Beyond 10 Nights (7 page)

Read Beyond 10 Nights Online

Authors: Michelle Hughes,Karl Jones

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beyond 10 Nights
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Lifting a small pair of fabric
scissors from the table he moved to the hem of her skirt. “I’ll have to buy you
another one of these,” he said with a quick laugh as he cut the dress from the
hem to the waist. Parting the fabric, which left her in just a pair of lacy
white panties and thigh high stockings, he moved the scissors to her panties.

A quick snip at the elastic on
either side of her waist dealt with the panties, and he pulled the scrap of
material away, leaving her fully exposed to him.

Leah moaned softly as the cold air
wafted over her skin, brushing against her sensitive lips. She was perfectly
bared to him now, and her core drenched at the thought. “Sir,” she whimpered
helplessly, aching to have him touch her, whether it be with fingers, tongue or

“Impatient are we?” Chuckling once
more he lifted the pin wheel from the table and lightly rolled it over her flat
abdomen. Her muscles clenched at the sensation and he laughed softly before
maneuvering it up between her breasts.

The sensation tickled, and she
wasn’t sure if she loved it or hated it as her body tensed. As the small wheel
lightly grazed her nipple, she gasped. The sensation was both pleasurable and
painful on the sensitive peak, and she held her breath as it moved back down
her body.

He smiled in delight at how her body
was responding as he trailed the spiked metal toy down her thighs, past her
knees, and then on to the most sensitive part at the bottom of her feet. She
tugged futilely at her restraints as he continued the gentle torture.

Leah found herself torn between the
desire to laugh and cry as her feet were tickled by the strange toy. It was
almost, but not quite, painful and her mind struggled to describe the
sensation. She had never thought that tickling a person’s feet could cause such
a reaction. “Sir, please!” she begged with a laugh she couldn’t stop.

Grinning at her response, Rhett
placed the toy back on the table. “Your feet aren’t what you want tortured,
sweetheart?” Picking up a long feather he slowly moved it up her thigh, then
down again. Moving to the other leg, he mimicked the movement, only that time
he allowed the feather to trail lightly over her clit.

Leah lifted her hips, wanting to
maintain contact with the object, whatever it was, and groaned in
disappointment as he moved it over her shaved mound and around her navel. For
long minutes he continued the torture with the feather, until her core was
clenching in need; biting down on her lip she forced herself not to beg.

Putting the feather aside, he tapped
her lip lightly with his fingers, pleased when she released it immediately.
Without warning he moved his hand down and lightly, teasingly, slapped the
sensitive folds of her sex.

Crying out at the sensation, she was
astounded to realize she wanted more. The gentle slap was more of what she
needed than the feather had been, but what she really ached for was his fingers
or his mouth. Whimpering she arched her hips off the bed, trying to encourage
him to give her what she wanted and needed.

Encouraged by her wordless demand,
Rhett lifted a small vibrating bullet from the table and turned it on. As
lightly as he could manage, he slid it over her clit and allowed it to tease
the entrance to her core before he removed it.

Her core was aching more than she
would have thought possible after he had completed the same move several more
times. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could handle his teasing.  Her
body wanted fulfillment, and it wasn’t prepared to wait much longer. She moaned
in disappointment when the bullet was replaced by the feather.

He was enjoying his little game, and
was determined not to fulfill her body’s needs until she demanded it. Using the
feather, he moved it quickly back and forth across her clit piercing before
pulling it away again. Deciding to up the stakes in his favor, he lowered his
mouth and allowed his tongue to delve inside her drenched core for a few
delicious plunges before returning to using the feather.

Her body was going to combust, she
was sure of it, when he changed tactics yet again. The feather was not nearly
enough sensation, and she was almost ready to cry out in frustration. As he
moved back to the vibrating bullet, allowing it to tease her clit only, she’d
had all she could take. “Please, Sir, would you just fuck me already.” Even as
she said the words her face flushed bright red.

Laughing at her demand, he
considered torturing her more, but his cock was rock hard and demanding its own
fulfillment. “Well, since you asked so nicely, sweetheart.” He allowed his
words to trail off and moved between her parted thighs. Instead of giving her
what she longed for though, he slowly entered her a few inches and then pulled
himself from her clenching flesh.

She wanted to rip the cuffs off,
grab his sexy ass and force him to take her. His teasing had her libido at a
new high, and his slow and easy technique just wasn’t cutting it. “Sir,
please!” She hadn’t meant to scream the words, but her body was demanding

With a low laugh Rhett pushed slowly
inside her tight glove until he was as deep in her as his long, thick length
would go. “We don’t always get what we want, sweetheart.” With deliberate, slow
movements he rode her, not quite sure which of them he was making suffer worse.
His cock throbbed with the need to pound into her flesh until he came, but he
was the one in control, and he was determined to make her suffer as much as
possible before he allowed her to find her release.

Leah whimpered as he slowly made
love to her, the desire for release stronger than she had ever felt it. It was
agonizing and mind blowing all at the same time. Her mind was screaming at her
to demand that he take her over the edge, and the buildup was overwhelming her
thoughts, leaving her unable to think of anything else.

When she finally reached that
pinnacle, and dove off into the ocean of pleasure on the other side of it, she
screamed his name. Her voice loud enough to vibrate the walls, or at least that
was how she felt.

Knowing he had conquered her passion
he finally allowed himself to take his pleasure, pulling out at the very last
moment to spray her belly with his seed. The moment he was spent he rolled onto
his back, attempting to catch his breath. The exertion of playing his game was
just as mentally and emotionally exhausting for him, as it had been for her,
but it had been more than worth it, he thought.

