Betrayed: Military MC Romance (Hell's Fire Riders Book 2) (7 page)

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Cade came over to the girls and asked, “Did you find that little cocksucker?”

Trudy glanced over at him and nodded. “Can you bring Dewey, Stone and Boomer in here? I think this is something everyone needs to hear.”

Trudy turned to go back to her desk but Amanda called out to her, “Tremaine, can you stop whatever is about to happen?”

“I hope so Andy, I hope so.” She turned and grabbed a bunch of papers from her desk and walked over to the wall where the map was hanging. Slowly, everyone gathered behind her. When she turned, she could see everyone was there. “Patrick Killian Rivers, was born in Dallas County in March of 1987. He was the younger son of Jerry and Billy Jo Rivers, his older brother Mike was born in 1985. Patrick was a good student all through high school and played football his senior year. That got him a full scholarship for college which by the way, he never used. Nope, our Patrick Rivers joined the Navy right out of high school. After he completed basics, he joined the SEAL training, then went on to become a bomb expert.”

“We already know all that,” Cade commented.

Trudy held her finger up. “Yes, I’m sure you do, but do you know his parents and older brother were killed two days after he graduated. They died on their way home from a movie. Instead of mourning the death of his family, Patrick left for military training the very next day. He even missing their funerals. Now I had to ask myself why would a kid do that?”

“Did you figure it out?” Boomer asked.

Trudy grimaced as she nodded. “Yeah, I did.” She handed them two different pictures.

“Who is the younger kid?” Dewey wanted to know. “This one, is a younger Patrick. I can see that but I have no clue who the other kid is.”

“The person you don’t recognize is the real Patrick Rivers. That is the Patrick Rivers who graduated two days before his family died. The other man was hard to find but I found him. His real name is Terik Salmone.”

A gasp was heard from the kitchen area. Then they heard the crash of falling dishes. Everyone turned to stare at Alea. She had come to stand in the doorway with another young woman Trudy learned was named McKenna. McKenna was Stone’s woman. “Did you say Terik Salmone?”

“Yes, I did, why?”

“Oh my, no wonder he looked so familiar.” Alea moved slowly over to the nearest chair. When she sat down, she looked over at Wyatt. “Salmone is a name I know from back home. It belongs to someone very important to the oil world. Abdur Salmone is a very wealthy man. It was said he had a son from an American bride a little over twenty five years ago, but no one has ever seen his bride or her son.”

“I think I know why,” Trudy injected. “According to what I found out, Terik lived with his father after his mother died when he was a year old. When the US invaded Iraq, Abdur sent his young son to live with family here in America. He attended only the best schools on the East Coast and that was where I found him. He was on a rowing team at a fraternity in Maine. He disappeared the same time Patrick joined the service.”

“He must have found the real Patrick and took his place,” Parker surmised. “This plan of his has been a long time in coming.”

“What happened to the real Patrick?” Cade asked.

“He’s probably dead,” Dewey concluded. “Terik couldn’t take the chance he would come forward. He also had to kill his family, so they couldn’t declare to the world he wasn’t the real Patrick Rivers.”

“Good work, baby girl.” Boomer patted her shoulder. “At least we know who we’re up against. Now we just have to figure out how to reel him in before he has a chance to hurt anyone.”

“When you saw him in the village, was there anything you noticed that was different about him?” Dewey asked Wyatt.

“Now that you mention it there was.” Wyatt nodded. “Do you all remember those three gold lines he had on his chest? The ones he said were part of a tattoo in progress?”

Dewey and the others nodded. Patrick Rivers had three gold lines tattooed on his chest. It reminded them of the beginning of a star a child would draw.

“The lines were all filled in and you were right they were the lines of a star.”

Alea grabbed Wyatt’s hand. “Are you sure it had all five lines?”

Wyatt knelt beside her. “Yes, I saw it. All five lines were there.” He cocked his head. “Why? Do you know what those five lines mean?”

Alea nodded. “It is the symbol of the Shadow Elite of the Taliban. He must be a member of that group. When he began getting the lines, he took an oath of complete obedience to the Taliban. When he completes the task set by the Masters, he gains a new stripe. When the star is complete, the jihad has been declared and Terik is fully committed to the task. If he fails, he will die by the hand of the Masters. His death will not be pleasant and he will become an example to the others.”

