Better Than Chocolate (7 page)

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Authors: Lacey Savage

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Romantic Erotica

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Psychosis, however, would not explain Silvana. Unless she wasn't real either. Unless—

"We're here."

Rafael breathed a sigh of relief. This was getting just a wee bit complicated for his sleep-deprived mind to process. Silvana swung open the door to her apartment and Rafael found himself being ushered inside a massive loft that had to cost a fortune in such a coveted New York location.

"There you are. I thought you'd forgotten all about me."

Rafael started at the sound of the unexpected male voice. He whirled around, only to come face to face—and jean-clad groin to naked cock—with the man he'd seen pawing Silvana earlier on the front steps.

Oh, hell! She had been talking about shocking him with a masculine appendage after all!

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Seven

As the two men stared at each other in sheer confusion, Silvana cleared her throat. “Paul, meet Rafael. He's my ... uhh ... ghost."

Paul made no move to cover himself. Surprisingly, his shaft didn't soften, either. Silvana breathed a sigh of relief. That would make things much easier.

"Right,” Paul said nonchalantly, as though this kind of thing happened to him every day. “So what exactly am I supposed to be helping him with?"

Silvana grimaced. “Seems Rafael and I have a bit of an incubus problem."

She could practically see the wheels spinning in Paul's intelligent brain. “Ah. Well, then.” He took a step forward, plastered his body against Rafael's, then leaned in and planted an open-mouthed kiss on the other man. “Looks like we'll be getting to know each other a whole lot better."

Of the three of them, only Rafael looked like he'd walked from a dream into the makings of a nightmare. His gaze darted between Silvana and Paul. His lips glistened from Paul's kiss, and he licked them, causing a ravenous jolt of lust to spiral in Silvana's lower belly.

"I can't ... I don't ... I don't do this with men. I've never—"

Paul swung an arm around Rafael's shoulder and propelled him toward the opposite end of the loft, cutting off whatever the other man had been about to say. When Silvana moved to follow, his arm shot out and he stopped her in her tracks. “Man-to-man talk. Stay put."

She opened her mouth to protest, but he wagged a finger in her direction. “You want me to help? Let me help."

She bit her lower lip and nodded. They moved to the far wall, where the kitchen cabinets formed a perfect L, and Paul whispered something in Rafael's ear. Silvana could only watch, shifting from foot to foot, as Rafael's head came up. He answered. Then Paul said something else.

She caught the whispered echoes of a few words.
Need. Ecstasy. Love. Regret
. And she could practically see the moment Rafael decided on a course of action.

With an abrupt nod in Paul's direction, Rafael began moving toward her. “Take off your clothes,” he said as he came closer. “We're going to finish what we started downstairs."

Paul came up behind Rafael, his erect shaft bobbing in silent agreement. “And so are we."

To Silvana's dismay, her fingers trembled when she reached for the top button of her shirt. Her gaze darted between the two men. This was what she'd wanted, what she knew she had to do. Yet now that they both stood only a few steps away, watching her with an intensity that made her feel naked even before shedding any clothing, she couldn't help the shiver that darted up her spine.

"On second thought,” Rafael said. “Let me."

She whimpered the moment his hand pushed hers away. She'd dreamt of that hand doing wonderful, naughty things to her body. And his fingers, his tongue, his cock ... oh, yes. Most definitely his cock.

While Rafael busied himself with her shirt, Paul knelt before him. Rafael's eyes widened, and Silvana was relieved to notice his fingers shake a little as he struggled with her buttons while Paul lowered the zipper of his jeans.

Rafael's palm skimmed the strip of skin he'd revealed right down the center of Silvana's body. With a smooth, expert motion, he slid the fabric over her shoulders, leaving her naked from the waist up.

She could only watch in helpless surrender as Rafael lowered his mouth to one pink nipple. He pulled the taut bud between his teeth, nipping lightly, sending a jolt of pleasure-pain through her veins. Then he pulled back and ran the pointed tip of his tongue around her areola, over and over until the torrent of prickling sensation chased a wave of furious longing straight to her needy pussy.

"Let's see if he can take as well as he gives, shall we?” Paul asked, tossing Silvana a wink over his shoulder.

