Between Darkness and Light Trilogy (22 page)

Read Between Darkness and Light Trilogy Online

Authors: Brianna Hawthorne

Tags: #fantasy romance, #sorcery, #chaos, #harmony, #shapeshifting, #order vs chaos, #fiction science fiction adventure, #musical magic, #technomage, #multidimensional computers, #crystal transport, #bipolar universe, #string theory based magic, #magic vs technology

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“I have not encountered it's like before; it
is quite unique and complex. That encryption key will slow down my

“Will I be able to notice?”


“Then use it. Also, set up an intermediary
connection with the outside networks, a firewalled gateway, so to
speak, so that your encrypted processes and internal data are never
directly exposed to outside scrutiny. Fully eradicate any usage
data from it immediately after all transmissions, I do not want
anyone to be able to discern any information that has passed
through it. Constantly scan yourself and any incoming data for
these harmonies.” I provide her the harmony definitions currently
active in my latest shield. “You, from now on, are to exist in the
most highly protected environment that we can create for you – I
want absolute privacy. If there are further steps you can take to
ensure my privacy, take them.”

“Does this privacy also exclude access by
Prince Lucian?”

“Absolutely and completely!”

“Understood. Do you wish to place
limitations on access to my data crystal?”

“Yes, of course! Only you, me, and the
processors currently linked to your data crystal are ever to access
it. Can you ensure that?”

“Affirmative. Program running.”

I can't help but think, 'Let's see that dog
get in here now!'

“Sis, would you mind coming to my rooms now?
There's something I'd like to try.”

“Sure.” The air shimmers and we stand next
to his computer. Catching his intention, I cast another shield
around his rooms, this one including the harmony definitions of our
family members. “Do you want to take a stab at cleaning your own
system, or shall I give it the same treatment I gave mine?”

“Do your thing, Sis. Computer, allow Shi'ahn
complete access.”

His system isn't quite as badly compromised
as mine was, but it still reminds me of a sieve. I let him know
when I'm done.

William calls out, “Computer, I want you to
carefully observe my sister and tell us if you can detect any
difference between the two words she speaks.”

That's what he's up to. “Computer.

“There is a slight difference in inflection,
nothing significant.”

William is obviously disappointed, as well
as intrigued. “Your computer is different than mine. I wonder if
the Cailliach is behind that.”

Her voice joins us, “Of course I am! Try
again.” I hear the harmonies of William's computer change
interestingly. Wait a minute, I shielded us! I suppose I should
know better.

“Computer, listen to my sister again.” I
speak just as before.

“There is a difference – the second word was
accompanied by a surge of unidentifiable power.”

“This should work, William. If we encrypt
your computer as I did mine, you should be able to keep the likes
of Lucian out.”

He smiles, “Computer, accept my sister's
directives as though they are my own. If you would, Sis?”

“Computer, encrypt all your processes with
this exact key.” I project a different harmony, “There, William,
your system is now encrypted with the harmony of Puff – I thought
you'd like that.”

“I do! You know, I wonder if that will
confer some of the magical protection he extends to me?”

“What an interesting thought!” I suspect he
is correct. As I ponder the idea, William gives his computer very
strict instructions on securing itself, but runs into a snag.

“Shi'ahn, the computer cannot identify
anything specifically about me that would not be possible for
another to mimic.”

“Computer, can you identify this within
William?” I project William's harmony.

“I detect it.”

“Now scan me, do you detect that same

“No. You are similar, but not exactly the

William smiles triumphantly, “Computer,
accept instructions from and interact only with me. Always ensure,
as Shi'ahn has shown you, that it is indeed me.”

“Program accepted and running.”

“Ha! Now no one should be able to breach our

“Well… no one except Cailli.”

“The Cailliach has Harmony? Now who is
forgetting to mention things?”

“Sorry, as you have said, there's just so
much going on here.”

