Bearing It All (Grizzly Affairs Book 1)

BOOK: Bearing It All (Grizzly Affairs Book 1)
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Bearing It All


Grizzly Affairs: Book 1


Magenta Phoenix














Special Thanks

























: Erotic Romance Paranormal Romance

Bearing It All: Grizzly Affairs Book 1

Smashwords Edition

Copyright © 2015 by Magenta Phoenix

First E-Book Published April 2015

Cover Design by Melody Simmons

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission from the author.

All characters, places, and events in this book are fictitious or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations are strictly coincidental.

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Special Thanks


To my mom, who has always encouraged me to follow my dreams no matter how absurd they may seem to others.

To my mentor S.E. Smith, I want to thank you for answering all my thousands of questions and all your help.

To my beta readers; thank you so much for all your input and help, without you this book wouldn’t have been possible.




Oblivion was a blessing. The blackness she’d endured over the past three years seemed safer than being conscious. Keeping her breathing even, Aria tried to get a sense of where she was at that moment. The room was devoid of any noise. Shifting her hands, her heart raced as she felt the terrifying familiar restraints circling her wrists. Looking down she breathed a sigh of relief that this time that she remained in her clothes.

She tensed with apprehension as a metallic scraping signaled the opening of the exam room door. The sound of clicking heels immediately followed as she realized that she was no longer alone. Tightening her hands into tight fists, she tried once more to jerk her hands free, but her bonds held firm.

“Open your eyes.” The cold voice demanded from beside her.

Squeezing her eyes tightly shut, praying to keep them from opening again, she flinched as she heard an instrument tray being moved closer. If she was to have any say in how she left this horrendous existence, she wouldn’t make it easy on her captor. She tried to jerk her face away as rubber encased hands gripped her chin roughly. The same strong fingers moved to pry her eyes open as a pen light was shined into them. When the cold hands released her, she breathed a sigh of relief as her captor moved away.

She would give anything just to feel sunlight upon her face and breathe in free air for just a moment. Here there was neither sunshine nor
air. Instead was the endless torment she was forced to live through these past three years. She couldn’t even remember a time when she wasn’t imprisoned or anything else for that matter.

The only reason she knew her name—if it was even her real name at all, was because of her tormentors. She couldn’t even remember the names of any friends or family that she may have possessed before her captivity. There was nothing before waking up in a place looking as if it were a prison and hospital combined. Day after day she heard cries for help outside her cell, reminding her that she wasn’t alone and that she was just as helpless as everyone else.

The rooms were all locked by electronic card readers, making escaping impossible. Her prison consisted of a small cot on the floor and a toilet. The only clothes she was given was a simple pair of gray cotton pants and shirt accompanied with twin electric bracelets around her wrists. Disobedience was dealt with through the form of painful doses of electricity.

Every morning a recording would play through the overhead speaker in her cell. The unnaturally calm female voice would thank her for volunteering and helping them in the pursuit of healing people. Creating more resistance to pain and injury, increased strength and enhancing mental capabilities. Everyday her present examiner, Dr. Malca was accompanied by two menacing soldiers, forcing her to endure countless tests and injections. After being punished countless times by her bracelets for resisting, she learned it was safer to just give in.

Today would be different. Today she would escape or die trying. She would not die a mindless captive to a sadistic doctor. She refused to give in to the fear that began to choke her and had always held her from fighting back. Slowly opening her eyes, she looked over at Malca. The doctor was a thin woman in her prime. Her face was a calculating and emotionless mask as she peered over the pages of a file. As a doctor she looked the role with her white lab coat and latex covered hands. Her medium length, curly hair was mostly silver and white and always pulled back in a high bun.

Snapping the file closed, Malca turned her cold eyes onto Aria’s. Laying down her pen, she reached into the pocket of her lab coat. Withdrawing a small thin remote, Aria recognized it as the remote to her electric cuffs. Malca wouldn’t hesitate to use it if she was uncooperative.

“How are you responding to the injections from last night?” Malca’s snooty voice asked as though Aria was an animal to be studied. “Have you experienced any dizziness, nausea, pain, or any changes in strength?”

