Battle for the Earth (3 page)

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Authors: John P. Gledhill

BOOK: Battle for the Earth
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The report sent to Tannacha makes him smile.









Back in April 2018. A mild spring, comparatively speaking. Already a fleet was under construction to complement the countless Dropas vessels already in service. This was thanks to Blue Star Base, named after Rigel, the brightest star in the constellation of Orion.


This well-established Dropas facility on the far side of the moon consisted of manufacturing plants, mining operations, living quarters, defence structures, medical facilities and environmental habitat, in all covering fifty square miles both above and below the moon’s barren surface.


The population of this sprawling base was varied: mainly human at around 85 per cent, Dropas roughly 5 per cent, the rest being made up of Androids.


The Androids were extremely technologically advanced and the Dropas trusted them and relied on them absolutely. This brought the total population to sixty thousand in all.


The Dropas had been well prepared for the enlightenment of mankind; after all, they had centuries to prepare, build and plan.




Back on Earth preparations were also well under way. All the enlightened over the age of sixteen had been gathered for work allocation in their countries’ capitals, and at key strategic points.


A network of civil defence structures, all protected against EMP and fitted with advanced Dropas filtration and environmental systems, were under construction world wide, In actual fact the Dropas had been secretly working on the structures for decades, using advanced mining technology, in preparation for 2020. The structures were three miles beneath the surface of the Earth and when finished could hold up to seven hundred and fifty thousand people for up to six months in perfect comfort.


Thanks to Dropas mining technology the last of the structures were now being completed in months as opposed to years.




Spring had come and gone and it was the height of summer. Spacecraft of all types were now a common sight and the general public had been made fully aware of the situation mankind was facing.


The Dropas were accepted by everyone as friends who had already been with us a long time. After all we now knew for certain we are not alone, and flying saucers did exist. As for Roswell on July 8, 1947 - as they say, accidents do happen.




Konoco had been in the thick of it all, liaising with world leaders and the Dropas High Security Council. The Blue Star Fleet of the Dropas had all but been rebuilt and manned by units of the newly formed ESG, Earth Security Guard, all enlightened and Dropas trained.


Lee Shingho, the Chinese representative to the Earth Security Council, had been a constant companion and confidant to Konoco over the preceding months and was now standing beside him on the bridge of the Dropas flag-ship,
in awe of the view below him. Somehow the expression ‘blue planet’ was underselling Earth’s awesome beauty.


Konoco was awaiting the arrival of the Dropas Blue Star Fleet commander, Jumouk. Although so much had already been done in such a short time, Earth was still far from ready. There were only fourteen short months till the Annunaki would be due to set off the first of their devices in Earth’s atmosphere.




was an extremely impressive sight, a huge spaceship, in the shape of a 4,000-metre rain drop, but with all the style of a classic American sportster - smooth curves, nothing to spoil the lines or contours of the ship, soft greyish in colour and no outward signs of propulsion. There was a total of four of these impressive battle cruisers in the fleet, three of which were at Blue Star Base, leaving the
orbiting a hundred miles above Earth. It was a hub for the activities below.


Lee Shingho was startled when a firm voice behind him exclaimed.


‘Beautiful, is it not?’


Lee turned, politely agreed. Konoco bowed and acknowledged his commander.


‘I think you will find that the latest shipment from Blue Star Base on the dark side has arrived, Konoco.’


Jumouk then turned to Lee. ‘Lee, may I speak with you a moment? I have a concern.’


Konoco made his excuses and left. Jumouk continued, ‘I don’t like the idea of leaving the Annunaki devices orbiting Earth.’


‘I totally agree, but if they are moved the trackers attached to them will alert the Annunaki, which could jeopardise our element of surprise. Besides, I may have an idea that will render them totally safe. Trust me, Jumouk, I won’t put anyone at risk unnecessarily.’


Jumouk relented. Lee had been enlightened and had shown the most promise of all enlightened mankind, which made him the natural choice as commander of the Earth Security Guard, and this had already proved to be a good choice. He had mastered the tough training courses the Dropas had introduced, including flight training, easily and within half the normal time.




Konoco studied the latest shipment from the Blue Star Base, a consignment of powerful pulse weapons, destined for ground troops of the Earth Security Guard, based on Earth. These weapons were just entering the strict Dropas quality control area before continuing their journey to Earth.


Konoco moved on to the quality control firing range. He stood and pondered, as he watched the pulse weapons being discharged down the range at the three-dimensional targets. Things appeared to be going well, very well.




Back on Earth things could not be going more smoothly. Already, although only December, enough structures had been built to house all Earth’s non-combatants safely, and construction had started on the surface of the planet for the fortification of major cities.


The Dropas had a long time to prepare a strategic defence of Earth and also had an excellent knowledge of Earth’s terrain both on land and beneath the seas. After all, they had been traversing them for years as UFOs, and USOs, Unidentified Flying Objects and Unidentified Submerged Objects.


Although the Dropas were not a naturally warring species, they were exceptionally adaptable. They were also excellent planners and engineers.









On Earth there were to be two lines of defence, land based and water based. The first point of the Annunaki attack would be over land, aimed at strategic cities and landmarks. It made sense to have the main fire power defending these points, so a defence pod was designed and put into production on the lunar base.


Two hundred of these fearsome pods had just arrived by transporters in North America. The pods themselves were self-contained, manned by Dropas Androids, and full of EMP-protected technology. The fire power was awesome and devastating, even to the Annunaki craft. These pods would be positioned on approaches to specific targets, two pods for the defence of each of a hundred targets selected.


