Between Two Tiron (10 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Airies

BOOK: Between Two Tiron
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“Now the real test,” Shard laughed.

He leaned close and his tongue flicked over her labia and then up over the spot where he

had removed the diamond of fur. His slightly rough tongue circled, tasting and testing, sending a

wave of tingling shocks through Lina. She shuddered and locked her knees as they threatened to


“Now that is how I want it, as silky and soft as the rest of your pussy.” Shard nuzzled his

face against the soft mound.

“Beautiful…all is in readiness.” Kaleb stood in the doorway watching.

Shard rose to his feet, a pleased smile crossing his predatory, dark features. “I‟m more

than ready to taste her.”

A small nudge given by the warm hand at her back indicated that she should move. Kaleb

turned and long strides carried him out into the bedroom. She followed and Shard was so close

behind her that she could feel the heat from his body.

She joined Kaleb at the foot of the bed. She reached over and slipped her hand beneath

the jacket of his uniform. She stroked the muscled breadth of his chest through the soft material

of his shirt. His heat, his scent reached out to her, ensnared her senses.

“Your bed awaits,
.” Shard swept his hand out in an expansive gesture indicating

the large bed.

She started to step onto the bed, but stopped, her foot raised. A piece of information from

one of the arcane vid-texts she had read when she was very young flitted through her mind. “The

new bride always gains the bed as she would if she were in

Lina knelt and crawled onto the bed. Light flashed around her and she felt a pulling

sensation. For a moment, she couldn‟t see. Spots danced in front of her eyes. Her other senses

provided a wealth of information. The sweet smell of flowers, water and grass drifted to her on a

soft breeze. Water cascaded onto rocks somewhere nearby.

When her vision cleared, she blinked. She couldn‟t believe her eyes. Across a grassy

expanse dappled with shadows, brightly colored, sweetly scented flowers grew near the base of a

tree. She stood and turned, looking around the area, stunned and amazed. To the right, maybe fifty steps away, water cascaded into a rock-bottomed pool from a high ledge.

To the right of that, a thick grouping of arrow-shaped
trees thrust their leafy branches skyward. Continuing to the right, she spotted a nest of bedding under a wide arch of

with their lush, yellow and orange bell-shaped blossoms. She looked up and saw a yellow sun

shining down through a pale green atmosphere. How had she gotten here? She could feel the

warm air brushing over her skin. It was too real to be a dream or some sort of illusion. Her only

guess was they‟d used the magic they‟d mentioned earlier.

She walked to the dark shelter beneath the green-leaved bower. Kneeling, she crawled

onto the bed. She lay down and waited for her two men.

The bed was soft, comfortable and so very big.
This was a pretty place, but it would be so

much better if I had someone to share it with, specifically two men to satisfy the need burning

inside me.
She looked toward the area where she had appeared, expecting Kaleb and Shard to

arrive in the same way she had.

Shard and Kaleb simply appeared at her side. She jumped startled, her hands slamming

into the bedding, levering up on her elbows. Kaleb laughed and settled a hand on her stomach,

pressing her back.

“You honor us with your show of submission.” Shard smiled at her and she could see the

slightly lengthened canines peeking at her as he spoke.

They were gloriously nude and gorgeous. Hot lust burned in their eyes. Their dark skin

gleamed in the dappled light. Their cocks thrust from between their legs, erect and hard.

She licked her lips, a little uncertain, but she had to know. “Where is this?”

Shard smiled. “It‟s a place we created with magic for you. It‟s a pocket of space separate

from the plane we normally live in. You‟re perfectly safe here.”

She hadn‟t had any doubt that she‟d be safe here. Climbing onto the bed and just

appearing somewhere else had taken her by surprise. “Is it going to disappear?”

“No, it‟s not going anywhere and neither are we.” Shard drew his finger over her cheek.

“Now we will enjoy you.” Kaleb leaned over to slide his tongue over her lips. “Just enjoy

what we do to you.”

“Give us your cries of pleasure. Show us how much you like what we do.” Shard nipped

the creamy skin of her stomach.