Many long minutes later he got to
his feet, lifting her into his arms he carried her into the bathroom, where he
washed her with a tenderness that revealed the depth of his feelings for her.

They both feel into a deep and
exhausted sleep the moment they returned to the bed and were beneath the








When she woke the next morning Leah
found she was alone, a note on the now clean table next to the bed. She smiled
as she read Rhett’s words. He hadn’t wanted to wake her before he left for
work; she looked so beautiful while she was asleep.

The previous night had been
incredible, she thought as memories of it came back to her. The dungeon scene
had been wonderful, far more so than she had expected it to be, but it was his
teasing after play in the bedroom that she remembered best, and with the
greatest pleasure.

A rumble from her stomach told her
she needed to get out of bed, as much as she was tempted to stay there for the
rest of the morning. Not only did she need to deal with her hunger, she needed
to continue her hunt for a job.

It wasn’t until she was out of the
bed that she realized she had nothing to wear. The skirt and panties she had worn
the day before, Rhett had cut off her, and the shirt was still down in the
dungeon; at least she presumed it was still there, that was where she had left
it, along with her bra. Shaking her head at the situation, she grabbed Rhett's
bathrobe out of the bedroom and slid it on.

Feeling a little self-conscious
wearing just the robe she made her way downstairs, her bare feet making almost
no noise on the carpeted stairs. She hummed to herself as she made her way
through the house to the kitchen, which took her a few moments to find.

“Good morning, miss.”

The voice startled her as she
entered the kitchen and Leah jumped in surprise. Recovering, she saw one of
Rhett’s servants wiping down the island counter in the middle of the spacious

“Oh, um, good morning,” Leah
returned the greeting uncertainly, not in the least bit sure how she should
address the man before her. She had never really dealt with servants before,
and seeing him reminded her that life as she knew it was changing in ways that
didn’t just involve sex.

“Would you care for some breakfast,
miss?” the servant asked, stopping his cleaning duties.

Since that was what she had come to
the kitchen for Leah nodded, though she had expected to have to sort out
breakfast for herself . “Uh, what do you have?” she asked, uncomfortably aware
that she didn’t have the first clue what sort of food Rhett kept in his house.
With the exception of the previous night, when they had enjoyed a light dinner
together, she and Rhett had not really eaten at his house during their time

“I can prepare you almost anything
you might wish to eat, miss. I am an excellent chef,” the servant declared
without a trace of modesty. “What would you like?”

A fresh rumble from her stomach told
Leah how hungry she was and she blurted out the first thing she thought of.
“Pancakes and bacon; is that possible?”

“Of course, miss, it will be ready

Part of her was thankful she didn’t
have to prepare breakfast for herself, but another part found it strange to
have someone else making it for her, especially since she wasn’t in a
restaurant or anything.

“I take it Rhett wore you out last
night if you need all of that.”

Leah spun on her heel at the sound
of the new voice, which came from right behind her, and found herself face to
face with Rhett’s friend, Alex.

Blushing, and uncomfortably aware
that she was naked under the robe she had on, Leah could only nod and grin
self-consciously while she wondered what he was doing there. After a moment or
two she remembered that Rhett had invited him to stay at the house until he
found a home.

“Well I’m sure you’ll work it all
off, one way or another.” Easing past Leah, which made her powerfully aware of
the manly odor of sweat that came from him, indicating he hadn’t long finished
exercising in some fashion, he made his way over to the fridge. “So how long
have you and Rhett known one another?” he asked as he turned away from the
fridge, a bottle of water in his hand. He was more than a little curious about
the woman that had managed to convince his old friend to offer up marriage, and
didn't mind asking her the questions he wanted answers to.

“Um, a few weeks.” She had no idea
why, but Alex made her very nervous. She told herself it wasn’t because he was
so beautiful, his sweaty and breathless state made him all the more so, but the
fact that he was a stranger and she knew next to nothing about him.

“A few weeks?” Alex was floored by
her response. The woman was beautiful, there was no doubt about that, but Rhett
always had beautiful women flocking to him, his money and his charisma ensured
that, it didn’t explain why Rhett had proposed. There was definitely a story to
their relationship, brief as it, and he was determined to hear it, just as soon
as he could.

Not aware she was doing it; Leah
brushed a stray strand of hair away from her eyes and forced herself to look
him square in the face. She was a little disturbed by how attractive she found
him; it didn’t seem right that she should think that of anyone but Rhett. “Um,
yes, I was invited to one of his dungeon parties when a friend of mine decided
to, um, come out of the closet, I guess you would call it.”

Nodding and biting back a chuckle at
her terminology, he took a sip of his bottled water before answering.  “So
I guess you’ve haven't been a submissive for long.” He was trying to understand
just what it was about her that had ensnared Rhett. She was young, that didn’t
surprise him, but what did was her lack of confidence; most of the women in his
lifestyle were not timid in any way, as much as the media liked to portray them
as such.

“Well, Rhett is my first master.”
She wasn’t about to admit to a total stranger just how inexperienced she was,
but she felt she could say that much safely.

That explained a lot, Alex thought;
introducing someone to the lifestyle tended to create a stronger bond than
normally existed between master and submissive. At least that was what he had
discovered on the one occasion he had allowed a neophyte to convince him of her
interest in his lifestyle. After she had left to have a normal life, as she
called it, he had vowed never to deal with such intense feelings again, and had
strictly avoided untrained submissive's since.

“Do you mind if I join you for
breakfast, I hate eating alone.”

Leah shrugged, not able to think of
a reason to decline, nor did she feel particularly inclined to do so. “Sure, if
you want to.”

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