Beyond the Velvet Rope (23 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Ashley

BOOK: Beyond the Velvet Rope
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“Of course, I’ll be there,” Victoria said. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

* * *

Elliot waved past the security guard at the entrance to Star Island. He and Nico were currently arguing about the outcome of today’s racquetball game. Matrix, as usual, bested both of them. Nico was sore over the loss. Meanwhile, Elliot was in a state of denial, being that he’d also lost a rematch against Nico.

They turned into the drive leading to the house. Elliot slowed the car, parking directly in front. Killing the engine, he was just about to get out of the car when Nico stayed his action by asking, “Who’s car is that?” He pointed to the black Expedition in his drive way.

“The Expedition belongs to Thandie.” Elliot frowned, when he said, “I’m not sure who the other car belongs to.”

“Thandie is at your house?”

“She’s staying with me for a short while,” Elliot confessed.

Nico looked at him and laughed. “You have Thandie living with you?”

“I was helping out Warren,” he said. Elliot was forced to explain the whole sordid tale about Sophia’s sudden return to Miami and the knife incident. When he was done, Nico simply stared at him.

“Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”

Elliot shrugged. “What was there to tell?”

“And her assistants?”

Elliot gave a slow nod of his head.

Nico considered this news, and then asked, “Do you think it’s wise to have all that...talent under one roof?”

Elliot gave a snort. “Are you offering to house them?”

Nico threw his hands up, as if pushed into a corner. “If you insist.”

“Not a chance.”

Grinning, Nico wagged his finger at him. “Now I understand why you were so confident in your powers of persuasion.”

“Proximity has nothing to do with it.”

“Tell me that after she’s been here for a week.”

The sound of the house’s front door opened, and without warning, Nico’s grin slipped. Something caught his eye. Elliot followed his stare. It lead straight to the petite form of Victoria Day. She was crossing the front porch. She was so absorbed in her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed them there.

Flashy as ever, Victoria was wearing a leopard print mini dress and strange high heels covered with multicolored feathers. Using her key fob, she popped the trunk of a bright yellow VW Beetle. Rounding the car, she leaned over to stuff a garment bag inside. The action caused her skirt to rise, offering both men a generous glimpse of her thighs.

As if she felt that she was being watched, Victoria’s head popped up. Looking over her shoulder, she spotted them. It was easy to tell what held their attention. Smiling, she pulled the hem of her dress down slowly, and then she flipped them her middle finger. Both men were too shocked to say anything as she drove off.

Finally, Nico said, “What was that?”

“That, my friend, was Victoria Day.”

Nico turned in his seat, to watch the tiny car speed off. “Who is she?”

“A local fashion designer,” Elliot said as he got out. “Delightful little thing, isn’t she?”

A thoughtful grin claimed Nico’s face. “To say the least.”

* * *

Within a few short hours, Thandie would once again be in the company of Ruark Randall. She was not looking to their reunion.

According to his agent, Ruark had left numerous messages at her office hoping to persuade Thandie to join him for dinner. Because of Amanda’s frazzled mind, she had not relayed the messages to Thandie. It wouldn’t have mattered either way. Thandie felt nothing but annoyance toward the actor. She would love to tell him to kiss off, but she was mindful of the fact his attendance at Babylon was great publicity. So, swallowing her disdain, Thandie prepared for her night with Ruark.

She dressed carefully, avoiding anything overly provocative. Not wanting Ruark to get the wrong impression, she donned the most unassuming outfit in her possession: black leather pants and a long sleeve blouse.

In the limo on the way to Ruark’s hotel, she called Amanda to see if everything was all right. As before, her assistant was beside herself. She begged Thandie to come back to New York or at least send Len or Raja. Thandie calmed her down by listening to her current disaster and offering a solution. She promised she would consider sending help but was still uncertain how she would manage it. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Len would be completely useless, and Raja was needed here in Miami.

She disconnected her call with Amanda. It was inevitable that she would have to get on a plane and return to the city. Not for Amanda’s sake, but for her own.

Ruark Randall was exactly as Thandie remembered him—obnoxious. Somehow, he thought that they were on some sort of date. He was all hands the entire ride to the club. Thandie was elated when the limo finally pulled in front of Babylon. Doing their job quite well, Len and Raja had ensured paparazzi would be present to capture Ruark’s entrance. Not surprisingly, Ruark was a complete ham in front of the cameras. The crowd of bystanders pressed forward to see him, while the more fanatical females started screaming.

