Bearing It All (Grizzly Affairs Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Bearing It All (Grizzly Affairs Book 1)
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“Take a good look. I no more held her prisoner than you are right now. I was just hired to come after her and once I handed her back over, I would be granted my freedom.”

“Freedom?” Mark inquired as he and Robert came up beside Aria. “What do you mean freedom?”

Turning his glare to Mark, the man lifted his chin. “Cut open my shirt.”

Crouching down, Mark gripped the neckline of the man's dark t-shirt. Jerking the material apart, he ripped the shirt down to his navel. Pulling the edges apart he revealed a thick bandage soaked in blood near his collar bone, but that wasn't what caught his eye. In the center of his chest was a piece of metal embedded in his skin. The size of a quarter, the thick bulb shaped metal gave off a slow red blinking over and over.

“What the hell is that?” Robert asked in awe while taking a step back.

“It's my own personal dog collar. It can send up to a thousand volts of electricity into my chest. Malca's own personal way of controlling her subjects. If I were to try to run—
.” Tilting his chin at her metallic cuffs, he addressed her. “Just like those. How do you think we found you?”

Looking down at the evidence of her captivity, she glared down at him with clenched fists. “Why didn't she just kill me then?”

Laughing, he shook his head. “If she wanted you dead, you would have been dead when you were shot at while escaping. Just like me, you've breached. Meaning you're too valuable to kill— at least for now.”

“Breached?” Doyle mumbled in confusion as he glanced at Aria. Her face was impassive, giving nothing away. Without a word, he watched as she turned away and disappeared into the bedroom. Her silence left Doyle feeling cold. He needed to get to the bottom of her secrets. Regardless of what the outcome may mean for both of them.

Turning back to the kneeling captive, Doyle crouched down to his level. “Tell me what I want to know and I may be able to help you.”

Scoffing dismissively, he spit a wad of blood out of his mouth before glaring up at Doyle. “You think any of you has a chance to bring her down?” He laughed. “This is so much bigger than you and you won't get anything else out of me.” Growling in frustration, Doyle turned his furious attention on Mark.

Before Mark had been a simple small town sheriff, he'd served in the Shifter Secret Forces. The S.S.F was a secret division within the government that allowed shifters to put their superior abilities to good use. This allowed shifters to work alongside humans to keep their country safe. His job in the S.S.F. had been hostile interrogation. If anyone could get this guy to talk it would be him.

“Mark.” With just saying his name, Mark's quite eyes met his.

With a grim expression, Mark nodded in agreement. He knew that Mark would rather put those days of torture behind him. It was no easy thing that he was asking. But he couldn't risk letting his grizzly temper getting the best of him. The fact was he needed someone that could get the information with the most effective methods.

“Give me some time alone with him. I'll see what I can get.”

Turning to the bedroom, Doyle barely remembered taking a step forward until he found himself standing at the threshold. Aria sat on the bed with her head held in her hands. The scent of pain floated about the room. Whether it was getting attacked or her frequent headaches, he didn't know. But he intended to find out.

“Are you alright?” He asked from the doorway. His first impulse was to go to her and hold her close. But everything in her expression and posture told him to give her space.

Dropping her hands, she shook her head. “No. I don't think so.” Turning her head to look out the window was all the invitation Doyle received. Nevertheless, he went to her. The bed groaned under his heavy weight as he settled next to her.

Her hands dropped from their position like dead weight. Glancing at her face, Doyle's grizzly groaned in concern. A small trail of blood ran from her nose. The crimson line fell over her lips and chin until the ruby drop hit the hard wood floor below. Reaching forward, his gentle hand smoothed away the blood trail with a worried look. Was she sick?

“Aria, I need to know what is going on.” When her eyes seemed to daze, gripping her upper arms, he helped her to lay flat against the mattress. Lying back beside her, he glanced over cautiously watching her. Doyle propped his head on his hand, waiting for her to speak. Her breaths seemed to come out in heavy pants, As if the next breath she took required an immense amount of strength.

“I think...” slowly releasing a breath, she struggled weakly to pull another in. “I think I'm dying.”






Dying? What did she mean by that? Figuratively, right?
His bear groaned, worried.

Doyle felt his heart stop dead in his chest as her cold words sunk in. No, it wasn't possible. Shifters could smell death--hell; they could even smell any illness know to man on any humans. Aria didn't possess a bitter scent of death or illness. Fear was beginning to settle deep in his tight chest. Should he rush her to the pack's physician? Leaning closer, his hand tenderly caressed her cold forehead. At the feel of his touch, she looked up at him with tired eyes.

“Tell me.” He urged, unsure what to do to help his mate. “Let me help you. Tell me what I need to know.”

“You can'” she whispered. Breathing was becoming harder and harder to do.

Desperation gripped him. “Tell me.”

Closing her eyes as she pulled in another shaking breath, her blue eyes looked up at him. “I don't know who I am.” ignoring Doyle's confused expression, she continued. “Three years ago I was kidnapped off the street and woke up in a cell. At first I thought I was in a hospital. But I wasn't.”

“What? Where were you?”

