Bearly Consenting: Russet Falls Series (7 page)

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Chapter Nine



Avery had all but forgotten about Drew’s offer to send over
dresses, until she was cleaning up from dinner on Thursday night.

“Hey, Avery?” Molly called from the foyer.

“Yeah?” she called, putting down the scrub brush.

“There’s a delivery for you,” her voice sounded funny.

“Huh?” Then she remembered. “Oh yeah. Someone was sending
some dresses over for me. Can you just throw them in the hall closet? I’ll look
at them later.”

There was a long pause, and Avery shut the water off.

“Umm, I think you want to come down here and see,” Molly
called back up.

“What the hell,” she muttered. She had hoped the dresses
would just come in a box or something and she could throw them in her room
without Molly seeing. Now she would have to explain to Molly, and she would
have to share more information about Drew—two things that she really didn’t
feel like doing.

She walked around the corner of the kitchen and into the

“Holy shit.’’

Molly was standing there, with the door wide open and
gaping. There was a courier waiting politely on the step and behind him was a
large metal rolling rack.

The rack held about half a dozen dresses, all hanging and
zipped in pristine white garment bags.

How the hell had he even gotten that thing up their steep

“Are you Miss Avery Monroe?” he asked kindly.

“Uh- y-y-es,” she stuttered, “That’s me.”

“Wonderful. I’m instructed to take these inside for you. And
I need your signature.” He handed her a clipboard with hand written directions
from Drew, along with the address of his office building. She made note that he
was located in the South Waterfront. She signed to show she had received them
and then the courier handed over a cream vellum envelope.

Bewildered, Avery opened the envelope and pulled out an
equally thick and expensive note card.


Dear Avery,

                        Please accept these dresses from me on behalf of my
friend Drew. I have plenty more if these styles, colours and/or sizes don’t
suit you.





“What?” Avery screeched, nearly dropping the card.

Molly grabbed it from her and read it. She looked up at
Avery, her eyes wide and in awe. “Is this for real?” she asked Avery.

Speechless, Avery nodded.

“You have a lot of explaining to do,” Molly accused.

Avery nodded again.

“Miss, where would you like these?” the courier asked.

Avery tried to get her bearings. “Up the staircase, second
room on the right,” she said weakly.

The courier nodded and began pulling the garment rack

Ten minutes later, Avery was upstairs in her room, staring
at the rack of clothing.

“Are you going to explain?” Molly asked.

Sighing, Avery told her about how she had run into her ex
when she had gone back home and how she discovered that he lived in Portland
too. She finished by explaining the gala.

“Oh my god,” Molly said shaking her head. “And he’s friends
with Vera Wang.
Vera Wang. What’s his name again?”

“Drew Alexander.” Avery knew that she could Google him, but
she didn’t want to open that can of worms. That would only make her think about
him more and she had Drew on the brain enough as it was.

Molly shook her head, clearly not recognizing the name.

Before Avery could even unzip one dress, she heard the door
open and shut downstairs.

“Hello?” Lindsay called.

“Up here!” Molly yelled.

A few seconds later Lindsay popped her head in. Her dark
blonde hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail, and she was wearing a
loose-fitting striped shirt, slim black pants and black flats. Avery guessed
that she had come directly from the airport; it was a casual look for Lindsay.

“What’s all this?” Lindsay asked, putting her bags down and
moving to the clothing rack.

“Oh, you know,” Molly said, feigning boredom, “Avery just
got a special delivery from none other than Vera Wang herself.”

Lindsay looked at the two of them with confusion. She
obviously thought they were joking.

Rolling her eyes, Avery handed over the personal note from
the designer, and Lindsay took it from her.

“What?” Lindsay asked as she read the note. “How? And who is

Molly jumped in. “Long story short but Drew is Avery’s high
school sweetheart and it turns out he lives in Portland too. And he just
invited Avery to some swanky gala event and is letting her choose her own

Lindsay narrowed her eyes. “Drew who?”

“Drew Alexander,” Avery said slowly. She wasn’t sure why but
she had a feeling that Lindsay would recognize the name.

Lindsay blinked as recognition dawned on her. “
Drew Alexander? As in Alexander Global Industries?”

“Umm, I guess?” Avery said, unsure. “I know he does global

“It has to be,” Lindsay said quickly, “ he’s the only Drew
Alexander around.” She looked at Molly. “You don’t know who he is either?” she
asked with shock.

