Bewitched (9 page)

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Authors: Melissa Lynne Blue

BOOK: Bewitched
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She drew back slightly, b
linking the haze from her mind.

“Penny,” he whispered huskily.

“John, I—” Reality snapped back into place, along with the truth of his betrayal. She jerked out of his embrace, crossing her arms firmly across her chest. “You should go,”
she said coolly,
and made
a beeline for the door.

“Penelope,” he called after her. “Please, I’m sorry.”

onfused and embarrassed
Penelope stayed the course, refusing to look back at him
She needed to think
and it was impossible to form a coherent
thought with John in the room.

She rushed through the open parlor door, into the hallway, and
collided with
a man exiting her uncle’s study.
She caught a glimpse of red wool and
Colonel Holbrook’s face as he
took a healthy
Knocked off balance
, Penelope
on one modestly heeled foot
. She reached for the
olonel’s arm but grasped
naught but air.
Unable to regain her balance, she stumbled and fell to the side. She cringed
holding out her arms to cushion the fall.
Seconds before crashing to the floor, strong arms
banded around her, halting her
and steadying her. Thus righted
she brushed a loose spray of hair from her eyes
and looked up at her rescuer.


Tremors quivered
in her belly as their gazes locked.

“Are you all right, Lady Penelope
John asked
. H
is hands still rested at her waist.

“Quite all right.”

“Breckenridge?” Her
ncle’s voice boomed from the study
. “I didn’t realize you were here.”

“Lord John was just leaving,” Penelope said pointedly, jumping from his arms.

John narrowed his gaze, glancing from Penelope to Colonel Holbrook.
For a moment she thought he would refuse to leave. John’s dark gaze flicked back to her. Penelope’s breath caught. After another second of smoldering silence
John took leave.

“Lady Penelope, I was hoping to secure a moment alone with you.”

She startled, turning to the colonel and her uncle. “Pardon?” She shook her head, hoping to cl
ear it.

The colonel’s jaw clenched and he cast a jaded gaze toward
the door Lord John had just vacated.

“Colonel Holbrook was hoping to have a private audience with you, Penelope,” her uncle

“Oh, I see.” Penelope gulped. She hadn’t realized the colonel had been meeting her uncle today. “
It really isn’t the best time.” Still reeling from John’s visit
she was not prepared for an interlude with Colonel Holbrook. If he asked for her hand she’d be expected to say yes.







A love potion.

John gazed up the steps outside the Landon townhouse, unable to banish Penelope’s broken expression from his mind

Oh, to be so innocent again.
To believe in any sort of magic
instead of the bitter truths of the world.

Guilt for his behavior gutted him. It had never occurred to him that she might get hurt in this little charade. He’d agreed to the ruse because he’d been curious about Colton’s
bizarre request
. Of all people
should have known better
than to tangle
matters of the heart
He knew what betrayal was.
He never should have left
Penelope’s side
. He should have stayed and demanded an
other moment alone with her

He paced a few steps
to the left of the stairs, contemplating his options. If he barreled back in, insisting upon an audience with Penelope, it would imply a romantic interest
he wasn’t prepared to follow up on. Rules of propriety were strict. If he wasn’t careful he’d find himself at the altar, or at the very least expected to offer for her. Christ. What was a man to do?

From the corner of
the brownstone, a flash of movement caught
his eye
snapped his head around and glimpsed a small boy, no more than ten,
around the corner. The lad caught sight of John
and instantly popped back behind the wall.

Not to mention suspicious.

John followed with long strides and caught the little scalawag attempting to hide b
ehind a pathetically slim tree. The boy clenched his e
as though to make himself invisible. His clothes were worn and he grasped a cloth sack in one hand.

“What have we here?” John
hold of the boy’s arm before he could scamper off again.

Panic lit the boy’s wide gray eyes. He tugged against John’s hold and the bag slipped from his hand. An ornate candlestick and several silver spoons spilled
into the snow.

John held firm to the lad
. “A thief, eh?”

The imp said nothing.

“What is your name?”

The boy pursed his lips, refusing to respond.

Without releasing the young brigand
, John scooped up
the lad’s would be loot. “Come along then. You have some explaining to do to Lord Landon.”

Without knocking on the door, John threw the portal inward and hauled the lad
into the high-ceiling entryway
he’d just vacated.
Lord Landon, Holbrook and Penelope
still stood outside the door to the earl’s study. All turned startled gazes to John.

My Lord,
I believe I’ve found the reason for your missing letter opener.
aught this lit
tle scamp outside
a bag full of your fine silver.”
tossed the sack to the floor. The
contents clattered loudly on the marble floor.

