Between Two Tiron (25 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Airies

BOOK: Between Two Tiron
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Shard reached down as he pulled back, just enough to allow him to position his cock at

the hot, creamy entrance of her pussy. He pushed forward and the walls of her moist, heated

channel expanded, rippled as it took his shaft. Mid-change rolled over him as he sank into her as

deep as he could.

Looking back over her shoulder, she watched the transformation. Hair grew on his arms,

legs, back and chest. Muscle and bone grew and began to reform. He became larger. His face

changed, mouth changing to form a slight muzzle, teeth lengthening, changing to those of a

. Claws sprouted from the tips of his fingers and brushed over her skin.

Shard felt his cock swell and lengthen inside her tight sheath. Those inner muscles

rippled and stretched, encasing him in an almost painful grip. He clenched his teeth. Worried that

he would score her tender flesh with his claws, he hesitated to withdraw and plunge hard and

deep as he desired. He drew back, slowly pulling out of the slick heat of her pussy. The scent of

her desire blossomed around him. She pressed back into him, a hungry mewl sounding when he

tried to control the beast raging to drive into her.

At that tortured sound, he quit trying. She needed him to be as wild as the beast

demanded. He began to pump into her, driving his hips into her buttocks. She thrust back against

him, demanding. His hands gripped her hips, pulling her back into each pounding thrust. A

primitive purr rolled through her when his claws scraped over her and gush of fluid welcomed

the surge of his shaft into her grasping channel.

The muscles of her pussy rippled around his cock, driving him almost insane as the

desperate need riding him grew even hotter. He leaned over her, lowering his chest to her back as

his hips pistoned against hers. He scraped his teeth over the mark on her shoulder, drawing a

desperate, needy moan from her.

within ruled him and Shard didn‟t try to deny his needs. His teeth sank into her

shoulder as her cunt rippled with the first contractions of her orgasm. The strangled sound of her

scream of pleasure combined with his growl as he thrust hard into her milking sheath. He came.

Every pulsing jet that sprayed into her pussy felt as if pure heat was burning through him.

The muscles of the tight channel surrounding his shaft rippled and pulled at him, sending tingling

jolts of sensation through his body. He was breathing hard and he could feel her heart racing as

his chest pressed against her back. She took in great gulps of air as Shard pulled out of her.

Only a moment later, Lina sensed movement behind her. Kaleb took Shard‟s place and

moved her hair to the opposite side of her neck. She looked back over her shoulder and smiled at


Kaleb could feel the need to take her burning through him, but just as prevalent was the

need to see to her pleasure. He didn‟t want to chance hurting her as he fucked her. “I don‟t have

much control left,
, but I‟ll try to ensure your pleasure.”

She pressed back against him as his scent began to incite the desire which had just been

satiated. Kaleb‟s hands slid over her back and hips. One large palm slipped beneath her, over her

stomach to the slick mound of her pussy.

Gods, she was beautiful.
She was wet with her desire and Shard‟s seed. His fingers slid

between the folds and began to stroke over her clit, rubbing the hard hood in a circular motion.

She whimpered as her need and desire rose hot and fast. Her hips undulated, riding the fingers

giving her such pleasure.

Kaleb could feel the need burning inside him, a need to protect, a need to ensure she was

safe, a need to claim, to reinforce the knowledge that she was safe and would remain so. He

needed to feel her heat surrounding him, that slick, hot glove taking him deep. He entered her

slowly, determined to control the change at least until he was fully sheathed in her cunt. He

threw his head back as that hot channel clenched around him. Fur rippled under his skin as the

beast leaped for control.

“Fuck me, Kaleb.” She pushed back into him, taking his length into her needy pussy. “I

want you, Kaleb. Hard and fast, gentle and sweet, however you need, take me. Just fuck me.”

The change hit him, racing through him as his control vanished at her husky plea. Fur

lightly coated his arms and torso as mid-change swept over him. Larger, he loomed over her.

Sweat dripped from his face as he began to thrust within her. He leaned over her. His tongue

lapped over her shoulder and neck. He loved her taste, hot, sexy and his.

She was so eager and responsive. Her hungry moans and mewls encouraged him as he

began to move faster. With lips, teeth and tongue, he laved, lashed and scraped her shoulders and

neck, paying special attention to the sensitive scars of his joining bite.

“Gods, yes, squeeze me, Lina,” Kaleb growled as he continued to thrust into her tight,

clenching channel.

His teeth latched on to her shoulder. The sharp fangs sank into her shoulder, reopening

the four punctures. She went wild under him. Her hips met each pounding thrust and her pussy

gripped his cock with pulling contractions. Wild cries, wordless pleas encouraged his surging

thrusts. His balls slapped against her labia and clit with wet smacks.

Need throbbed within him, tightening his muscles. She screamed as she came, her body

trembling beneath his, the wet sheath surrounding his cock contracted in milking ripples. His

shaft plunged in and out of her pussy in a frantic rhythm as the desire coiled into a hard knot. He

came, growling against her shoulder. Fiery pleasure burned through him as her muscles squeezed

and pulled at him, drawing every last drop of seed from his balls.

Kaleb withdrew and urged Lina to lie down on the soft bedding. He snuggled against her

on her right and Shard settled down on her left side. She worked her arms under both of them so

that she could hold as well as be held by both of them.

She turned her gaze from Shard to Kaleb, intent on getting the answers that had been

denied her because of the intensity of their need. “Now can you tell me what you learned in your

interrogations? If you become upset by it, I am right here, ready and willing to provide comfort

or anything else you might need, even a fight.”

Kaleb turned toward her and his hand settled on her stomach, rubbing lightly. “Most of

those men sent after us in this attack weren‟t the zealots and fanatics that the other three men


Lina caught the look of almost desperation which crossed Kaleb‟s face before he leaned

down and kissed her shoulder. “If they aren‟t fanatics, what are they?”

