Bearly Consenting: Russet Falls Series (21 page)

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Fifteen minutes later, Avery was seated beside him in his
Range Rover as they raced towards the city. It felt almost
to be
driving with Avery in the car, as if they were a regular couple.

“All of this doesn’t frighten you?” he asked, waving his arm
in the air.

“Frighten me? No,” she answered, “Intimidate me, yes.”

He nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. “So, aside from intimidating
you with everything, I also now have pissed off Ryker, thus putting you in
danger.” He might as well put it all out there.

“I’m not worried about Ryker,” she said, staring out the
window as the landscape rushed by. “I feel so far removed from the clan.
Honestly, aside from going back to occasionally visit my family, I want nothing
to do with the others.”

If only it were that simple.

Drew’s ties to the tribe went so much deeper than Avery
would ever know.

Deeper than he would ever be able to share.

“You should be worried about Ryker,” he warned her. “You
should be worried about him because I pissed him off. We can’t just run from
everyone forever.”

“And why not? We both hate what the tribe stands for.”

“I know. It’s just not that easy.” He felt his bear getting
agitated, and he knew that his bear longed for the forests. “I don’t want to
live back in Russet Falls, but my bear gets restless for the freedom of the

Avery peered over at him sideways.

She was waiting for an explanation.

“I don’t have the freedom to shift like the other
werebears,” he explained, “As much as I love living in Portland, the animal in
me does not. I wasn’t made to live in the city,” he struggled with finding the
right words. “I have to find times where I can drive out into the woods and
shift so that I can clear my head. Otherwise, I become so tightly wound.”

“I had no idea,” she said softly, “but it makes sense. Your
DNA was made to live in the wild, too. I never thought of how hard it must be
on you.”

“I’ll survive,” he said darkly, “It’s just something else
you should know.”

They spent the rest of the drive discussing lighter topics,
and it wasn’t long before Drew pulled into the parking garage for his building.

The security guard in the lobby wasn’t surprised to see him
this late, however he did seem surprised to see Avery with him.

Drew had never shown up with a woman before, let alone a
woman in the evening hours. He signed Avery into the security log, glancing
quickly at the names and realizing that the office was empty.

It was a Friday night.

Even his most dedicated employees were home enjoying their

They stepped into the elevator, and Drew let Avery go first,
unable to help himself as he stared at her legs.

“What?” she asked self-consciously.

“Nothing. Just admiring the view.”

Avery swatted at him, and he pulled her to him as the doors
slid shut.

He tilted her head back, listening to the quick acceleration
of her heart. Her eyes widened with arousal as he slowly lowered his mouth to
hers, kissing her softly as he grazed her neck.

She moaned softly into his mouth, and he reached down to her
ass, pushing her hard against him as he grew hard.

He knew Avery felt him, and his nostrils filled with her
musky scent—she was more aroused than he had realized.

He kissed her harder, running his hand in circles on her
backside, and then the doors glided open.

Surprised, Avery broke apart, but Drew knew there would be
no one waiting for them.

He couldn’t help but chuckle softly. “There’s no one here to
stop us,” he said in a quiet voice, noticing how the skin around Avery’s mouth
had turned pink from his aggressive kiss.

Taking a deep, shaky breath she stepped gingerly out of the
elevator, smoothing down her long hair. “What do you mean?” she asked

Drew led her down the marbled lobby, and then unexpectedly
pressed her up against Emme’s vacant desk. “You know what I mean,” he whispered
in her ear. He trailed his fingers down her arm, and she shivered in their
wake. “Now that I’ve had you, Avery, I’m not going to be able to get enough.”

She gulped.

“I want you in my office,” he murmured, toying with the band
of her skirt as her breath came heavy, “I want you here on this desk.” He slid
his hand up her thigh and she closed her eyes and bit her lip.

 “I want you on my conference table.” He slid his hand even
higher up her thigh and then slipped it into her underwear.

“Drew,” she gasped, reaching out to steady herself on his

“I can tell you want that too,” he said softly, rubbing her
clit in small circles. “Remember that I can smell you.”

