Beneath a Hot Tequila Sun (5 page)

Read Beneath a Hot Tequila Sun Online

Authors: Catelyn Cash

Tags: #Contemporary; Menage

BOOK: Beneath a Hot Tequila Sun
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“Hang on. We don’t need to go so fast.”

He tried to stop, but Kayla fought him. They
need to go so fast. She wanted this like she’d never wanted anything before. She wanted what the women on the murals were getting. She wanted to be
for the first time in her life instead of Marc’s hesitant,
“Is this okay? Are you sure?”

“No. Don’t stop,” she pleaded.

But he held himself stock-still, gripping her buttocks, his thigh muscles quivering with the strain.

Kayla locked gazes with him. “Fuck me,” she snarled, impatiently but inexpertly using her legs to pull herself down onto him. They both gasped as her action speared him into her.

“Ah!” She threw her head back and cried out. As her pussy lips met his pubes, she felt split apart, even as delicious heat began to spread throughout her body.

Sweat had broken out on his skin, slick under her grasping fingers. “Slow down,” he said, still fighting her. “We don’t need to rush—”

“I don’t want slow. I’m sick of slow.”

“Are you sure? It’s—“

“I’m sure,” she said sharply. Surrounded by all these primitive images, and with her arousal off the scale, Kayla had had enough of modern-day consideration. She wanted to be taken.

Grinding herself down onto him, she instinctively found the exact place the friction would do the most good. “Do it. Fuck me and never stop.”

“A woman who knows what she wants.” He laughed and altered his stance, changing his center of gravity. Then he too began moving, lifting her buttocks before slamming her down onto his cock. Kayla clung to his neck for dear life as the tempo increased, and the slap of flesh on flesh filled the cave-like room as he bounced her on his cock, every second taking her closer to the edge.

Yes, she did know what she wanted. She wanted this urgent, frantic coupling that had been completely missing from her life. She felt so full, so completely full she would have thrown her head back and howled in triumph if she’d had the breath to do so.

Stuff her paintings. Stuff her art project. Her trip to Mexico was worth every penny for this moment alone.

“Harder,” she begged, and he obeyed. Gripping her buttocks, he rammed upward, and she clung to him like a spider monkey, riding him hard, her arms and legs gripping his sweat-slick flesh. She loved the way his cock anchored them, made them one, merging them in the sweetest possible way.

His muscles strained and tautened with exertion, and even as the pleasure built, Kayla consciously savored and memorized the fluid feel of skin moving over muscle and bone. She became aware of the scent of sex surrounding them like a cloud, as if the musk had seeped into the very stone of the temple, waiting for the heat of their passion to release it.
Has anything in history ever felt this good?
With her orgasm close, she buried her face in his neck, breathing him in.

“I’m going to come,” she said delightedly. She had never come with a man inside her, had had no idea it could feel like this.

Her thoughts were scattered, disjointed, but at the same time totally focused. Focused on his driving, hammering, punishing, pleasure-giving cock. She bit his neck, tasting salt, struggling to breathe as the air was forced from her lungs with every thrust. Next moment her pussy rippled and contracted, and a joyful cry she couldn’t hold back even if she wanted to burst from her lungs.

Her orgasm hit in a million shattering, white-hot pulses of energy, blinding in their intensity, every nerve, every cell in her body sparking and firing, making her jerk and twitch uncontrollably. He continued to pound into her until he too tensed, and a raw, deep moan escaped from his throat.

His primitive, almost feral sound awoke something deep inside Kayla, something that had lain dormant far too long. Her heart sang at the feeling of feminine power, and she deliberately tightened her pussy around him, milking him dry.

She was still reveling in the whole wonderful experience when a shadow moved across the doorway.

Chapter Five

Kayla felt dizzy, light-headed, still buffeted by aftershocks of her orgasm, so it took longer than it should have for her befuddled brain to work out that there was a man in the doorway, watching them.

She tried to call out to warn the professor that they weren’t alone, but she didn’t have the breath. To be honest, with his cock still pulsing inside her, she doubted he would hear her.

Kayla fought to get her feet under her, but with his back to the door and with no idea what was going on, the professor just murmured appreciation of her wriggling. Panic rising, she watched the shadow move inside the room. Seeing the man framed for a second against the light, she knew from his sheer height and bulk that he couldn’t be the boatman.