“No.” She answered, refusing to give any answer beyond that one word. Watching as though in slow motion as Malca pressed the button on the thin plastic in her hands, Aria tensed before the electricity even hit her. The pain washed over her as the current shot up her arms and down her spine, causing her to clench her teeth together as her toes curled.

“Please be more descriptive.”

As the pain faded, she glared up at her tormentor; she would not give her the satisfaction of seeing the tears of pain that were gathering behind her eyes. Dropping the remote back into her pocket, Malca turned and headed to the nearby medicine cabinet. Releasing a tired breath, her hands pulled out a syringe and a thin silver vial that she recognized instantly from her daily injections. While filling the syringe, the meticulous doctor returned to her side.

“Fighting this process will not help you, Aria.” Testing the syringe, Malca stared down at her with usual unfeeling eyes. Gripping her long golden locks, Malca brutally jerked her face to the side as before jabbing the needle into her neck and pushing the plunger.

She fought to hold it together as the burning liquid was forced into her vein. The truth was; she was experiencing changes. She was weaker then she had ever been. Deep down she knew whatever Malca had been injecting her with was slowly killing her. Every day she suffered from the worst nose bleeds, dizziness and headaches she’d every experience. No more. If she was to die, it wouldn’t be by Malca’s choosing.

Withdrawing the needle, Malca tossed the syringe and empty vial into a trash can before turning back to the examination table. “I gave you a stronger dose of the serum that all the tests subjects are receiving. Hopefully your results will yield more satisfying results. You should feel a little dizzy but it should pass once you are taken back to your room.” Walking to an intercom Malca whispered something into the speaker before turning back to Aria.

“Your escort will be with us in a second, please be patient.” Walking back to the table, Malca leaned over and released the restraints around her wrists with confidence that she posed no threat. Easing up, her head swam as a tight pressure began to build in her head as it always did after every injection.

“Don’t move yet.” Watching Aria's dizzy movements caused Malca moved closer to the bed. This test subject would be no good to her if she broke her neck falling off the exam table.

“Here,” laying down a pair of cotton pants and shirt next to her, Malca watched her unflinchingly. “Put these back on.” Feeling like a bug under the microscope of Malca’s watchful eyes, Aria quickly did as she was told.

Glaring up at her opponent, she knew this would be the only chance she’d ever get again. Swinging her legs over the edge of the table, she pretended to sway forward a bit. Dr. Malca gave her the opportunity she’d needed as Malca moved closer to prevent her from falling. Striking as fast as she could, her hands snatched Malca by her blouse collar. Jerking her forward, Aria slammed Malca’s head into her raised knee. As the doctor crumbled to the floor she leapt off the table, scrambling after the doctor before she could hit the shock remote. Gripping Malca’s head she slammed it into the concrete floor with all the force she could muster. The sound of the malicious doctor’s skull connecting with the floor caused her stomach to chinch painfully.

As the doctor’s body went limp, she fell back panting as her heart pounded painfully fast. Knowing she couldn’t waste any time, she began patting down the doctor’s pockets in search for her keycard that she would need to escape. Locating the keycard she clenched it tightly within her hand. Hope was within her reach finally.

Her heart stilled painfully inside her chest as she heard the deep voices of Malca’s soldiers from the other side of the door. Her only route to freedom was through that door and past the soldiers. Rushing to the side of the door, she flattened her body against the wall as the electronic lock chimed and the door swung open just inches from her face. Every second felt like an eternity as she waited for the soldiers to cross the threshold. The bitter taste of fear and terror coated her mouth while her pulse thundered in her ears.

The idle chatter of the two soldiers ended abruptly as their eyes fell on the collapsed doctor. They rushed forward, both never spotting her as she hid near the doorway. Gripping the handle, she rushed out, slamming the door shut behind her. Quickly waving Malca’s security badge over the small scanner by the door, she effectively locked the door behind her.

