Battle for the Earth (2 page)

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Authors: John P. Gledhill

BOOK: Battle for the Earth
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The second dilemma, and definitely more important, was the extermination of mankind set for 21 December 2020. It was decided in order that Annunaki awareness could be kept to a minimum, the Dropas would introduce their own gene of enlightenment to mankind, making full use of mankind’s mental abilities. This gene would lie dormant in around ten per cent of the population, until awakened in the first part of the twenty-first century, allowing enlightened man and the Dropas, years to prepare for the onslaught of the Annunaki on 21/12/2020.


This, they hoped, would not allow the Annunaki time to advance their plans for mankind’s destruction, and the reaping of the harvest of gold. However, this still left the Dropas with one big problem: how to introduce the enlightenment gene to mankind?


The Dropas made the decision that the best policy would be a ‘Smoke and Mirrors’ campaign. This way mankind would not be overwhelmed with too much information too soon, and the Annunaki would have little or no idea what was going on. Information could also be integrated into the myth and culture of civilisation, century by century. In addition, a limited selection of influential members of human society could be made partially aware of the situation in an endeavour to keep the Dropas covert and secret.


The first stage was to alter the Dropas’ genetic code and appearance to a more human appearance, which the Dropas scientists successfully achieved. Then thirteen crystal skulls of knowledge and enlightenment, mini-super advanced computers, and various technological tools were loaded between two space craft. The craft then set off on their mission of Smoke and Mirrors, heading towards the BayanKara-Ula province of China.









Only on a few occasions in Earth’s history had the Annunaki used mass force. After the failed enslavement of Neanderthal man, a long period of calm enveloped the Earth until, in 9600 BC, on a continent, mid-Atlantic, between Africa and the Americas a civilisation of technologically advanced humans, who had the Dropas’ gene and nearly three centuries of breeding to thank for their technology and achievements was lost to the world. This was of course Atlantis.


When the Annunaki high council discovered Atlantis and its highly advanced Dropas/human heritage, it drew up plans for Atlantis to be wiped from the face of the planet. This happened in 9600 BC and was carried out in mythical terms: ‘In a single day and night of misfortune.’


A battle cruiser was dispatched from Nibiru, and Atlantis was no more, sunk to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, left only to be a ghost of mythology and the Holy Grail of archaeologists’ dreams.


There were, however, survivors from Atlantis, some of whom mysteriously vanished, others who migrated east to Africa and on to Egypt, and west to the Americas. Aware they could not make the same mistakes as Atlantis, they blended more subtly into the background, and over the centuries nudged mankind in the right direction with myth and legend.




The Dropas now knew that any help or intervention from them in future would have to be covert and top secret, so as not to unleash the wrath of the Annunaki again. The high council decided that it would be too risky to leave all thirteen skulls in the care of one civilisation, so the decision to split them up between numerous civilisations was made.


Each civilisation was given instructions to hide the skulls carefully, so they could be brought together in January 2018 to activate the Dropas gene and enlighten mankind.


The Dropas went to ground after that, and only a fleeting few of mankind were aware of their presence. On the odd occasion one of their craft might be spotted, but this would be put down to myth and conjecture.


Later in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries the sightings had become much more frequent - mankind’s technology was in danger of exposing the Dropas worldwide. This was pre-empted at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. The two surviving Dropas pilots from the shuttle-craft that crashed there brought the American government of the time fully up to date with events. A plan was devised to cover up and explain away any further sighting until 2018.









Now possessing a point of time reference, the UN Security Council and Dropas representative could bring the skulls together and preparations could begin for the defence of mankind. The seventy-one years from 1947 had been arduous but had served the Dropas well for their preparations. Fortunately mankind at least now had a head start and nearly two years to draw up worldwide plans.




Back in spring 2009, Mexico, and the start of a global pandemic which will transcend all borders and continents. Swine flu H1N1, the pandemic feared for decades by scientists and governments alike. This pandemic moves swiftly round the globe, it is extremely virulent and tenacious, lasting up to two days without a host on virtually any smooth surface, which ensures maximum transmission.


What the general public did not realise was that this was a deliberately manufactured genetic code, introduced by the Dropas, to enable mankind to immunise itself against the Annunaki viral weapon, which would be loosed in 2020.


Ever since Atlantis, the Dropas have been very careful to limit their interaction with mankind, so as not to alert the Annunaki high council to the remaining Dropas’ presence on Earth. This is why the main Dropas base was built in the Challenger Deep, seven miles beneath the waves, within the Mariana Trench.


Late in 1949, a covert Dropas advisor joined the newly formed UN Security Council to ensure the thirteen crystal skulls would be brought together in time for the specified date of 1 January 2018, and to prepare and coordinate mankind for the coming Armageddon.









Monday morning 11.00 GMT. It was a cold but very bright day in London, not an untypical New Year’s Day apart from one thing: the date line was now 2018, the climax of the coming together of the thirteen crystal skulls.


The UN Security Council members of the five nations, UK, USA, Russia, China and France, had now arrived at COBRA headquarters in London and were awaiting the arrival of the Dropas advisor to initiate procedures.




The sourcing of the thirteen skulls was a fairly easy process for the Dropas as each skull had its own tracking device. When each skull had been tracked down it was secured and replaced by an exact replica until all thirteen skulls were now safe in the hands of the Dropas, and the Security Council.


Konoco, the Dropas advisor, put the finishing gold nanowire arrangement to the centre skull, in the centre of the perfect circle of twelve outer skulls. The sense of anticipation in the darkened cabinet room was thick and so dense it was almost physical.


