Best Friends Rock! (9 page)

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Authors: Cindy Jefferies

BOOK: Best Friends Rock!
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Ellie stared at Connor. “What do you mean, run away? How do you know? And…” She struggled to make sense of the news. “When did he go?”

“I don't know!” said Connor. “I told him about you, and last night he seemed up for meeting, so I sent you that text, but when I woke up this morning, he wasn't there.” Ellie could hear desperation in his voice. “Maybe he disturbed me by mistake when he left the room, but something woke me really early. I went to the bathroom, and when I came back I realized he wasn't there.”

“You're sure?”

He sounded exasperated. “How many places do you imagine there are to hide in a hotel suite?”

“Okay. Sorry.” Ellie was trying to control the urge to howl. Where did this leave her article? But it looked and sounded as if Connor really was in a state, so she pushed her own feelings to one side. He needed to calm down. “Didn't you tell me that he'd disappeared once before? He came back, didn't he? Surely he will this time too? All you have to do is keep away from the hotel for a bit so his dad thinks you're together. And you can phone him can't you?”

“He's not answering his cellphone,” said Connor bleakly. “And the thing is…” He gave a gulp. “I'm scared that this time he's not coming back. His passport was on his night table, but it's not there any more. I reckon he's gone to Italy!”

Ellie felt both horrified and excited at the same time. She didn't want this to become a proper missing person's investigation, of course she didn't, but at the same time it was kind of thrilling. And who knew, there might be an article in it! She pushed that unworthy thought firmly away and concentrated on Connor. He was obviously worried sick. But why on earth would Joe run away to Italy?

“He has an aunt in Italy,” Connor explained when she asked. “She lives in Rome. And he's always said how well he gets on with her. But there's this too.” He held out a piece of paper, and Ellie took it.

It was part of a sheet of hotel paper, and the only thing scrawled on it in biro was
Colosseum, 25
. Ellie looked at Connor questioningly, and he hurried to explain.

“It's in Joe's handwriting,” he explained. “I googled Colosseum and it's in Rome, Italy. It's a big Roman ruin.”

“I think I knew that,” said Ellie.

“And the 25
is today,” went on Connor. “I guess that's the clincher. That, and his passport having gone.”

“And having an aunt there as well,” said Ellie.

Connor nodded. “Yeah.”

“So what are you going to do?”

Connor spread his hands. “I don't know! Joe usually stays in bed until nearly lunchtime, so only something he really cared about would get him out of bed so early.” He paused, looking more distracted at every moment. “I don't know if I ought to phone the police, or cover for him with his dad or what. And the only person I have to talk to about it is you.”

“Well, try not to worry,” Ellie said. “Look. Why not have a drink, and we'll talk about what's best to do.”

“Okay. You want anything?”

“No thanks. I've already had two.”

Ellie watched Connor as he queued for his drink. He was taller than she was, and from the back looked totally grown up. But there was something about his face. A bit of uncertainty, perhaps. He came back, carrying a tray. He was smiling at her, but he was pale, and his smile didn't disguise the worry still carved into his face. Ellie found that she really did want to make that worried expression go away.

“So what do you think has led to this?” she asked as he sat down.

Connor sighed. “That's easy. Rocky wants Joe to join the band as soon as he leaves school. Rocky has some throat trouble, and the band badly needs a new singer. I guess Rocky thinks it would be cool to keep it in the family. Joe made the mistake of singing along with them at a jam session at their house in California a few months ago, and everyone in the band thought he was great. But Joe hates the idea of joining his dad's band.” Connor looked at Ellie. “I think Rocky put pressure on him to do this touring thing over the summer, once he realized Joe didn't want to go to Denmark with his mom, and now we're here, Joe can't bear it. He'd hoped it would be enough if we went to gigs as spectators, but Rocky's always on at him to get up onstage and sing with him.”

“Blimey!” Ellie felt grateful that no one had ever tried to make her do something she didn't want to, especially so publicly. That would be
embarrassing. “
he really sing?”

Connor nodded. “Oh yeah. We used to do all these school productions, and he had a brilliant voice. He got all the good parts. But since his dad began to pile on the pressure I haven't heard him sing or even listen to music at all.”

“It's a shame he agreed to spend the summer with his dad if that's the way he feels,” ventured Ellie.

“I said that,” agreed Connor, “I said he was stupid…but it was difficult for him. I'm sure he hoped they might sort it all out between them during the tour.”

Connor drained his glass, and put it back on the tray. “His dad ought to get off his back. After all, Joe is showing support. He just doesn't want to do the same job as his dad.” Connor paused. “I wish Joe had talked to me more. I didn't think it was so bad that he'd run away. And if it was, well, I'm his buddy. He could have spoken to me.”

Poor Connor
, thought Ellie,
worrying so much about his friend. And poor Joe too. Has he really gone to the Colosseum today? Was he meeting his aunt? Or has Connor got it wrong? Wherever he is. I hope he's all right.

“So you think Joe's gone to see his aunt to get away from his dad?”

“I guess so.” Connor scratched his head. “Maybe he thinks she'll talk to his dad for him. She's his dad's younger sister. But why just go, without telling me?” Connor sounded hurt. “I could have flown back home to the US if he'd told me he was going to do this. But he's left me in the lurch, not knowing what to do. And it's not like him. I suppose that's why I'm so worried. I get to thinking I've figured it out, and then I'm not so sure. If he
flown to Italy where
he gone?”

“He was supposed to be coming to the café with you?” said Ellie.

