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Authors: Ella Dominguez

Becoming Sir (17 page)

BOOK: Becoming Sir
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Kerian nodded,
retrieved the Wand, and began his sweet torture of her clit.

Sawyer set the wheel on the lowest setting and glided it over her arms in short bursts before making his way up to her puckered and erect nipples. He bent down and bit into one, redirecting her focus while he turned up the power. When his mouth le
ft her breast, he ran the barbed device over her pebbled areola. The wetness of his saliva in combination with the electricity caused Ciara to arch her back and mewl out loudly, in turn stirring Sawyer’s inner Dom. When she did so, Kerian began circling the Wand around.

Looking to Kerian, Sawyer
asked, “Is she wet?”

so, Master Morrison,” his eyes twinkled playfully.

Focusing once again on Ciara, Sawyer spoke definitively,
“Don’t you dare cum without my permission. Am I clear?”

“Yes, Master,”
she moaned.

“That’s a good lit
tle slave.”

, he reached for the Violet Ray. It was a deceptively unassuming-looking piece of equipment. After having watched Liz and John’s demonstration, he had Googled all sorts of ways for sensual torture and this was one of the things he most wanted to try out. He looked to Kerian who was diligently working Ciara’s pussy with a fervent and concentrated look on his face.

“Teach me, Kerian.”

Kerian smiled and powered the vibrator off. Moving to the head of the table, he placed a glass tube on the end of the Violet Ray and turned it on. The loud crackling surprised Sawyer and his eyes widened with enthusiasm when a beautiful purple spark lit up the tip like that looked exactly like a mini lightning bolt. Kerian skimmed it along Sawyer’s forearm so he could feel its effects. To his relief, it wasn’t painful. Instead, it jolt of electricity emitted elicited a hot, tingling sensation.

“Try it for yourself, Sawyer, but be mindful of where yo
u place it. It might sound thrilling to place it on very delicate areas, like the nipples and clitoris, but it may cause oversensitivity and even pain. Unless of course that’s what you’re going for.”

No, pa
in wasn’t his turn-on and he was grateful for the advice. Beginning on the larger surface areas of Ciara’s body, he tested out the Ray while Kerian went back to work on her clit. He was getting a wonderful response and wondered what else could be done with the magical Tesla wand. He tried another attachment that resembled a glass comb. Cranking up the voltage, he raked the comb over her scalp, then over her hip and thighs. Ciara screamed out when he briefly touched her nipples. He liked the sound of her whimpering so much, he lowered the voltage to deliver more zaps to her breasts.

he was finished, he massaged and kissed every part of her body that he had electrified. The experiment had only gone on for fifteen minutes or was it forever? He had no idea. Time had ground to a halt and everything around him seemed to slow down and come into crisp focus, even the music which had momentarily been drowned out by the sound of the Ray. The deep female voices rose and fell as did Ciara’s with each of Kerian’s manipulations of the vibrator. With his head cloudy with desire, he decided it was time to taste his Angel.

“Trade me places, Kerian, and fill her mouth while I taste her arousal.”

“It would be her pleasure to be taken by two Masters. Wouldn’t it, Precious?” Kerian asked Ciara, putting the vibrator aside. 

“Yes… yes…
my honor and pleasure,” she whined.

Sawyer moved in between her
legs. Her pussy was bright pink, her labia swollen and her clit rigid from all the stimulation. Spreading her moist lips, he blew up and down slowly. His eyes darted upward to see Kerian grip his Angel underneath her armpits and drag her to the end of the table so that her head was hanging off. He unbuckled his pants, slid his cock out and stroked himself, preparing to fuck her mouth.

Sawyer readjusted himself
and lay on his belly, ready to partake of the buffet laid out before him. When he heard the wet sounds of Ciara’s mouth being taken, he dove into her pussy ferociously, biting and sucking at her labia and inflamed pearl. He held her thighs firmly apart and circled his tongue around before slipping it into her. Loud gagging momentarily broke his concentration and he looked up to see the most glorious deep-throating ever taking place. He could see the bulge of Ciara’s neck as Kerian penetrated the tight-depths of her throat and precum wet the front of his pants.  He slipped two fingers into her and pumped them in and out vigorously until she nearly came undone. Slipping his hands under her ass, he tipped her pelvis upward and licked from her clit to her ass crack, his mouth resting over the hole he had fucked. He sucked at it too and poked his tongue in.  It was a dirty thing to do, but he didn’t give a fuck. He was in a room full of people who were not judging him so why should he care? He let go of all his feelings of shame and went with what his instincts told him, and what they were telling him to do was everything he had always been denied. It was cathartic and energizing and some unfathomable feeling of power surged through him.