“What else do you know about this star?” Dewey asked.

“Each man who receives this honor is taken as a child and trained by the best of the best of them. Each side represents something the Taliban reveres. The first line means honor, the second stands for Integrity. The third line means family. The fourth means they have accepted Islam and the fifth means they have declared their jihad. Upon completion of their jihad, the star will be filled in with pure gold and he will take his place in the Shadow Elite. He will become a leader for the next generation of children.” She paused then added, “With them, it’s a matter of honor. Once they begin, they can’t stop until their mission is complete.”

“Well now, we can’t have that can we?” Boomer exclaimed. “To hell with his fucked up honor!”

“I couldn’t agree more.” Stone growled as he went to stand beside McKenna.

“So, how do we reel this bastard in?” Parker asked.

“We have to think about this for a while,” Dewey suggested. “I know the first thought in everyone’s mind is go looking for the fucker and mess him up but he’s been working on this plan for years. We don’t have that much time but we have enough time to counter his wacked out jihad.”

“There is more than just Terik to worry about,” Trudy warned. “Let’s not forget about the fact he has six other men with him.”

“Fuck a duck,” Cade whispered. “One was bad enough, but seven?”

“And each one of these bastards are willing to kill you before you can kill them, so stay sharp,” Dewey warned them.

“You had us warn our families but is that going to be enough?” Cade asked. “Are they still in danger?”

“If he can’t find Wesley’s mom, would he go after our families?” Parker asked.

“That is always a possibility.” Boomer nodded.

“So how do we protect them until this is over?” Cade asked.

“My only family is a brother in the military. He’ll be okay,” Jake commented.

“Are you sure?” Dewey asked. “Because I’m not. Terik got into our military simply by using a real name and ID. Who is too say there aren’t more of him out there just waiting for their chance?”

In the silence that followed Dewey’s statement, Amanda commented, “Well, that’s a damn scary thought.”

“We can’t bring them all here if we’re planning on luring Terik to us,” Parker informed the group. “Where do you think we should send them?”

“I have a friend over by Lake Charles who can protect your kin. I can send a few men over there as well,” Boomer suggested. “Sam is a little off, he means well but he’s also prepared for world war three. No one will even know they are there, if he doesn’t want them to know it.”

“Call your families and let them know.” Dewey nodded his head. “Boomer, call and ask your friend if he could help us out.”

Trudy went back over to the desk and sat down. Suddenly, she was tired. She felt someone beside her and looking up she found herself staring into Dewey’s eyes. He held out his hand and when she put hers into it, she let him lift her to her feet.

“Come on, I can show you a soft bed to rest in. I think you’ve done enough for one day.”

“That sounds like heaven to me,” she murmured.

He led her out of the shop and to his small cabin. Going through the main room, he led her down a small hallway and opened the door to his bedroom. The room itself seemed dark and quiet. His bed was a king size four poster.

Trudy didn’t notice anything else. Making her way to the bed, she flopped down and groaned.

Dewey chuckled. Reaching for the blanket at the foot of the bed, he covered her up and left the room, closing the door behind him. When he turned he found Ebony standing in the hallway.

Dewey knelt and the dog came closer. He reached out and began scratching the animal’s ears. “She’ll be okay here for a while, boy. Nobody can get to her, but I’m glad you’re here to watch over her as well.” He stood and opened the bedroom door.

Without pause, the dog went inside and jumped up on the bed beside his master. He stared at Dewey for a moment then lowered his head to lay near Trudy.


Chapter Six


our hours later, Dewey was leaving the shop to go home for the night. The families were all under cover and under protection. Everyone was shutting down for the night. Boomer had taken a cot in the backroom of the shop and Amanda was sleeping on a cot beside Sniper.

For now, they were all safe and accounted for and that’s the way Dewey wanted it to remain. He had armed men on watch at the front gate and had the lights turned on.

The cabin was still dark when he entered it but when he turned on a lamp, the soft light showed him a blanket covered figure on the couch. When he got closer, he saw it was Trudy.

Ebony was laying on the floor beside the couch and when he saw it was Dewey, he laid his head back on his front paws.

