Becoming Sir (13 page)

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Authors: Ella Dominguez

BOOK: Becoming Sir
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put distance between Isabel’s body and himself, and brought the whip up. She halted all movement and held her breath as the leather sliced across her back causing her to shriek out. He had angled his wrist too sharply creating more damage than he had intended.

Fucking hell.” he grumbled under his breath and froze. He looked to Dylan who had a pained look on his face and Sawyer feared it would be his teeth kicked in for mishandling his wife rather than Luke’s.

“The error was in your wrist, my friend. Smooth movements only for now,” Luke stated calmly, placing his hand on
Sawyer’s back in a placating gesture. “Become one with the whip; make it an extension of who you are.”

had already heard as much from Dylan. He moved in front of Isabel to see tears streaming down her cheeks and a wave of nausea washed over him.  Wanting to soothe her, he dropped the whip and gripped her face, kissing her ravenously and smothering her sobs. She gasped for breath as his tongue probed her mouth. When he stepped back, Isabel’s honey-colored eyes were wide and glassy with shock from his zealousness, but she was no longer crying. His plan had clearly worked in taking her mind off the pain he had inflicted, and he couldn’t resist smiling at the surprise on her face as he swept the tears from her cheeks.

Feeling better?” he asked without letting on to the displeasure of his mistake.

Isabel nodded, her eyes flicking rapidly from his eyes to his mouth.

“Besides bright pink – what’s your color?”

sniffed and smiled sheepishly. “Green, Sir.”

let out a deep sigh then dabbed the corners of her eyes with his thumbs before picking the whip back up. Looking over his shoulder at Dylan, he waited for another nod of approval to continue. When Dylan gave it, Sawyer looked back to Isabel. He had to hear from her own mouth that she was okay with everything that was taking place.

Do you want me?” he asked, holding the end of the whip in one hand and the handle in the other as he wrapped it around her waist to pull her close. Isabel’s eyes darted toward Dylan and Sawyer adjusted his stance, blocking her view.

“I want what
ever my Master tells me to want,” she whispered.

I understand and you’re a good girl for wanting that. But I have to know right now Isabel that this is what

Sawyer tugged the leather, making Isabel gasp out as their mouths brushed against one another. Her fluttering breaths panted out rapidly, the warm moistness touching Sawyer’
s mouth, the scent a combination of mint, fear and arousal. Her eyebrows pinched together as if she was fighting her own inner battle, her almond-shaped eyes roaming over his face and pleading for something. Stiffly, she nodded.

“I need to hear you say it, Cookie,” his voice was
deep, calm, his penetrating gaze unwavering.

a groan, Isabel’s eyes concentrated on his mouth. “Yes, Sawyer,
, I want this.” Softer and more fragile than before, she answered, “I want you,” her cheeks blushing from the guilt of her admission. After she spoke the words, her eyes averted to the floor.

Sawyer looked over his shoulder and motioned for Dylan to come over and reassure her.

Moving next to Sawyer, both he and Dylan ran their hands along her body; Dylan’s on her face, running his index finger down her cheek and across her full, pouted lips and then her chin, guiding her to look at him. Sawyer released the whip from one hand, the leather falling to the floor with a soft thud, and skimmed his finger over the tops of Isabel’s breasts and down to her waist.

I want Sawyer to pleasure me, Master. I’m so sorry,” Isabel whimpered, her eyes welling up with tears.

Dylan caressed her cheek and gave her his best sympathetic
comforting and reassuring smile. “I want you to want him. Right now, at this moment, you belong to Sawyer and are at his mercy. But you’ll always belong to me and only me. You know that. You’re mine, Love… forever.”

Isabel’s mouth curved upward in a sexy smile as her
reluctance pooled at her feet, freeing her from her guilt and setting Sawyer free to satisfy both he and Isabel.

redirected his heated and possessive stare to Sawyer. He dug his fingers harshly into Sawyer’s shoulder while his eyes clung to him.  “We owe you our lives, Morrison, and for that reason I will share with you, and
only you,
my most cherished possession – my wife and the love of my life. Make her soar, Sawyer, and hold nothing back.”