Angry shouts and pounding echoed behind the door as she took off down the dimly lit hall. She ran as fast as her feet could carry her. Without knowing the way out she stopped as hallway branched out into two different directions. The sounds of yelling and crying voices in echoed from the right, she knew it to be where the cells were and held no escape for her that way. Quickly she rushed down the opposite direction. No light lit the way for her as she rushed down the dark hall but she couldn’t stop.

“Get the bitch before she reaches the upper level.” An angry male voice echoed down the hall behind her.

Panic seized her mind, causing her heart to race out of control. As her pursuer gained on her she jerked her head around she searched franticly for a hiding place. Without considering where she was headed, she chose a nearby room. Swiping the stolen keycard she pushed the door open before quietly closing it behind her. She crouched down under the window just in time as the soldiers ran by her hiding place causing her to release a shaky breath. Shoving at her pale tresses that fell across her face, her eyes flowed over her surroundings. It was similar to the one she’d just escaped from. A steel medical table dominated the center of the room with supply cabinets lining the back wall. Reaching up, her hand covered her nose as an awful smell that permeated the room reached her nose. Standing on shaking legs, her eyes widened in horror at what she saw. Shoving a fist into her mouth she halted her gasp of terror. 

From the table a pair of empty eyes stared back at her. As though against her will, she took a step closer. The ankles and wrists were restrained while a thick leather strap stretched across her upper chest. Looking closer at the face she recognized the rotting corpse as a new arrival. Malca had called her Tella. She remembered Malca’s soldiers taking her out of her cell last evening. Tella’s once flowing dark hair was hacked irregular against her scalp. Her horrified eyes fell on Tella’s mutilated chest and the dark puddle of blood that pooled below the cold body. Within Tella’s carve open chest, she saw it was empty.

Was this what they did once the test subject's out lived their usefulness? Were they all just lab rats to be hacked into bits? Her chest tightened as it became harder to breathe. She refused to die like that. Unable to stay in that room a minute longer she rushed to the door. Cautiously opening the door, she glanced out to see if the hall was clear. Greeted by a silent emptiness, she raced out.

“Check this way again.” The gruff voice echoed from the opposite direction. Without hesitating Aria sprinted down the hall. Her bare feet slapped against the cement floor as her fleeing form drew closer to the end of the hall.

She nearly tripped as she ran into a flight of stairs leading upward. She clawed her way up as fast as she could with adrenaline rushing through her veins. At the top of the stairs, the doorway opened into a simple household kitchen. She quickly rushed through the eating area and into a connecting living room. Hastening past a simple couch and TV, she came to a stop when she reached a close door. She could only hope that this was her way outside. Spotting a pair of worn boots near the door, she thanked her luck. They were too small but she jammed her feet into them regardless.

Jerking the door open, a strong frigid wind nearly knocked her over as she rushed outside. Running down a few concrete steps, she wasn’t prepared when her feet landed in thick, icy snow. Biting down on her lip against the cold she took off across the snow. There was a dark road that seemed to lead down a hill off the property but she would be easily caught on a small road.

Turning to the woods across the road, she felt her strength leaving her quickly. Her legs screamed for her to stop but she couldn’t. As she neared the end of the property she nearly screamed in fear as a livid shout came from the house.

As she rushed over the frozen road, the sound of a gunshot was the only warning she got before an unseen force knocked her to the cold ground. Heat burned into her ribs as she saw the colorless material of her shirt begin to rapidly darkening with her blood. Looking back at the house she saw as both of Malca’s soldiers rushed toward her. Pressing a trembling hand to her side, she swiftly climbed to her feet.

Rushing forward she disappeared into the darkness of the forest without a backward glance. Shear desperation forced her to keep running, even as the familiar pressure in her head reached its climax. As her head began to ache painfully, dark blood dripped from her nose, painting a trail down her face.

The drops fell and painted the snow with red as she rushed over the snow covered terrain. Gripping a tree for balance, she pulled her hand away from her ribs to inspect her wound. Her fingers came away heavily coated with blood, a dark crimson color in the darkness. Pushing forward she could only hope that her hunters were as unfamiliar with this land as she. Without another hesitating thought, she picked up her speed as she limped through the harsh element.

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