Well, I’ll be…” Lord Landon quickly lifted the bag and

“Why it’s Simon, our delivery boy.” Penelope strode forward, eyes wide with surprise and confusion
“Are you responsible for all the things we’ve had go missing?”

Wide frightened eyes
flicked about the room as Simon no doubt searched for escape.

John eased his grip on the boy’s shoulder. Something in Simon’s mannerism spoke of more than petty thievery, and moreover, a child this young did not learn to steal finery all on his own. “It’s all right, son,” John said softly. “If you’re truthful we may be able to help.”

Simon glanced from John to Penelope and then back to John. “Me mamma is real sick. The coin from deliveries just ain’t eno
ugh to pay rent, an’ the doctor.
nd I got three little brothers need ta eat.”

John knelt, regarding the child seriously. “So you took to stealing?”

Simon nodded. “Mr. Jeffries says if I keep bringin’ him the goods he’ll take care of us. Mama needs
medicine and—

From behind them Holbrook scoffed. “That is no excuse. This boy bel—”

whipped a silencing hand through the air. “Quiet.” To Simon he continued gently
“Who is Mr. Jeffries?”


“I see.” John stood then
, facing Lord Landon. “With your permission,
ir, I’d like to handle this matter myself.”

“By all means.” The earl swept an arm toward the door.

“Are you certain that’s wise, milord?” Holbrook said under his breath.

“Of course!” The earl boomed—it seemed the jovial man did nothing quiet or small. “I have the utmost faith in Major Breckenridge.”
He gave John an approving nod.
“Do let me know how things turn out.”


Simon’s face lit up. “You’re a soldier?”

“I am,” John stated, granting the lad a smile.

“My pa was a solider.”

“Oh? And where is he now?”

“Dead. Lung fever last winter.”

John digested the information, his heart going out to the little scamp.

Penelope reached for Simon’s
hand. “In the future, Simon, please tell us if you’re having troubles. At the very least tell me.”

Simon nodded gravely. “Yes, milady.”

John and Penelope’s gazes locked. Worry laced Penelope’s pretty face.

John winked at her. “Not to worry. I’ll take care of him.” He put an arm around Simon’s shoulders and steered the boy toward the door. “Now, young man, tell me more about this Mr. Jeffries.”


John’s wink fluttered through Penelope from the tips of her ears clear down to her toes—taking an extra twirl around her heart. Good heavens
hat was it about the man that set her completely on edge and at ease at the same time

“Lady Penelope?” Colonel Holbrook’s voice startled her from her thoughts, pulling her back to the reality of his visit.

I realize the afternoon has taken a rather strange turn, but m
ight I beg a moment of your time

Penelope closed her eyes and drew a deep breath before facing the colonel and her uncle.
She had no desire to see this particular interview through, but there was no use
in prolonging the inevitable. “Certainly, Colonel. Right this way please.” She led the way into the parlor, trying not to dwell on the passionate kiss she and John had shared just minutes ago.
She sat on a cushioned chair and indicated fo
r Holbrook to do the same. He remained standing.

“Lady Penelope, I’m sure this meeting comes as no great surprise to you. I have made my intentions toward you clear
and your uncle has given consent.” He hesitated coming to stand directly in front of her and then taking a knee. “Would you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?”

Penelope gulped, gazing down into Colonel Holbrook’s eyes.
The same soft blue she’d smiled into when they’d danced or conversed at parties.
In their limited acquaintance she’d believed him a kindly sort of man, but in the last few days she’d seen flaws in his character
Cheating and lack of charity toward the needy to name

“Colonel, I am
honored by your proposal, as well as
flattered, however—”

“Before you go on,” Holbrook interrupted
, quickly standing.
“I would point out that you received no marriage offers after this last season. One might speculate
it was a direct result of the spe
ctacle your father made in the H
ouse of Lords last session.”
He speared her with a pointed look, the sort a hunter might give a corner
fox. “Future offers may not be forthcoming.”

Penelope stiffened. “I’m sure I don’t need to be reminded.
Thank you for the compliment of requesting my hand. I will require a few days to consider.”

Holbrook inclined his head, adopting a gracious air and easy smile. He clapped a palm
over his chest. “I look forward to
your answer, Lady Penelope, and all that shall follow.”

The man’s self-assurance nauseated her. Did he truly believe she had no better prospects
than to accept a man who’d insulted her point blank
A vision of her father
out of his mind with melancholy
drifted through her memory
. He’d made a royal fool of himself last summer.
He was considerably better now, but p
erhaps she
have any better options.

Colonel Holbrook vacated the room and Penelope dropped her head into her hands, massaging her temples.
A sinking feeling settled in her stomach.
to think
. After a moment she straightened. First, however, she needed to speak with her uncle about Simon. That boy’s family definitely needed help.

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