Sawyer was crushed by Dylan and Isabel’s
surrendering words, and he suddenly felt light-headed and dizzy with excitement as the blood from his head rushed to his cock. He took a deep breath and held it to steady himself while Dylan gave his final instructions to Isabel as he kissed her.

“Fly, Baby G

Dylan moved away, standing on the sidelines
with Luke and leaving Sawyer to exert his power over Isabel. Closing his eyes, Sawyer rolled his neck, loosening his tense muscles and letting his apprehension go. He had Dylan’s permission after all and Isabel was consenting.

vowed to himself that he would try the whip only once more on Isabel’s supple flesh, and if he made the same mistake as before, he would just have to move onto something more his skill level. Sawyer snapped the whip in the air loudly several times, re-acclimating himself with the instrument. When he faced Isabel, her eyes were dreamy and her body writhed with need.

Leaning into
Isabel’s ear, his long fingers clamped over her hip before easing their way down and past her panties, pushing them into her damp folds and pinching her clit. Her muscles tensed under his fingertips and she mewled in delight. Sawyer bit Isabel’s lobe gently and breathed into her ear, “I know exactly what you need, my Sweetness, and it isn’t at all what you think you want…” then slipped his tongue into the shell of her ear, circling it around. “It’s to do what pleases me.” He skimmed his tongue down her jawline to her parted lips, dipping it into her mouth, tasting her once again, “when and how I tell you to do it.” He bit gently into her bottom lip before trailing his mouth down to her neck. “Any questions?” he asked with his words muffled as he buried his face against her throat, the pounding of her rapid pulse throbbing in her jugular vein felt on his lips.

Isabel moaned and nodded
her head. “Good. We’ll start with something simple to see how well you can follow my orders.” Isabel’s eyes flickered open and she waited for his command. “Fuck my tongue with your mouth,” he ordered, his words cool and clear like ice water.

stood, tilted his head and opened his mouth, his thick, rigid tongue sticking out just far enough for Isabel to get a hold of it. Eagerly complying, she pushed her head forward and latched onto his tongue, sucking at it greedily as if it were his hard cock and bobbing her head forward and back. He thrust his fingers deeper into her pussy, making her moan out and her limbs tremble.

away from Isabel abruptly, he left her hanging in mid air, needy and whining for his touch. She opened her mouth to speak, but Sawyer placed his index finger to her mouth, silencing her.

Only screams of pleasure, remember?” he reminded her, poking his wet finger into her mouth, allowing her to taste herself. “How do you taste, Isabel?”

She closed her eyes and swirled her tongue over his index finger, then answered, “Salty and…”

“Tell me,” Sawyer demanded.


Pulling his finger out of Isabel’s mouth, he dipped it back into her pussy, soaking his finger again and bringing it to his mouth to confirm her assessment. He licked and sucked his fingers and agreed wholeheartedly. “Yes, Cookie, you do taste aroused. But you left something out.”Cocking her head to the side, Isabel’s brows knitted together. “Delectable.”


Sawyer’s left shoulder ached from all the whipping and sensual torture he had inflicted on Isabel, and he rubbed it with his right hand while he and Sarah drove away from the club.  The scene was still playing in his mind as he thought about how he could’ve made it better for Isabel and himself. He had left her begging to be fucked and though he suspected Dylan would’ve allowed it, he just couldn’t cross that line out of respect for the two of them. Having remembered Isabel’s statement that all her orgasms belonged to her husband, he handed her off to Dylan to finish her off completely. The scent of Isabel’s pussy was still lingering on his clothing, making him smirk wickedly. He could completely understand why Dylan was so enamored with her; she was quite a tasty little sub. He hoped by assisting Dylan in making Isabel cum, he had made up for his egregious mistake with the whip.

Perhaps Snowflake would be up to allowing him to
try his hand at the whip again on her the next time. Sawyer inwardly laughed, surprised that he was even considering doing it again. He couldn’t wait to get the thick beauty back to his condo.

“I’d like if it you stayed the night with me, Snowflake.”

