Beaver2416 (Reviler's Affray) (24 page)

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Authors: Jeremy M. Thayer

BOOK: Beaver2416 (Reviler's Affray)
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Isaiah … Again--our engineers think that you can only allow for 20 to 25 minutes, before the Bank shuts US down and DISCOVERS where were are
.”--Kimberly said with uneasiness.

She had a great sense of organization among the modest population, with a mid-ancient clipboard strapped to her arm. She was one of Schism that came from Milveazy, about 200 miles due west from the mines at Tom Bossley. The Academy discovered their compound 6 spans ago, and she was one of several that lived to escape, to this greatly altered location.

With her help, within the past 10 months; the two bands of Schism working together found a small, but destructive entryway in the impenetrable enormity of the Academy’s Bank.

Tonight, was deemed by everyone as the most opportune time to fully exploit it.

We only need 12. We timed it together … remember
.” Beaver stated calmly.

He did so, trying to calm her down.

I know … but, you know how important this is--we only get ONE shot
.” Kimberly toned.

She continued to have a mark of frenzy in her voice.

Again … I know. Calm down and just trust HIM … Ok
?” Isaiah consoled, with his hand on her shoulder—“
God is with us

Just trust him. Ok.
”--She said with a deep sigh--“
But … you better not stumble on your words!
” Kimberly said with a bit of snark.

I won’t … you would never let me
.” He stated with a boyish smile.

Suddenly, lights surrounding Isaiah illuminated brightly as he walked up to the rudimentary platform, in the middle of the chamber. 

How much time
?”--he stated with his hand above his eyes, trying to look through the brightness.

One of the many engineers lined upon the wall shouted “
4 minutes

Each one of them sat with anticipation, staring at the large array of electronic devices that surrounded the room.

Near the shining globes towering over the middle of the room, was a large electron-holovisor. It stood ready to digitally capture his image, and transport it throughout the world. The many engineers scrambled to make their final checks, to assure that everything was correct.

This night we reclaim everything that was stolen from us!
No weapon formed against us shall prosper--remember that!”
Isaiah grumbled sternly. He did so with the oratory of a king, as he looked at his subjects from side to side. The engineers cheered loudly and clapped their hands with a fever pitch. As they continued in exuberance, Isaiah looked down at a cloth-covered pedestal on the platform, near where he was standing.

Dad … Matthew… Morgan--you didn’t die in vain. Jesus is the LORD
.” Isaiah whispered, trying to hold back his emotions. 

Suddenly, all of the jubilation was stifled by the loud outcry of “
Ten seconds

Every one quickly returned to their places, waiting in silence. Without warning, everyone including Isaiah looked up towards the eastern wall. A large modified progscreen was hung there, showing the exploit’s progress through the electronic data transgateway. Everyone held their breath in the thickness of hushed silence. All of a sudden, the progscreen went black and Kimberly stood to her feet.

We’re in--and go
!”--She said with her arm extended, like a mid-ancient director of film.

Isaiah regally filled his lungs with air and peered straightforward at the holovisor with raw determination.

My name is Isaiah and I am one of many. Everything you have been told is an absolute LIE! The Academy and all its leaders have been lying to you for a long time. Your Great Master that you forcibly worship is dead, and has been dead for a long time. What you see … what you salute … what you revere--is nothing more than a holographic lie. Behold--I stand before your FALSE GOD right now
!”--he echoed, with a side step and hand motion.

Suddenly, a holographic image of the Great Master stood next to him.

!” Isaiah shouted with authority.

The image throated repeatedly “
I am not god … I am not god

Isaiah then, swung his hand in front of the dimensional projection, and it dissolved into nothingness.

You have also been told the lie that all Androids are controlled by the Acad-powers and were subject to them alone--look upon this
!”--He bellowed with fire.

Then, he grabbed the cloth resting upon the pedestal and swung it into the floor.

Gee Wiz! Don’t be goofy
!” the robot toned.

It was Verb-Bot!

Its casing was greatly dented and charred from the explosions, but it miraculously partially survived. What was left of its mechanized head and frame, sat upon the pedestal.

Extracted from the head of this Academy Issued android, are the very words that strikes fear into every Elite and Parliamentarian. They are afraid of them, because they are the Holy words of life and death itself
!” Isaiah continued, as he lifted a strange object into the air that was handed to him off-visor.

This holo-tablet now contains all of the wisdom and knowledge of the Ancients. The Academy is terrified of their power! And with this one finger press, I will flood the world with its index of truth!
” Isaiah yelled, slowly pressing the screen of the holo-tablet.

Within seconds, the entire data transgateway was engulfed with all the words and phrases taken from Verb-bot’s cerebral memory banks. After several seconds, the progscreen lighted and showed moving image, after image of all the Academy’s Pro-G.M. programmes. They were all now superimposed with the scrolling words of Matthew’s book.

“Now… every progscreen and every holoportal throughout the Academy’s fallen world is filled with the exactitude of authentic fact!” Isaiah vociferated with his scarred right hand, raised high in the air.



I implore you all…







--He pleaded with mastery and charge, shouting directly at the holovisor.

With as much mechanized fortitude as it could produce, Verb-bot turned his severely dented head towards Isaiah. It moved what was left of its electron-servos in its facial region, to create a partial smile. Isaiah in his supplication, glanced at the broken android upon the pedestal. It could only emit one word to sum up all that had happened before, and, the unknown of what was going to happen soon.

” the robot exclaimed.



















The End… for now.




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