“I don't know. It was some type of lab. Ever since that day, I've been nothing more than a lab rat. I was subjected to torture and experiments everyday for the past three years.  A few nights ago I escaped and every hour since I've promised myself I won't go back to that. Malca is the head of the whole thing.”

“I will protect you and I will kill this Malca to do so.”

“Malca is a government scientist. She is untouchable. I wasn't the only one they were doing this to, Doyle.”

“What did they do to you?” Though he needed to know the answer, he dreaded the answer that would be forthcoming.

“I was given experimental enhancement injections. They were meant to make soldiers better killing machines. Instead; I think it's killing me. Ever since you found me it's felt like my skull is splitting and will explode.”

“Why didn't you tell me?” he breathed out ruefully.

“Malca is government funded. She boasted about it all the time. She can't be touched and will do anything to keep what she's doing a secret. I couldn't tell you without endangering you.” Slowly she tried to sit up. For once she was grateful to have Doyle to lean onto as he moved closer. At his look of concern she smiled softly as she whispered, “I'm alright now. Its lessening.” her hand reached up to rub absently at her sore temples.

Seeking to lighten the tension, Doyle smirked down at her. “So, I guess this means you love me, huh?” he teased. Aria's eyebrow rose at his teasing words.

“What are you talking about?” the pressure in her head had graciously lessened and allowed her to breathe a sigh of relief for a moment. But the pain was still there, hiding in the dark corners of her mind. His very presence seemed to help her to lessen the burden of it.

As he crowded into her space he smirked down at her with mocking humor. “Think about it. You didn't tell me to protect me any of this because you love me. And here I was thinking you would have more self-control.” He said mockingly.

She scoffed. “I never said that I loved you.” Scooting away from him as much as she could without falling out of the bed, she glared back at him. “I don't think you are taking this seriously.”

“I am. Just as I am serious about the fact that I love you, as well as protecting you and eliminating this threat.” he stated smugly with a cocky nod of his head.

There had to be no stranger way of being told someone loved you than that. Did she love him? No, she couldn't possibly. Fondness—maybe, But she wasn't about to admit that she loved him.

A shout of pain from the living room broke through her thoughts causing her eyes to jump towards the door. More than anything she wanted to shut out the pain filled cry's from her attacker but it was a necessary evil she had to reluctantly accept.

“Do you remember where this lab was that you ran away from?” Doyle inquired, gently pulling his mate into the shelter of his arms.

“I don't think so. All I remember is running for hours and then finding that cave. Besides; where I was held was just one of many places that Malca must have done her experiments.”

“We'll find out the truth one way or another and bring this to an end.” His fierce words promised as his hands rubbed in comforting circles over her back.

“What do you plan to do?” she asked, allowing herself to relax and rest her head over his beating heart. Inhaling she drew his scent deep inside her. If only they could stay just as they were right in that moment. Forget about Malca and the others in the next room. Forget everything except for themselves for hours and hours to come.

“Destroy this threat to you and keep you hidden and protected until then.”

Rolling her eyes, she scoffed in an unrefined way. They were back to that old penny again? When would he accept that she could handle herself? She wasn't some housewife to stay behind while the man went off to work. She was a modern day Xena not some June Cleaver.

Eyes blazing, she responded cryptically, “We'll see about that.”

Glancing down at her, Doyle opened his mouth to disagree but was silenced when she stretched up and pressed her velvet lips against his. She knew it was a cheap trick to play. But she'd be damned if she'd listen to another ‘
me man, you woman’
speech for the second time today.

Doyle instantly took command of the kiss. Moving his mouth against her, he coaxed her to open beneath his seeking lips. As her stomach clenched painfully with heated yearning she gasped into his lips as his hands moved up to tug at her soft locks. Without hesitation, Doyle flicked his tongue against hers, drawing a soft moan from her flushed lips.

“Excuse me?” Mark interrupted, loudly clearing his throat as he came upon the titillating embraced couple. Doyle's hands tightened on Aria's loose hair. He held her still until he was completely through loving her undeniable lips. Allowing his hands fall away, Doyle drew away from Aria with a look of satisfaction as she gazed at him with flushed lips and veiled eyes.

Doyle released a heavy sigh as he struggled to reign in his desire for his mate.

Good luck with that...

Gritting his teeth against his bear's smug thoughts, he turned to face Mark's weary expression. “What is it?”

Rubbing a bloody hand down his bleak face, Mark shrugged his shoulders. “I've done all I can. He's got three broken fingers and a dislocated shoulder. He still won't say anything. I don't think we'll be getting anything out of him.”

Growling in rage, Doyle stood to his feet and began to pace back and forth. This man had to tell them something! Without information he was condemning Aria to life without hope, on the run and in fear. No! He wouldn't accept this! There had to be a way to get what information they needed out of his stubborn lips. “Try again!” He snapped out, as he stepped menacingly toward Mark.

Not about to back down, Mark's eyes narrowed as he took an equally threatening step forward. “There is nothing more I can do without killing him!” Mark stated earnestly. “Unless you find a way to force him to talk against his will—we have nothing!” Mark bit out in anger.