He smiles playfully, “Yea, a lot goes on
alright.” His smile reminds me of the perfume he was inadvertently
'wearing' the other night. “Thanks for your help, Sis. I suspect,
though, that you could use some rest now. I know I certainly

He's right. I make my way to my own rooms,
feeling the weight of the day dragging my mind down to rest. I had
intended on questioning my computer regarding its capabilities, but
decide to leave that to another time. “Computer, complete a full
security scan of yourself, log any anomalies for my review, then
shut down until further notice.” I do much the same.



Arrivals and Invitations

In the morning I wake, yet again, to a knock
on my door. I wonder what awaits us today?

“Lady Shi'ahn? I have been told that these
items belong to you. A servant I haven’t seen before holds out my
dress, spell ring, the dagger Aurora had given me and the crystal
the Emperor had presented to me; all those things that I had lost
in the crystal trap.

“Thank you!”

“You are quite welcome. I am also to inform
you of a luncheon at noon. The Chaos Lord Cas Darius will be in
attendance.” He turns and leaves.

My spell ring! It had felt so odd being
without it, one of the few easily portable items that Mathair had
left me. I feel a warmth as I slip it on my left index finger, even
though all the spells are depleted. I run over to William’s

“William! William?”

“Just a moment… Shi'ahn? Come on in. What’s
got you so excited?”

“My ring – my spell ring! A servant just
delivered it along with the rest of my belongings I lost in
Aurora’s crystal.”

“That must mean that she is awake and
recuperated. That is good to know.”

“Are you interested in a little trip to
Shiral? We could spend months there before this afternoon’s
luncheon. I really need to do a lot of work on my ring, it’s
completely depleted.”

“What luncheon?”

“Cas Darius is apparently returning. I can’t
imagine why.”

“Really? After escaping as he did with his
sister, he’s voluntarily returning? That seems… odd. Well, be that
as it may, I don’t really want to spend months back home, but a
shorter while would be nice. I could use some time to think about
what I have recently learned. Give me a few minutes to get dressed?
You might want to consider doing so yourself…”

Oops, I’m still in my nightgown. “I guess I
was a bit distracted.” William smiles, I can almost hear his
thought, ‘You think?’ I rush back to my rooms; luckily no one is in
sight. After dressing I ponder my returned belongings - after
having to remove so many spying programs from my computer, I’m not
so sure about the knife Aurora had given me. I place it in a drawer
and cast a strong shield around it. In a few minutes William joins
me, hands me a pouch filled with tasty travel foods and we’re off!
My dear brother, he knows how forgetful of my own needs I get when
I’m concentrating.

When we arrive William looks around in
surprise. “I guess everything seems different after ascending the

“What do you see, William?”

It's hard to explain. Everything here now
seems both more complex than before, and yet less impressive than I
have become accustomed to in Lumina. It's a strange feeling.”

“Interesting. Listen, I want to get my spell
ring taken care of first, before I get caught up in matters of
state or any other business. Maybe in a few days we can have a bit
of fun?”

I easily see he expected that. “Sure. I
think I’ll check in with Puff. See you.” He heads toward the
cottage while I walk along the shore, looking for a nice spot for
my work. I’ve always liked working on spells near the water; the
rhythmic waves on the rocks provide a soothing background perfect
for deep concentration.

I begin my meditation dance; I am Song, I am
Dance, I'm… Wait, I'm no longer purely of Shiral, there is a whole
Universe out there and I am intimately linked with it. I am…
Universe Dust.

I am Song, I am Dance, I am Universe Dust.
Upon this new chant I rebuild my spells, and as I work, I feel like
I truly am a piece of the Universe, and that I can draw upon that
link to strengthen my spells. My spells, I suppose I should store
different ones, considering my new circumstances. I don't really
need transport spells anymore, my new crystal is far superior to
anything I can cast myself for transportation. It's always a good
idea to have several shield spells completely ready to cast without
much thought. This time I incorporate extra power that I collect
using the power siphon ring Cailli gave me, they should be my best
shields yet. What next? I suppose I could cast some power storage
spells – weave into them all the power I can draw from the ring
during the casting. Yes, then I could draw upon all that stored
power instantly instead of only at the rate the ring can draw
power. Yes, I like that. Of course a battle braids spell, you never
know when you might need to get all hair out of the way quickly.
What else… things change so quickly these days, what might I need
to do instantly? Contacting William would be a good one. I cast two
mental contact spells, one for reaching William and another for
contacting someone I specify at the time of casting.