She stared at her hands before answering. “I can’t, but thank you for the offer,” she said softly.

very quiet. Tell me what you’re fighting with.” Sarah swallowed hard to Sawyer’s statement and slumped into the leather seat. “Please sit up and look at me,” he stated decisively. There was nothing more frustrating than seeing a beautiful woman lose her confidence.

squared her shoulders and faced him. “I can’t put it into words right at the moment, but I assure you it wasn’t anything you did or did not do. It’s actually been a very pleasurable night for me.”

nodded and let it go sensing that Sarah was clearly struggling with her own demons. He had wanted to spend the night exploring her curves, but resigned himself to the fact he may just have to jerk himself off for release.

Arriving at her home, he
walked her to the porch. Sarah unlocked her door slowly and turned to face Sawyer. With the moon shining in her glassy eyes and glinting off her hair, Sawyer leaned forward. She opened her mouth to say goodnight and he wrapped the fingers of one hand around the back of her neck and pressed his open lips to hers. She tried to pull away but Sawyer refused her denial. He was a patient man, but he wouldn’t be denied her kiss.  Realizing her feeble attempts were useless, Sarah gave in to the forceful domination of his lips. Dusting his fingers up her smooth thigh, his hand moved under her dress to skim her hip and squeeze her waist. Sawyer continued to kiss her with a hunger that belied his outward calm, lingering and savoring every bit of her that she was allowing him to explore.  He moved his mouth to her earlobe, grazing it with his teeth before ending their dreamy moment. The kiss obviously left Sarah weak and confused as she wobbled on her feet and held onto his biceps for stability.

“I wish I had this effect on all women,”
Sawyer smiled down at her, proud of his effect on her.

With half-closed eye
s, Sarah answered unequivocally, “You do, Sir, and don’t you ever doubt that.”


Chapter 9

The following day
at work was busy and it wasn’t until mid-afternoon that Sawyer was finally able to speak with Dylan. When he entered Dylan’s office, he was greeted with a slightly raised eyebrow and a crooked accusing half-grin.

“Did you rub one off thinking about my wife last night, Morrison?” he asked.

Sawyer shook his head and laughed. “It wasn’t Isabel I was thinking about.”

“Good. I know how hard it can be not finishing at the end of a scene.
See what I did there? How
it can be?” he chuckled at himself. “You left before I had a chance to commend you on how well you handled yourself last night. And my wife, too, but don’t get used to it. As much as I enjoyed seeing you tease and nearly fuck her, I’d like to be the only one who satisfies her. She’s still available for ‘educational’ purposes, of course,” he smiled.

Thanks. I honestly don’t think anyone else could satisfy Isabel.”

Dylan’s lifted his eyebrows. “Do you think she was holding back?”

“A little.”

Dylan shook his head and huffed. “I’ll have to have a talk with her about that. Perhaps a spanking is in order.”

“No, please don’t do that. All-in-all, the scene was very enjoyable. Anyway, I don’t think she was holding back per se. I think she just would’ve preferred pain interspersed with my teasing.”

Dylan’s ster
n looked softened. “Well, that’s my little masochist for you. And admit it: it was more than just ‘enjoyable’.”

Unable to hide his wayward thoughts, Sawyer nodded. “Yes, fine. I admit it.”
Seating himself across from Dylan’s desk, he got back down to business. “I’m going to be paying a little visit to a certain Mr. Christopherson.”

Dylan rocked his chair back and gave Sawyer a sharp, assessing look. “You have everything in order?”

“Absolutely. It turns out Emilio’s business partner has been a very naughty boy. I’m sure his wife would love to know about his years of promiscuity and drug use. And if that doesn’t persuade him, then perhaps Uncle Sam would like to know about his under the table dealings with a local contractor.”

Jesus, you are thorough, aren’t you?” Dylan sneered. “Emilio was surrounded by nothing but shit. First, Simons and now this Christopherson guy? I can only imagine what it was like for Isabel growing up around such scumbags.”

“Anyway, I just need the go ahead to get things rolling. Also, if I’m not able to verbally persuade him, how far do you want me to take matters?”

