BFF's 2 (3 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

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Almost thirty minutes later, I arrived at Evelyn's loft. Like always, security was walking around, and I saw her car parked in the parking garage. Cedric had probably paid for her car, and I thought about keying the side of it. But after I parked, the security looked at me, smiled, and said hello. I spoke back, but I could tell that he was alarmed by how distraught I appeared. He watched my every move, and unfortunately for me, I wasn't sure if Evelyn would buzz for me to come inside. I took my chances and pushed the code to alert her that someone was there to see her.
Seconds later, her beautiful, blemish-free face appeared on the screen. Why did she have to always look so darn pretty? It wasn't that I was jealous of her, but there was no denying that out of all of us, Evelyn always got the most attention from men. Even while we were in high school, most of the boys wanted to date Evelyn. It could have been because she was a slut, too; a slut who got her hands on my husband, and had the audacity to be pregnant by him.
“Hello, Kayla,” she said with that same smug smirk from earlier. “What do you want?”
“We need to finish our conversation. Now that Cedric is dead, I think we should talk about what to do with your baby. You are carrying his baby, aren't you?”
Evelyn didn't say a word. She buzzed me inside, and on my way up in the elevator, I felt as if I wanted to throw up. I swallowed and bit into my trembling bottom lip. When the elevator parted, I looked straight ahead and saw Evelyn standing with the door wide open. Neither of us was smiling and seriousness was locked in our eyes. It was obvious that we were about to handle our business.
I stepped forward, but before Evelyn could say one word, I reached out and slapped her so hard that a new hairstyle formed on her head. My hand stung, and I watched as a red handprint swelled on the side of her cheek. Her forehead lined with wrinkles, and as her mouth dropped open, I turned to walk away.
“Thanks for the conversation,” I mumbled. “It was well needed.”
“You bitch!” she shouted. “You are going to pay for that! I swear to God that you will pay!”
I ignored her and got back on the elevator. Before it closed, I returned the same smug smirk that she had been representing all day. Whatever she had in store for me, I welcomed it. It couldn't be any worse than what she had already done to me.
Chapter 2
I was to the point where I'd had enough of Kayla's attitude. Evelyn's backstabbing ways, as well, were too much for me to handle. After Kayla left my apartment earlier to go see about Cedric, I politely asked Evelyn to leave. There were times when I felt as if I had the worst best friends ever. I understood that no one was perfect, but this was too much. I was tired of kissing Kayla's ass, and I always found myself trying to convince her what a good friend I had been. I truly felt as if it wasn't my place to tell her about Cedric and Evelyn, but I decided to poke my nose where it didn't belong and let it all come out today. My timing, however, was off. Evelyn was ready to spill her guts, and Cedric had been shot. Now, here we all were, mad at each other, again, and trying to blame each other for why things had turned out this way.
I waited in my car for a while, and right after I saw Kayla leave the hospital, I went back inside. While speaking to Kayla, I'd seen Jacoby on his cell phone, so I assumed he was still inside. Once I had a chance to speak to him, I was going to spend the night in Keith's room. He was still in the hospital, after being stabbed by Lexi. Thankfully, she was dead, and nobody had to run around searching for the person who was responsible. I was so glad that Keith survived the stabbing incident, and hopefully, Cedric would survive too. No doubt, Kayla was upset right now, but there was no way in hell that she wanted the man she had loved since forever to die.
The moment I entered the hospital, I saw Jacoby sitting in a chair. Another family was gathered in a circle, conversing with a doctor. Seconds later, all hell broke loose. Cries rang out, screams echoed loudly and one lady fell to the floor.
“Noooo,” she shouted. “Not my Rico! I can't believe he's gone!”
Several people attempted to help the woman off the floor. She kept kicking and screaming Rico's name. She then grabbed one young man by his shirt and ordered him, as well as several others, to handle the situation.
“I don't care what y'all niggas do,” she shouted through gritted teeth. “Y'all find those niggas and do to them what they did to my baby!”
More chaos erupted, especially when one of the family members picked up a chair and threw it. Security was called, and Jacoby and I stepped aside until the chaotic situation cooled down. He told me he still hadn't heard anything about Cedric, so I walked to the check-in station to see what I could find out. The nurse behind the counter looked as if she didn't want to be bothered.
“I know you're busy,” I said, deciding to lie about who I was. “But my nephew and I have been waiting for quite some time to see what's going on with my brother, Cedric Thompson. Can you please check with someone to find out?”