They stood at the foot of the bed. Silvana closest to the bed, Rafael directly before her, and Paul between them, kneeling in front of Rafael's unmistakable erection. Even through the cotton material of his briefs, Silvana could make out the masculine lines of his solid cock.

Without waiting for a reply, Paul tucked his fingertips inside the waistband of Rafael's briefs and pulled them down over his powerful thighs. Rafael uttered a low groan and released her nipple. Silvana's gaze flew down to his groin.

She couldn't help the moan of feminine appreciation that rumbled up from her throat. Madam Periwinkle's chocolate dildo might have been magnificent, but it was no match for the beauty of the real thing. She'd never thought of a cock as being beautiful before, but Rafael's rod reminded her of a spectacular work of art.

Thick and velvety, roped with delicate veins that ran along the underside of the shaft all the way to the darkened tip, it reached nearly up to his navel. As she stared in fascination, a clear bead of pre-cum formed along the tiny slit to stand out sharply against the flushed head.

Paul gripped the thick length in his large fist and Rafael's hips bucked forward. “Oh, shit."

"Relax,” Paul coaxed in a husky tone. “This won't hurt a bit."

Rafael grunted. His dark, hungry gaze settled on Silvana, imploring her to help. She shook her head.

"Yeah,” Rafael said at last through clenched teeth. “That's what I'm afraid of."

Paul's mouth moved closer to the tip of Rafael's cock. Rafael sucked in a breath as though preparing for the worst. When Paul's tongue swept out to taste the bead of moisture that had riveted Silvana only moments earlier, Rafael cried out.

He anchored his palms on Silvana's waist and dug his fingernails into her hips. His eyes turned wild, frantic. She'd never seen him look that way before. Her heart gave a stumbling lurch.

"What am I doing here?” he whispered.

Her stomach clenched along with her pussy. “Exorcising your demons."

"So ... you ... say.” His breathing grew labored, but his gaze remained fixed on hers. It probably took all his self-control to keep from peering down, but Silvana couldn't take it any longer.

One glance and her body caught fire. How could Rafael resist seeing this? Paul looked magnificent as he poured sensual effort into the act of making love to Rafael's cock.

She couldn't help but marvel at the way Paul's lips moved up and down Rafael's length, the way his cheeks hollowed with each labored pull on the shaft, the way his saliva left glistening trails of wetness along the dark, velvety skin.

"Jeans. Off. Now.” Rafael barked out the order between heaving breaths. A sheen of perspiration coated his temples.

It had to be taking every bit of stubbornness he possessed to keep from giving in and coming in Paul's talented mouth. Silvana risked another quick peek at the action centered on Rafael's groin and her clit throbbed in frustrated arousal.

She didn't hesitate a moment longer before obeying Rafael's thunderous command. She shucked her jeans as quickly as she could manage it, then tossed them aside.

When she finished, Rafael lifted her by the waist and tossed her backward onto the bed. Before she could figure out what he meant to do with her, he'd gripped her ankles and forced her legs up. Anchoring her feet to his shoulders, he leaned in and, without any warning, dragged the flat part of his tongue in a long swipe across the flushed pink flesh between her legs.

The sounds of Paul's fervent sucking blended with the wet licks Rafael lavished on Silvana's pussy. Through the cacophony of pleasure, her moans rose, unrestrained, above the other passionate noises.

She watched in helpless thrall as Rafael's head moved in rhythmic motions across her mound. Her fingers flew up, fisting in his short curls and pulling him forward. She wanted more. More of his talented tongue, more of his full lips, more of his entire mouth.

Rafael groaned in obvious strain. He couldn't hold out much longer. Neither could she.

Drifting in a blissful fog of euphoric sensation, Silvana confused the vibration that started low in her core with more sexual contentment. The heat blazing through her veins felt like a natural extension of the mind-wrenching pleasure being bestowed upon her clit.

It wasn't until she shredded the bed sheets beneath sharp claws that reality returned in a desperate rush.

She yelped and pulled away from Rafael in a flurry of motion that sent her hurtling toward the far end of the bed. That's when she noticed the scale-covered tail she'd sprouted, which drooped off the bed and reached all the way to the far window.

Tears gathered behind her eyes. She fought to blink them away even as she struggled to pull her foot away from Rafael's grip.

