Bash, Volume II (8 page)

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Authors: Candace Blevins

BOOK: Bash, Volume II
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Chapter Eleven





I shifted my hands and forearms to wolf, and back to hands. There wasn’t a good place to wash them, so this got the bastard’s blood off them,
fixed the scuffed-up knuckles.

Good thing my shirt was black, though, because there was nothing I could do about Jayde’s blood on it. I have no idea why she’d thrown herself at me when she saw us, but I’d immediately handed her off to Slick. Crying females aren’t in my job description.

I poked my head in the door and saw Slick still holding Jayde. “I put the asshole in his truck and sent him on his way. You need me for anything?”

“I got it,” he said, his face dark. “I’ll stay with her. She probably has a bit of a concussion, I’ll keep an eye on her.”

I walked to them, touched Jayde’s chin to tilt it up and get a better look at the damage to her face. “He has a broken nose, probably two black eyes, and is just generally beat all to hell and back. I messed his knee up a little more than I intended. Might need surgery, but these things happen. He’s in a lot worse shape than you are, and he knows if he comes back here, or bothers you at work or anywhere else, we’ll disappear him. You really need to choose your boyfriends better, though. He’s an ass. In the future, you go out with someone and think, ‘
Wow, he’s a little like that other guy
?’ you walk away and find someone else. Yeah?”

“Yeah. Thanks, Bash. I’m sorry you had to get involved, but thanks for taking care of me.”

“This didn’t happen on the job, so we can’t take care of you financially, and you can’t work the rooms with your face like that. You can work a glory hole until the bruises heal.”

“You aren’t helping, Bash,” Slick said with a smirk. “Go. I’ve got it from here.”


* * * *


Angelica’s bike was at the compound when I got back, and I walked in to see her curled in a ball on the sofa, her head in Dawg’s lap, sleeping peacefully.

The wolf wasn’t happy, but the man was glad she felt so comfortable around one of my best friends.

I met Dawg’s gaze. “I need to change shirts before I hold her, and a shower wouldn’t hurt, either. Can you bring her to my room?”

He nodded and scooped her up, careful with her so she barely woke. I opened the doors for him, and he settled her on my bed when we got to my room. She roused, opened her eyes, and sat up with a huge smile for me.

“Wow, I guess I was more tired than I realized.” She stopped talking, sniffed in my general direction. “I smell blood.”

“Yeah. Had to handle a situation. Let me jump in the shower and change clothes. You have a good time with your dad?”

She fell back on the bed with a short laugh. “Shit, Bash. I realized while talking to him how much alike ya’ll are, and then you weren’t here when I got back because you were beating the hell out of someone. Kinda fitting. Go get a shower, already.”

I rolled my eyes and headed towards the shower. Comparing me to her dad was a huge compliment, and once again I had no idea how to respond.

I came out of the bathroom in jeans and no shirt, and liked the way she looked at me. I lifted my eyebrows at her and she laughed, her smile lighting her face.

Dawg was sprawled on the bottom of my bed, and my Princess was leaning against the headboard. I’d heard them in here talking about nothing in particular. Comfortable with each other. At ease. My wolf and I were happy they were getting along so well.

“I gotta go out of town Tuesday and Wednesday night,” I told them. “Assuming everything works out as it should, we should be able to get away Friday night. Are both of you good with me renting a getaway cabin somewhere?”

“Oh, god, Bash. I can’t do it if I know four days ahead of time when it’ll happen! That’s way too much fuckin’ pressure!”

Dawg chuckled, and I leaned over the bed and kissed her. She opened for me, let me in, let me overtake her. “Okay then. You and me in a cabin, Friday night. Dawg has other plans and can’t come.”

“You’re gonna have to teach me how to lie without smelling like I’m lying.”

“Yeah, but not now, not here.” I glanced at the clock, back to her. “I want steak. I’ll put a shirt on and the three of us can go out to eat.”

Chapter Twelve





We got strange looks as we went into the steakhouse. People are scared of bikers, especially when they’re in groups.