She blushed, trying to duck her head.

“Don’t be embarrassed. I love it.” He slipped one finger
inside of her, feeling how wet she was, as his cock hardened further. His bear
wasn’t ready to break free, but he was wide awake and roaring his approval.

“Drew,” she moaned again as he inserted a second finger,
moving them in and out as her legs trembled.

Just as Avery seemed about to lose control, Drew pulled his
fingers out of her.

“What?” she exclaimed, her eyes popping open.

“Not yet. Not here.”

Avery groaned which made him laugh. “But you haven’t had the
tour yet!” he protested.

She muttered something that sounded along the lines of “tour
schmore,” but Drew wanted to tease her. She was beautiful when she was aroused
and he wanted to watch her come on his desk.

Taking her hand, he pointed out various offices, including
two of the conference rooms.

“This is all yours?” she asked incredulously as he closed
the door on the main boardroom, which housed a large mahogany table that seated
thirty people.


“Drew, I knew you were successful, but I had no idea,” she
said in awe. “I just can’t get over everything.”

He stopped and turned to her. Her brown eyes were wide and
open, filled with love.

“Is it too much?” He was a confident person, but when it
came to Avery he never knew where he stood. He felt a ball of worry in his
stomach, and he hated how it made him feel weak.

“It’s a lot,” she answered honestly, “but it’s not too
much.” She took a deep breath. “I can handle it.”

“Alright, I’m going to believe you. Come on, my office is
this way.”

They turned down the hall and made a right before they came
to his door. He pushed it open, standing back so Avery could enter first.

“Holy crap, Drew,” she murmured. “This is your office? Like
where you work?”


She stepped slowly inside, running her fingers along his
table and then moving over to his desk. “This is the swankiest office I’ve ever

Shrugging, he moved towards her, wrapping his arms around
her waist and pulling her to him.

He kissed her again, picking back up where they left off.

Avery sighed, relaxing into him.

Drew ran his hands up and down her back, and then easily
hoisted her onto his desk.

“Drew!” she exclaimed, as he pushed her legs apart and knelt
down between them.

“Shh,” he brought his finger to his lips. “Enjoy.”

Avery gasped, as he pulled her underwear to the side and
pressed his mouth against her sex.

His bear all but took over, and like the animal he was deep
down, he licked and sucked on Avery in the most animalistic yet tender of ways.
It was a powerful feeling to be so connected to his bear when he felt so many
emotions towards Avery.

With satisfaction, he listened as Avery’s moans grew to a
fever pitch and her thighs shook uncontrollably.

He knew she was just moments from coming, and he slipped his
tongue deep inside of her, sending her over the chasm of pleasure.

She cried out, bucking on the table, her fingers knotting in
his hair as she came.

Drew pressed his mouth further into her, tasting every inch
of her and licking every sweet drop.

When he finally had his fill, he pulled away and Avery
looked at him with hooded eyes.

“I love you,” she whispered.

Drew stood up, pulling her to him, “I love you, too.”

He heard her heart speed up again and she snuggled close to
him, and he could feel her body relax.

They stayed embraced for a long time, and finally Avery
pulled back, adjusting herself and gingerly slipping off the table. Drew leaned
down and kissed her forehead and took her hand. “Want to see my apartment?”

“Yes,” she agreed, smoothing down her hair again.

Drew grinned at her. “I like your hair a little messy.”

She laughed.

Drew pulled open the door to his apartment and he saw Avery
watching him with a puzzled look. He pulled out the swipe card and swiped it,
and she gasped loudly when the door slid away, revealing a staircase.

“The apartment awaits,” Drew motioned upstairs as he flicked
on the lights. Avery went up the stairs slowly. “It’s not much,” he said,
flipping on lights. “My bedroom, a spare bedroom. A kitchen. A workout room.”

“Oh my gosh!” she exclaimed, getting a glance of his workout
room. “So this is the Drew Alexander version of bare bones?” she teased.

“I guess. It’s just a place for me to crash, shower or
change clothes. I use the gym most frequently.”