What else could I need? I don't know. One
thing I do know though is that these days I'm not sure I can easily
get away for enough time to recast spells into my ring. My recent
imprisonment, for example. I wonder if it is possible to create a
spell that can automatically recast all the other spells back into
my ring after they are exhausted? It would take a lot of power, and
time, but I'm here, so why not? It isn't easy… it's almost like a
technologists program, written to analyze all the other spells on
the ring and draw enough power through the siphon ring and from the
Harmony surrounding me to both recreate the other spells and
rebuild itself whenever I chose to 'restore' my spells. I shouldn't
ever have to fully cast this spell again, just provide it with more
power as I add more powerful spells to my ring. It requires roughly
four times as much power as all my other spells combined. Power to
rebuild my spells and rebuild itself, with enough extra energy to
rebuild my spells and itself again, in case there isn't time to
draw on more power from my other ring.

There is a joy to this act of spell creation
beyond what I have experienced before. I hate to stop, but my work
is done. I end my song and the feeling of joyous elation fades
away, leaving me weak! I have to crawl to the pouch of food William
had given me, how long have I been casting? I hear Gaea’s voice in
my mind.

‘I was wondering when you would notice me.
You’ve been busy.’

‘Yes, do you know how long I was spell

‘It has been three days, Shi'ahn, by far the
longest you have ever done so without resting. Eat and sleep,
Shi'ahn.’ After consuming all that William had provided me, I
practically stagger back to the cottage, eat whatever I find and
fall into bed.


I awake to early morning birdsong. A mother
tries to teach her chick their call, but it keeps souring the last
three notes. I’ve missed birdsong; even imperfectly performed ones
are music to my ears. Over and over again the mother sings, the
child fails, and then all falls silent except for slow rhythmic
gusts of wind. I smile and go out to greet Zah-Ha’Gor.

Soon, once again wearing leather riding
clothes and my fire diamonds, Zah-Ha’Gor treats me to another
harrowing and wonderfully exhilarating flight. I feel so alive when
we fly! We stop occasionally for meals, and curl together for
warmth at night. I still find it remarkable that a creature with
such impervious scales can manage to arrange her legs into a
perfectly comfortable nest for me. I need no blankets when we lie
together. It has been too long since we have spent such time with
each other. She must feel so as well, for each night she continues
to stare at me with those mysterious eyes of hers as I slip from

Eventually she returns me to the cottage,
and I find William has left me a note:


Hi Sis,

I’ve gone back to Lumina. Don’t worry, I’ve already
checked in with the provisional government and they’re fine. So is
Gaea. Why don’t you return soon as well – You know how quickly
things come up here. You wouldn’t want to miss anything!



It seems that William has indeed taken care
of all the necessary political work, and it would be nice to visit
without doing any politicking. I concentrate on my most prized
crystal, deciding on the front gates as my destination, and I’m
there. I look around enjoying the view for a moment, but my
rebellious stomach soon grumbles. Ah yes, I had intended on eating
lunch when I returned to the cottage. I start out for the kitchens
and soon hear a familiar voice.

“Lady Shi'ahn?”

A man with a three-guard escort… “Cas
Darius! I had heard you would be here later today.” His smile seems
quite friendly… Lydia must not have told him much about our

“I’m a little early. Do you have any time to

“Well, I was just on my way to the kitchens
to grab something to eat, I haven’t had… breakfast yet.”

“What a coincidence, neither have I. May I
join you?” I pause, it wouldn’t seem right to drag him into a
kitchen. A guard speaks up.

“If you would follow me, there are some very
nice small dining rooms nearby.” Darius and I smile at each other
and fall in step behind his guard-turned-guide.

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