BBW ROMANCE: BWWM Romance: A Cowboy’s Southern Comfort (Military Cowboy Pregnancy Romance) (Interracial Army Contemporary Fantasy Romance Short Stories) (33 page)

BOOK: BBW ROMANCE: BWWM Romance: A Cowboy’s Southern Comfort (Military Cowboy Pregnancy Romance) (Interracial Army Contemporary Fantasy Romance Short Stories)
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This isn't the first time Joseph has done this, the past few weeks have been full of these shenanigans. First it was the flowers, he sent them every day for two weeks, then he sent chocolates and cards, he even sent me tickets to amusement parks to take my kid. In a final bid to avoid him and move on with my life I decided to move out of town and here he was again, this time he presents me with an enormously huge stuffed bear. "This is it" I tell myself as I make my way towards my bedroom for privacy.

I block my number and call Joseph, he does not answer. "We need to talk" I text him. "Does this mean I get to see Mia?" Ayden asks excitedly as we drive to Joseph's house. "Just for a little bit" I respond trying to hide the anxiety I feel. I imagine what I'm going to tell him and try my hardest to remind myself to remain assertive. When we pull up to the driveway Joseph and Mia are already outside tossing a football back and forth. Once again, Joseph is being his typical self and using the children as leverage in the situation.

"Yes, our kids get along great, however, it does not change the facts” I remind myself as I get out of my car. We're finally face to face and I can see the excitement and hurt in his eyes, Joseph, looks conflicted. We make our way inside without uttering a word to one another. "You two go in the backyard" I hear Joseph tell the kids as I follow him inside his extravagant home.

"Let's go upstairs?" he suggests, "It will be more private, there's a lot I need to discuss with you" he pauses briefly, his eyes piercing into mine.

I do not skip a beat, "Let's go then" I agree, ready to finally, hopefully, get some closure. He offers me a drink when we get to the top of the stairs, "No, thank you" I reply dryly. He shuts the door behind us and begins his tirade, "Kayla Woods, I love you" he begins, "I don't know what I possibly did wrong" his voice breaks a bit. He looks at me and I can see the hurt in his eyes. "I just don't know why you felt you had to just up and leave like that" he continued, without giving me a chance to respond.

I feel frozen, the emotion he conveys is overwhelming and I feel compelled to just sit quietly and listen to what he has to say.

He softens his tone and continues, "Monica is gone, was that the problem?" he asks me, his eyes searching mine for an answer. I begin to reply but am cut off, "I know I'm not perfect Kayla" this time his voice quivers and he is looking right into my eyes, "I love you and your son. I love Ayden as if he were my own. Do you not see that? How I carry myself, my persona, it's all an act. I have to be this way, I have to be respected by my peers, do you understand that?" he stares at me intently and suddenly I feel like a child being scolded. "I need to show you something" he gets up and makes his way towards another room, I follow curiously.


We enter his bedroom, it's impressive, clean and nicely lit. I can tell he put a lot of thought into this. The lights are dimmed and suddenly I feel Joseph's hot breath on my neck, "You thought you were going to leave without saying goodbye properly" he whispered into my neck rubbing his hands over my body. I am taken by surprise and can only let out an unintentional deep sigh. I hear the sound of his zipper coming undone, he shoves his hands down my lacy panties and I find myself instantly aroused.

"Joseph, the kids..." I am interrupted by his lips on mine, "the kids are having a good time, don't be a kill joy and spoil their fun babe." he whispers into my ear leaving a trail of kisses behind him. He pushes me onto his king sized bed, "Joseph...I can't..." I begin to protest again but we both know how badly our bodies have been aching for one another. Truthfully I craved his touch, the way his hands explored my body sent me into shivers. "The kids aren't worried about us, your son is too busy having the time of his life playing video games and you, you're all mine tonight. You have no excuses."

I can hear the smile in his voice and am in no mood to object, his throbbing manhood pressed firmly against my behind. I feel myself becoming wetter and wetter as the seconds pass. Joseph pulls down my pants and slowly begins kissing my inner thighs, rubbing the length of both with his big hands. "Looks like you're nice and ready for me" he comments as he brings his face in closer to my sweet spot. He begins devouring me, licking up all of my sweet nectar eager to leave not any part of me untouched by his tongue.

His tongue traces back around as if he wants to suck out of me all I can give him, his enthusiasm arouses me even more and before I know it I am bucking my hips back at him trying desperately not to be too loud. "You don't even know how bad I've wanted you all this time you've been hiding from me" he tells me but I cannot respond my body feels as though it is on fire, he puts his mouth back on me and begins to suck again. Joseph parts my lips and pushes them apart again, he slowly and methodically sucks me into his mouth and strokes his tongue around my clit.

I can't contain myself any long and let out a loud moan. "I knew you couldn't stay mad at me for too long" he teases as he makes his way on top of me. Before I can gain my composure, I feel the head of his throbbing, hard, cock and grab his long shaft positioning it towards my dripping wet entrance. Joseph beings to slowly push his way inside of me, inspiring another moan from me. "Are you still upset at me?" he whispers through his own moans of pleasure.

"Jos-..." I cannot even finish my sentence, I am so overwhelmed by the intensity of him being so deeply inside me, he pushes deeper and I have no choice but to hold onto the silk sheets. I hold on tight as he begins to pump in and out of me, the intensity increasing with each thrust. I can feel my lips parting as he pulls in and out of me. I can feel his immense rod stretching my tight little hole to accommodate his incredible size, his hot gasps against my neck as he increases speed and intensity. I can tell he's enjoying himself just as much as I am. Joseph grabs a small fistful of my hair and whispers into my ear "I want this all the time, every day."