He stood, kicked off
his slacks and grabbed a nearby condom that Kerian had been kind enough to lay out for him. He spit into the palm of his hand, lubing his dick for another go at her ass. He guided the head of his dick to her anus and pushed gently until he felt her body relax. Slowly, he began pumping into her tight hole. Over and over, he slid his cock all the way out only to thrust into her again.

Doing his best to stay focused was difficult with the delicious sounds from above.
Shaking his head, he glanced upward again. He couldn’t take anymore. He had to have her mouth, too. Kerian read his thoughts, disengaged from Ciara and stepped aside for him to take over. Like a well-choreographed dance, they traded positions again, only this time Kerian began to fuck Ciara while Sawyer plundered her mouth.

After s
napping the rubber off, he guided his shaft past her drool-soaked lips, he held her shoulders down, pinning her to the tabletop. He pushed past her tonsils slowly, feeling the tightening of her throat around him. Other than her ass, it was the most fantastic thing he had ever felt. She didn’t flinch once and opened her throat to him unwaveringly. He propelled deeper into her throat with each thrust, pulling out on occasion to allow her to breathe and look into her eyes. Every time he did, they shared an intense physical awareness of each other, the web of attraction building with every wet, intimate, debauched moment they shared. The sweetly intoxicating musk of their bodies, sweat and sex began to overwhelm Sawyer. His heart beat wildly in his chest and his cock began to pulse in time with the music as his finish neared.  His eyes darted to Kerian who was thrusting at a frenzied pace and thumbing her clit causing Ciara to squirm uncontrollably. With everything that she was being submitted to, he was amazed that still, her hands remained palms down.

“Are you ready to cum for your Masters?” Sawyer grunted.

Unable to respond verbally, Ciara lifted her hand and slapped the table.

pulled out long enough to hear her cries of passion and gave his order. “Cum, and say my name, Angel – loud and clear. Say it like I’m the only one in this room.”

“Sawyer!” she
cried loudly without an ounce of hesitation.

He promptly pushed back into her, fee
ling his shaft hit the back of her tonsils. Two long, slow pumps later, Sawyer’s seed pulsed out and down her throat. He stumbled backward and only a few short moments later heard the loud grunt of Kerian. Wanting nothing more than to throw himself onto a bed and crawl into the fetal position and sleep for hours, he found the strength to gather Ciara into his arms and carry her to the bed with him.

“I’ll clean up…” she
whispered weakly with cum dripping down around her mouth.

“No, you’ve done enough this evening, my dark Angel. Rest.”


Chapter 11

Having carried a sleeping and nude Ciara to their suite, Sawyer cleaned her up before crashing next to her and slept as if he had been knocked over the head by a kinky cupid. He woke early in the morning on Saturday to Ciara’s shimmering eyes concentrated on his face.

“Good morning, Master Morrison.”

“I thought you’d be showered by now, Angel,” he yawned.

“I need your permission to leave this bed first,” she smiled, reminding him that she was no regular submissive, but a slave.

“Yes, how silly of me. By all means, make yourself pretty and clean for me. I’ll join you in a few minutes.”

Sawyer found his phone and quickly texted his activities to Sarah, excited to share his three-some with her.

S.M.: 8:08 AM: Your Domly One has been a very naughty boy, Snowflake.

SarahH: 8:12
AM: Good morning, Sir! I can hardly wait to hear the details. Is Ciara treating you well?

S.M.: 8:15 AM: More than well. I’
m being treated like royalty. A man could get used to this kind of pampering. Last night was AMAZING. Hint: three bodies, one table. ;)

SarahH: 8:16 AM: 0.0
Two vajays and one peen or two noodles and one hoo-haw?

Sawyer threw his head back and laughed joyously.

S.M.: 8:17 AM: No noodles involved – only solid MASSIVE cocks!

He was feeling particularly happy and he could only
guess it was because of Ciara.

SarahH: 8:18: AM: Lucky slave girl alert! Did you experiment with anything new?

S.M.: 8:20 AM: The Violet Ray and the electrified double pinwheel. Good stuff. I have a slave who needs attention, but I just wanted to say I was thinking of you. Don’t forget about 1 & 9. Have a good day.

SarahH: 8:20
AM: You, too, Domly One. :*

Sawyer jogg
ed to the shower, eager to feel Ciara’s hands on his body.

Twenty five minutes later, he was being given a full body massage while he sat on the duchess chair, nude. His cock was semi-erect from all the blood flow being caused by Ciara’s skilled hands. She had just fin
ished with his feet and was working his shoulders as his thoughts wandered. He wanted to know everything about the beautiful woman who had awoken his deepest dominant tendencies in a mere few hours of knowing her.