Swinging his chair around, Dylan looked out the window while he thought things over. Sawyer knew what needed to be done for a satisfactory resolution, but with everything that had happened he didn’t want to bring anymore negative attention to the Youngs’ lives.

“Let’s not do anything rash. If Christopherson doesn’t agree to back off, we’ll follow through with our threats and expose him. Maybe that will be enough that the judge in charge of Emilio’s case will dismiss the appeal and relinquish all funds to Isabel. If not, then we’
ll just let things play out,” he finally answered.

“Good plan.”


Several hours later, Sawyer was surprised by a courier dropping off an envelope addressed to him. The flourished feminine handwriting wasn’t one he recognized and he quickly tore into it.


Mr. Morrison, let me start by saying this letter is not only to apologize for my distance last night, but an admission of guilt. I was not myself.  I was nervous and I could feel myself drifting away with each passing minute. Let me be clear – it was not because of you, but rather my own fears. I felt so unsure of myself next to you, but you made me feel something I haven’t felt in a very long time – needed. Being back at the club during our first introduction felt like home, but it was like an empty home without my Sir.

Last night
, however, was different and I’m having a difficult time with that. I find you very attractive and while I watched you with Isabel, all I kept thinking about was that I wanted you to push my limits the way my Sir had done. Our shower together was amazing and giving you pleasure set me on fire, but I’m afraid of what I’m feeling because of shame. My mind knows I am not betraying my Master, but my heart tells me that I am, and my body says something altogether different. It says: take me, Mr. Morrison. So you see I have many emotions to contend with. Which part of me do I listen to?

I realize that we’ve only met and I am not trying to force anything, but I am a strong believer in full disclosure and communication so I am merely being up front with you about how you make me feel. You will be in contact with many submissives over the next several weeks and months, but I sincerely hop
e you find your way back to me and know that whatever your decision is, I will remain at your service until you feel comfortable as a Dominant.

As someone who will have
a direct hand in your training as a Dom, from here forward, this is my promise to you: I will be nothing less than courteous and helpful to you at all times. I will be open and share my experiences with you, along with the knowledge that I have acquired during my years in the BDSM community.


P.S. Thank you for taking a chance on a still grieving and confused submissive

P.S.S. That kiss was amazing.”


was touched at Sarah’s honesty and he quickly put pen to paper to respond.


“My sweet Snowflake, you’re much too hard on yourself. You really have no idea how amazing you are do you? Fear is not always a bad thing. Living your life the way you want and taking risks is terrifying. But fear of losing someone is a far greater thing to be afraid of. This is what you truly fear, isn’t it? A great many things scare me, too - most especially loss. Since you’re disclosing fully, let me do the same: I am not afraid of your attraction to me nor am I afraid of your honesty. It’s refreshing and nothing less than alluring. 

I do not take promises, written or spoken, lightly and I fully intend to hold you to the promises you have made to me
in the letter you sent. In turn, I will make you a promise:
I will be responsive to all that you have to offer me and take full advantage of your knowledge and experiences. Difficult as it may be, I will not hide what my mind and body are feeling so that I might learn the responsibilities as a forthcoming, conscientious and trustworthy Dominant. Above all else, I will wear the title of Dominant with honor and never give reason or cause for others to think negatively of the roles of Dominant and submissive.

Only time will tell if our destinies are meant to be. Until then, I lo
ok forward to our time together. Thank YOU for taking a chance on me, despite knowing nothing of my past offenses.


P.S. Yes, the kiss was amazing. So was watching you. You elicit the hardest of steel girders, Snowflake.”


When Sawyer put the pen down, he felt inexplicably liberated. He found it so much easier to write what he was feeling rather than to speak it aloud. Having alluded to his murderous past was a big step for him, knowing he would eventually have to reveal everything to whomever it was he chose to be his submissive.
he found someone to be his submissive.

sealed the letter in an envelope, addressed it to Sarah, and had it sent out immediately.  He picked up his phone and considered texting her, but decided to wait instead until after the letter had been delivered to her.