“He arrived about forty-five minutes ago, and if the doctor hasn't come out to speak to you, I'm sure it will be soon. As you can see, we've had a lot going on this evening. The night is still young.”
To ask for patience, at this time, wasn't understandable. Forty-five minutes or ten minutes, somebody could've come out to say something. For now, our hands were tied so all we could do was wait.
“I'm real worried about my mother,” Jacoby said as I sat next to him. “I've never seen her like this. The look in her eyes is cold, and for her to walk out like that was crazy.”
“I know, but she's been through a lot these past several months. Give her time, okay?”
“I will. I know how she's feeling, but I feel so bad for Cedric. After seeing him like that, I just can't get the thoughts out of my head. I hope he'll be okay.”
“Me too.”
Jacoby updated me on what had transpired at Cedric's house. And after he informed me of Cedric's affair with his receptionist, I was numb. No wonder Kayla was so bitter. She definitely had a lot on her plate, and I really wanted to be there for her. I wasn't sure if she was going to head back to my apartment, or if she was going back to the house she once lived in with Cedric. I asked Jacoby to call her, but that was when my cell phone rang. It was Evelyn. I could barely say hello before she started yelling into the phone.
“You'd better get some control over your stupid-ass best friend. Please tell her that if she put her hands on me again, I'm going to press charges and have her arrested.”
I rolled my eyes. Some people loved drama and Evelyn was one of those people. “What are you talking about, Evelyn? When did she put her hands on you?”
“She just came over here, claiming that she wanted to talk about the baby. Since Cedric is dead, I figured she would offer me some kind of money to help me take care of our child. I don't know what I'm going to do now, but whatever I decide, please tell her to stop hating because this baby doesn't have anything to do with it.”
I wanted to call Evelyn all kinds of names for being so foolish, but I didn't want to waste my time with her. “Can I make a suggestion to you? Do yourself a favor and go see a shrink. If you thought Kayla had any interest in helping you with that baby, you're crazy as hell. I don't know what you're going to do, but please don't count on any funds from her.”
“Yeah, whatever. I figured you would take her side, like you always do. Meanwhile, I'm the one over here suffering.”
“Girl, bye. I don't know what you consider suffering, but trust me when I say you don't know the meaning.”
“How could you say that? I'm pregnant, and now that Cedric is dead, there is no way for me to take care of this baby all by myself. I don't want to have an abortion, but what else am I supposed to do? Kayla's life isn't the only one affected. Just so you know, so is mine.”
Thank God the doctor came out and called for us. Otherwise, I was about to let Evelyn have it.
“I gotta go. I'm at the hospital with Keith and he needs me.”
“I see who your priority is, so go do you. Tell Keith I said hello, and if his brother, Bryson, is there, tell him I said hello too.”
I lied and said I would then ended the call. Jacoby and I rushed up to the doctor who squeezed his eyes and rubbed them before speaking to us.
“For now, he's in serious condition, but stable. He lost a lot of blood, and all we can do is wait. He's a fighter, so I'm hopeful that he'll make it.”
I sighed from relief and so did Jacoby. “Ca . . . can I see my father?” he asked. “Just for a little while. I want to see him. Let him know I'm here.”
The doctor opened the door for us to come inside. We followed him to a space that was divided by white curtains. “Five or ten minutes,” he said to Jacoby. “We want him to rest. It's the best thing for him right now.”
Jacoby nodded. We moved behind the curtain and saw Cedric lying there looking casket ready. Tubes were in his nose and mouth. Dried up blood was on his face and hands. The sheets had a few blood stains too, and even though he wasn't dead, he sure did look it. IVs were in his hands and the beeping sound from his heart monitor sounded off. I felt bad for Jacoby who stood there motionless. Hurt was trapped in his eyes, as well as a little fear.
He reached out to touch Cedric's hand, which looked swollen. “Take care, Dad. Just wanted to let you know that I was here. I'll be back tomorrow. Hopefully, Mom will come with me.”
To no surprise, Cedric didn't respond. I reached out to give Jacoby a hug, and after ten more minutes, we left. Adrianne was waiting for him in the waiting area. He said that she would drive him home.
“Be careful,” I said to them. “Let me know if you speak to your mother. I'll let you know if she calls me.”
