Behind the Lens (Behind the Lives) (54 page)

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snorted. “Did you just say that?”

you aren’t; that sort of stuff happened in World War Two.”

don’t have much knowledge of the world,
. Concentration camps didn’t
stop after that war. Have you heard of the war that split

heard Sledge correct people when they’ve called him Yugoslav. He said sumpthin’
’bout his grandparents’ country having a civil war.”

war had concentration camps. I was in one with my mother.”


I was young, but I still remember it vividly, and you don’t look like the
people I saw in there. Also, I can’t see your baldness since you’re wearing a
beanie, which by the way, makes you look like a sweet little skater boy.”

insulting me! I ain’t a boy, and I don’t even know how to skate, I did it once
and skinned my leg.”

so cute when you argue; it’s fun to take part in. I like you, unlike your

I don’t like
you; I want Beth to be with Dante.”

don’t always get what you want, and I still like you regardless, you’re a
little spitfire.”

calling me li’l! And Beth
get Dante, she

smiled. “I would so love to see Dante fuck you.”

face dropped. “How could you say that while you’re holding his hand? Beth does
love him more than you.”

I said, fucking isn’t the same as love. Learn that and you’ll enjoy life more,

calling me

that’s what I’m going to call you from now on, because I love your reaction to
it.” Kara looked up as a beautiful Japanese-looking man entered the room. She
let go of Dante’s hand and got to her feet, yelling, “Get out, Jade!”

ignored her and pulled up Beth’s chair, sitting next to Dante. He took a hold
of the hand that Beth was forced to abandon. “How is he doing?” he asked, like
Kara hadn’t just yelled at him.

eyes shot venom at him. “He’s unconscious, no thanks to you.”

did I do?” Jade asked, looking surprised.

would never have gone to that party if you didn’t interfere in places you
weren’t welcome.”

had no say in any of this, and I would’ve gone to the party to protect him if I
was able to.”

make me laugh, you couldn’t have done anything, and if Dante was so important
to you, you would’ve been at the party no matter what.”

not true. I wouldn’t leave Dante at the warehouse, so Craven’s chauffeur forced
me into his car with the intention of taking me home, but he recognised a
hitman’s car parked on my street, so he took me to a hotel instead, ordering me
to stay there until he sorted out the mess. Looks like he did. He phoned me,
saying he killed Nigel, and that it was safe for me to come out of hiding. I
just saw him now. He’s in a room further down the corridor. He even took a
bullet for me. Such a brave young man; rather handsome too when he’s not
scaring the life out of me.”

didn’t take a bullet for you,” Kara said, finally sitting back down.

I’ll be forever grateful for what he did. I’m going to give him a reward to say
thank you.”

pathetic, you use money for everything.”

deserves it; I would be dead if it weren’t for him.”


a truly horrible person.”

least I’m not a pathetic excuse for a human being who thinks money can buy anything,
including people. You’re like all those other monsters at the party, using
money to get people who normally wouldn’t look twice at you.”

you kidding?!” Corey said, capturing both Kara and Jade’s attention. “He’s

in the heart,” Kara replied.

can say the same for you. You’re totally mean, and if I wuz Dante, I’d pick him
over you.”

because you’re gay, and Dante could never love a man romantically.”

you sure of that? Because I saw a picture of a man sucking him off.”

you’re confusing sex with love, and Dante had his mouth attached to a breast.”

sucked Dante off,” Jade said, “and there weren’t any breasts in sight.”

paid him!” Kara yelled. “That’s the only way you could ever get him.”

why are you so concerned ’bout him?” Corey looked over at Jade, who was smiling
at him, his dark eyes twinkling. Corey already liked the man, and even more so
since the dude was making Kara uncomfortable.

used Dante,” Kara said. “He threw so much money at him that Dante couldn’t turn
the leech down.”

means Dante used him.”

I’m referring to Jade using Dante’s body.”

you blame him? Dante’s got the most amazing body and he knows how to use it,
and I can’t see Jade forcing Dante to do anything he doesn’t want, he’s loads
smaller than Dante. Dante could smash his face in if he wanted, but I’d say
he’d rather fuck it.”

make crude jokes; it’s inappropriate at a time like this.”

not joking, I’m being serious. Jade’s got a fuckable face, and I don’t blame
him for using any means to get Dante; I did the same with Sledge. And after
being at that horrible party, I’ve learned that people will do
and anyone for money; and Jade is more than money, he’s hot—unlike you.”

a spiteful little thing,” she snapped.

laughed. “Who is he?”

boyfriend of Dante’s baby brother.”

anyone told you you’re absolutely adorable?” Jade asked.

million times over,” Corey said.

you sing?”

a pack of dying geese unless I’m high on acid, then I’m the best singer in the

laughed. “I like you, but no one beats this one.” He leaned over and kissed
Dante’s forehead.