Avery shook her head in amazement.

“Alright, you’ve seen it, let’s get out of here.” He was
anxious to get her back home. There was something sad and depressing about his
apartment above his office. It highlighted what a workaholic he was.

They headed downstairs, and he flipped off the lights,
making sure the door sealed behind them. Just as he was switching off the
lights in his office, he thought he saw something outside.

He shook his head. “I must be seeing things,” he muttered to
himself, but Avery was frozen in place.

“No,” she said slowly, “I thought I saw something too.”

His bear went on full alert, and he felt the power flexing
just beneath his skin.

“Come on,” he said darkly, taking Avery by the hand. He was
half-tempted to leave, but he couldn’t leave without checking.

They went down the hall towards the kitchen, which boasted a
large patio so that his staff could eat outside.

Drew didn’t even need to turn on the lights—he could see as
clear as day.

He felt anger, hate, fear and protectiveness course through
his veins.

Standing on his outdoor patio was none other than Seraphina.

“Is—is that Seraphina?” Avery asked with disbelief.



Chapter Twenty-Eight



Drew was staring at Seraphina with so much disgust and
loathing that Avery was momentarily frozen with shock.

“Wait in here,” Drew growled, heading for the doors.

“What? No! What the hell is she doing here? And how did she
get on the patio?” She hurried after him; nothing was making sense.

“Avery, I mean it!” he said angrily. “Let me handle this.”

He burst through the doors, and Avery stayed on his heels,
unable to understand what was going on.

Why was Seraphina here?

How did she get here?

And why did Drew seem so angry? Why wasn’t he as completely
baffled as she was?

“What are you doing here?” Drew growled, his hands balling
into fists.

Avery stopped in her tracks as she got closer to Seraphina—something
about her. Avery couldn’t quite put her finger on it. She
was certainly dressed different.

Seraphina was dressed in an expensive looking midnight blue
silk dress that draped across her chest, showing just a hint of cleavage. The
dress clung to her curves before falling in soft waves mid-thigh. She was
wearing ridiculously high silver heels, and her face was completely made up,
making her bright green eyes pop even more. To complete her sophisticated look,
her jet-black hair, which normally was in a ponytail or braided down her back,
hung sleek and shiny past her shoulders.

Avery was completely thrown. Seraphina had that natural type
of beauty, which she fully embodied at home with her minimal makeup, bare feet
and jeans. But now, she looked positively lethal.

And maybe that was it.

Seraphina looked

And Avery had never seen Drew so angry before.

“What is
doing here?” Seraphina asked through
clench teeth.

Avery stared.

Could Seraphina mean her?

And she was acting like Avery wasn’t even there.

And there was so much malice behind the word

Confused, Avery looked between Drew and Seraphina. She was
afraid to open her mouth.

“Avery. Leave,” Drew said quietly.

Seraphina didn’t take her eyes off Drew. “I’ll ask again,
Drew. What is
doing here? I thought I made myself abundantly clear
when I told you to stay away from her.”

“What? Stay away from me?” This time Avery couldn’t help

Finally acknowledging her presence, Seraphina turned to
Avery, fixing her gaze upon her.

Her stare was pure evil and Avery had to look away.

“Go!” Drew nearly yelled at Avery, and startled, she
suddenly realized that there was something else going on. Something deeper and
darker than she could possibly comprehend and realization came crashing over

“Oh my god,” she gasped, stumbling back.


Drew leaving her seven years ago.

Drew being
unable to speak about what was
going on.

Drew trying to break up with her.

Drew warning her that she was in danger.

Drew alluding to dark things in his past.

“Oh my god,” she gasped again, looking from Drew to
Seraphina. She wasn’t exactly sure how everything was connected, but she knew
it was connected.

Bile rose in her throat as she thought of Drew and Seraphina

“Avery,” Drew began, moving towards her. “I will explain
everything to you, but Seraphina and I
had an intimate
relationship if that’s what you’re thinking.”

Avery stared at him with confusion, though she briefly felt
unbelievable relief. But the relief was short lived because Seraphina burst out

Actually, it was more of a cackle.