Dewey knelt beside the couch and began brushing her hair off her face.

Trudy opened her eyes and watched him for a moment.

“What are you doing out here?” Dewey whispered.

“I had a nightmare,” she whispered back.

“I’m sorry. I had hoped you would get some rest.”

“I did get some rest.”

“Are you hungry?”

Trudy chuckled. “I would kill for a beer right now.”

Dewey smiled. “I think I can help you with that and there doesn’t need to be any blood spilled.” He moved to the kitchen, grabbed them both a beer and brought it back. Trudy sat up and he sat down next to her. They shared a peaceful silence as they drank their beer.

“Are your men’s families protected?” she finally broke the silence between them.

“Yeah, Boomer’s friend will protect them.”

“And did you guys come up with a way to lure Terik to where you want him?” Trudy asked as she peeled the label from her bottle of beer.

“That’s a problem for tomorrow.” Dewey groaned. “I can’t think anymore tonight.”

“I might have an idea.”

Dewey raised his hand and covered her mouth. “Tell me about it in the morning. I think we can both use a good night’s sleep.”

Trudy began to tremble. “I don’t want to go back to sleep.”

Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, he pulled her close. “You need to get some rest.”

“I’m afraid,” she whispered. “I don’t want to be alone.”

“I’ll be there for you, if you want me to be.”

“I think I’d like that very much.”

Dewey got to his feet and reached out for her hand. When she placed her hand in his, he pulled her to her feet. The blanket she had around her fell away and Dewey sucked in his breath. She had removed her jeans and her shirt and now she was only clad in one of his old t shirts.

Without words, he led her into the bedroom and sat her down on the bed.

She pushed back the covers and crawled in. Laying on her side, she watched as he undressed.

Lifting the cowboy hat off his head, he laid it on the bedpost. His dark hair curled around his ears with silver highlights around his temples. Hunching his shoulders, he pulled off his t-shirt. Trudy could see his back muscles bulge. His arms were as solid as the rest of him. He reached for his belt and she heard the clink of it opening.

Trudy made out the sounds of him lowering his jeans, then she felt him sitting down on the bed. She wanted to reach out and pull him to her but she didn’t. Instead, she waited until he laid down beside her.

Dewey reached out and gathered her body to his. Leaning over, he kissed her forehead and whispered, “Go to sleep, baby girl. I’m right here beside you. I’ll hold back the bad dreams.”

Trudy smiled in the dark and closed her eyes. She could hear the echo of his heartbeat from where her ear rested on his chest. She fell asleep to the steady sound.

A few hours later, Trudy began to toss and turn. Her moans woke Dewey up and he laid his hand on her shoulder to wake her. When he made contact with her skin, she groaned and curled into a ball away from him, as if she expected him to hurt her.

“Hey baby girl, it’s okay,” he called out softly. “No one is going to hurt you.”

She turned and threw herself into his arms, sobbing. “I’m sorry. I was dreaming about the attack again. I guess stirring up all this shit brought it all back to me. I know you aren’t going to hurt me but it was just so real.”

“Hey, it’s okay.” Dewey kissed her forehead. “I’m here.”

Trudy buried her nose in the hollow of his neck and inhaled. His scent reminded her of the outdoors, fresh and clean with just a hint of sandalwood. The tip of her tongue touched his skin.

Dewey groaned.

“I think I want you,” she whispered in his ear.

“Are you sure about that?”

“Yes, please.” She looked away from him. “But I don’t know how.”

“What do you mean, you don’t know how?”

Trudy flushed a deep red. “Guys scare me. I’ve never wanted anything to do with them before. I hide from the world for a reason, but with you, I’m not afraid. I see you and strange things happen deep down inside me.”

Dewey groaned. “I’m too old for this.”

Trudy hung her head. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she whispered as she scrambled to leave.

Dewey grabbed her around the waist and hauled her back, close to him. ‘Where do you think you’re going?” he whispered in her ear.

“I think I’ve humiliated myself quite enough for one night…Please let me go.”

“I don’t think so,” he stated. “You want to know about loving, well I can teach you about that.”

Trudy turned to look at him. ‘But you just said you were too old for that.”