Kara yelled. “If you do that again I’ll rip your lips off.”

looked up. “You really are a vicious woman.”

don’t touch my man!”

afraid, Kara, Dante’s everyone’s man, and if I’m very lucky, he might be mine,
whether for one night or forever.”

snorted. “Dream on.”

will when he’s sleeping under my roof.”

I’m in his bed.”

not welcome in my home.”

you wish to keep Dante there, then you won’t be able to stop me, and that’s if
he even wants to go near you after your relationship with Ant. That fucking
bastard’s the reason why Dante’s here. Ant hit him over the head twice with a
gun after sexually molesting him.”

face dropped. “Nike didn’t tell me that. He just said that Dante was knocked

Ant. He had Dante’s arms tied behind his back, and his hands all over him.
Dante tried to fight him, but what can someone do when they’re tied up? And
you’re responsible for putting him in that position.”

hurt Dante. Ant was just a business acquaintance.”

he acquaint his dick with your arsehole?”

be so vulgar, and what I do under the sheets has got nothing to do with you.”

does when it sounds like you were fucking Ant while going after Dante.”

never meant for it to happen, Ant doesn’t take no for an answer.” Jade looked
over at Corey. “Why are you crying?”

man shot my boyfriend.”

looked at Dante, then back at Corey, his expression distressed. “You’re talking
about his brother, aren’t you?”

nodded, trying his best not to fall apart.

glared at Jade. “Ant also kidnapped and raped Corey.”

didn’t rape me.”

told me he did.”


Ant was definitely going to do it to you tonight. I heard that much.”

told you not to say his name!”

apologise. It was a slip of the tongue.”

I’m sorry too, Corey,” Jade cut in. “I would never have associated with a
person like that if I’d known what he was capable of. And I also apologise if
I’ve upset you in any way whatsoever.”

don’t blame you.”

groan came from Dante, making everyone’s eyes go to him. “Beth?” he said,
opening his eyes.

left,” Kara said, looking like Dante had hit her.

turned his head to her. “Kara?”


Beth?” he asked, his expression half-asleep.

of importance.”

eyes went to Corey. “Where’s Beth?”

wuz made to leave the room, cos Kara and her were fighting over you.”

looked back at Kara. “Then why are you here?”

told them you’re my husband and Beth’s your mistress.”

that’s a lie.”

it’s not.” Kara shifted about in her seat. “You remember Rotorua and why we got
the tattoos?”

remember Rotorua, just not getting the tattoo.”

got them because we got married.”

blinked, like he wasn’t sure if he was awake or dreaming, then he smiled as
though he thought Kara was pulling his leg.

leaned over. “
We are one
,” she said, then kissed him.

jerked his head away, both pain and a worried expression colouring his
features, then his gaze moved to Jade, now looking horrified.

started up in the hospital corridor. Beth ran into the room a few seconds later,
cutting a path to Dante. She pushed in front of Jade, giving Dante the biggest
hug ever. Kara jumped to her feet, yelling at Beth to get out. Beth continued
to hug Dante, giving him kisses all over his face, murmuring, “I love you.”

ran into the room, one of them a police officer, who grabbed Beth and lifted
her off Dante. “Let her go!” Dante yelled, trying to get up, his heart monitor
going like crazy.

policeman did as instructed. Beth reattached herself to Dante while Kara glared
at her, balling her fists.

you alright, sir?” the officer asked Dante.

just don’t touch my woman again.”

was told she was causing trouble, that she attacked your wife.”

not married,” Dante said, glaring across at Kara. “No matter what she says.”

sir, but one more outburst from your visitors and they will all be escorted
out. No exceptions.”

nodded. “Understood.”

the policeman left, Dante turned to Beth. He took a hold of her face, saying,
“I love you.”

love you too.” She leaned into kiss him, both of them not looking like they
were going to stop for a while.

covered her eyes, Jade also looked upset. Corey pushed his wheelchair towards
the exit, knowing that both Kara and Jade had a huge battle on their hands if
they wanted to win Dante, because Dante looked at Beth like he looked at
Sledge: with complete and utter love.







