Best Friends Rock! (5 page)

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Authors: Cindy Jefferies

BOOK: Best Friends Rock!
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Ellie wiped a few crumbs from her mouth while she thought about what Sophie had said. “It would be fun to talk about fashion as well. Children of celebrities have so much money sloshing around. What do they think about designer clothes? Do they have to wear things that complement their famous parent's image…that sort of thing. But I suppose that could apply as much to a boy as to a girl.”

“It could,” said Sophie. “And you know that Joe Steel and his famous father are in town…you even know exactly where they're staying!”

Ellie looked at Sophie. “And
readers do love reading about good-looking boys.
he really that good looking, Sophie?”

Sophie smiled. “Well, Claire thinks so, and I reckon she's quite a good judge. Her boyfriend is
! And of course she's on good terms with Rocky Steel since the snake incident. He's quite a laugh apparently. I'm sure she'd ask him about Joe if you wanted her to. No guarantees of course, but there's always a chance he'd say yes. And if he did, it would all be above board and official.”

Ellie looked at Sophie. “I don't know…I just hadn't thought about interviewing a boy…but a boy might be
interesting for the readers,” she said with a grin. “Especially if he's as attractive as Claire says!”

A bubble of excitement rose up inside Ellie. It
a good thought. Maybe it wouldn't happen, but she ought to try. She was really grateful for Sophie's help. “Okay!” she said. “Let's give it a try. But I'd like to tell Francesca before we ask Claire. I told her I'd be trying to interview a girl, so I ought to warn her that it might be a boy instead.”

“That's sensible,” said Sophie. “Go on then. Why don't you ask her right now? I'm getting all excited about it, and I'm not even involved!”

Ellie screwed up her sandwich bag and threw it in the bin. “I will! Thanks, Sophie!”

Francesca hardly ever took lunch out, and when Ellie arrived back in the office she was still at her desk, working. An untouched sandwich and a tub of yoghurt sat next to her keyboard. There was no sign of Piano, or Debbie, on reception. Francesca was scrupulous at urging her staff to get away from the office for a little while every day, but she seldom took her own advice.

She raised her head as Ellie reached her desk and smiled. “You're back early.”

“Yes.” Ellie shuffled her feet. “I wanted to talk to you about the idea I had to interview the daughter of a celebrity.”

Francesca looked sympathetic. “Have you drawn a blank? I did warn you. But well done for trying.”

“The thing is…” Ellie paused. “Do you know the band Steel Vortex?”

Francesca unwrapped her sandwich. “Ye-es?”

“Well apparently the lead singer is staying at the Europa, with his son, and I wondered if I might try to interview him. The son, I mean. I know I said it would be a girl, but you were right. I couldn't get anyone to agree.”

Francesca nodded slowly. “Well…some of our readers are certainly into heavy metal. But what makes you think
it would be any easier to get an interview with a boy?”

“I don't…or at least, there's no reason why it should be, but…at least I know he's in town.”

“Interviewing the son could be an interesting angle. How old is he?”

“Fifteen, and very good-looking apparently.”

Francesca smiled. “Can I ask who your source is?”

Ellie explained about Sophie's friend, and Francesca smiled with approval. “Sophie's friend sounds like a good person to know. But she won't get into trouble if you use this information, will she? The hotel will almost certainly take the view that staff ought to protect their guests' anonymity.”

Ellie thought about it. “I suppose you might be right if it was any other celebrity,” she said. “But Sophie says that Claire would be happy to ask Rocky Steel herself, as she gets on with him so well. If he agrees that his son could be interviewed it would be official. If he says no, well that'll be the end of it I suppose.” She tried to wait while Francesca took a small bite out of her sandwich and chewed it thoughtfully, but she had to add something.

“Sophie said that Claire gets on so well with Rocky because his snake made her have a panic attack and he's
been teasing her about it ever since.”

A smile passed over Francesca's face and she put her hand up to cover her mouth.

“I said I couldn't do anything though, until I'd spoken to you first.”

Francesca finished her mouthful and smiled. “Very wise. Thank you for doing that.” She peeled the top off her yoghurt. “I don't see any harm in Sophie's friend asking, if she's happy. If the answer is yes perhaps you could get the phone number and I'll make the arrangements.”

Ellie couldn't stop grinning. “Thanks, Francesca! Fingers crossed.”

“Indeed,” said Francesca. “Fingers crossed. But don't get so carried away with all this that you forget about Ferdinand's afternoon walk, will you?”

“Of course not,” said Ellie. “Or the coffee run this afternoon. I'll make sure I do both. Excuse me…I'll just go and tell Sophie the good news!”

Ellie couldn't bear to wait for the lift. Instead, she skipped down the three flights of stairs and down again into the basement, where Sophie worked. But there was no sign of Sophie, or her post cart. She was probably
making some deliveries. Ellie waited for a few minutes, hoping she'd turn up, but in the end she left a note. She knew Sophie wouldn't have her phone on if she was delivering, and Ellie was afraid that she might forget to switch it back on afterwards. She was just reluctantly leaving the post room when her friend reappeared.

“Hello?” said Sophie in surprise. “Do you have an answer already?”

“Yes!” said Ellie. “Where were you? I came down and you weren't here.”

Sophie laughed. “I don't
here,” she said. “I am allowed out occasionally you know! Actually I was taking a load of cardboard outside for recycling. And there was so much I had to use my trolley. Come on then. What did she say?”

Ellie told Sophie what Francesca had said, and Sophie looked very pleased. “Hang on then,” she said abandoning her trolley. “I'll give Claire a ring.”