I’d like to say they shouldn’t be, but Bash
returned to the compound with someone else’s blood on him, and my dad had done so more times than I could count. I’d stopped asking my dad about it by the time I turned six. I didn’t bother asking Bash tonight, either. If he wanted or needed me to know about club business, he’d tell me.

The lobby area was full of people waiting, and yet we were taken almost straight back. This might be because one of the guys passed off a hundred dollar bill to get us back faster, it could be because the restaurant didn’t want us out front scaring the other patrons, or it could be because either Bash or Dawg — or both — had once boned the hostess and she was hoping it would happen again.

We cut up and teased each other as we ate, and our waiter was awesome, cutting up with us and making us laugh without being creepy. I sat with Bash in a booth, and Dawg was across from us, but halfway through our meal, Bash whispered, “Play footsies with him,” into my ear.

“I have motorcycle boots on. Doesn’t really work if I can’t get my foot out of my boot.”

The two of them looked at each other over the table, and without saying anything, swapped places.

“Guys? What’s going on?”

Dawg turned to me, touched my cheek. “Just getting you used to me a little more, and making sure Bash’s wolf understands the situation.”

“Maybe ya’ll can explain the situation to me? I mean, I know ya’ll are used to double-teaming—”

He put his finger over my lips. “Don’t overthink it, Angelica.”

“You’ve never used my name before.”

“This is important. Don’t overthink it. You belong to Bash, he wants to give this to you. Nothing’s happening now. We’re just eating. Playing. Fooling around a little. Nothing serious. If you let me or Bash know it isn’t working, it’ll stop.”

I looked at both of them a second, then to Dawg. “Okay. No overthinking. Got it.”

The guys swapped back and forth every ten or fifteen minutes for the rest of the meal. It was silly, and happy, and goofy, and not at all deep and serious. They both put their arm around me, teased me, touched the tops of my legs, and held my hand. Maybe it should’ve been awkward, but it wasn’t, and I loved Bash for doing it for me.

The drive home on my bike, riding behind Bash and in front of Dawg, was possibly the longest ten minutes of my life.

I wondered — if I hadn’t told him I couldn’t know about it so far ahead of time, would he have done this tonight? Had he brought it up to make sure I still wanted to do it, and intended to do this tonight all along? Or was he doing it tonight to keep me from stressing over having to know about it for days?

Gee, maybe I was overthinking things, again?

My heart was beating ninety miles a minute by the time I parked and got my helmet off.

“It’s all good, Princess.” Bash said, his mouth to my ear. “No need in doing it if it isn’t good for everyone, especially you.”

I leaned into him as he put his arm around my waist, and let him take my keys from me. He opened my door, pulled me in, and the earth seemed to tilt as he pressed my back to the wall. I yanked him closer, and he ravaged my mouth and left no doubt he was as worked up as I. The spicy scent of arousal permeated the room, and over it all, I smelled Bash’s wolf.

Surprisingly, though, he backed off and Dawg moved in, his shirt already off, and my hands went to his arms, tracing his chiseled muscles as he teased me with his lips, daring me to play back. I smiled into his kisses and slid my hands up his arms and to his cheeks. “That’s it, Girly,” he said as he moved his mouth towards my ear. He kissed my neck, and I opened my eyes to see Bash watching us, practically vibrating with lust.

Dawg picked me up as he said, “Wrap your legs, Girly. Time we took this to the bedroom.”

I did as he said, and he kissed me as he walked us to my room and settled me on the bed. Bash followed us in, moved in behind me, and nuzzled my neck as Dawg’s mouth teased mine. Bash lifted my shirt, Dawg shifted back a little, and the shirt came off over my head.

My head swam as I realized this was exactly what I’d wanted — two guys who’d done this so much they knew what to do, had it all choreographed so all I had to do was let them work.

Someone pushed me to the bed and I acquiesced, happy to go where they wanted me. I found myself on my back in the center of the bed, and Bash pulled my pants and underwear down while Dawg unlaced my boots.

Breathless, I looked up and my gaze met Bash’s as his hand pressed my mound, slid down over my clit, and I gasped as my last boot came off and Dawg pulled everything the rest of the way off my legs.

