Beyond 10 Nights (4 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes,Karl Jones

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beyond 10 Nights
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She gestured down at herself, still
wearing his bathrobe. “The rest of my clothes are at the condo, and if I go
back there to get them I’m afraid I’ll just end up getting into another
argument with Janie."  She wasn't truly being honest with him, and
was babbling nervously to avoid thinking about what the future would be like for

“There’s no need to worry about any
of that, sweetheart, “Rhett told her reassuringly. “I'll send someone out for
clothing for tonight, and if you don’t feel comfortable collecting your things from
the condo while Janie is there, well I can send someone to collect it all for
you. Or I can just buy you new things. You could consider it a new start for
your life, beginning everything from scratch with me.”

“That’s sweet of you, Sir, truly it
is, but I wouldn’t feel right just abandoning all of my things. I’ve had some
of them for a long time, and they are indispensable to me.”

“As you wish, sweetheart, but if you
don’t want to deal with Janie for the time being then I’ll give you my card and
you can get yourself some things to get by. Alternatively I can give Delilah a
call and she will send over anything your heart desires.”

“Thank you, Sir; you treat me far
too well.” Throwing her arms around him, Leah hugged him tight and kissed him

“I treat you the way you deserve to
be treated. Now, as far as the dungeon tonight, sweetheart, you always have
your safe words,” he reminded her softly. “The original ten nights are behind
us now, and I know you will always do your best to please me.” He gave her a
small wink and moved over to sit on the bed, patting the mattress at the side
of him. He called a servant on the phone quickly, and told them to visit the
boutique and inform Delilah that his fiancé needed a casual outfit for the
evening and all the intimates to go with it.

Leah immediately sat beside him as
he made the call, wishing she could just let her concerns about their marriage
go for the night. Everything he did was so efficient, and it seemed as if any
problem she had he could fix with just a simple phone call. In some ways it
made her feel safe and cherished, in others she felt so out of her depth that
she didn't know if she was coming or going. 

Then the thoughts of what he
expected in the dungeon hit her, along with her other concerns. Outside of the
office fantasy she had experienced with Rhett, that night was her coming out,
of sorts, and that thought put her back on the edge of panic. She wasn't ready
for it, she thought, and taking a deep breath she almost told him, but refrained
when Janie filled her thoughts again.

“Will Janie be here tonight?” Leah
asked, not sure how she felt about that possibility. Seeing Janie again so soon
after their argument would be bad enough, but to see her in the dungeon, that
just made it all the more worrying.

“I’m sure by tonight David will know
that there are issues between the two of you, and will have enough sense not to
bring her.” There was also David’s refusal to allow him to see Leah after their
disastrous faux rape scene, and his threat of legal involvement, he thought to
himself. “But if they do show, I’ll have them turned away at the door. I don’t
want you feeling uncomfortable, sweetheart, especially on your first night on
display in the dungeon.”

“I’d rather you didn’t do that,
Sir.” Leah lifted her eyes to his. “Janie may have crossed the lines, but I
love her like my own flesh and blood. If there’s any chance that we can work
out our differences, I would like that chance.” She didn't really want to try
and work it out on her first night belonging to him in public though, not if it
could be avoided.

“That is a decision I will leave up
to you, sweetheart.” He lowered his head and kissed her quickly. He was
perfectly happy to leave Leah to deal with her best friend if that was what she
wished, but David was a different matter.

If David showed up, they would be
having a discussion in his office before his friend would be allowed to use the
dungeon. They had yet to have any contact since that fateful night. David had
been out of town working on a case, and he had only learned that day from his
secretary that his friend would be back in town that evening.

“Thank you, Sir. I guess there’s
nothing I can do about it until it happens.” That was one worry she could push
to the back of her mind for the time being, that just left her with her other
worry, which was actually more pressing. “Sir, what will you do with me in the
dungeon tonight?” She knew it wasn’t right to ask because he enjoyed keeping
her on her toes, but she knew it would help her to remain calm if she had at
least a clue.

Rhett chuckled at her comment and
stood. “Whatever my devious mind decides.” He knew she was nervous, but he
needed her to remember that she had agreed to be his submissive, and as her
Master, he would be in charge.

Groaning softly at his reply, she
fell back on the bed, her hand to her forehead in an overly dramatic fashion.
Her stomach was already filled with butterflies and his words, while filling
her with a thrill, weren’t exactly comforting. Putting her arm over her eyes
she took several deep breaths as she felt the nervous tension build.

Shaking his head, Rhett pulled off
his tie and hung it up in the closet before rejoining her on the bed. Grasping
Leah’s wrists he pulled them over her head and gazed down into her eyes.
“Trust, Leah, we’ve talked about this before. It’s essential that you trust
me.” He knew he’d gone overboard on a few of the nights they had shared
together, and he still had a way to go before she would trust him a hundred
percent, but there had to be at least some measure of trust between them
otherwise it would be difficult for them to have any kind of life together.

“I do trust you, Sir; I’m just not
comfortable knowing that a group of people I don’t know will be watching me
with you.” She couldn’t think of a more reasonable way to put it and hoped he

Chuckling, he leaned down to kiss
her deeply before pulling back. “The secret to remember, sweetheart, is that
you are mine, and the only person you have to please is me. The people who will
be here tonight do not matter, they will have whatever fun they wish to have,
but you are mine. Make sure you remember that if any of them ask you to play.”

“Of course, Sir.” She had no problem
whatsoever telling anyone other than Rhett to go jump off a cliff if they
invaded her space. The thought that someone would even attempt that gave her
yet another worry to add to her growing list.

“Good, because if I thought you
would even consider playing with anyone else I would have to redden that
gorgeous ass of yours.” Growling softly at that thought, he pushed her knees
apart with his legs and allowed his thigh to grind against the thin material of
her dress. “You’re mine, and mine alone; I won’t ever share you with anyone.”