This defence strategy would be repeated on a continental scale. The pods themselves were made from an energy-absorbing mineral found only deep within the moon’s crust which made them extremely resilient to weapons’ fire. As far as the Dropas were aware, the Annunaki had no such technology available to them. Even with that said, the pods were, in the scheme of things, made to be expendable, which is why they were manned with Androids, not ESG troopers.


To reinforce the pods, bunkers would be built from the same material and positioned around the pods. These bunkers would be manned by twenty-five ESG troopers and twenty-five Android troopers, all armed to the teeth.


A second line of defence was being planned by the ESG in the form of airborne mines, which could be released from cities and hover above the city anywhere from a hundred feet to a mile high, all remotely controlled by ESG troopers on the ground. The mines themselves were relatively quite small, but could easily disable an Annunaki craft.


Konoco had just been made aware of the arrival of the pods and decided to come to the planet surface to see the installation of one himself.




The departure deck of the
was unusually quiet as Konoco entered a small shuttle to travel down to Earth. The pilot greeted Konoco with a smile and commented, ‘Not much going on today sir.’


Konoco nodded in agreement and sat down.


‘Sorry for the delay, sir. Just waiting for one more passenger booked on board.’


Konoco sat up abruptly as Lee entered the craft.


‘I wasn’t expecting you to come along as well, Lee.’


Lee shrugged his shoulders.


‘Not much else going on, don’t know why it’s so quiet.’


They both sat back and relaxed as the shuttle silently left the docking bay.




The flight to area 11, which was called Earth Base Central, took only ten minutes. As Konoco and Lee departed the shuttle, they thanked the pilot and both turned towards the construction site, Lee’s jaw dropped in awe. A huge pod towered in front of him. Yes, he had seen the plans for the pods, but this had not prepared him for the sight he was witnessing.


The pod was already in place and was being fine-tuned by technicians from the ESG. The appearance of the pod was gold/green in colour and it stood a good thirty feet high, with a base of around sixty feet square and tapering up pyramid style. No apertures were visible, just hundreds of multi-function pulse weapons.


Lee thought to himself: the Annunaki don’t stand a chance against this. Konoco made himself known to the technician in charge and asked if the second pod had been put in position yet. It had and what’s more, this pod was just about finished. Lee was still wandering around the pod in disbelief, muttering to himself.


Just a few hundred yards away was a major construction site for the main Earth Base Central; all the Dropas mining and technical know-how were going into this base, and it was progressing well.


Konoco caught up with Lee and put a reassuring arm around his shoulder.


‘It couldn’t be going better, my friend. I just wonder what’s going to go wrong. It can’t be this easy, can it?’


Konoco had been in human contact for so long that he had picked up a lot of human idiosyncrasies. Truth be known, he was quietly proud of his human side.




Back on board the
Jumouk was watching a series of digital displays, wafting his left hand and using a poking motion with his right hand. He seemed particularly interested in one display, which showed a craft rapidly approaching Jupiter, only ten or fifteen minutes at most from Earth. This could be disastrous for the element of surprise against the Annunaki.


Like bolts of lightning two Dropas manned assault craft shot from the shadows of the moon, both on an interception course for the unknown craft. This would be a real test of the new Dropas technology as Dropas and Annunaki had not met in battle in millennia.


Within minutes the craft had indeed been identified as Annunaki. Time was now at a premium. One of the Dropas craft kept dead on course for the Annunaki craft, the other went straight to hyper-drive for a fraction of a second, placing it directly behind the enemy craft, and cutting off any chance of escape.


With lightning reflexes the Dropas assault vessel had spun on its axis, coming out of hyper-space, and with the accuracy of a hawk snatching a field mouse, unleashed a deadly volley from its pulse weapon. The Annunaki pilot didn’t stand a chance as his craft disintegrated into particles in space.


Jumouk smiled warmly. This incident had answered two pressing questions for him. How would the new assault ships fair against the Annunaki craft, and were our pilots battle ready? Both questions had now been answered and the prognosis was excellent.




By February 2020 all the land-based fortifications were in place and had been fully tested by the Dropas flight commanders with their assault ships, running a minimum of three raids a day over the fortifications.


The emphasis was now on seaward defence. Fortunately, all around the world the Dropas over the centuries had constructed multiple underwater bases. The particular benefit of these bases are total secrecy and freedom of movement underwater, allowing Dropas USOs to shadow ships and submarines in certain knowledge of not being identified.


These bases could now be used for troop dispersion and repair stations for damaged Dropas craft. By May 2020 all the required bases had been converted to suit their new purpose: in all seventy-five bases worldwide of all shapes and sizes.




On board the
Jumouk and Konoco were deep in discussion. Konoco was concerned about the ESG and their readiness for the battle ahead.


‘Would it be prudent to increase the training schedules especially for the pilots?’


Jumouk shook his head. ‘I don’t think so. We are already working them harder than we should, and besides the progress till now has been more than we could have hoped for.’


There was a soft knock at the door.




Jumouk’s day had been long and hard, it showed in his weary voice. The door slid open and Lee entered cautiously. He knew they had been discussing the ESG. Jumouk invited him to sit down.


The conference room was luxurious to say the least, all fitted out in the best of taste, with pile carpets, leather chairs and subdued lighting. Konoco acknowledged Lee, then stood up, made his excuses and left. Jumouk relaxed back in his chair and smiled.

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