“Professor!” She finally managed to hiss out a warning. His reply was incoherent but happy as he nuzzled her neck.

She pushed away from him, her attention fixed on the shadow, now only feet away, stepping remarkably quietly for such a big man.

“Professor,” she hissed again, this time with more force, and accompanied by a more purposeful attempt to regain her feet. With an appreciative groan, he finally allowed her to slide down his body. Kayla felt safer with her feet under her even if her legs wobbled. “There’s someone behind you.”

He turned to look and rolled his eyes. “Way to make an entrance, Seth,” he grumbled. “Couldn’t you have waited a few minutes? And more importantly, did you get the beer?”

“Of course I got the beer.” The stranger swung a rucksack off his back and placed it on one of the stone altars. “Hello, love,” he said to Kayla. “Sorry about barging in on you at such a crucial moment, but those hailstones hurt like hell.” He sat on the altar and began to untie his bootlaces.

Different parts of Kayla’s brain registered that he was British, that he and the professor knew each other, and that he was soaking wet, while another part of her thought, Beer? “Excuse me?” she said weakly.

The stranger—
—kicked off a boot, and it landed with a wet
on the limestone floor. “I don’t get it,” he said to the professor. “I leave you here with little more than a hangover and that stupid hat, and I come back to find you doing…” He gestured delicately at Kayla, who belatedly remembered that all she wore was her shirt and hiking boots.

With a shriek, she clutched the shirt across her chest with one hand and tugged the hem down with the other.

“I guess I got lucky,” the professor said smugly.

Seth shook his head in apparent disgust as he lifted his other foot and began to work on the wet laces. A moment later the second boot followed the first. Then he stood and pulled his sodden T-shirt over his head.

On one level Kayla noticed that his biceps were remarkable and his chest… Well, it was
. But she was more concerned with the fact he seemed to be undressing for no good reason. “Excuse me?” she said again, still trying to cover her nakedness with her inadequate clothing.

The men ignored her. Seth wrung the T-shirt out, then spread it to dry on one of the stone altars. He had a tattoo on his shoulder, but before Kayla could make it out, he started to unbutton his sodden army trousers.

“Why do I have the feeling I got played?” he complained to the professor as he peeled the trousers down, revealing, to her horror, no underwear and a cock like a battering ram. Fully erect.

She uttered a noise that could only be described as a squeak.

Seth glanced at her as he carefully folded the trousers. “Sorry, love; first rule of survival is get out of your wet clothes or risk pneumonia. Don’t worry, though—the hard-on isn’t for you. Honest.” He gestured at the professor. “It’s for him. I swear, I get a boner every time I see that skinny arse of his.”

Mouth open, she turned to the professor, who shook his head. “Ignore him,” he said grimly. “The boner is definitely for you. How long have you been watching us?” he fired at Seth.

“What makes you think I’ve been watching?”

“Since when do hailstones give you a hard-on?”

“Good point. Okay, maybe a few minutes. The climax, as it were.” Seth grinned at Kayla, flashing perfect teeth. “Nice show, by the way. I love a woman who isn’t ashamed to let the world know she’s having a good time.”

Kayla said nothing because speech was beyond her.

The professor picked up the rucksack. “Is the beer in here?” He didn’t wait for an answer but rifled through it. “Six?” He snorted in disgust. “That’s all you got?”

“How was I to know we had company?” Seth accepted a bottle, and the professor opened another and offered it to Kayla.

She shook her head, unwilling to give up her death grip on her clothing, still trying to get her head around the fact she was in what amounted to a cave with two naked men who were bickering like an old married couple. Two really hot, naked men.

The professor saw her expression but apparently misinterpreted it. “My students forget I was ever their age,” he said, indicating the beer. “On a field trip like this, they always lay in a stash of alcohol, thinking they’re going to sneak off and have a party. Seth has a talent for rooting it out.”

Kayla stared from one man to the other. “Would someone please tell me what’s going on?”

“Yes, Jake,” said Seth. “Why don’t you tell us what’s going on?”

“Jake? Your name is Jake?” She pounced on that piece of information.