Konoco stood back from the skulls and started to back pace. All eyes in the room were focused on the thirteen skulls.


A low humming noise began to be emitted from the skulls, and the centre skull started to glow, a fine piercing light firing from its centre, around two feet in height and half an inch thick. Konoco made a waving motion with his left hand and pointed to the closest skull with his right hand, slowly rotating his hand till his palm was flat, and facing upwards. The beam of light from the centre skull leapt to the skull Konoco was concentrating on, and connected the two skulls in an eerie light show. The second skull then emitted a flat image in thin air of around three feet square, but with the resolution of an HD LCD television.


Konoco moved his left hand rapidly as if turning the pages in a book, and the image in the air changed accordingly, until Konoco stopped his rapid hand movements.


The members of the Security Council were transfixed.


Suddenly all thirteen skulls lit up and each emitted a beam of light. The low hum had turned into a slow pulsating sound, which was now gaining in speed and volume. All the beams of light met at around three feet in height above the centre skull.


Konoco wafted his left hand again and the image in the air disappeared and a visible pulse was emitted from where the light beams met. The pulse at first seemed to be in slow motion then accelerated at unbelievable speed in all directions.


The pulse expanded exponentially over London, Europe, and then continent to continent. The process of global enlightenment had begun.


The skulls fell silent and dimmed as Konoco turned to face the Security Council.


‘My friends, what you have just witnessed is the rebirth of mankind. The pulse emitted from the skulls that you have just seen, is a chronological code for the activation of the Dropas gene, implanted in so many humans and passed from generation to generation over centuries.


‘For a long time mankind had been aware we only use around 10 to 12 per cent of our brain power; with the activation of the Dropas gene, that figure has now risen to 70 per cent. Not everybody has the Dropas gene, probably around 10 per cent of the population, but that will be enough to give mankind a fighting chance.’


Even as Konoco spoke, two of the Security Council were already being enlightened, as slowly within the subconscious mind of the Chinese and Russian members, clarity was replacing confusion, knowledge was replacing ignorance and with such a sense of freedom that the rush was visibly overwhelming.


Lee Shingho, the Chinese member, approached Konoco with a soft knowing touch on the back of the Dropas representative and said, ‘Thank you, my friend.’


Now was the right time to put plans in place for the survival of mankind. Indeed the skulls were all that been hoped for, not just for the rebirth of mankind, but a vast data base of knowledge, everything from Dropas’ history and strategy to technical manuals for spaceships, weapons and power sources. Now with the information and people who understood how to use it the learning, building and training could begin.









Deep in space in the shadow of the far side of the moon a fleet lies in wait, watching and listening, evaluating our blue planet and the space around it. On the bridge of the Annunaki flag ship,
a large looming figure appearing deep in thought suddenly spins and in a tone so low-pitched and rough it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, barks a command to a subordinate. Standing eight feet tall with an intensely muscular frame and intimidating fire-red eyes, the supreme commander of the Annunaki fleet is truly an awesome and fearful sight.


The Annunaki are completely different from either ourselves or the Dropas, standing over eight feet tall, with greenish reptilian skin, an extremely powerful build, likened to be strong as five men, and extremely aggressive with attitude to match.




December 28. Seven days have now passed since the rout of human civilisation, with no technology left working, and a population severely weakened by viral infection, Tannacha, the supreme commander of the Annunaki fleet, is confident of a swift and decisive victory on arrival at Earth. The fleet now within a few hours of the Earth’s orbit is considerable in size. Ten battle cruisers, fifty support and troop vessels, five hundred thousand ground troops and five hundred assault craft.


The mighty prize for this fleet is 100,000 tons of pure gold, held by governments in federal reserves all over the globe.


Tannacha gave the order for the fleet to drop out of hyper-drive. Suddenly the
lurched, and veered left sharply, as a fireball enveloped the front observation window. Tannacha barked out commands one after another, then finally, ‘Full stop.’ The supreme commander had realised what happened. As they had dropped out of hyper-drive they had ended up in the middle of a huge meteor storm.


Tannacha ordered damage reports. The news was catastrophic. Four battle cruisers had been totally destroyed, and two badly damaged, but were still serviceable; seven of the support vessels had been destroyed and six badly damaged. Two hundred of the assault craft had been lost between the four destroyed battle cruisers, fifty on each. This was truly a disastrous start to the campaign. Tannacha had a hard decision to make.


The fleet now comprised six battle cruisers, forty-three troop and support vessels, three hundred assault ships and around four hundred thousand ground troops. Tannacha weighed up his options, and decided to carry on and see what damage had been done on Earth. This incident had been extremely damaging and unfortunate, and for the sake of morale it must be put behind them.




As the first of the Annunaki fleet started to take their positions in Earth’s orbit, Tannacha redirected the battle cruiser commanders to cover the change of strategy caused by the craft lost in the meteor storm. Finally all the craft came to rest in Earth’s orbit.


Earth is silent, the crackle of radio waves are nowhere to be heard. The lights of mankind’s civilisation are dim. Indeed, to all intent and purpose the blue planet appears to be comatose, just as the Annunaki intended.




An Annunaki assault vessel flashes past the bridge of the
at tremendous speed. It enters Earth’s atmosphere and heads directly towards North America’s eastern seaboard, travelling at low level, and high speed. All the Annunaki pilot can see is desolation and devastation, abandoned cars, rubbish everywhere, dead or dying bodies dotted around. No threat meets the craft in the air or on the ground. The craft stops, abruptly turns vertically on its axis and rockets spaceward.

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