1 Week later

Someone was holding his hand
and talking, but he found it hard to open his eyes. His body was refusing to do
what his brain was asking, like it didn’t belong to him. He groaned and turned
his head to the side, setting off an excited voice.

he moved!”

didn’t recognise who had spoken; just that it belonged to a young guy.

excited voices followed. He turned his head away from them, but they were
surrounding him, not giving him a chance to escape. He wanted to sink back into
nothingness, so he didn’t have to feel the heavy weight bearing down on him,
but the voices kept pulling at him, dragging him back. He forced his eyes partially
open, then closed them, the light blinding. He tried to lift an arm to cover
his face, but couldn’t get it to work. “Too bright,” he moaned, just wanting it
to go away.

gimme your sunglasses,” the young guy said.

few seconds later, they were put over his face. He opened his eyes again, the
dark shades this time making the light bearable.


voice again. It sounded vaguely familiar, but his mind didn’t want to think,
the brain fog making it hard to focus on anything.

face appeared in front of him, belonging to a boy wearing a beanie. The boy was
smiling at him, his features adorable. He thought he knew the boy, but wasn’t
sure how or where from. Flashes of him fucking the guy began to filter through,
images he didn’t understand, feeling both wrong and right at the same time,
making him wonder whether they were real or just a dream.

can’t believe you’re awake!” the boy squealed. “You’ve been in a coma for a

he croaked. His throat was dry and scratchy, like someone had sandpapered it.
He wanted a drink, but couldn’t get up the will to ask, plus the boy didn’t
give him a chance, giving him a giant kiss on the lips. Not wanting to fight
it, he relaxed, melting into the cute guy’s soft lips, just wanting to drift off
to sleep like that.

Corey, do you hafta do that in front of us?” a female voice said.

lips were taken away from him. He stared up at who he assumed was Corey;
feeling like this was all a dream.

Juliet,” Corey said, sitting back down. “I’m just so happy. I can’t believe
Sledge is awake, let alone alive.”

Was that his name? It sounded strange, like it didn’t belong to him. He wanted
to ask Corey if he’d made a mistake. Maybe they had the wrong person, and this
was all a mixed up, weird dream where he was body-hopping, even more so since a
different name prickled at the back of his mind. Tyler? Ty? No, it was Tyson.
Yeah. That sounded right. “My name’s Tyson,” he croaked, his throat still
feeling far too dry.

looked at him with a frown. “But you only go by Sledge.”

don’t know that name.”

voices started up, all talking at once, asking him too many questions, ones he
couldn’t answer. Unable to handle it, he closed his eyes and tried again to
lift an arm to cover his face, but it felt like it was tied to the bed.

up!” Corey yelled at the others. “You’re upsetting him.” They went quiet, while
Corey continued: “It’s alright, babe, they’re just worried ’bout ya. How ’bout
you tell me what you remember?”

opened his eyes. “Only that my name’s Tyson, nuthin’ else. I don’t even know
who you are.”

face dropped. “You don’t remember me?”

He turned to look at the two people seated on the other side of the bed, the
ones who Corey had yelled at. One of them was a bull-faced girl while the other
was a tall man who looked like he could be a model if it weren’t for his neck
tattoo. He didn’t know either of them, but felt they were important to him, his
mind again not understanding why.

boy who’d kissed him squeezed his arm. “You must remember me.”

shook his head.

guy’s voice went high, like he was on the verge of tears. “But, you’ve known me
for years, and you won’t let anyone call you Tyson; I didn’t even know it wuz
your real name until a year after I met you.”

why don’t I remember?”

boy’s panicked gaze shifted to the tall man. “Get a doctor,” he said. The man
rushed out, while Corey refocused on Tyson ... Sledge ... whoever the hell he
was. “What do you remember?”


hafta remember sumpthin’, anything.”

dunno,” he said again, not wanting to answer him, everything too confusing.

God,” Corey said. “I’m your boyfriend. We live together.”

why don’t I remember?”

were shot in the head a week ago.”


were trying to save me from Ant Torres.”

don’t know that name.”

bit his lip, his breathing becoming broken.

didn’t want the boy to cry, he wanted to say he remembered, but he couldn’t,
because he only remembered one thing: his name. No, he also remembered their
bodies moving together.

hafta remember, you hafta!” Corey cried.

went to move his right arm to comfort the boy, but again, it barely moved, like
it was held down. He focused on it, not seeing any restraints. He tried to move
it again, but it only shook. “What’s wrong with my arm?” he said, now becoming

boy placed a hand on it. “You have nerve damage on your right side. The doctor
said it’ll get better with physio.”

tried his other arm, that one working. Footsteps drew his attention to the
doorway. The man with the tattooed neck had another man with him, this one
looking like an older version of the bull-faced girl. A middle-aged woman
wearing a white coat was between them, the men dwarfing her, making him think
of the two giant statues from the Gates of Argonath. He frowned, wondering why
he could remember
The Lord of the Rings
but not who these people were.

woman moved to his side. He ignored her, his gaze now fixed on the new man, who
smiled at him awkwardly, looking uncomfortable with the attention. He also
looked tired, like he hadn’t slept in a long time, and he kept touching the
other man’s arm, as though he was seeking support.

woman said something, the word
standing out. “I’m going to remove
your glasses,” she added.

about the light, he clenched his eyes shut as the glasses were taken off.

open your eyes, I need to check them,” the doctor said.

opened them slowly, wincing as the woman pulled his lids back.

eyes are fine,” she said. “Things will appear a bit bright for a day or so, but
they’ll come right. Now, I’ve been told you don’t remember your boyfriend and
family. Is this so?”


you remember anything about them, no matter how small?”