With a sad look on his face, Jacoby left. I headed to Keith's room, looking like a bum in a plain gray sweat suit that was kind of dingy. I didn't want him to see me like this, but I had rushed out of the house to see about Kayla. A cap was on my head, covering my short, layered hair that needed perming. The only thing jazzy on me was my gold hoop earrings.
I entered Keith's room and saw him sitting up in bed watching TV. Bryson was there, too. He was talking on his cell phone, but excused himself before leaving the room.
“I thought you were going home,” Keith said with his gown hanging off his broad shoulders. His muscles were exposed, and in a hospital bed or not, my man always looked sexy. “And where is the cake you promised me?”
“I haven't had time to cook anything. Needless to say, this day has been a day from hell.”
Keith patted the spot next to him. “Come here. Tell me all about it. Based on our conversation from earlier, when you promised to tell Kayla the truth, I take it things turned ugly.”
“More than ugly. Almost deadly.”
Keith cocked his head back in shock. I sat next to him on the bed and began to tell him about the drama between me and my BFFs.
Chapter 3
A week had passed, and to no surprise, I hadn't heard from Kayla or Trina. I, at least, thought somebody would call to let me know about Cedric's funeral, but I guess they didn't want his baby's mama, me, showing up and causing a scene. I was livid. Called myself telling Kayla what was up with her no-good man and this was the thanks I got. It wasn't my fault that she had married a man like Cedric, and any woman in her right mind would've hopped in the bed with him and taken his money too. I was in need of cash, and since he'd offered to pay my rent, I couldn't turn him down. And even though I had to give a little something in return, sex wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Not with a man like Cedric anyway, because sex with him was always finger-licking good. That's what I was going to miss, and there was a tiny part of me that missed him already. I wondered who had shot him. Obviously, not Kayla since she was probably too busy running around, looking for sympathy. Trina would surely give it to her. The next time I saw either of them, I was going to let them have it.
For now, I had to make it to my appointment at the abortion clinic. I thought long and hard about this. It was in my best interest to terminate the pregnancy. I could barely take care of myself. Bringing a child into my unstable situation wasn't a good thing. I figured I would have to seek other alternatives regarding my financial situation. Now that Cedric was gone, my well had definitely run dry.
At first, I wasn't nervous about aborting the baby. But, the moment I walked into the waiting area and saw many others, my nerves started to rattle. I wasn't sure why they were there to see the doctor, and I hoped like hell that nobody knew what I was about to do. I wrote my name on a clipboard and then took a seat. Seemed like everybody's eyes, including mine, roamed around the room. There were fake smiles on display, but I gave no expression in return. All I wanted to do was get this over with, but for the next couple of hours, all I did was sit, think, and wait.
Being there made me think about my parents, particularly my mother. She was so excited about sharing her second pregnancy with my dad, but he wasn't trying to hear it. The moment she showed him the pregnancy test that displayed a positive sign, he washed the smile right off her face. I remember sitting there, watching his fist pound straight into her stomach. She doubled over and fell to the floor. He began kicking her like he was punting a football in the NFL. Told her that she needed to get an abortion, or else he would beat the baby out of her. I wasn't sure what my mother decided to do, but whatever it was, there was no baby.
Dad got what he wanted and his abuse continued. My mother and I, both, caught hell. I despised her for allowing him to get away with so much, and I promised myself that I would never be like her. She lived broke and died broke. Her entire life revolved around my father, and neither one of them gave two cents about me.
The bubbly nurse interrupted my thoughts when she called my name. I followed her to a room where I went through a short counseling session and then I had an ultrasound. An hour later, I was being comforted by a doctor who handled my procedure then wished me well. I was asked to chill in a waiting area for at least an hour, but when no one was paying attention, I slipped out the door and left.
I had never experienced anything so gut wrenching. What I had done to my baby weighed heavily on my mind, but it was my choice—a choice that I had a feeling I would one day regret. I knew I would, especially since I had always wanted a child. Not now, though; when things were in order, when I was married to the man of my dreams, or when I knew that my child's father was capable of being there and providing for our child in a major way. Regardless, I figured that Cedric wouldn't turn his back on me or our baby. He wasn't that kind of man, but a dead man he was.
I was starting to feel depressed so I needed someone to talk to. I couldn't stop crying, and as I looked in the mirror at my puffy, red eyes, I felt shameful. I moved my long hair away from my face and tucked part of it behind my ears. I pictured my beautiful baby who probably would've looked just like me. No question, Cedric was a handsome man too, but my family had strong genes. I rolled my eyes at myself then flushed the toilet and washed my hands. My cell phone was on the counter, so I picked it up to call Trina.