Didn't they? Turning to look at Aria, Doyle felt his world turn slowly. Aria could convince their prisoner to talk. She was the only one that could make him talk. But would she forgive him for asking her to and revealing her secret, a secret that she wouldn't even admit to herself?

“We may be able to do that...” Doyle murmured softly to Mark. His eyes turned to look purposely at Aria.


* ~ * ~ *


Sitting still as a stone on the edge of the bed, Aria watched as Doyle paced back and forth. Each step he took echoed his frustration and anger. The muscles in his thick arms and hands tightened. He seemed desperate for a solid enemy to do battle against. Turning toward Mark with fists clenching he ordered him to “Try again!” The sound of his voice made the very walls of his home shutter.

Glancing out the window, she focused on the still silence in the snowy distance. The sun barely remained in sight over the horizon; the darkening sky was painted with bright orange, pink and a mixture of blue and purple. The remaining light reflected off the snow, creating a blinding sight that held her eyes.

Listening to Mark's voice but not really focusing on what he was saying, she felt her thoughts drifting. If they couldn't get the information they needed, what hope did they have in standing a chance against Malca? She could run, but for how long. If she was truly dying from the injections she received, surely Malca would know how to reverse it?

Her attacker's previous words echoed in her mind like thunder across the heavens.
“You've breached...”
Did he know something that she didn't? Could it be the cause of the headaches and nose bleeds?

Suddenly the room seemed quiet. Glancing back she saw that both Doyle and Mark were studying her silently. While Mark looked confused, Doyle looked pensive. This must be what it feels like to be an animal in a zoo.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked a little uncomfortable. Standing on her feet she moved to put some comforting space between the three of them. Shoving at the golden mass that fell along her face, she watched as Mark went to lean against the doorway at Doyle's silent nod. Slowly taking a step towards her, Doyle looked over her confused face with a look of purpose.

“There's one chance to get the information we need to keep you safe and end all of this.”

She looked expectantly at him, waiting for him to continue. When he just continued to stare at her, she asked, “What is it?”

“Do you remember the day we first met? You touched me and made me leave the cabin for a short time?”

Rolling her eyes, she shook her head. “I didn't make you do anything. That was all you. You left on your own.” she insisted. Why did he think she could make him do something against his will? Force a fearsome grizzly shifter to leave his own home against his will?
Yeah, sure....

Moving forward to grip her shoulders, he nodded his head insistently. “You did. Think about it. How else do you think you sent me from your side? Do you think it is easy to get a shifter—a grizzly shifter at that, away from their newly found mate? But you did. Is there any possibility that when you were captured you were somehow altered?”

Her eyes widened with fear. It wasn’t possible…was it? The more he said the more she could see the changes in herself. The first day, after she'd told him to get as far from her as he could. The pressure in her skull had immediately eased. What had Malca done to her? She really was a freak.

“Don't say that!” He snarled out. He refused to allow others to speak about her in such a way and he wouldn't allow her to do it herself.

  She flinched back, realizing that she'd spoke her thoughts aloud. “Even if what you say is true —not that I’m saying it is. How can that help us?”

“Force him to talk.” he indicated to the other room. “Command him to tell you everything we need to know. It's the only option we have left.”

Admitting that she believed him was never going to happen. There was no way she was anything but a normal, boring human, right? But if this was their only option left, what could it hurt to try? She was willing to coax anything out of their captive as long as she got the chance to see the same fear in Malca's eyes that she had put in so many innocents.

Nodding her head, she covered one of his hands with her own. “I'll try.”

Bending down, he pressed his lips lightly against hers as he breathed out, “Thank you.”

Edging away from his position in the doorway, Mark glanced at them both with doubt as she walked past him. “I hope you're right about this, Doyle.”


* ~ * ~ *


She walked into the living room with slow, unhurried steps. Her eyes fell on the bleeding captive in the center of the room. He looked even paler than he had before. Pain reflected in his eyes, while his face was like carved stone. He gave nothing away. Upon seeing her walk into the room, his black eyes narrowed to thin slits. He knew she was their Hail Mary and he wasn't about to be more cooperative than he already had been.

Crossing the room to stand before him, going down on her knees, she lowered herself down to his level. Pulling her free flowing hair over her shoulder and out of her face, her eyes bore into his. She had not the slightest idea how—if this gift even did work. Was she supposed to just stare at him and tell him what to do? Or should she be touching him like she had with Doyle?

Taking a deep breath she hardened her gaze. “Tell us where Malca is.” much to her relief her voice came out unwavering.

“No.” Aria was taken aback by his response. It didn't work? Instantly she felt a stabbing pain hit her with the force of a Mac truck. Falling backward, she curled on her side. Her hands reached up to clutch at the sides of her skull in agony. A wild fire burned through her skull. Through the pain she felt Doyle's hands on her while hearing a note of concern in Mark and Robert's voices. The man in front of her scoffed at her pain and inability to use her power.

“She said you were worth more alive than dead? What a joke! You've breached and you cannot even draw on it. What a waste.”

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