Joseph grips my waist tighter and at this point I am holding onto the mattress trying to keep my body in one place as he continues to pump in and out of me. His eyes meet mine never breaking contact. I cannot think the only thing on my mind is how good he feels inside of me I am so lost and overwhelmed in the moment. I feel Josephs balls hitting my behind with every thrust. He is so deep inside of me, so in control and I surrender my body to the sensations.

Joseph, grabs my ankles and places them over his shoulders, I let out a loud moan as he is now the deepest he's ever been and pounding away like a madman, I do not object, the feeling is so powerful all I can do is gasp and moan in response. I bury my face into his shoulder, my cries muffled by his skin. Joseph continues to drill himself in and out of me, working my body and stretching me in ways I've never encountered before.

Joseph lets out a deep moan in my ear and I can feel him reaching his climax, my tight little hole tightens in response and feeling the intensity of him getting his inspires the beginning of my own orgasm. With one final pump I feel Joseph let out his hot sticky load inside of me. I instantly cum all over him when I feel him unload his warm sperm inside of me. He collapses on top of me, both of us breathless and panting. I cannot bring myself to move and neither can he, we are both just so high from the sensation, physically overwhelmed by the intensity of our love making.

"Kayla, I just want to let you know, that I never meant you any harm" Joseph tells me while holding me close. He brushes my hair back and kisses my hand. "I never want to have to live without you" he tells me his eyes look into mine intently. Looking into his eyes feels different this time, it feels right. His whole vibe towards me feels different and I find myself embracing the feeling of being in his arms, I feel safe and loved.

"What is it that you wanted to show me?" I ask him changing the subject. "About that" he responds as he gets out of bed quickly and runs to his closet. He returns holding a small box it doesn't register to me what it could possibly be until he is right in front of me. I feel my heart pounding in my chest, I hear my heart pounding in my head. "This can't be happening" I keep thinking to myself as he gets back into bed with me. He pulls me close and cuddles my body against his.

Joseph grabs my face from behind and gives me a deep kiss. His hand searches for mine under the covers and I feel him slide something onto my ring finger. I know what it is but my mind is in shock. "I never want to be without you again Kayla and if it's okay with you, I want us to spend the rest of our lives together." I look at the beautiful ring on my finger and look deeply into Joseph's eyes. My look is an answer enough for him, "I'll never be without you again" he tells me and I know he means it.



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The Duke’s P
regnant Seamstress
By Samantha Forest

It wasn’t the kind of rain that pounded on the rooftops, but the drizzle was just enough to be annoying and impair her sight. As Jacqueline Baker huddled in the doorway of the seamstress shop, she contemplated her options. Actually, rather than contemplate, she was trying to decide if she had more than one option. And that one option was to dash out in the rain and try to make it home as quickly as possible.

It was less than a mile to the small room that she rented above the bookstore, but that distance would be miserable if she had to make it soaking wet. Already the bottoms of her skirt were wet. Once the rain soaked through to her petticoat, she’d be dragging all that extra weight down the road.

But there wasn’t much of another option. Madam Costella was already giving her the evil eye from behind the counter. She and her husband ran the seamstress and cloth shop together, and they did not approve of Jackie’s status as a single and independent woman. In fact, since she’d moved, the only person in town who had not given her a hard time was her landlord. Mr. Towson had five daughters of his own, and he didn’t even bat an eye when Jackie turned up last month alone but with enough money to pay three months rent.

Jackie had tried marriage. At the tender age of eighteen, she’d married the man her father had thought would be appropriate. Her husband, Charles Baker, was an older man who was drunk more than he was sober, and the more he drank, the meaner he became. She endured the marriage for two years before he died. Charles had two children from a previous marriage that were older than her, and they received his fortunes upon his death. Lucky for her, his children were not drunk and mean. They gave her a tidy sum from his estate to tide her over until she married again.

But Jackie would not marry again. Instead, she moved and decided to start over fresh. She knew her sewing skills would take her far, and even the Costella’s could not deny her talents. They disapproved of her independent lifestyle, but they were not daft enough to turn her away. They hired her on a moderate salary, and it was enough to pay her lodging and tuck some away for the future. All in all, she was satisfied with her new life.

Madam Costella had a carriage, but she would never offer Jackie a ride home. The shops and lodging to the east, where Jackie resided, were far too poor for the shop owner’s taste. So Jackie strengthened her resolve and dashed out into the street. Clutching her belongings under her arm, she put one hand over her face as she bent her head and fought against the drizzle. The cold air nipped at her wet skin, and within minutes she was just as miserable as she predicted.

The sun had long set, and few people were out milling around in this weather. So when she heard the shout down a darkened alley, she slowed her pace. Peering around the corner of the building, she narrowed her eyes and waited.

“Give us your money!”

A robbery! She pressed herself against the wall of the building and held her breath. Some poor soul was getting robbed right under her nose. If she hurried, she could probably pass the opening unnoticed. But could she live the guilt of turning her back?

Eavesdropping, she counted two muggers and one male victim. She didn’t have much strength to fight two muggers, but she could sound the alarm. Jackie doubted that anyone was around to hear her, but she was counting on the robbers not to realize that.

“Help!’ she screamed. “Somebody help. You there! Fetch the constable! Someone is being robbed!”

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