap, Princess.”

I crawled to him and sat back on my heels. “Aren’t I supposed to have, like, a safeword?”

He shook his head. “Not with me, you don’t. Today, we’re playin’ around, which means I’ll make sure you’re enjoyin’ yourself. But, if I ever have to spank you for real? I’ll stop when I believe the message has been delivered, and not before.”

I looked at him a few seconds, and he rested his hands on the bed beside him, his face serious, his body relaxed. “It’s about trust. Do you trust me to make it good for you? If you’re worried I’ll hurt you for real, you have no business layin’ over my lap.”

I shook my head. “I know you won’t hurt me. Not for real.”

He didn’t say anything, gave me time to work it through in my head. I felt Dawg’s presence in the doorway, holding back while Bash and I worked through this. I leaned forward, put my weight on my hands, and crawled over his body, making myself vulnerable as I positioned myself with my hips over his thighs, my ass sticking up, waiting for him to spank me.

But he didn’t. Dawg stepped to the bed and leaned over me to touch Bash’s hand, and a few seconds later I realized he’d put lube on Bash’s fingers. I moaned as his finger touched my ass, and them moaned again as Dawg’s fingers teased my legs apart and then rubbed circles around my clit. I pressed my ass up, begging them both for more, my heart beating in its cage, my blood pulsing through my veins.

Bash’s finger sank into my ass as Dawg’s did the same in my pussy. I knew they were looking at each other, synchronizing, but I didn’t care about the logistics, I just wanted more.

“Fuck,” I muttered as I pushed my ass higher into the air. “I know you aren’t going to let me come yet, but I’m not sure I care at the moment. Need more.

They didn’t disappoint, and once they started moving I lost the ability to speak, to beg, to do anything but gasp for air, frozen in place with my back arched, legs spread, and ass in the air.

They both added a finger, and my moan lasted through an entire exhale. It was too much in my ass, and not enough in my pussy, but it was

They worked me until I ached with desire, and then their hands disappeared and I felt a sharp slap to my left ass check, then my right. Bash went back and forth, over and over. Hard enough I felt the heat, the shock, the smack, but I wanted more — harder, faster.

I’d been so close to coming, and now the rhythm of his hand took the place of the rhythm of their fingers. My asshole felt empty with the loss of him, my pussy craved attention, my clit throbbed and
, and all I had was the heated strikes of Bash’s hand on my bottom. Every touch, every slap, generated more fire and more arousal until I thought I’d go crazy with need.

The strikes gradually grew harder, and harder, and I looked up as Dawg moved towards my head. He stretched out so I could get to his cock with my mouth, and then pressed forward, touching the head to my lips. “You’re just about warmed up, Girly, so he’ll be laying into you soon. Here’s a nice pacifier — give you something to do with your mouth besides scream.”

I opened and let him in, felt his hand on the back of my head, and adjusted my body as he pressed me onto his cock.

His cockhead hit the back of my mouth, pressed into my throat, and Bash’s next spank was hard enough, I’d have screamed if I could’ve.

Now, his hand came harder and faster until my bottom and the backs of my legs were a blazing inferno, and I tried to scream around Dawg’s cock but he was too far into my throat. I reached to push him away with my left arm, but Bash grabbed it and held it to the small of my back. I couldn’t get my right arm around my body to get to Dawg, and I soon realized they had me in a position I couldn’t get out of. I was seconds away from panicking when Bash stopped spanking and said, “Accept it, Angelica. Recognize that we have you, and
responsible for your pleasure, not you. You said you trusted me, now’s when you show it.” He caressed my bottom and his voice gentled. “This is a reward spanking, let me give it to you.”

Dawg’s cock came out of my throat enough I could get a deep breath, but not enough I could speak. I stopped fighting them, and Dawg said, “Good girl. We’ll take care of you. Let us see to you.”

He pressed into my throat again, and Bash’s hand came down on my ass again. And again. And again.

When I relaxed, I realized Dawg had thinned his cock enough I could breathe around it, even though it was deep in my throat. I had to concentrate to keep my gag reflex from kicking in, and I didn’t always succeed, but there was so much going on, and my ass was on
, and still being struck, over and over.

Bash let go of my arm and reached under me as he spanked me with his other hand. Dawg’s cock went back to normal size, so he had to pull out of my throat to let me breathe.

I took a breath and screamed, and his cock went back into my throat, blocking my air. “Stop screaming and I’ll let you breathe, Girly. Have to keep the noise down.”

Eventually, I figured out how to keep from screaming. It was instinct to vocalize the pain, but I soon began to breathe through it and stay mostly quiet. Dawg kept his cock in my mouth, fucked me slow, encouraged me to use my tongue, but as long as I didn’t get too loud he rarely went into my throat.

My hips moved on Bash’s hand at my clit, trying to get more contact, more friction. Just a
more and I knew I’d come, but he stopped as I was once again so close I could taste it.

“Twenty strikes, Angelica. Serious ones. Gonna rearrange us ‘cause you’ll want to fight me. I know you’ll like it once I get beyond the first six or eight, but I’ve got to get you there, first.”

In minutes, I was draped over one of his thighs, and his other leg was over the top of my thighs, holding me down. The hand on my clit moved up to imprison both of my forearms at the small of my back.

And Dawg’s hand rested lightly on the back of my head, ready to push me onto his cock again.

Lightning flashed through my nervous system as Bash’s hand struck my right cheek then left cheek with barely a second between, and I came unglued. It fucking
, and there was no way I could take that another eighteen times. Resistance was futile, though, and when I stopped fighting he struck me two more times, and I once again fought like a captured reptile, trying to twist and roll my body to escape. One of Dawg’s fingers rested on my bottom teeth, making sure I didn’t bite his cock as he forced it down my throat and helped Bash hold me in place.

I still fought and hated it for the seventh and eighth strikes, except afterwards, the warmth on my ass spread out, and out, and out, and I wiggled as I felt the heat throb its way to my clit.

The ninth and tenth strikes weren’t so bad, and I found myself trying to lift my ass to offer it up for the eleventh and twelfth. I wasn’t thinking logically — I was only a writhing mass of sensation and arousal, and I knew if he kept hitting me I’d have an orgasm to beat all orgasms.

At twenty strikes I was a conflicted mess, disappointed it was over as relief flooded my system there’d be no more. Bash lifted me in his arms, stretched both legs out towards the foot of the bed again, and settled me on his lap with my back to his front. I felt his cock at my ass, and I gave a series of yelps as he pressed me onto it and forced my muscles to spread open and take him in.

“Take it for me, Angelica. My cock up your ass. I’ve thinned it down for now, but it’ll get thicker before we’re done.”

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