Ruark posed for a dozen pictures before Tiny, the bouncer, ushered them inside. Ruark had no problem throwing his arm around Thandie’s waist as they moved through the crowd. She added this to the long list of reasons why she despised him.

Adam welcomed them into VIP and escorted them to a private booth. Ruark made quick work of groping and kissing her. Thandie pushed him away as best she could, but it was to no avail. He was tenacious in his efforts. He ordered a procession of drinks, taking the liberty to order for her as well. Adam delivered their drinks, always passing her what he referred to as “the usual,” which was nothing more than cranberry juice and club soda. Ruark had come to Babylon to have a good time. Mercifully Adam made sure she wasn’t dragged along for the ride. The more intoxicated Ruark became, the more affectionate he was. Strangely enough, it was easier to reprimand him. He continued to attempt to cup her breasts, only to have Thandie slap his hands away. He didn’t seem to notice that she was hitting him with much more force than earlier. She plastered a smile on her face for publicity’s sake, but she couldn’t wait until the night was over.

* * *

Club Babylon was as energetic as ever. Tonight’s theme was Dominatrix. The dancers wore black leather outfits and high-heeled boots, complete with whips. Elliot imagined that he would have enjoyed tonight’s show, but as it was, he was hard at work. The staff meeting ran long. Afterward, he had a phone conference with potential investors. Markie had to come up to remind him to make his rounds with the guests.

Elliot descended to the arena floor. He greeted guests and offered complementary drinks, welcoming the distraction from his work. He smiled and charmed all who approached him. From across the room, he spied Thandie in the crowd. Just as he’d been warned, she was escorting Ruark Randall tonight. Presently, he was signing an autograph for a fan, but he was too close to Thandie. He frowned.


Mrs. Sophia Radcliffe, Wife Number Five, suddenly appeared. Her hair and clothing were styled to perfection.

“What can I do for you, Sophia?”

“I’ve called you a dozen times,” she said brusquely. “Why haven’t you returned my messages?”

Elliot looked back toward Thandie. Frowning, he looked at the woman before him. “Sophia, I have no desire to talk to you. You should call your husband if you want companionship.”

“Screw you,” she hissed.

“Yes, we’ve covered that, haven’t we?” He gave a final glance toward Thandie. “You’ll have to excuse me, Sophia. I need to finish my rounds.”

She grabbed his arm. “How long are you going to do this?”

“Do what?”

“You know what, damn you. Why won’t you return my calls?”

He pulled her hand away from him. “Why would I?”

“You hate me for marrying him.”

Elliot fixed her with a serious stare. “Yes, Sophia, I do hate you for marrying Warren. You’re using him for his money, and the poor bastard is so blinded he can’t see you for what you really are.”

She lifted her chin. “And what am I?”

“You’re a cheap whore who struck gold.”

She faltered a step, taken aback by the menace in his voice. “You’ll never forgive me, will you?” she whispered.

“The only thing I would be unforgiving about is that you used my club to prey on wealthy fools.”

“I can’t help that Warren’s rich,” she argued.

“And his connection to me never crossed your mind?” He smirked when he saw a guilty look in her eyes. “That’s what I thought,” he breathed. “You’re using Warren just like you use every man.”

Her eyes stung with sudden tears. “I never used you.”

“Only because I wouldn’t let you.” His eyes turned glacial. He’d had enough of Sophia. He decided to hurt her where it mattered most. Hopefully, she would get the point, and would leave him alone for good. “Guys like me only sleep with you just to break up the monotony. And once we realize you’re more trouble than you’re worth, we quickly move on.”

“You really are an asshole, Elliot.

He bowed his head. “I’ve never pretended otherwise.” He began to walk away.

“And to think I actually thought—” she stopped when her voice quivered.

Elliot whirled around on her. “You thought what?” he snapped. Observing a flicker of genuine vulnerability in her face, he laughed. “Please spare me the dramatics. You’re not the type to fall in love.” Noticing Nico and Matrix entering the arena, he gave a slight nod. “Do me a favor, Sophia, and get the hell out of my club.”