A glaze of raw lust shadowed his dark orbs. He looked directly at her, but judging by the way his face twisted in a grimace of pure pleasure, she realized that against all odds her dragon transformation in mid-progress was the least of his concerns.

While flinging herself as far away from Rafael as she could get without flying out the window, she knocked over the chocolate dildo from its perch on the nightstand with her elbow. She held her breath, thinking it would shatter when it made contact with the hardwood floor.

To her surprise, it remained intact. She reached for it, scooping it between two elongated claws. The moment she touched it, every last semblance of dragon anatomy vanished in the span of a tumbling heartbeat.

She held her breath, not quite willing to believe what had just happened. She knew she hadn't controlled the transformation. So it had to be—

"Ugh! Oh, God!” Rafael's guttural cries drew Silvana's attention back to him. He held on to the torn bed sheet with both hands as his body bucked in helpless surrender.

Paul's eyes drifted closed. He gripped Rafael's ass with both hands, pulling the other man closer as he sucked every last drop of cum from the spasming shaft.

Emboldened by the return of her human disguise, Silvana rushed forward on hands and knees. She gripped Rafael's chin with one hand and tilted his head up. He looked at her with a mixture of awe and bewilderment while his body gave one last quivering shudder, as though not quite sure what just occurred.

She kissed him, then. Not to keep him from asking questions or because she was unsure what else to do, but because at that very moment, she wanted to be close to him. To reassure him that although this entire experience was strange and wondrously puzzling, she was with him all the way.

Her tongue dipped between his lips. He stroked it with his own, rewarding her with an almost inaudible moan when she pulled back a fraction. In an instant, he delved into her mouth, suddenly the aggressor. She could taste herself on him, the musky flavor of her juices mingling with the raw, sensual taste emanating from him.

From the corner of her eye, Silvana saw Paul rise and wipe his mouth. The wicked, taunting grin hadn't vanished. If anything, he looked even more eager for action than he'd been earlier.

Still gripping the dildo firmly in her fist, Silvana broke the kiss and crawled backward on the bed. She beckoned to Rafael with a crooked finger. “Come and get me, baby. I'm all yours."

For a moment, he looked like he might refuse. The tip of his tongue slipped out to wet his lips and he darted a glance in Paul's direction. “And you? Whose are you?"

Paul glanced at Silvana. With a sinful smile, he lifted a shoulder in an apologetic shrug. “Your mother was wrong about me, Sil. My tastes run more toward ... the male persuasion of our species."

She wasn't sure whether to laugh or gape in shock. “So why were you so adamant to get me upstairs, then?"

This time, he had the good sense to look slightly ashamed. “A guy in the dragon community has to keep up appearances, y'know? It's good for business."

"Business,” Silvana echoed.

At the same time, Rafael said, “Dragon?"

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Eight

Rafael was dreaming. He had to be.

There was no other way to explain the fantasy world in which he found himself. A man and a woman, both wanting him. If that wasn't bizarre enough, there'd been talk of an incubus possessing his body, and now, dragons.

"Here be dragons,” he murmured, shaking his head. Darting a quick glance between Silvana and Paul, he quirked an eyebrow. “Really?"

"No!” Silvana shouted.

"Yep,” Paul said at the exact same instant.

Silvana grimaced. “Well, maybe a little bit."

"You're ... a little bit of a dragon.” Rafael climbed onto the bed and sat back on his heels, stunned.

"Don't listen to her.” Paul clapped him on the shoulder. “She's all dragon. She's just a little shy about it, that's all."

"Shy.” He wondered if this is what being hit by a truck felt like. Giving his head a good shake that did absolutely nothing to clear it, he quirked an eyebrow at Silvana. “Yeah, I can see that about her."

He couldn't claim to know Silvana very well, but considering the circumstances under which they'd met, and the way she stormed across the street only to lead him back into a den of temptation, shy wasn't the first adjective he'd use when describing the sexy vixen.

"Hey. I'm right here.” She waved her hand to get their attention, and that's when Rafael noticed the giant cock gripped in her fist.

His mouth dropped open, even as a rush of unexpected heat surged into his groin. “And just what do you intend to do with that?"

She paused, glancing at the dildo as though seeing it for the first time. “I was rather hoping to hold on to it, but if you'd rather—"

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