“Gods, you‟re beautiful.” Kaleb lifted his hand to cup the back of her head, his fingers

threading into the golden hair. “Did you know your amber eyes sparkle with flashes of silver

when you‟re aroused?” His eyes fell to her breasts. His tongue slicked over his lips and he leaned

closer to her.

Shard moved down the bed. At his touch, her thighs splayed wide. Her pussy glistened in

the soft light, pink and swollen with desire. He leaned close and inhaled her scent. “
, you make it so hard to choose. I want to feel your wet pussy closing around my cock almost as much

as I want to taste your sweet honey.”

He gripped her ass in his hands and lifted her hips, bringing her honeyed pussy to him. In

a long, slow lick, he lashed her slick sex from vagina to clit. A sexy, surprised mewl escaped her

lips and her hips rolled in his hands. Shard smiled against her. “I love your uninhibited response

and your taste. Give me more.”

Lina felt as if her mind might fracture as sensations began to bombard her, pleasure

building, her body tightening more with each touch.

Kaleb trailed kisses over her neck and down the slopes of her breasts. His mouth settled

over the crest of one full mound as his hand cupped the other. The hard nipple jutted into his

mouth as if demanding his attention.

Kaleb‟s tongue lapped at the nipple twice, before curling around it as he began sucking.

Her back arched, thrusting her breast more firmly into his sucking lips and into the kneading

caress of the hand at her other breast. Sharp, sweet lightning tore through her with each tug of his

lips, each knowing touch of his fingers, adding to the need burning within her.

Shard grazed her clit with his tongue, his teeth scraping over the hood in a tormenting

foray. His mouth slid lower and his tongue thrust into her slit, stroking along the walls of her

pussy as he gathered the thick nectar flowing from her, proof of her increasing desire. The

sounds of his tongue lapping at her, his obvious enjoyment in what he was doing enhanced the

need coursing through her.

“By the Gods,” she cried, her hips writhing in his big palms, thrusting against Shard‟s

face. “Please…”

They were driving her insane. She was on fire, her body demanding release. The feel of

their lips, their hands pushed her beyond any feeling she had ever known before.

“I think she‟s ready.” Kaleb lifted his lips from her breast and glanced down to where

Shard was feasting on her honeyed cunt.

“I know she‟s ready. Taste.” Shard lifted his head and in a swift move kissed Kaleb.

Lina groaned. They were already tormenting her. She watched Kaleb‟s tongue lick

Shard‟s lips before he deepened the kiss.

“Mmm… She tastes wonderful. Are you ready?” Kaleb‟s hand gripped Shard‟s curling


“I‟m past ready. If I don‟t drive my cock into her soon, I‟m going to explode.” Shard

lifted his head and licked the creamy juice from his lips.

She looked over at Kaleb. His dark cock thrust outward, hard, erect and ready. If they

didn‟t touch her soon, she was going to do something drastic. Her heart was pounding and her

body pulsed with the need they had stirred. She needed them inside her now.

Lina almost shouted with relief when Shard moved up her body, over her, blanketing her.

He wrapped his arms around her and rolled with her. She sprawled over his chest. Shard urged

her up a little as he reached between them, positioned his shaft and entered her. He pulled her

hips flush against his and urged her to lie against him.

Kaleb moved between Shard‟s legs. A small tube of oil rested in his hand. She felt both

of his hands as he separated the two lush globes of her buttocks and gazed at the tight pink ring

of her back entrance.

She looked back over her shoulder as she felt Kaleb‟s slick fingers probing at her tight

puckered anus. Her eyes widened as she saw the width and length of his cock. She‟d tried anal

play before and enjoyed it, but never had anything approaching his size gotten close to her ass.

“Don‟t worry,
,” Shard whispered against her lips. “You‟ll like it. Your body was

made to enjoy everything we want to do. You‟ll take him and you won‟t feel any pain.”

“But he‟s big.” She anxiously looked back over her shoulder as she felt two slick fingers

push into her.