Grasping her wrist, he brought her around and seated her in his lap as he stretch
ed his long legs out leisurely.

Holding her face between his hands, he bore his gaze into her. “What are you
r wants, Angel?”

“To be pleasing in all ways; t
o do without hesitation those things which my Master asks,” she answered quickly.

Shaking his head, he swept his thumb over her bottom lip. “You’ve already made that abundantly clear
, and you do a fine job at accomplishing that, but this isn’t an exam, Ciara. Tell me what you

With her thick dark hair hanging over her shoulders and shrouding her breasts, her pupils
roamed over his face endlessly, her liquid eyes imploring him for some indecipherable thing. “I want to be needed; wanted; and most of all, cherished and loved,” she whispered.

A hot ache grew in Sawyer’s throat and he felt the blood surge from his fingertips to his groin. “You want the very thing we all seek, Angel. Yet…” he paused, his heart thumping
erratically, and his hands moving to her shoulders, “you’ve chosen this path as a slave. Why not just be a submissive?”

Ciara’s hands moved over Sawyer’s chest, her warm touch
inviting him to caress her. He moved his hands down the center of her breasts and around her waist, his fingers snaking up her back and skimming the tattoos on her shoulder blades. He tugged her to him, pulling her close to not only hear her response, but to feel it against his mouth.

With her eyes resting on his lips, she whispered her answer into his parted mouth.
“Because for me, it’s not enough to just be obedient. I
to be owned - body, mind and soul; to be guided and told what to do on every level and controlled utterly. I
to be overtaken. I always have. I’m not even sure where it comes from…” she paused as if pondering her response before continuing. “It starts here…” her fingertips touched the center of her belly and moved upward over her heart, “I feel it here…” then up to her temple, “and that need speaks to me here. It’s who I am, Sawyer. I no longer question and deny that yearning like I used to. I’ve struggled my entire adult life and young adulthood with what I felt and what everyone was telling me I should and should not be. I was shunned from my family for my perceived wayward wants, but I hold out hope that someday they will accept me for who I truly am, like I have accepted who they are. I am a slave, Master Morrison; a slave to man; a slave to love and ownership, and I do not regret the choices that I have made in seeking a life that can give me my true desires.”

He to
ok her mouth with such savage intensity, Ciara’s body softened in his arms and a gasp left her mouth.  Forcing her lips open with the thrusting of his tongue and smothering her lips with his demanding mastery, his tongue caressed the inside of her mouth, devouring her unique taste. If being overtaken is what she needed and yearned for, then by God, he would give it to her.

Gently pulling away, Ciara smiled and answered, “Oh, and I also want to have my own
book store someday; a small out of the way place that caters to the romantic and naughty-at-heart. With maybe some sex toys thrown in just for fun.”

Sawyer smiled and kissed her chin. “
Kerian was right: someday you’re going to make some man a very happy Master, Angel.”

“Some man?”
she asked, her eyes hopeful, even optimistic.

He gave her a secret smile
, leaving her suggestive question unanswered but commented, “A weekend with you doesn’t seem like near enough time to get to know all your finer points, does it?”

“No, Master, it doesn’t
, nor enough time to get to know your wants.”

“Perhaps Maste
r K will be amenable to a time extension.”

“We can hope, Master.”


Saturday and Sunday had gone by in a flash and before Sawyer knew it, his time with Ciara was ov
er, and the realization that he wanted more time with her was glaringly apparent. The afternoons had been spent talking of their losses and achievements. Sawyer even divulged a bit of the neglect he had endured growing up. Ciara had hung on his every word, but never once forced any more information out of him. He had learned of how her overzealously religious parents had disowned her when they found out about her involvement in the BDSM community. He felt her hurt and wished he could protect her from the harsh world. Wanting to defend her, he briefly considered calling them up to plead her case and to tell them to pull their heads out of their asses so they could enjoy the wonderful person that Ciara was, but decided against it.

Even with his every minute being accounted for with Ciara, he didn’t miss hi
s appointments with Sarah at 1:00 and 9:00. He had requested she send a snapshot of herself so that he could carry her to bed each night, even if it was only her image on his phone.

When Sunday evening approached, h
e had begun to feel torn between his burgeoning feelings towards the twenty-eight year old slave who had crept into his heart, and the flame that was still burning steadily for Sarah. Except for their desires to want to be submissive, they were completely different. But still, they both seemed to be exactly what he needed and wanted in a woman. He quickly banished the thought of having to choose one over the other. After all, he hadn’t even told either of them about his murderous and corrupt past. If they knew, he dreaded what the outcome would be, and he reminded himself to just enjoy the allotted time he was allowed with each of them and to learn everything he could from their knowledge.