His words were so possessive she
tensed at the threat in them. “I could never want another man, Sir.” She spoke
the words quickly, seeing the caveman in him lurking in his eyes.

Her words soothed his ire and he
smiled warmly as the jealousy receded. “See that you remember that, sweetheart.”
His hands undid the sash of her bathrobe, and parted it, baring her gorgeous
body to his sight. Lowering his hand between her slightly parted thighs, he
tugged lightly on her piercing and felt her desire flood his hand. 
Knowing she was turned on he pulled away from her and grinned wickedly. “I need
to go make sure everything is in order for tonight.”

Her body ached for more than the
simple touch he’d given her and she bit back a sigh of disappointment as she
slid off the bed. “You are a tease, Sir.” The moment the words slipped out her
hand flew to her mouth; she was shocked that she had said such a thing.

His eyes darkened, and he pulled her
against him abruptly. “Would you like to elaborate, sweetheart?” He fought to
conceal the grin that threatened his lips, knowing she hadn’t meant to speak
aloud what she was thinking. When she shook her head, he growled, “Words! I
know you have an extensive vocabulary, sweetheart, so use it!”

Lowering her eyes, embarrassed at
being so vocal, she blushed deeply. “No, Sir, I would not like to elaborate,
please forget I said anything.” It was crazy, she knew, but as much as his
caveman persona scared her, it also turned her on, and seeing it coming to the
forefront again she found herself tempted to beg him to take her, right there
and then, as hard and as forcefully as he wished.

“I don’t think I will forget.”
Returning to the bed he sat, pulling her over his lap. With hurried movements,
he yanked the robe from her shoulders, tossing it aside carelessly and brought
his hand down on her backside.  

The sound that left her lips was a
cross between a whimper of pain and longing. The pain was not severe, more of a
sting than anything else, and she found herself stimulated by it; her juices,
which had been started by his teasing of her piercing, increased.

Rhett delivered several more sharp
slaps and then massaged her twin globes before sliding his hand down between
them to rub her sensitive folds. “I’m not sure this is a punishment for you,
sweetheart.” He laughed softly as his fingers massaged her heated flesh and
discovered that she was even wetter than she had been before, enabling him to
slide his fingers inside easily.

Her cheeks burned at his words, but
she couldn’t deny his statement. She was enjoying the situation, and her body
was making that abundantly clear to him. “No, Sir, I don’t think it is,” she
whispered as she remained draped of his lap, her legs parting slightly to give
him greater access to her.

“Good, because I never intended it to
be one.” Slowly he inched his fingers in and out of her drenched core until he
felt her on the verge of release, he stopped then, leaving her there. “Now we
should go see that everything is ready for our guests. As my submissive it will
be your job from now on to assist me in such duties. You have much to learn
about running my household, and it will take time for you to learn it all, for
now though, we will start with the dungeon.

“And my intention, sweetheart, is
not to tease you. You will feel more comfortable about being in the dungeon if
your mind is where it should be, on me.” Delivering one more resounding slap to
her ass, he lifted her off him and set her on her feet.

The last smack had more of his
strength behind it than those that had come before, and as she stood she rubbed
her aching buttocks. Unfulfilled, she was feeling a little at odds with him,
but at least he explained why he had teased her. That was something, she
thought, as she clenched her thighs together, attempting to alleviate the ache
he had caused. Grabbing her discarded robe from the floor, she slid it on
petulantly. She tied the sash tightly before looking at him, her body aching
for release.

Smiling at her discomfort, he held
out his hand to her. “The sooner we get the dungeon set up, and everything else
sorted, the sooner I can make you forget about that need, sweetheart.”

“Yes, sir,” she grumbled a little as
she said it; she hated that he was so smug, but she knew he was right on target
with his words. She was now longing to be in the dungeon with him, where he
could satisfy her, and she could do the same for him.

Her desire, and the delicious ache
he had instilled in her, lasted for the next couple of hours, his proximity
enough to keep her in a state of anticipation as they checked and finished the
arrangements he had made. She was glad for the reprieve of going to get dressed
when her clothes arrived, and almost gave in to the temptation to please
herself while alone, but rethought the idea. 

Preparing the dungeon proved to be
little more than a case of making sure that his servants had followed all of
the instructions he had left them. The equipment with which his friends and
guests would play had all been taken out, set up, and checked by his well-paid
and discreet servants, and a repeat of the banquet Leah had seen the first time
she came to the house was laid out.

Though a glance revealed that
everything was in order, Rhett insisted on checking every piece of equipment to
be sure it was set up correctly; a process that only increased Leah’s desire
since he insisted that she begin learning how it should all be set up.

He also checked the sumptuous
banquet to be certain the food was prepared to his exacting requirements. He
found no fault with anything, despite his scrutiny, much to Leah’s relief. She
was not sure how he would have reacted if he had discovered a problem, and she
didn't really want to find out.

It wasn’t until the party began that
Leah felt her nervousness return. It built up gradually within her, peaking
when she reached the bottom of the stairs and stepped into the dungeon, after
occupying herself with getting dressed and checking her emails until Rhett
fetched her. By the time she entered the dungeon, her heart was racing, and she
found herself clenching at Rhett’s hand as he led her away from the foot of the

Feeling her grip on his hand tighten
Rhett looked back at Leah in concern. One glance was enough to tell him she was
on the verge of a panic attack. Her body was stiff, and her beautiful eyes were
darting around the room like she was a caged animal looking for a way out.
“Breathe, sweetheart,” he told her, lowering his mouth to whisper the words in
her ear. There were already more than two dozen guests enjoying the equipment,
and more than a few of them had turned to see who the new arrivals were.

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