He could hear her spitting a string of profanity at his back, but he paid her no mind. He was happy she was leaving. The idea of Sophia roaming his club annoyed him. She had always been a thorn in his side. He’d thought he’d finally gotten rid of her, but Warren just had to marry the woman without a prenup. How stupid could he be?

He met his friends at the bar. Matrix was already spreading his charms on a tall redhead.

Nico grinned in greeting. “I saw you in conversation with the viper,” he said.


“Is she looking for Warren?”

“Who knows?” Elliot said.

“It looks as if you’re getting great returns on your investment.” Nico nodded toward the VIP area where Thandie’s silhouette was currently wrapped in the arms of actor Ruark Randall. “Lovely couple, wouldn’t you say?”

Elliot glanced at his friend. “Are you trying to make me jealous?”

Nico shrugged.

“What are you expecting me to do?” Elliot asked. “Go up there and throw her over my shoulder?”

“Something like that,” Nico drawled.

“I’m not the jealous type.”

“I certainly hope not.” His toned implied Elliot should be concerned with the amount of attention Ruark was raining on Thandie.

Elliot looked up at Thandie and Ruark in VIP. He heard Nico chuckle, clearly amused with himself. Just as he’d hoped, he’d planted a thought in Elliot’s head. It did not sit well with him.

* * *

An hour after their arrival, Ruark dragged Thandie onto the dance floor. Pulling her close, he took a firm hold of her bottom. Surrounded by curious onlookers, she gave up the fight to ward off his advances. Women danced close to them, trying to ensnare Ruark’s attention, but much to Thandie’s annoyance, he was focused solely on her, not letting her go for a second. Ruark mumbled incoherent advances in her ear, but over the loud music, it was impossible to hear him. For that, she was thankful.

They danced through a few songs before Ruark tired. He invited a handful of women to their table, clearly enjoying their star-struck awe. Thandie waved a waitress over and slipped her a note, instructing her to deliver it to Adam. With any luck, this nightmare might yet correct itself.

Apparently, she’d gotten her hopes up too soon. Elliot approached their table. He looked cool and handsome as ever. He grinned at them. “Ruark, it’s a pleasure to have you at Club Babylon. I’m Elliot Richards.” He held out his hand. “Anything you need, please feel free to let my staff know.”

Thandie watched Ruark’s chest puff up as he shook Elliot’s hand. “Thanks, man.” He threw his free arm around Thandie’s shoulders. “I’ve heard a lot about you. Nice place.”

“Thank you.” Thandie could tell Elliot didn’t like him. “Is there anything I can get you?”

Ruark squeezed Thandie into his side. “How about a hotel room?” He winked at him to punctuate his meaning.

Elliot didn’t smile. Instead he coolly replied, “How about a round of drinks for your party instead? On me, of course.”

Ruark flashed him a movie star smile in agreement. Thandie groaned in mortification. If she thought Ruark had embarrassed her on the dance floor, his display in front of Elliot was humiliating.

Luckily, her prayers had been answered. Her message to Adam had obviously been received. The Babylon dancers she had met weeks before arrived at their table. They smiled brightly at Thandie, thankful she had remembered their infatuation with the actor. She moved over to allow them room to sit.

The dancers were in awe of Ruark, asking him a dozen questions, all of which he was happy to answer. Thandie excused herself from the table without anyone noticing. After a trip to the ladies’ room, she was on her way back to the VIP room when she was confronted by the sight of Warren trying to calm down Sophia. Thandie managed to slip by, undetected. But not completely. Someone touched her arm. Thandie turned to see Adam standing near.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

She smiled. “Yes, I’m fine.”

“You’re a real trooper, Thandie. Ruark was practically mauling you. I stayed close by to see if you needed my help. Thankfully, Elliot sent Tiny over to make sure things didn’t get out of hand.”

“Tiny?” Thandie shifted her daze toward the booth Ruark was seated at. Next to it, stood Tiny, looming over everyone like a dark shadow. Strange she hadn’t noticed him before. “I’ll have to remember to thank Elliot.”

Thandie searched the crowd for Elliot. As usual, he was easily found. He was on the arena floor, standing near a secluded alcove. His arms were crossed, and he was leaning forward to allow a dark-haired woman to whisper in his ear. His face was impassive, but it was clear he was listening to every word she said.

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