Ellie waited impatiently for Claire to answer. Then Sophie spoke for a few moments and put the phone down. “Claire's busy with someone. She'll call back when she has a minute.”

Ellie was crestfallen, but tried not to show it. “Thanks, Sophie. It's really kind of you to do this.”

“Well I might only be the post girl, and not the editor,” she said. “But
is my magazine too, and you're my friend. Why wouldn't I want to help you get a scoop?”

Ellie hung around chatting for a while, but soon lunchtime was over, Claire hadn't rung back, and she knew she really ought to be at her desk.

“I'll ring you as soon as I hear anything,” said Sophie. “Don't worry. Just hope for the best.”

“I will!” said Ellie.

Back upstairs, Piano had returned, clutching a collection of bags from several shops. She was showing Debbie a lovely silky top, but she shoved it back in the bag as Ellie came in.
Be unfriendly then!
thought Ellie. She knew better than to expect anything else from Piano. Still, she couldn't squash the tinge of hurt that welled up as she passed.

For the first part of the afternoon, Ellie worked steadily through her list of pop stars, actresses and the like, trying to find the next person to interview. Most of the megastars were out of town for the summer, but one agent did promise to ring back about his client, a singer who'd won an MTV award last year and was making a new album.

Then it was time for the coffee run, and after that, she had to take Ferdinand for his walk. It was actually something of a relief to get out. She was finding it hard to sit still and wait for a call. Ellie did realize that Claire would be busy, and that maybe Rocky wouldn't even be in the hotel for most of the day, but it was hard to remain patient. How could she bear it if she had to wait until tomorrow? She was trying not to hope too much, but now she'd got used to the idea of interviewing Joe Steel she really, really wanted to.

“Come on, Ferdi,” she said, when he'd stopped running about and had begun sniffing around his favourite trees. “Let's go back if you've had enough exercise.”

She looked hard in Francesca's direction as she returned Ferdinand to his basket in the Editor in Chief's office, but Francesca was on the phone, with her back to the door. Ellie took off Ferdinand's lead, and hung it up. Angel was sitting at her huge desk, looking as immaculate as a model on a shoot, as she always did. She glanced up as Ellie made for the door. “I hope you get some useful information tomorrow. Don't forget to sort out what you want to ask beforehand. You can never be too well prepared.”

Ellie hesitated, but it was apparent that Angel didn't want to have a conversation.

“Off you go then.”

Ellie went, being careful to close the door behind her, but her hand was shaking. Had it all come right, or was Angel referring to some job she'd lined up for Ellie that she knew nothing about yet? She wouldn't put it past the Editor, but no way could she ask. Instead, she went straight to Francesca, but she didn't need to say anything.

“It's all set up,” said Francesca with a pleased smile. “Sophie rang up with the information just after you went out, and when I phoned I got through to Rocky himself. He thinks it's a great idea. So, eleven o'clock at his hotel. You can use the library, which is just off the main public area. I've arranged for some drinks and nibbles to be there, and we'll send you in a car. Well done. And perhaps you'd like to nip down to see Sophie and thank her and her friend too.”

“That's brilliant!” said Ellie. “I'll go and see her straight away!”

As she passed Piano's desk, the older girl gave her a poisonous look. Once again, Ellie was on her way to getting a brilliant article for
, and Piano was left feeling jealous. Ellie knew it wasn't charitable, but with the way Piano treated her, she just didn't care. Instead she shot Piano a triumphant look as she strode confidently out of the room.

Down in the post room she gave Sophie a big hug. “Please thank Claire for me. I was afraid I wouldn't hear until tomorrow and if that had been the case I'd have simply

Sophie laughed. “Claire was run off her feet earlier, and Rocky was in his room, but he came down to speak to some journalists and she caught him then. Apparently he's been hounded by the press outside the hotel today. They want to hear the latest on his divorce.”

“Oh dear,” said Ellie. “I didn't realize he was getting divorced. Poor Joe.”

“Sad, isn't it?” said Sophie. “But you know what some of the papers are like. They almost prefer celebrity divorces to celebrity weddings.”

“I suppose,” said Ellie. “Oh Sophie!” she said, unable to feel anything but excitement. “It's been such an up and down day, but thanks to you, tomorrow is going to be

The next morning, Ellie could hardly bear to wait until eleven o'clock. She had decided to dress down a little for the interview. She didn't have anything terribly grungy, but she did her best with a denim skirt and some heavily made-up eyes. Her mum, who didn't usually approve of too much make-up, frowned but said nothing.

Ellie wished Hannah had been around. She'd have loved to ask her advice, and maybe borrow the scruffy old leather jacket Hannah had inherited when her older sister had gone to university. But Hannah was still on holiday, and still not communicating, so it was no good wishing for the impossible. Besides, Angel's high expectations for the dress code of her staff meant that anything too grungy would almost certainly be vetoed. It didn't matter how scruffy the guests chose to be, the staff of
always be impeccably turned out. And anyway, if Claire was right, the son of Rocky Steel was probably totally unlike his spectacularly untidy father.

Ellie had done loads of background research for the interview. But what she hadn't managed to find was a good photograph of Joe. In all the pictures he either had his back to the camera, or had dark glasses on, with his long hair falling over his face. It was impossible to make out what he really looked like.

She'd done the first coffee run and had taken Ferdinand out for a brief trot around the park. Now she was back sitting at her desk, waiting for the car to arrive to take her the short distance to the hotel.
Would talking to him be just like chatting to the boys at school?
she wondered.
Or would he be totally rock and roll? And would he sound very American?
From the research she'd done she knew that he was English, but had spent a lot of time in the USA, since his parents had gone to live there some years earlier.

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