Shard‟s fingers brushed over the mound of her breast. He took a deep breath, inhaling the

rich scent of sex and feminine desire. “They‟re mercenaries. They were hired as muscle by this

group, just in case they were discovered.”

She bit her lip to keep from moaning as Shard‟s fingers brushed over her hard nipples.

She hadn‟t yet heard anything that explained their actions when they‟d returned to camp. “What

else did you learn from the captives?”

“They had been ordered to delay us and kill everyone at the camp.” Shard cupped his

hand over her left breast and felt the steady beat of her heart. It pounded reassuringly against his

hand, comfort for the distress the memories caused.

That explained some of their need, but she suspected there was more to the story. “Tell

me the rest of it,
rao nari

, you don‟t know what it took to leave the room, to leave the scum still

breathing when everything in me roared for his death.” Rage throbbed in the deep rumble of

Kaleb‟s voice. “Most of their weapons were on stun or a setting meant to cause pain. They

intended to stun everyone within the camp. They would kill all the men when they could safely

enter the camp and then take their time with the women before finishing them just as they had

the men.”

Understanding rolled through her. The fanatics hadn‟t merely hired mercs. They had

hired the worst scum, the kind who enjoyed torturing and raping the weak before killing them.

She had no doubt that the selection of such mercs had been intentional. Groups such as the one

they faced hated any shifter or being which was not completely human. With information such as

that, it was little wonder that they had lost a little of their customary control.

“Are the mercenaries still alive?” Lina looked at Shard through her lashes. She would

have been strongly tempted to rip the men apart. They must have felt the desire to kill them

raging through them.

“They‟re alive. Central Command is sending some transport shuttles for them. Although

we wanted to tear them into little pieces and jettison their remains, the Council of Shifters has

been encouraging more cooperation with Central Command in instances such as these.” Shard‟s

fingers began combing through her golden hair in gentle, rhythmic strokes.

“Leaving the men in one piece was been hard, especially when they didn‟t hesitate to tell

of their intentions. For some reason, the men had seemed to want a quick death.” Kaleb slanted a

wry smile toward her.

“Did they tell you anything about the men behind this? Why they‟re doing this?” She

leaned over and nipped at the taut skin just above Shard‟s dark, flat nipple.

“Yes.” Kaleb tugged at her nipple to get her attention. “They weren‟t willing to die to

protect the fanatics‟ secrets. They came here to find proof that the Santir were created by alien

beings instead of evolution. As this is the oldest known Santir settlement, the fanatics were

convinced that they would find proof of their theory here. The mercs didn‟t care what the men

found or didn‟t find as long as they got paid.”

“Did they give you any idea where the last of the fanatics are hiding?” She walked her

fingers up Kaleb‟s chest, scraping her nails across the tight dark crown of his nipple. She smiled

at the low growl that rumbled in his chest.

“They were divided into small groups and didn‟t even know where the rest of their group

was until they were brought together for this little venture.” Shard slid his hand down to cover

her mound.

“I‟m really looking forward to a time when we are not under a threat. I‟d like to spend

some time in the forest and not have to look over my shoulder or be with an escort.” She splayed

her thighs, giving Shard free access to her pussy. She rolled her hips up in silent demand for

more than just the warmth of his hand there.

“We‟ll work hard to get rid of these last fanatics so that you can roam the forests,

Shard‟s fingers swirled over her clit. He watched her face. Her eyes drifted closed and her teeth

nibbled on her full lower lip.

“How many of the men are left?” She struggled to concentrate as her body undulated

when Shard slipped two fingers inside her hot slit.

Shard smiled at the breathy gasp that escaped her lips as he brushed his thumb against her

clit and drove his fingers into her cunt. “Not many, the group of radicals was relatively small.

There might be five or six out there, but it‟s probably less.”

“You‟d better not be heating me only to leave me hot and unsatisfied. If you‟ll remember,

I don‟t deal well with frustration. I might just have to leave some teeth marks of my own if

you‟re playing teasing games.” Lina raised a brow in inquiry. Making love with them all day

would be absolutely fabulous, but it didn‟t seem like them to ignore duty. They were dedicated to


“Well, we weren‟t going to leave you wanting, but you‟ve reminded us that there are

things we must do.” Shard regretfully rolled away from her, trying to hide the smile lurking just

behind his lips. If she saw that, she probably would bite them. “We have plans to make.”

She rolled over and pounced. She came down on top of Shard, pushing him back against

the sheets. “Plans…how can you make plans if you do not know where they are?”

“We don‟t know where they are, but we have a fairly good idea of what they want now.”

Shard laughed up at her, the amusement shining in his eyes.

“What is it?” She leaned down and ran her tongue over his shoulder. She opened her

mouth and scraped her fangs over his chest in a mock threat.

Kaleb scooped her off Shard. “Now,
, what would be the fun in merely telling you

the answer to that?”

“You can try to torture the truth out of us later.” Shard stood and walked over to where

Kaleb held her. He brushed his fingers across her cheek and smiled as she growled. “It will give

you something to think about for the rest of the day.”

She growled. “Sometimes I really miss being single and answerable only to myself.”

Kaleb set her feet on the floor. He watched the fast sway of her hips as she walked away

to get dressed. “You really don‟t handle frustration well. You‟re lucky we‟re in such good

moods, Lina,
rao nari
. At another time, we might have wanted an explanation and an apology for the implication of your remark. This time, we‟ll let it pass.”

Lina dressed, but only after she had washed a little. They‟d already left the tent by the

time she slipped her feet into comfortable shoes. She tugged on her skirt, straightening it before

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