Her heart pounding in her chest, she knew now that she
needed to escape. Whatever was going on, whatever was happening, it was so much
more than she could understand, and instinctively she knew that she wasn’t

She turned to leave, but suddenly her legs were stuck—it was
as if she were rooted to the ground.

“What’s happening?” she asked panicked, her voice rising an
octave. “Drew!” she cried, “I can’t move my feet!”

“Enough!” Drew roared, turning on Seraphina. “Let her go!
She’s done nothing! She knows

“She knows too much,” Seraphina said simply, flicking her
hand, the motion both careless and insignificant.

Avery’s head exploded with pain and she shrieked in agony,
dropping to her knees as her feet remained firmly in place.

“Stop!” Drew yelled, running at Seraphina, but she merely raised
her hand and it was as if Drew ran into an invisible wall.

“I warned you, Drew. I told you to stay away from her. And I
offered you my precious Jade. I don’t see what the appeal is with Avery.” She
said her name with pure disgust. “But you couldn’t listen, could you?” She
moved towards him, her heels clicking on the concrete.

“I made you,” she hissed. “I gave you
could ever want. You have a life that most people dream about!” Her voice was
rising. “You have everything!’’ she screamed. “The one simple rule was to stay
away from Avery!”

The pain was agonizing, but Avery was trying hard to listen,
to make out every twisted word coming from Seraphina’s mouth.

“I love her!” Drew shouted. “So if you want to keep playing
this little charade with me, Seraphina, then let her go! I’ll keep doing your
dirty work, I’ll do your wicked bidding!” He sounded desperate, Avery noted in
her pain-induced haze. “I’ll even marry Jade. Whatever you want, but let Avery

, Avery’s brain screamed.
No, no, no.

Drew was not going to bargain away his life to save her.
Avery would rather die than to know that Drew was living indebted to Seraphina.

“No!” she managed to cry out, breaking through her pain to
speak. “Kill me,” she gasped at Seraphina.

Seraphina turned to Avery, her eyes wild and crazed. They
actually seemed to be glowing. She wasn’t a bear, but clearly she had other
supernatural abilities.

“You shut up!” she screamed at Avery, her hair flying wildly
around her as if by a phantom wind. “You have ruined everything! Everything!”

She was walking towards Avery now, but the pain was so
severe that Avery thought she might lose consciousness. She was just three
inches from Avery, her twisted, terrible yet beautiful face eye to eye with

“I have done everything in my power to keep you away from
Drew. I have given him all of this,” she deadly whispered, “
have done
it! Me! And now I want my daughter to reap the rewards of my hard work!”

“Bullshit!” Drew hollered, who Avery now noticed was also
frozen in place.

Seraphina turned to look at Drew, tilting her head to the
side, looking entirely deranged.

“You may have got me started, but I built this! I have
worked my ass off to reap double of what you have done! You have no idea!”

“Lies!” Seraphina shrieked, moving towards Drew. “Lies!”

And then just like that, the pain was gone.

Avery gasped, and Drew looked over.

“Run!” he cried.

She didn’t want to leave Drew, every fiber of her being
wanted to be with him, but she knew she needed to listen. She scrambled to her
feet, running towards the door.

“No!” Seraphina screamed, lunging towards her. Somehow her
magic must have broke, because Drew was moving now too, and he tackled
Seraphina to the ground. She cried in pain as one of her heels snapped in half
and her ankle rolled, but she somehow clambered out from under him jumped back
up, turning on Drew.

“Drew!” Avery cried. She couldn’t leave him. She turned back
and hurried towards him.

“No!” he shouted, nearly knocking Avery out of the way, as
he moved up his hand to block Seraphina who was now charging at him.

Seraphina looked wild and out of her mind, and Avery
screamed as Seraphina was able to throw Drew back against the balcony without
ever touching him.

He cried out in pain, and with shock, Avery could see him
start to shift. His entire body was quivering, and his eyes were slowly
rounding and yellowing. She also noticed that he was cut and bleeding, though
it didn’t seem to bother him.