“No,” Molly said, annoyed. “Avery and I don’t run in the
same circles as your fancy business world.”

“It’s not only that,” Lindsay said, and Avery wasn’t sure
what she was implying. “Yes, he’s very well-known in the Portland business
world, but he’s also well-known in Portland in general.”

“Why?” Avery couldn’t help asking.

Lindsay hesitated, running a hand through her hair. “He’s
very powerful and very prominent,” she said slowly, “he’s a big philanthropist.
He does a lot of great things for the city.”

“And?” Molly asked, pursing her lips. “Obviously there’s
something else you want to add.”

Lindsay bit her lip. “I don’t know if I should say it,” she
said nervously.

“Oh, just spit it out,” Avery said exasperated. “I’m sure I
could just Google it! I’ve purposely
Googled him!”

“Well, he has a bit of a reputation.” Lindsay sat down on
the bed, giving Avery an apologetic look. “Not really for being a womanizer,
but for,” she floundered for the right word, “
beautiful women.”

“Ugh!” Avery moaned, flopping down on the bed. “I
did not need to know that!”

“I told you I didn’t want to say it!” Lindsay argued,
jumping up. “But it sounds like you two have a history, and you shouldn’t judge
him for what’s in the past before you reconnected.”

“She’s right, you know,” Molly said, nodding her head. “Now
don’t think about that and start trying on these incredible dresses.”

She unzipped a bag and gasped as she pulled out a dark plum
floor length gown.

And as much as Avery wanted to dwell on Lindsay’s words, it
was pretty difficult when there were half a dozen gorgeous gowns in front of her.

“You’re right,” she said bravely. Though she knew in a
moment of weakness, she would pull out that nugget of information from Lindsay
and examine it. Not to mention that her mind was now reeling from the other new
information she gleamed.

Drew was a powerful and prominent businessman.

He was well known in Portland.

Avery slipped into the plum dress, and while it was
beautiful, it wasn’t right for her. There was also a bright red dress that was
too risqué for her personality, a silver one that was a tad too long, a white
one that reminded her too much of a bridal gown and a soft pink one that made
her skin look washed out.

“How could there be all of these dresses and none have
worked so far?” she complained, zipping up the pink dress.

“You still have one more,” Molly said brightly, unzipping
the final dress.

She pulled it out of the bag and all three women gasped.

The dress was black and form fitting without looking too
tight. Avery slipped it on, and it hugged her curves before flowing out gently
below the hips. The back was made with gold material containing filigree
blossoms in a plunging V shape. The same gold material wrapped around the front
of the dress and made cap sleeves.

Carefully, Avery slipped the dress on.

It fit perfectly.

Molly and Lindsay nodded their approval, looking at Avery

She had found a dress.



Chapter Ten



The week flew by and soon the day of the gala arrived. Avery
wasn’t sure what to do to get ready, so she got pedicures and manicures with
Lindsay and Molly and they both promised to help do her hair and makeup.

She had only heard from Drew twice, apparently he had been
traveling earlier during the week, but he was picking her up promptly at six so
they could arrive before the gala began at seven.

Avery was a wreck all day, and she fidgeted nervously while
Lindsay did her makeup, and Molly curled her hair.

“Stop wiggling,” Molly scolded, rolling the barrel curling
iron around another strand of hair.

“I’m so nervous,” Avery moaned, feeling her insides flutter.
She was so unprepared for something like this, and the fact that it was Drew
only made her that much more nervous and unsure.

“Everything will be fine,” Lindsay said holding up a mirror
so Avery could see her makeup. She smiled back at her reflection—Lindsay had done
a spectacular job. She had highlighted her cheekbones with a gold bronzer and
had applied a golden cream shadow to the base of her eyelids. Avery knew the
gold makeup would highlight the gold in the dress.

Molly finished curling her hair and then pinned it on top of
her head to highlight the back of her dress.

Avery slipped on the gold pair of heels she borrowed from
Lindsay, and stood to examiner herself in the mirror.

“You look amazing!” Lindsay gushed. “I’m so jealous! The
Rockwood Gala is such a coveted ticket!”

“Oh, is that what it’s called?” Avery asked. She didn’t even
know what gala she was attending.

“Umm, yes,” Lindsay rolled her eyes and muttered something
about a ticket being wasted.