“Honey, I’m still a man.” Dewey laid her on her back. Then he lifted the shirt up and off her shoulders. Her breasts were full and larger than he thought. He grabbed them in his hands and brought them to his mouth. Her nipples budded hard and she groaned as he sucked them into his mouth. Alternating between licking and sucking as her body responded to his touch.

Her hand touched his chest and dragged down his stomach to the front of his boxer shorts. He twisted his hips and ground his erection into her thigh. He kissed her throat then he sucked her skin into his mouth and she groaned. Reaching down, he tore her underwear from her body.

His hand went to the apex of her legs and he felt her heat. His large, rough fingers spread her lower lips and he felt her wetness. He brushed her clit and she groaned.

Her hand dipped under his waistband and she tried to wrap her fingers around the width of his cock. The skin was soft yet oh, so hard as she ran her fingers down the length of his manhood. Then she almost screamed as he pushed two fingers deep inside her.

Dewey growled, “God you are so tight and warm.”

“I need you inside me, please,” she whispered. “I want to feel you deep inside me.”

Dewey groaned as he moved, ripping his boxers off his body then he moved between her legs. Brushing the tip of his cock against her wetness, he got his cock wet, coating it in her juices, then he pushed himself inside her body, a little bit at a time. He felt when he tore through her innocence and would have stopped briefly but she wouldn’t let him. Moving slowly, he backed up then moved forward, sinking in deeper each time, until he was deep inside her.

He paused for a moment, just enjoying the sensation. “Damn, you are so tight, so wet. Are you okay?”

Trudy nodded and lifted her hips. “Please—please don’t stop now. I need more…”

Dewey backed out and rammed forward, thrusting deeper. He picked up speed and soon he could feel her body responding. The walls surrounding him clenched and she screamed as her body tightened as her orgasm hit. He kept thrusting as he felt his body responding. Feeling closer to the edge, he thrust one last time as deep as he could get. His climax hit and he growled.

“Oh, my god…” she murmured. Her arms tightened around his neck when he tried to pull away. She pulled him closer and when her lips touched his, she gasped as his tongue thrust deeply into her mouth.

Trudy pushed him onto his back and followed him, so she ended up straddling his hips without breaking contact. From her advantage point, she ground her pussy down and she felt his cock throb back to life.

Dewey grabbed her hips, picked them up and smashed them down. He groaned and repeated his actions over and over again. Lifting his head, he grabbed her breast in his mouth and sucked her nipple in roughly. When he let go, it released with a soft popping sound. He groaned as she grinded her hips against his pelvis. “Dammit, woman,” he groaned as he thrust himself up into her body.

“Yes,” she hissed as his fingers moved to her clit. She could feel her climax coming again.

“I hope you’re close. I can’t hold off very much longer,” he told her.

Then the force of another orgasm hit her and she screamed.

Dewey could feel her walls closing in and he let himself go along with her. She fell onto his chest and it took a moment for her breath to return. Her body was almost numb and Dewey gently moved her to lay beside him. Sweat poured from his brow.

“Jesus, I can’t move right now,” he murmured as he kissed her forehead.

“Thank you,” she whispered as she turned her head and kissed his shoulder.

“For what?” he asked with a small laugh.

“Just for being you,” she replied sleepily.

Dewey chuckled. “I can be me anytime you want, sweet baby girl.” He reached down and grabbing the end of the blanket, he covered them both. She moved to a more comfortable position and he settled his arms around her again. Holding her close to his heart, he waited for her to fall asleep again. He stared at the ceiling of his bedroom for a long time that night waiting for his mind to settle down, so he could sleep.

Trudy opened her eyes the next morning and the sun was already up. Stretching, she sat up and saw her pack on the floor next to the door. She smiled slightly and got up. Her body felt sore in places it hadn’t even been aware of before but she also felt renewed. Digging out clean clothes, she headed for the bathroom. Turning on the shower, she stepped in and let the warm water flow over her.

Closing her eyes, she just stood there for a moment. The next thing she knew strong male arms reached around her and she was pulled back against a warm, hard body.

“You look divine,” Dewey whispered in her ear.

She grinned and turned herself around in his arms. Kissing his chest she murmured, “I thought you would be long gone.”

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