Betrayed: Military MC Romance (Hell's Fire Riders Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Betrayed: Military MC Romance (Hell's Fire Riders Book 2)
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“Never happen,” he assured her. “I was just letting your dog outside.”

Trudy groaned. “Is he mad at me?”

Dewey chuckled. “No, I don’t think so. He and I had a heart to heart talk about you this morning.”

Trudy leaned back and asked, “Oh what did the two of you talk about?”

“I told him you still needed him but he would have to get used to sharing you with me too.”

Trudy frowned. Leaning over, she licked his nipple. “And what did Ebony have to say about that?” she asked as she leaned over to his other side and licked his other nipple. She’d read somewhere the nipples were zone of pleasure for both men and women. When he’d suckled hers during the night, her body responded with pleasure and she felt curious to see if it also worked on Dewey. Before he could answer her question, she sucked his nipple into her mouth.

Dewey hissed then ground his hard hot cock into her belly. “Oh…he understood completely.”

Trudy grinned, apparently sucking on then gave him pleasure as well.

Reaching down, he scooped her higher into his arms and turning he pinned her to the shower wall. His lips came down on hers hard as he thrust his cock into her body. By the third thrust, she felt the electricity flooding her body and by the fifth thrust he was joining her.

“My god woman, you undo me.” He groaned.

Trudy giggled. “I feel alive for the first time in a very long time.” She kissed him long and hard. “Thank you for that.”

Dewey smiled. “The pleasure was all mine.”

“Well, not quite all yours but I’ll share.” Trudy grinned. She picked up the end of her braid and began unraveling it. When she was done, her white hair surrounded her like a blanket.

“Wow, that’s beautiful.” Dewey stared in awe.

“Thanks.” Trudy smiled. “Sometimes, I wonder if my mom can see it. Andy’s hair isn’t as long but it’s just as nice.”

“Your mother was right about one thing, it is your crowning glory.” Dewey gathered her hair in his hands and dumping some shampoo into the mix he began to work up a lather. “We’ve had some developments during the night.”

While he did that, she washed her body. “What kind of developments?”

“Some of Boomer’s guys found the first three bombs. They are working on disabling them even as we speak.”

Trudy sighed. Having some help her with her hair felt wonderful. “That’s good news, isn’t it?”

“Yeah baby, that’s good news. Duck and rinse,” he prompted.

Trudy ducked under the flowing water and felt the shampoo flow to her feet. Squeezing the water from her hair, she stepped out of the shower. After she was dry, she began the laborious task of combing out her hair. When that was done, she began braiding it again.

“Don’t you dry it first?” Dewey asked as he toweled off.

“Normally I would, but I want to catch up with everyone first and my hair takes a long time to dry.”

When she finished, she went over to him and placed her hands on either side of his face. Leaning in, she kissed him long and hard. Then she ducked out of the room, leaving Dewey with half a smile on his face.

Dewey was also wondering where the scared girl, he woke up to in the middle of the night, had gone.

When he joined the others in the shop, he saw her sitting at her computer again. He went to get a cup of coffee and sat down next to Boomer.

“She looks better rested this morning.”

“She had another nightmare last night,” Dewey informed him.

“Whatever you did to her, please keep doing it,” Boomer replied.

Dewey about choked when his coffee went down the wrong pipe in his throat. “What—did you say?”

Boomer picked up his cup and brought it to his lips. “Just look at her.”

Dewey turned his head and stared at her for a moment. “What about her?’

Boomer looked straight ahead. He wouldn’t look at the other man sitting there. He seemed to know what happened between them last night. “Whatever happened gave Trudy peace of mind and I wouldn’t take that away from her. She means too much to me. But look at her, she’s fucking humming aloud. It’s been a long time since she felt like that.” Then he turned to glare at Dewey. “If you hurt her I will kill you, don’t ever doubt that. I’ll will hunt you down and fucking kill you.”

Dewey glared back for the longest time before he commented, “Understood.”

Boomer got up and went over to the wall where the map was displayed. He was joined by Stone and the two men began to talk quietly. Early this morning, Amanda had drawn marks on it where the bombs were placed. After the phone calls from his men, they had crossed off three of the twenty seven sites.

When Dewey joined him he asked, “Do you think they can find all of them before time runs out?”

“I hope so,” Boomer answered. “It might only take one or two to set off the fault. An earthquake of any size could set off chaos.” He shrugged. “It wouldn’t be as bad as what Terik planned but it could still bring our nation to the brink.”

“Let’s hope your guys find them then.” Stone growled.

“Oh, my guys will find them but Tracker called me early this morning and told me he thought someone was following him.”

“What?” Dewey groaned. “What the fuck are we going to do if Terik tries to stop them?”

Boomer grinned. “He won’t get very far if he does. He only has six men I’ve got twelve out there. Besides, I sent out another crew to back up the boys. That way, one can disarm the bombs and the other one can watch his back.”

None of them noticed Trudy joining their little pow-wow until she spoke, ‘Do you know why Terik chose December 31
for his little fireworks display?”

Boomer, Stone and Dewey turned to her.

A worried gleam showed in her eyes.