Shard chuckled. “You‟ll take him. You want us both. Think of it, being filled, taking both

your mates into your body, satisfying us both as we see to your pleasure.”

Those hot words breathed against the top of her head launched vivid images into her

fertile mind. Her body sandwiched between two powerful men, writhing. Possessed and holding

them. A slick, hot liquid eased from her slit and coated Shard‟s balls and pubic hair.

Kaleb‟s fingers withdrew. He pressed his cock against the glistening pucker. He pushed

into the tight muscular channel. It gripped the head of his shaft, at first resisting his entry. He

struggled to go slowly. Tension radiated from him as he sought to see to her enjoyment. He

advanced in slow increments as she pushed out, until his entire length was sheathed.

Kaleb stretched over her, covering her, enclosing her in a cage of hard male flesh.

“You‟re ours,

Lina wriggled between them, rubbing her breasts against Shard‟s chest. Even during her

heat, she had never had this burning ache, this need tearing through her. Frustration roused the

animal part of her. The
within her roared, demanding satisfaction, either hard orgasm or the hot blood of captured prey.

“Move,” she growled, staring into the deep brown intensity of Shard‟s eyes. A twinge of

pure hot need flashed through her as Kaleb sank in just a little deeper. “Please…”

Kaleb‟s tongue stroked over his mark. Hot pleasure rippled through her. Tremors tore

through her stomach, cunt and anus, a small orgasm that satisfied nothing and intensified

everything. Primed as she was, she couldn‟t move.

“You want us?” Kaleb asked.

“Gods, yes!” She bit at Shard‟s chest.

“Then tell us who we are.” Shard nipped at the side of her neck.

“My mates,” she growled. “My Ardin.”

Two satisfied growls rumbled around her. Kaleb‟s hands settled on her hips as he pulled

her back with him. Shard‟s cock slid out of the clasping grip of her pussy until only the head

remained inside her. Shard‟s hands gripped her hips and reversed the action.

Their cocks drove in and retreated, the rhythm pounding, wild. She sank her nails into

Shard‟s arms. Mewls and groans of encouragement left her mouth. She pressed nibbling, hungry

kisses against Shard‟s neck, shoulder and cheek.

Lina cried out, screaming her release, body arching. Hot sensation rushed over her in a

blazing firestorm. Her pussy and anus squeezed around the two thick shafts. She trembled, every

muscle in her body tingling with pleasure.

Shard kept thrusting into her even as he felt her climax. Her inner muscles tugged at him,

wringing a groan from him with the milking contractions. He came, pumping his seed into her


Kaleb thrust against her, the grasping pull of her anal muscles and her cries of pleasure

driving him to his own release. He ground his hips against her buttocks. Each stroke sank deep

into her warmth. He roared as orgasm took him.

,” Shard breathed against her neck. “You have taken a long time to come to us.

We‟ll never let you go.”

Wrapped in their arms, pressed between their bodies, she‟d never felt as satisfied, at

peace as she did in those moments. Although she was still a bit uncertain about the future and

how she would deal with these two men, she couldn‟t deny what she felt. Being with Shard and

Kaleb seemed so natural, so right. She realized now that for a long time, she‟d been longing for

somewhere to belong and a very special someone to be with her. To her surprise, she had two

special men with her now.

Kaleb withdrew and lay down on the soft bed. Shard rolled to the side and his cock

slipped out of her. Lina cuddled up against Kaleb. Her eyes drifted downward as satiation,

contentment and exhaustion took their toll.

“Not yet,
,” Kaleb said. His hand grasped her shoulder, gently shook her, and then

turned her onto her back. “You must listen now.”

She blinked up at him sleepily but came alert at the seriousness of his tone, his


“Look around you, love.” Kaleb gestured expansively at the clearing, trees and pool.

“This is your haven, your protection. If ever you need, you can come here. It will open for you

with a mere thought of it. No one will be able to follow or accompany you. You‟ll be safe here,

your needs provided for until we come and get you. Remember, only you can come here. No one

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