With his bag in hand and at the door, he was met by Kerian, Ciara and Julia. Seeing the girls standing next to each other, visions of the evening before seeped into his mind. He had watched them perform their magic on each other and
they had given him and Kerian quite a show. They did, indeed, fit together like two puzzle pieces. With her eyes to the floor, Sawyer reached over and fingered her chin.

“Look at me before I leave, Angel.”
She stared back with longing at him and an undeniable glimmer of sadness flashed across her face. He blinked long and hard wanting to soothe her ache before mustering up the courage to ask Kerian what had been on his mind since Saturday morning. Facing Kerian, he asked, “May I speak with you in private?”

In the study, Sawyer paced near the window like a caged animal.

“What is it, Mr. Morrison. You’re beginning to make me nervous,” Kerian glared.

Sawyer chewed on his bottom lip and stole a look
over his shoulder at Kerian. Bravely, he faced him and pushed his shoulders back. “I respectfully request more time with Angel… Ciara. Respectfully.”

A cheesy grin spread across Kerian’s squared and slightly wrinkled face. “Is that what you’re so tense about? Hell, Morrison, I was going to suggest the same thing myself!”

Kerian laughed obnoxiously, causing Sawyer to bristle and wince at his own juvenile anxiousness. It reminded him of having to ask a father for his permission to take his daughter on a date. “Is that a

“Well, I’m not sure. I rather like seeing Sawyer Morrison, otherwise known as the Domly One, a little fretful. Say it just once more in that deep and concerned voice… RESPECT
FULLY,” Kerian mocked.

, you’re just as bad as Young. And who the hell told you about Domly One?” Sawyer glowered.

“I overheard Isabel and Sarah,
” he continued to laugh.

Crossing his arms, Sawyer waited impatiently for Kerian’s laughter to die down. When it finally did, seriousness cross
ed his face.

“Yes, Sawyer, I can grant y
ou more time with Ciara, on the condition that a task be completed. This is for her sake as her training is near its completion. I had planned on doing this final test of willing and openness with her myself, but seeing as she has ‘
requested to spend more time with you as well, this will be a good chance for the both of you to once again learn from each other.”

Sawyer’s mouth twitched into a small smile.
“She asked to spend more time with me?”

Kerian rolled his eyes and waved in dismissal. “
Yes, she asked and I agreed. You two are like a couple of teenagers, I swear. Next thing you know I’ll be passing notes between the two of you. Now for that homework assignment - it’s not going to be easy… for either of you. But, if this thing between the two of you is going where I think it is, it’s going to be an excellent way to gauge if you’re truly compatible.”

Sawyer’s body
stiffened. Where exactly did Kerian think this thing was going? He had simply asked to spend more time with his Angel, Ciara, not for her hand in marriage. His breath caught in his throat and his heart began pounding as he struggled with the probability that had been alluded to.

an moved to a large locked cabinet, withdrew a key from his pocket and retrieved a file. “This is the contract that was signed upon the commencement of Precious’ training. It contains a detailed questionnaire, profile, and history. It’s with great discretion that I loan this to you for your perusal. It also contains her hard limits. Keep in mind that these limits were set six months ago when her training began.”

Sawyer listened with bewilderment and curiosity. Six months of training?  He had no idea slave training was so exhaustive and time intensive.

“We have stringently stuck by these limits. However, it’s time for her to grow and let go of all those old fears. I am a firm believer that yesterday’s boundaries are to be crossed on tomorrow’s horizon.”

Some sixth sense brought Sawyer fully awake and uncertainty crept onto his expressio
n. He didn’t like where the conversation was going. Was Kerian really going to ask for Sawyer to disregard her hard limits?

, I won’t…” Sawyer barked more loudly than he intended.

Raising his hand, Kerian cut him short
, his eyes clinging to him and his voice remaining calm. “Let me finish. I know this sounds unorthodox, but this is a time-honored method for training slaves and has proven good results. I assure you no one has ever been hurt; at least not on my watch or anyone who has trained that I know. I will give you a week to go over her limits. Choose only one that you can work with, and find a way to seduce consent out of her as creatively as you can. I want you to break her walls down, as well as letting go of your own fears to achieve that. This is a great opportunity for you to push both your limits and deal with your fears. I truly believe this is necessary in order to fully accept the roles which the two of you are seeking to fulfill or I wouldn’t ask it. You are NOT to tell her what your end goal is, but let her see it for herself. I want her to learn that boundaries and limits are soul crushing and, well, limiting. As your knowledge of BDSM expands, so does your mind and ability to accept the things that once seemed unthinkable, allowing for a deeper connection of who you really are. Tell me you understand.”

BOOK: Becoming Sir
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