Lips caressed and teeth grazed my breasts and nipples, more lips suckled my clit, then moved down to my pussy and a tongue dove inside and then lengthened until it scraped and pressed across my g-spot, and my eyes rolled back into my head as my heated blood pulsed through my veins. I ran my hands through Bash’s hair, at my chest, and pushed my hips up, silently begging for more from Dawg. God, I wanted to come so bad, but it was too much and I couldn’t concentrate on any one sensation.

“It’s too much,” I finally told them, but Bash moved to my lips, kissing me quiet before he told me, “Then let it be too much. Sink into it, let it overwhelm you. Let
overwhelm you.”

When they switched positions I was finally given the opportunity to pleasure one of them, and I greedily took Dawg’s thick cock into my mouth. I traced the head with my tongue, teasing him, and he groaned and pushed to the back of my mouth, but then pulled back and let me play some more.

Meanwhile, Bash’s magical fingers were inside me, moving and probing, pressing and demanding, and within moments I was screaming a release around Dawg’s cock, which made him grow even harder, his skin stretched tighter around his bulk.

Bash moved me to hands and knees, and Dawg situated so when I dropped my head I could easily get him into my mouth.

Bash sank into me slow — teasing, torturing. When he was all the way in I could feel the two of them looking at each other over my back, but I didn’t stop moving my head as I sucked and licked Dawg’s beautiful cock. Dawg released another slew of pheromones, and I breathed them in deep, and then gave a long, low groan on my exhale at the promise of what might happen next.

I slowed as Dawg’s hand touched my cheek, and he threaded his fingers through my hair and fisted it enough to give just an edge of pain. “Gonna get rough with you now, Girly. Nod once if you’re good with it.”

I’d barely finished the nod before my head was held in place and Dawg was fucking my mouth. Almost in unison, Bash pulled out and slammed back home, and my heart sped even more as every muscle in my body stopped obeying my commands while I tried to manage all the new sensations.

They soon found a rhythm where they both pulled out at the same time and slammed back in together, each circuit out and back in just a little faster than the one before, until I was a vessel with cocks slamming and pounding me from both ends, and I thought I’d go crazy from ecstasy. I was screaming through another orgasm before I knew it was upon me, but they held me where they wanted me and kept going, finding their own pleasure in my body. Bash held me up when my legs would’ve stopped supporting me, but he didn’t slow even a little. They brought me to three orgasms before they came, and the very moment everyone collapsed from the extreme pleasure, they were holding me, making sure I was okay. Dawg settled behind me, Bash in front of me, face to face, kissing me, uncaring that I’d just swallowed Dawg’s pleasure. When I tried to back off, he said, “Nothing about you will ever disgust me, Princess. Kiss me, don’t you dare back away — you’re mine and I’ll always want
of you.”

They loved me and pet me until I was asleep, or perhaps unconscious might be a better description — so thoroughly worn out and exhausted, I happily fell asleep in their arms.


* * * *


I awoke to my alarm the next morning, and Bash turned it off before snuggling me and asking, “You sure you need to run this morning?”

I felt Dawg on the other side of me, and I turned to look at him, his eyes partially open, his expression happy, relaxed.

“Fuck, I’d be crazy to want to get out of bed when I have the two of you in it,” I turned back to Bash, “but I guess I need to know some more ground rules.”

“When we’re like this, you can give us both attention as it feels right,” Bash said, his voice soft.

“You weren’t upset about my falling asleep on him at the compound? I meant to ask before, but things kind of got carried away.”

“No. If I find out you’ve fucked him when I’m not around, there’ll be a problem, but I’m glad you feel comfortable enough with him to trust him to have your back.”

I leaned up and kissed Dawg’s cheek, and he smiled and said, “Good morning to you, too, Girly. You feeling okay this morning?”

The three of us snuggled and talked, but didn’t have sex again. When we finally got up, we all
, as we weren’t ready for the other wolves to know what we’d been up to. We all sniffed each other, licked each other’s muzzles, and then
back to human before cooking breakfast.

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