Time seemed to speed up and before she knew it, she was waiting
downstairs for Drew to arrive.

Avery heard a knock at the door and she peeked outside to
see a black limo parked on the street.

Her heart did a flip.

She was so out of her league.

Carefully, she made her way to the door and pulled it open.

There stood Drew looking handsome as ever.

His hair was slicked back and he was freshly shaven, and he
was wearing a well-cut tux and a black bowtie.

“Wow,” he breathed, “You look incredible, Avery.”

“You too,” she said quietly.

“Don’t forget your clutch,” Lindsay called and she walked
downstairs and handed it to Avery.

“Thanks,” Avery took it from Lindsay who smiled
encouragingly at her.

“Ready?”  Drew asked in a soft voice, holding his arm out.

“Ready,” she repeated. She carefully held on to him as they
made their way down the steep steps to the street.

“I can’t get over how beautiful you look,” Drew said as he
opened the side door for her and allowed her to slide in.

Avery gave him a small smile as she slid across the seat.

“I’m really nervous,” she admitted.

He scooted in next to her and pulled the door shut. “Why?”

She rolled her eyes. “Why do you think? I don’t do things
like this, Drew. I’m a schoolteacher. And you,” she gestured at him, “you
obviously live this life that is so far from the one I’m living.”

Drew frowned. “I didn’t choose this,” he said softly.

Avery wasn’t sure what he meant, but it didn’t really
matter. Being in such close proximity to him was overwhelming and she found
herself leaning closer towards him to breathe in his familiar smell.

Drew reached over and took her hand. “I’m glad you’re coming
with me,” he said honestly, “I get lonely at these things, and I can’t think of
a better way for us to get to know one another again.”

Avery laughed nervously. “We could just hang out on the
couch and eat pizza.”

Drew laughed and nodded. “Next time.”

Avery’s heart did another flip.

He was already planning a next time.



Drew looked over at Avery sitting beside him and he felt all
the familiar feelings rushing through him.




She brought out so many things from deep within him.

He hated going to these gala events and having to dress up
in a monkey suit. Having Avery at his side would make it so much easier, though
he wondered if she was actually prepared for what it would be like inside.

Perhaps he had been wrong to invite her.

“Avery,” he said quietly as the limo approached the Rockwood
Mansion where the gala was held. “This night will be a little intense. There
will be lots of wealthy people here, dripping in jewels. There will be
reporters and photographers. They will definitely take our photo.”

Avery frowned, looking puzzled.

“I also need to speak for a few moments.”


Drew nodded. “It will be brief. I’ll simply get up from the
table, speak, and then be right back.”

“Okay,” Avery nodded, squeezing his hand.

“I—I just want you to be prepared. I realize this is
throwing a lot at you.”

“Well, when you had Vera Wang send over dresses, I figured
that I was in over my head,” she teased.

Drew gave her a small smile. Vera definitely owed him a few
favors. He had helped her find some of her new designing spaces.

“Alright,” Drew said softly as the limo moved towards the
front of the queue, “We’re almost on.”

Avery nodded nervously, before taking a deep breath.

The limo pulled to the front of the old, elaborately
decorated mansion with its twinkling lights, and Drew hopped out, holding his
hand out for Avery.

He could already hear the photographers behind them snapping

Avery slid along the seats and Drew helped pull her up.

“Drew! Over here!”

“Mr. Alexander! Who is your date?”

“Drew! Drew!”  cried the handful of reporters.

Drew smoothed down his tux and gave a tight smile. He was
used to this. He moved in front of the obnoxious backdrop that had been added
for photo-ops and pulled Avery next to him.

She was looking around with surprise, clearly not used to
the cameras.

“This is Avery,” he said kindly to the reporters.

They continued to snap away and then Drew gently tugged
Avery’s hand and pulled her towards the door. He gave a small grin to the
photographers and put his hand up in a short wave.

“Is that normal?” Avery gasped as they walked inside the

“Unfortunately, yes. These events usually always have press
and photos.” He didn’t get a chance to say anymore because they had entered the
ballroom, and Avery stopped dead in her tracks to admire the room.

“Wow,” she breathed.

Drew was used to these events, but he had to admit that this
one was spectacularly decorated. The theme was
Evening Garden
everything had a very upscale tea-party theme. The room was lavishly laid out
with shrubbery, vines and small flowers, along with twinkling lights and
expensive crystal.