He looked at the boy called Corey, thinking something wasn’t right, the words
coming to mind. “I’m not sure, but I think he should be chubby.”

smile replaced Corey’s upset expression, the guy practically bouncing in his
chair. “You remembered!” He looked across at the doctor. “I used to be fat.”

a good start,” the doctor said. “When patients remember something, no matter
how small, it shows the memories are still there. Though, it may take anywhere
from minutes to years to regain more.”

Corey said, his smile dropping.

but that is one of the worst case scenarios, and the fact that Tyson remembered
something shows that he’s got a better chance of regaining them. For his type
of trauma, he received relatively little damage, although he will still need to
be monitored.”

can’t remember me,” Corey said loudly. “That’s not very little damage.”

remembered an aspect of you. Also, it may not even be the bullet wound that’s
causing his memory loss. Traumatic experiences can provoke amnesia.”

let them talk on, Corey asking more and more questions while the doctor
answered them. His gaze moved to the man with the tattoo, who was now sitting
next to the girl. The guy smiled at him, though his eyes looked hurt. Flashes
of fists came to mind, then strong arms hugging him, saying he will protect
him. “Are you Ash?” he asked, Corey having used the name earlier.

man sat up straighter. “Yes, I’m your brother.”

I said,” the doctor interrupted, “it can take minutes. Talk to Tyson, tell him
about things. Just doing that can jog his memories. Bring him his favourite
meals, pictures, anything to spark a memory.”

ya remember me, son?” the man who looked like the bull-faced girl asked. He was
standing behind Ash’s chair, with his hands on Ash’s shoulders, the two looking
close. If they didn’t look so different he would assume they were father and
son, but then again, they were both tall and had wide shoulders, their
physiques not much different, other than the younger one was more muscular,
while the older was a bit gaunt.

uncomfortable, the bull-faced man repeated the question: “Do ya remember me,

shook his head, wondering why the man had used that name when the others, apart
from the doctor, had called him Sledge. He preferred it, although it still
didn’t sound right coming out of the man’s mouth. He looked back at Corey, who
was babbling on about the man being his cousin, then his father. Confused, he
blocked out Corey’s voice, instead focusing on the boy’s beanie. He lifted his
good arm to reach for it, wanting to see the blond hair and the red-brown

clamped his hands onto the beanie, snapping: “Don’t touch!” His face suddenly
dropped. “I’m sorry, it’s just a reaction; I didn’t meana shout at you.” The
boy rested his crutches against the bed, then leaned over, reaching to hug him.

placed a hand on Corey’s back. “That’s alright, it’s my fault; I forgot your
hair fell out from chemo.”

pulled back, his face excited. “You remembered!”

are you alright now?”

doc said the cancer’s in remission.”

great.” He smiled. “I also remember sumpthin’ else, but I’m not sure whether it
wuz a dream or not.”

is it?”

think I fucked you.”

barked out a laugh, Corey’s face turning red in response.

can’t say that in front of us,” the girl said.

glanced at her, Shakespeare coming to mind, but he wasn’t sure why. “But I
wanted to know if it wuz real,” he said. “All I remember is mine and Corey’s
bodies moving together. I also think he sucked—”

You don’t tell people ’bout your sex life.”


it’s private.”

I thought it would make Corey feel better that I remember sumpthin’ of him.” He
looked back at Corey. “Do ya have a heart-shaped mole on your arse?”

the girl shouted.

did I do wrong now?”

being rude.”

I’m not,” he said, wondering why Corey had his beanie pulled over his face. “If
he’s my boyfriend, doesn’t that mean I’m allowed to fuck him?”

as long as you don’t tell us about it,” the girl snapped. She was giving him a
death glare, no longer looking at him like he was the best thing in the world,
which he had a feeling was a one-off anyway. He pulled a face at her, finding
her irritating, like he had years ago when he’d hit her hand with a
sledgehammer. He smiled, now realising why they were calling him Sledge.

doctor cleared her throat, her focus now on the girl. “Some patients with
memory problems lose their inhibitions and have difficulty censoring their
words, not understanding what’s socially appropriate to say in front of people.
This may also be the case with your brother. He just sees what he’s said as a
fact, and doesn’t understand what’s wrong with saying it. It’s actually quite

looked back at Corey, glancing down at his boyfriend’s cast. “Corey, look at
me,” he said, again remembering their bodies together, words of love and the
feeling of being happy.

lifted up his beanie a little, still appearing embarrassed. “What?”

happened to your leg?”

broken, along with my ankle.”

ja break them?”


you get up on the bed with me?”

looked at the others. “Pro’bly not a good idea right now.”

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