Beautiful in My Eyes (6 page)

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“You know what. What's with the grin?”

, I was just
' his warm southern hospitality.”



As we exit the plane and stop for a moment before heading down to baggage claim, the flight attendant who served us comes through the gate.

“This is my stop,” he drawls as he casually walks by, winking at me. This time Julian laughs out loud.

“Julian!” I whisper sternly, trying to keep from laughing, myself. “I can't believe you!”

“An' I
believe the lad was so bold. Maybe I should go after him
bend him like a pretzel.
' do ye think, Jack?”

Dad laughs. “I would definitely pay to see it.”

Dad scoops Mark into a massive hug, almost lifting him off the floor. “It’s so good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you, too.”

Dad moves aside so Julian and I can greet Mark. “I’m so glad you could come,” he tells us.

“Thanks for
' us,” Julian says, putting an arm around Mark’s shoulder.

“It just wouldn’t have been the same without you guys.”

Mark walks us over to baggage claim to retrieve our luggage, all the while talking excitedly about the wedding plans. He also tells us about the things he has planned for us to do while we are here.

“I’m so glad you guys could come early.”

, we wanted ta be able ta spend time with ye before the
',” Julian says.

“And we can’t wait to meet your bride to be,” I add.

“I'm looking forward to introducing you. She’s pretty awesome.”

Mark holds Aidan, keeping him occupied while we keep a lookout for our luggage. Soon we have everything loaded into his mother’s minivan and are on our way.

“It’s so beautiful here,” I say, taking in the massive mountains in the distance, and Julian agrees.

“I can’t argue with you there,” Mark says. “It's so different from the east, and I never realized just how beautiful it really is or how much I missed it until I came back. It struck me all over again.”

“I can understand why,” Dad says.

“Tomorrow we’ll take you guys out and really show you some sights.”

Julian slaps him on the shoulder. “We look forward ta it.”









Chapter 5

beauty which is seen here below by persons of perception
resembles more than anything else that celestial source from which we all are come.


ou have a beautiful home,” Dad comments as we pull into the driveway and I readily agree.

Theirs is a large home of total southwestern design. From the flat, red tiled roof to the beige stucco, it is lovely.

“Everyone is back in the family room,” Mark says. “Just follow the loud laughter.”

Julian chuckles. “It does sound like everyone is
' a good time back there.”

“All of my sisters and their families are here. Whenever we get together, it's an automatic party.”

Mark leads us into the family room and everyone converges at once, anxious to meet us. Mark quickly makes the introductions.

“Make yourselves comfortable,” his mother, Margret says. “Mark has told us so much about you, we feel like you’re a part of the family.”

“He’s told us a lot about all of you, too,” I say. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Their kindness makes us feel welcome and at home.

“What a cutie,” Mark's sister, Afton says, cooing at Aidan. “How old is he?”

“He just turned a year old a couple of weeks ago,” I answer.

“He’s a little version of his dad,” Margret says.

Mark’s dad, Rick, holds his hands out to Aidan. “Hi, little guy.” Aidan reaches for his hand,
Rick holds his arms open and Aidan jumps right into them. “I think I’ve made a friend,” he says, chuckling.

“Looks like you have,” his wife agrees. “Must be those grandpa looks of yours.”

“Hey!” he says, pretending to be insulted. “Come on, little guy. Let’s go to the playroom and meet the crew.” Rick takes Aidan to meet the grandchildren while we all chatter on about the wedding.

“So where is your
,” Dad asks.”

Mark grins. “She should be here at any time . . . now.” The doorbell rings. “That must be her.” He runs to answer
the door. Ten seconds later he reappears with the love of his life, and introduces us to Sara.

“Isn’t she gorgeous?” Mark asks, beaming. It is definitely more of a statement than a question.

“She definitely is,” Dad says. “How did you get her?”

Sara laughs. “Well, I got so tired of him scratching at my door, I felt sorry for him and gave in.”

The whole room roars with laughter.

“Good one,” Mark says, hugging her.

The doorbell rings again.

“I’ll get it,” Rick says. “That must be Cassie.”

“Is she another sister?” I ask.

“No,” Mark answers, quickly filling us in. “She was married to our oldest brother that passed away a couple of years ago. She was pregnant at the time, but she lost the baby a few months later.”

“How sad,” I say
, keeping
my voice down.

“Yeah, it's
pretty hard on us all. But she is finally doing well.”

soon merge in with the adults. Aidan crawls to Dad and tugs on his pant leg. “Uh oh,” Dad says, picking him up. “I think someone’s sprung a leak.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I tell him. “Let me take him and change him.”

“That’s okay, I’ll do it.”

“Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Not at all,” he says and I hand him the diaper bag.

Mark offers to show him to one of the guest rooms. “All right, little man, come with Grandpa.” Dad calls over his shoulder, “If I’m not back soon, send in the Guard.”

Julian laughs and calls back, “No way,

“You're a lot of help,” I say, poking him and he pulls me close.”

“Here's our little Spanish beauty,” Rick says, entering the family room with a curvy, petite woman.

“I’m sorry I’m so late,” she says.

“That’s okay, we were just getting started.” She hands him a large casserole dish.

, Mark says. “Smells good.”

“I got ambitious. I made plum pudding and sauce.”

“Now how did you know I’ve had a craving for your plum pudding?” Mark asks, his voice teasing.

“Oh, I guess it’s because every time I come over, you say,
Boy, I sure would love to have some of your plum pudding.'”

Mark chuckles. “I guess you finally got the hint, then.”

When she smirks and says “Finally,” I snort, instantly liking her. Mark introduces us.

“It's good to meet you,” I say, shaking her hand, admiring her exotic features. “You're very beautiful.”

“Thank you,” she says shyly, tucking a lock of dark hair behind her ear, her Spanish accent thick.

We all migrate to the dining room and Dad returns a moment later. Mark immediately introduces him to Cassie.

I almost gasp as I watch Dad's eyes light up.
No way!
I glance at Julian and he winks at me.
can't believe it! Finally

“It’s . . . it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Dad says, shaking her hand, a wide smile spreading across his face.

“It’s good to meet you, too,” she says and I watch the two staring at each other.

I mouth to Julian.

“Well,” Rick says, clearing his throat, “shall we have a blessing now?”

I know it is wicked of me, but as Rick blesses the food, I discreetly open my eyes and glance from Dad to Cassie, smiling as I observe them doing the very same thing.

The table is set buffet style, and after we fill our plates, we head out onto the patio where tables are set up for everyone to dine. Most of the
family walk
around with their plates and talk, but I decide it will be easier to sit and feed Aidan. I spot Cassie sitting alone and head to her table.

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