He nodded his approval.

He saw a business associate headed his way, though he didn’t
feel like talking and he quickly nudged Avery towards their table.

“This way.”

They found their places and Avery sat her bag down, still
looking around the room in amazement. It allowed Drew a moment to admire how
beautiful she looked. He knew that she would garnish a ton of attention in that
incredible dress.

The gown fit her like a glove, and he would have to
personally thank Vera for taking such good care of her.

He wanted to whisk her into a corner and talk to her more,
to learn more about her life, but he knew he would need to socialize first.

Business first, pleasure second—it had been his motto for
the past seven years.

“I need to make the rounds,” he apologized.

Avery stared at him blankly.

“I need to walk around and talk to people,” he explained.

Avery giggled. “Oh, right. Sorry.”

She linked her arm through his elbow as a second thought and
then she froze, catching herself.

“Is that okay?”

Drew’s bear roared to life as he filled with his old desire
for her.

“It’s more than okay,” he said huskily, pulling her arm back
into the crook of his elbow. He led her to the other side of the room,
practically nuzzling her neck. She smelled so damn good and he cracked his neck
from side to side trying to keep his bear at bay.

Avery eyed him suspiciously. “Are you angry?”

“No,” he said quietly.

“Then why is your bear-’’ she stopped herself mid-sentence.
She must have remembered Drew’s other trigger.

“Forgive me, but you look so amazing tonight. It’s hard to
think about that,” Drew explained.

Arousal was nearly as big a trigger as anger for him.

Avery blushed bright pink.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” Drew said quietly as they approached
one of the board members of the event. “I’ve always found you incredibly sexy.
Especially so now.” Then he smiled and reached out to give the older lady in
front of them a kiss on the cheek.

“Elsa,” he said warmly, “How are you? You’ve outdone
yourself tonight.”

The older woman smiled, brushing back a stray silver hair.
“Why thank you, Drew. Of course none of this would be possible without you.”

Avery didn’t seem to miss a beat, and Drew felt her stiffen
next to him.

“And who is this lovely lady?” Elsa asked kindly.

“Elsa may I introduce you to Avery Monroe.”

“Hello. Nice to meet you,” Avery said politely, reaching out
to shake the woman’s hand.

“Likewise. And what do you do?” Elsa asked curiously.

“I teach Kindergarten,” Avery explained.

Elsa clapped her hands together. “How delightful!” she
exclaimed, “Well done, Drew!” she complimented him.

Drew rolled his eyes internally. He knew that Elsa was
probably relieved not to see him with a gold-digger or a worthless socialite.

“Thank you. Avery and I grew up together,” he turned to look
at her, fixating on her big brown eyes. “She’s very, very special to me.”

He saw Avery blush and it only made his desire for her grow.

Elsa chatted with them for another moment and then they
moved on, stopping to talk to two more benefactors before Drew looped back
around the room and began heading back to their table.

“Doing okay?” he asked under his breath, as he nodded at
people he knew.

“Yes. I think so.” She was still hanging on to his arm, and
Drew felt slightly bad, he should have prepared her better for an event like

“So, everyone is going to take their seats in a few minutes
and there will be some introductory remarks. Then we’ll be served the first
course and then there will more than likely be a break for some mingling and

He looked down and saw Avery’s big eyes peering back up at

“So far so good?” he asked.

She nodded.

“Then we will be served the rest of our food, there will be
a little bit of speaking, and then it will break into more dancing and the
silent auction.”

He guided her back to their seat, and just as they were
about to sit down, Drew was tapped on the shoulder.

He turned around to see Marcus, a businessman he had dealt
with for Seraphina.

Marcus was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Not to mention, a
prick. Drew didn’t trust him at all.

“Marcus,” he said tightly. “What brings you to this event?”
He wondered how the hell Marcus had ever gotten a ticket to the gala.

It had to be Seraphina’s doing.

Marcus gave him a slimy smile. “Guess I just got lucky.”

“Apparently. What can I do for you?” Drew wanted to be
finished with him as quickly as possible.

“I was hoping we could discuss business,” Marcus said

No fucking way.

Besides, there was no more business for he and Marcus. He
had done as Seraphina asked, and now Marcus was free to wreak havoc as he chose
to do so.

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