Two days had passed and Sawyer kept himself occupied with work and prepared for the meeting with Jameson Christopherson. Fighting the overwhelming urge to contact Sarah, he kept his evenings full by filling his brain with as much BDSM information on slave relationships as it would hold.
He felt as if he was a master craftsman in the making, trying his best to hone his skills to a degree and level of competency that he wanted to far exceed the average Dom.  He took his work and research seriously, and came to the realization that it would take years to complete his training and that in reality he would probably never be done learning everything there was.

ying in bed with his iPad in hand, he was alerted to a message from Sarah.


9:53 PM:
Thank u for your kind response in writing to my letter. I’ve always cherished the written word and it was a treat to receive.

9:55 PM: I’m glad to hear from you.

SarahH: I’ve spoken with the Young’s and they’ve
suggested we write out a temporary contract of sorts between us so that u can get the feel for what’s involved in creating one.

SarahH: 9:56 PM:
I would’ve contacted u sooner but I’ve been hard at work putting it together. I’ll send it now. We’ll talk once you’ve gone over it and made revisions. Can I expect your response in 2 days’ time?

S.M.: 10:01 PM: I may need until
after the weekend as I’ll be busy at Kerian’s home. The beginning of next week I’ll also be dealing with a work issue, but I promise I’ll be going over it every spare moment that I get. I look forward to reading what you’ve sent.

SarahH: 10:14 PM: That sound
s acceptable. I’ll speak with u soon.


At that moment, Sarah’s email came through. Sawyer retrieved his laptop and downloaded the document.


“Sir, here is my mock-up of our proposed temporary contract. I found the sample document online at
and have amended it to suit our needs. It does not include all of the fine details that a normal contract would have, but I’ve tried to make it fit within the confines of your training. In your next communication to me, please provide me with daily tasks and chores to keep us grounded and connected even when we’re not in contact.”



I, Sarah Henderson, hereinafter referred to as submissive, does of my own free mind and open heart, offer myself in consensual submission to Sawyer Morrison
, hereinafter referred to as Sir, during his training period so that we may both grow, and I may assist him during his transition into the BDSM lifestyle, beginning immediately and ending when his training is completed as deemed by his trainers, the BDSM community, and myself.



objective of this temporary contract is to make clear the expectations of both Sir and submissive and the consequences for failure to abide by this agreement. This written treaty shall serve as the basis for teaching how to live a healthy and happy BDSM lifestyle, while improving both lives in the spirit of a loving and consensual Dominance and submission relationship. It is the intention of this trainer, i.e. submissive, to help further Sawyer Morrison’s knowledge by guiding and assisting in his self-awareness and exploration.

Submissive desires
that trust and open communication be a significant and vital part of this relationship on the part of both parties, in addition to obedience by the submissive.

The terms and conditions set forth in this
agreement are a formal way of defining the rules by which both enter into this safe, sane and consensual relationship.

By accepting and signing this temporary contract, both
Sir and submissive agree that these terms and conditions cannot be altered in any way except by shared approval. These terms and conditions may be negotiated; meaning Sir will hear any arguments or suggestions that are presented in a clear, concise and calm manner.

Note: No part of this
temporary pact can interfere with the professional life of the submissive or Dominant. It is meant to guide them and cannot be harm their ability to get their jobs done.


(suggestions, please revise and/or add as you see fit)

1. It is the responsibility
of submissive to be pleasing in all ways – intellectually, visually, sexually and domestically.

2. Submissive is required to obey all commands given by Sir within reasonable and fair limits.

3. Submissive agrees to show an attitude of respect and reverence to Sir at all times.

4. Submissive must be calm, clear and to the point when relaying opinions any time she disagrees with Sir, but accepts that Sir has final say in all matters.

5. Rash or disrespectful behavior of any kind is a punishable offense.

6. Submissive shall address Sawyer as “Sir” as frequently as possible in private, and as often as opportunity allows in public.

7. Sir and submissive will have daily discussions in regards to all activities that have transpired and progression of Dominant training.

8. Submissive will use the power granted to her in her role as a trainer in assisting Sir to strengthen his character, integrity and Dominance.


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