Seth choked on his beer. “You fucked her without telling her your name? Class, buddy. Real class.” He thought for a moment. “Actually, respect.”

“We were getting to the introductions,” said Jake.

“Most men start with that,” Seth said. “Most men
to start with that. And then comes the flowers and the wooing. Whereas you just get right down to business. It’s that hat, isn’t it?” He appealed to Kayla. “Would you have shagged him if he hadn’t been wearing the hat?”

She took a deep, steadying breath. “Who are you and how did you get here? How come you two know each other? Oh, and what the
is going on? You.” She risked embarrassment by letting go of her shirt so she could jab an accusing finger at Jake. “Why didn’t you tell me there was anyone else on the island?”

“Would we have done what we did out there in the open if you had known?”

“Of course not!”

He shrugged.

“He has a point,” said Seth.

Kayla turned on him. “Who

Seth offered his hand. “I’m the best friend.”

She refused to shake hands with a naked man. “That doesn’t explain why you’re here, or why you’re naked and…” Primly, she indicated his erection.

Jake stood near the doorway, his hard, fit body framed in the faint light. Outside, the hail had turned to torrential rain, the accompanying thunder drowning out all sounds but their voices. With the gloomy light, the vibrant, sexy paintings, and the two naked men, everything seemed surreal.

Kayla consciously reminded herself she was here on the island to do some sketches. Her friends were on the mainland, stuck behind a landslide. Across the river, a whole world functioned in sunlight, a world where people didn’t watch each other having sex, and strange men kept their clothes on when introducing themselves.

“Jake?” she demanded.

“Obviously, I’m here for this.” Jake indicated the cavorting Mayans. “Seth’s too cheap to pay for a real vacation, so he tagged along. As I said before, my students always smuggle some alcohol on their field trips. Add the nature of these murals, and we’re talking a potential orgy atop a priceless monument. Seth and I came a day early to confiscate their drinks. I searched up here while Seth looked elsewhere. And came back with six miserable bottles.”

“Actually, I got a lot more than that,” Seth admitted. “But I don’t see why I should share with you. I’m getting this weird feeling you knew about the storm, yet you deliberately sent me to the other side of the island. If I find out you knew she was coming too, I may well kill you with my bare hands.”

“I saw the boat.” Jake appeared unfazed by the threat. “It wasn’t exactly hiding on the river. You’re the hotshot soldier boy. I’d have thought you’d be more aware. I even used your binoculars to check her out.”

“Enough!” Kayla raised her voice, and two heads swiveled toward her. Unfortunately, two hard dicks did too. “Get to the bit where you two are naked and you and I just had sex.”

“Yes, Jake, get to the bit where you two had sex.”

“You be quiet,” Kayla scolded him.

Jake turned defensive. “I saw Kayla on the river and suspected she might freak out if she climbed up here and was confronted by two strange men. Tell me I’m wrong?”

“So sending him away was for my benefit?” she asked sarcastically.

“No, it was for mine. If there were two of us, you definitely wouldn’t have let me go down on you.”

“You went down on her? How long have you been at it?”

Jake ignored Seth’s outrage. “On my own, I knew I had a chance.”

“I’d have had a chance too if I’d been the one to stay,” said Seth.

“I doubt it,” Jake said. “We both know your record with the ladies. Too big and scary,” he told Kayla. “He’s gentle as a lamb, but he doesn’t look it, does he? Plus, his job description includes killing people. He’s in the SAS, which I think is like the Marines for pussies.”

Seth flipped him a finger.

Kayla still had trouble looking at either of them. Didn’t they care they were naked? “If I had any sense, I’d be frightened of you too.”

“You’d have lost your fear when you saw how tiny his dick is,” said Seth. “That’s why I usually send him in first.”

It took a moment for his words to sink in, but when they did, her jaw dropped. “Send him in first? You do this a lot?”

“No, we do not.” Jake glared at Seth. “He’s messing with you. I swear, I saw you on the boat, I checked you out with the binoculars, and you were hot so I got rid of him.”

He thought she was hot? Kayla couldn’t help being pleased, but she refused to show it. “And if I hadn’t been hot?”

“I’d have left Seth here and gone looking for the beer.”

Seth snorted. “You? Hiking through the jungle in a storm, carrying beer and snacks?”

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