“Not really, why did he chose that date?” Boomer asked warily.

“Because there is supposed to be a slight shift in the earth’s crust that night. Most people wouldn’t even know it’s happening but any kind of movement like that, can and will be amplified if Terik’s bombs go off. That movement alone could be enough to set the explosion even if your guys manage to disarm the bombs themselves. Either way, we lose.”

“Damn!” Boomer swore. “How did you find this information?”

Trudy rolled her eyes. “Would you believe The Farmer’s Almanac?”

“So we have to pick up the bombs as well as disarm them?” Dewey asked.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“What the hell are we going to do with twenty seven high test bombs?” Stone ranted. “How do we explain that to the cops?”

“ATF will have our asses in jail and they will throw away the keys!” Boomer exclaimed.

“Maybe not,” Trudy spoke quietly

All eyes again swung back over to her.

“How can they not?” Dewey asked.

“We bring them in on this.” Trudy dropped her own bomb. Waiting, she gave them all of thirty seconds before they all began to protest loudly.

“We can’t bring anyone else in on this!”

“They will fuck everything up and Terik will go so far underground we’ll never catch him again!”

Finally, she held up her hands and both men quieted down. Everyone else had joined them and Trudy faced more than just the two men. She was facing the group as a whole.

“What’s going on here?” Parker finally asked.

“Terik picked December thirty first for a reason,” Trudy explained. “There will be a slight shift in the earth’s crust that night. Now these happen all the time but the bombs could start a chain reaction resulting in total disaster. I suggested bringing in ATF, but that idea was shot down.”

“And with good reason” Cade commented. “The government would block any plan of action we had and Terik would go underground like Boomer suggested. We’d never find him again but he would pick us off one at a time and still find a way to do his jihad.”

“Will you all please just listen to me for a moment?” Trudy pleaded. “There is a way to do this without putting the mission in the hands of the government to fuck things up.”

“What do you have in mind, baby girl?” Boomer finally asked.

“As your men disarm the bombs, I suggest they move them somewhere where they won’t be found. I think Terik already knows someone is messing with his plan. I found the diagram of a circuit board that would tell him when one of the bombs go offline. We need to counteract that circuitry, so he thinks everything is still in place.”

“So that’s how he knew!” Boomer exclaimed. At Trudy’s look of confusion he explained, “I got a call from Tracker this morning. He thinks he’s being followed. I had to send out extra men to cover their backs.”

Trudy nodded. “Okay, that will work but we need to let the guys know about the circuitry alarms as well.”

“So what is your suggestion regarding the ATF?” Stone asked. “Where do we hide the bombs, so we don’t get busted? The feds aren’t fond of the MCs much.”

“There is a series of tunnels I know about that lead deep into the mountains, near Kansas. If your guys drive the bombs there and drop them off, I have a contact in the ATF I can call to have the stuff picked up. I won’t tell him where the stuff came from nor will I involve you guys at all. Trent trusts me and I will only call him just before this is supposed to go down unless we find Terik first and take him out.” She shrugged and added, “I’ve dealt with him before and if he wants me to continue giving him information, he won’t ask how I know these things. We have that kind of understanding.”

“How are we supposed to move that many bombs without attracting attention?” Cade asked.

“I can set up a diversion. I can get a stream of big trucks moving and that way even if someone gets on to us, they won’t know which truck to follow.”

“How can you set something like this up with no warning?” Parker asked looking skeptical.

“I do a lot of work online for a lot of people. I have contacts all over the world. I’ve been working for a living for a very long time now. I don’t do anything illegal and I don’t break the law. I have been known to bend it though. I can crack any firewall and I have done my fair share of hacking into places I shouldn’t but only to get information I need. I don’t sell info that I get to anyone who would use it against the places I’ve hacked. There are people out there who would give a lot of money to anyone who could turn me over to them, that’s why I hide. That’s why no one knows where I live.”

“Isn’t not doing anything illegal and not breaking the law the same thing?” Cade asked with a frown.

Trudy shrugged. “There are all kinds of illegal and many ways to break the law. I won’t do either, for anyone or any cause.” She turned to Dewey. “The place I showed you earlier? I don’t really live there all the time. I stay there on occasion but that’s not my real home.” She looked at each and every one standing there. “I’m trusting you guys with everything I am. I’m trusting you with my life. I can do this if you give me a chance.”

“What about this Trent guy?” Dewey asked. “Do you trust him as well?”

Trudy laughed. “Not even to wash my car which I don’t even own. Do you think I’m a fool?” Shaking her head she explained, “Trent works for a government agency. A government I might add that would use and abuse me if they ever got their hands on me. I know that. That is one of my greatest fears. I’ve had this ability since I was seven. I never told anyone what I could do and no one found out until the day I messed with that drug dealer. My father found out a little of what I could do, he just didn’t believe I was the one who’d done it. He asked me several times that night who I was working with. He didn’t believe I did it alone. He wanted to know who the hacker was. When I wouldn’t give him a name, he kicked me out. He told me to let the hacker take care of me, because he was all done. I was fourteen but I was clever enough to survive. I’ve managed to stay off the grid, so to speak for a number of years.”

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