Connor shrugged. “He gave me that impression. But maybe he never meant to. Rocky had a gig last night. He probably didn't wake up until after we were supposed to meet you, so Joe must have thought he'd be safe for hours. His dad won't worry if we're both out. He'll assume we're together, like he always does.” His mouth twisted bitterly.

“And you've tried his phone?”

“Yeah. No answer. I've left messages of course, and texted.”

“Well,” Ellie struggled to be helpful. “It does sound as if he's gone abroad. But if he hasn't, where else might he be?”

Connor looked at her. “I have absolutely no idea. The clues about Italy are the only ones we have to go on.”

“So when are you going to tell his dad?”

Connor looked scared. “I don't want to tell him at
But I suppose I'll have to eventually.” He looked resentful. “
don't have the money to run back home to the US whenever I feel like it. But I tell you, Ellie. That's just what I feel like doing right now.”

Ellie looked at Connor sympathetically. “Well…” she said. “I don't see why you have to rush back to the hotel to tell Joe's dad right away. If he's gone to Italy there's nothing anyone can do for the moment, and if he hasn't he'll turn up again, won't he?”

“He's pretty streetwise, if that's what you mean,” said Connor. “Yeah. He's not stupid. I hope he wouldn't get into trouble, but if he's still in London I suppose he might check into a different hotel for the night if he's not ready to see his dad. That would really drop me in it.”

“Well then. He wouldn't do that, would he?”

Connor shot her a wry smile. “I sure hope not.”

“So…why not wait a while, and see if he gets in touch. Maybe he's somewhere at the moment where he can't use his phone.”

Connor smiled at her. “Could be true,” he said. “Like a cinema perhaps. Though it was a bit early for the movies this morning.”

“Well, his dad isn't going to worry for hours and hours, is he?” said Ellie. “You've got all day to find out what's going on.”

Connor nodded. “A whole day and some of the evening too,” he agreed. “Do you wanna hang out with me for a while? It would be much more fun than being on my own all the time.”

“Okay,” said Ellie. “What do you want to do?”

“Maybe some of those touristy things I haven't got to do yet,” said Connor. “How about a bus ride around some of the sights? I've seen those open-topped buses go past sometimes. They sure look fun.”

Ellie laughed. “I haven't been on one of those since my cousin came to stay years ago. It rained and we got soaked.”

“Well I don't think it's going to rain today,” said Connor with the most cheerful smile Ellie had seen on his face so far. “Come on, my treat!”

Ellie hesitated. “Are you sure?”

“Course I am. Most of this trip has been all expenses paid. I've hardly had a chance to spend my own money so, whatever we do today it's on me.”

It was a good day for an open-topped bus ride, and Connor did get to see some of the most famous sights. At the same time, they tried to think of places Joe might have gone to if he hadn't flown off to Italy.

“What does Joe like to do?” said Ellie, trying to get inspiration as the bus took them past Buckingham Palace.

“Well, before his dad put him off, he liked to sing,” said Connor. “But not heavy rock.” He laughed. “Joe's a bit of a romantic. He had a girlfriend back in the States for a while, and he used to sing to her. He told me I should sing too. Choose the right song, with the right lyrics and I'd never be short of a girlfriend. But my voice is terrible.” He laughed again. “It would never work for me!”

At the end of the bus ride they mooched along the street for a while, trying to decide what else to do. Connor pulled his phone out of his pocket and sent Joe yet another message and rang him as well, but there was no reply.

“Time is getting on,” said Connor, sounding despondent again. “Maybe I should have owned up to Rocky straight away. If something
gone wrong he'll never forgive me.”

Ellie squeezed his arm sympathetically. “He might have lost his phone,” she said. “Or had it stolen.” But that led to thoughts of muggings, and she didn't want Connor to start worrying about
possibility. She stopped outside a bookshop, and gazed in the window for a moment. Then she saw the very book she'd been meaning to buy for her mum's birthday.

“Do you mind if we go in here?” she said.

Connor shook his head. “Anywhere is good for me. But, Ellie…”

“What is it?”

Connor's mouth twisted. “You're being so great, after I let you down. I just want to say I'm really sorry I didn't get Joe to turn up and talk to you for your article.”

Ellie was touched that he'd even remembered, what with Joe's disappearance to think about, and the anger of his father to worry about. “Don't be silly. It's not the end of the world. Not really, not compared to a missing person anyway.” Even so, she'd been so close, and she couldn't help regretting it.

They went in and began browsing. Ellie didn't want anything other than the present for her mum, but she loved mooching about in bookshops, and it seemed Connor felt the same way. He wandered over to the sci-fi and fantasy section while she had a look at a new novel by one of her favourite authors on the young adult shelf. Unfortunately, she didn't have enough money to buy it, but she told herself she'd get it next time she was in town.

Ellie took her mum's present to the queue at the counter, and began looking at the notices pinned up on a board by the door while she waited for her turn. There were adverts for a local book group, one card offering Spanish lessons, and another offering salsa dancing classes. There was a poster for a singing workshop and another advertising a cinema club showing foreign language films.

There was something about the notices that was pricking at Ellie's mind. She stared at the board. What was it?

Connor materialized by her side, holding a fat novel with a picture on the cover of a dragon breathing fire, and an unfeasibly muscular man wielding a double-headed axe. Ellie smiled. “
Dragon-slayer of Naxdon
. That looks like a hefty read!”

Connor just smiled.

Ellie's gaze went back to the notices, and then she realized what had niggled at her earlier. “Oh.

Connor looked amused. “What do you mean? Oh.

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