For a moment, Seraphina seemed momentarily surprised as she
watched Drew’s body ripple and begin to darken. His muscles began to bulge out
of his t-shirt and jeans, and Avery knew that at any second his clothes would
shred, and his fur would sprout as his bear limbs emerged.

“What are you going to do, you awful bitch?” Drew taunted,
and his voice was deep and crackly as his animal was taking over. It made Avery

“Argh!” Seraphina screamed. “I will kill you both!” She
charged at him full speed and Avery watched in horror as Drew shifted into his
bear at the same exact moment, lengthening and shifting so that Seraphina ended
up running into dead space.

With a blood-curdling scream, she was unable to stop herself
and she barreled over the edge of the patio.

Avery shrieked running to the edge and she watched with
horror as Seraphina’s body plummeted to the ground, her black hair streaming
out behind her.

Her body hit the pavement, and Avery turned her head away so
she couldn’t see. She was too far up to hear the thud or what would surely
unfold on the street below, but Avery could only imagine.

She had momentarily forgotten that Drew was there and she
turned to him and saw that he was struggling to shift back to human form. He
must have shifted out of instinct and anger, but it was hard to shift back and
forth quickly, especially if his bear instincts were in full force.

“Oh my god, Drew,” Avery sobbed, standing back as he tried
to shift. Tears were streaming down her face, and she wasn’t sure what to think
or feel. Seraphina was obviously dead, and Avery was still trying to understand
how Seraphina had been involved with everything.

Drew was still struggling to shift, growling as his body
trembled, but he still couldn’t turn back to human form.

“We need to go down there,” she said panicked. “There will
be police. We will have to explain what happened.” Drew was still struggling,
and Avery moaned, “But how will we explain what happened?” She sobbed loudly.
“I don’t even know what happened. Please, Drew. You have to shift back.”

Sobbing, she backed away further giving him a wide berth to
shift. Burying her head in her knees, her body began shaking violently.

“Hey, it’s alright.”

Her head snapped up, and she saw with relief that Drew, in
human form, was now beside her.

“Drew,” she cried, clutching onto his arm. “She’s dead. She’s
dead. She has to be dead. Oh my god, I watched her fall. She fell so fast.”

She was rambling now.

“I know,” he said. “We need to get down there. There are
security cameras here so we can’t hide the fact that we were here.”

“But—but you shifted!” Avery cried.

“I know. We’ll figure something out.”

For some reason he seemed unnaturally calm. “I also shredded
my clothes, so I need to run upstairs to the apartment and get new ones.”

Avery had barely noticed that Drew was naked.

She nodded, her teeth chattering from her nerves.

“Listen, Avery. I need you to pull yourself together.” He
paused, taking her face gently in his hands. “Can you do that?”

Avery looked into his eyes, the eyes that she knew so well.
She could deal with her feelings and her questions later, but she understood
that now she needed to listen to Drew.

“Okay,” she said with a shaky breath. “I’ll try. Tell me
what we need to do.”

“You can do this,” he encouraged her, pulling Avery to her

“B-but Drew. How did she do all of that? What did she mean
when she said ‘she made you?’ What does she have to do with you at all?”

“Avery. Questions later. We need to focus now, okay.”

She was on her feet and she blinked at him, trying to make
her brain function.

“Okay, I’m focusing.” But she let out a sob and doubled

“Avery!” He reached down, pulling her back up. “Okay. Just 
- just go inside and sit down and I’ll somehow take care of everything.”

That snapped Avery into action. She couldn’t let Drew handle
this alone—she needed to help however she could.

“N-no. I’m fine. Tell me what to do.”

He gave her a hard look. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’m sure.” She nodded.

“Okay. I’m going to run upstairs and get clothes. You take
my shredded clothes and throw them in the trash in the kitchen. Got it? Meet me
back in my office.”

Avery nodded.

Drew dashed off, his bare backside glinting in the

Avery focused on Drew’s directions, robotically gathering
his shredded clothes, and straightening the table and chairs that had gotten
knocked over in the action.

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