“Hello,” she said then laughed. It was a good thing to know that one of us was having fun.
“What's so funny?” I asked.
“Nothing. I was just laughing at something Keith said.”
“Oh, I see. So, I guess you're with Keith. Is he out of the hospital or are you at his place?”
“Yes, he's out of the hospital, and I am at his place. Why are you asking?”
“Because I want to see you, spend some time with you. I haven't heard from you, and I'm a little disappointed that you kicked me to the curb because of Kayla.”
“I haven't kicked you to the curb. And as a matter of fact, I haven't heard from Kayla. I'm giving the two of you time to chill out and get y'all selves together.”
“I can't believe that you haven't spoken to her. I'm sure you went to Cedric's funeral, and I know you spoke to her then.”
Trina paused for a while, and then she changed the subject. “What do you want to do? Meet me somewhere for drinks or have dinner tomorrow?”
“I'd rather not go out. Can you come over here today?”
“Not right now I can't. I'm getting ready to start cooking dinner for Keith. We have plans this evening.”
“Well, put your sexual plans on hold. I'm coming over there, if that's okay. I promise not to stay long, but I really need for you to lend me your ear. I'm going through something right now, and I'm not sure about what direction I should go. So needless to say, bestie, I need your advice.”
“Since when? I doubt that you will listen to any advice that I offer. Besides, Keith has only been home for a few days. We need some time alone.”
I winced and rolled my eyes. “This is a life-or-death situation. I'll be there within the hour. Save some dinner for me, and if you're cooking chicken, like you always do, make mine extra crispy. I'm on my way.”
I ended the call, and when Trina called back, I didn't bother to answer. Instead, I brushed my hair into a sleek, bouncing ponytail that showed my round face. I put on some ice-blue eye shadow and thickened my lashes with mascara. I added shine to my lips with a clear gloss and sprayed a few dashes of perfume over my clothes. The simple jeans and T-shirt that I previously had on wasn't suitable enough, so I changed into a gray stretch dress that hugged my curves. It was strapless and showed a healthy portion of my cleavage. I accessorized the dress with silver hoop earrings, and the five-inch heels I wore gave me much height. I was sure Trina wouldn't want her best friend looking like a bum around her man, but then again, he was probably used to her sporting sweat suits, jogging pants, and plain ol' T-shirts and jeans all the time. Now that she wasn't claiming her dyke status anymore, I hoped she jazzed herself up and tried to dress better.
I tucked my clutch purse underneath my arm and put on my game face, pretending as if today had never happened. I was so good at hiding my pain, and had learned to do so when my father chastised me about being such a wimp and a crybaby.
Nobody cares about crybabies, and most men won't give a damn about your tears,
he'd say.
Keep it moving and never let anyone see how hurt you really are.
That was what I did when he beat me and had sex with me, too. Pretended as if I wasn't hurt, when deep down I was.
I washed away my thoughts and headed to my car. It was a little chilly outside, but I didn't want to cover up and hide my sexiness. Maybe I'd go somewhere for a drink tonight and find me another rich man who could assist me in my time of need. That was definitely an option, because I was so sure that I didn't want to stay cooped up with Trina's boring self all night.
I stopped at the grocery store, and then arrived at Keith's house almost an hour later. I had never been there before, but awhile back Trina told me where he lived. I was impressed by the humongous, historic house that looked fit for a king. Trina said Keith was just an artist, but I didn't know that artists were doing it like this. I rang the doorbell and could see Trina making her way to the door, through beveled, thick glass. As expected, she had on a pair of navy jogging pants and a half shirt that showed her midriff and tattoo that was drawn near her side. While she was definitely a shapely woman, her muscles always irritated me. I didn't think a woman should look so toned, but that was her preference, not mine. She opened the door, and the first thing she did was look at the card, balloon, and bottle of wine in my hand.
“Really?” she said. “Are you serious?”
“About what?”
“What's with the card, balloon, and wine, Evelyn?”
“The card and balloon is for Keith, and the wine is for dinner. What is wrong with me trying to do something nice?”
Trina removed the card from my hand, but she popped the balloon and left it on the porch.
“That doesn't need to come in here.”
I was a little pissed, but I didn't want to argue with her about her jealous ways. She opened the door wider for me to come inside. I looked up at the high, cathedral ceiling and at the wooden staircase that traveled several floors up.
“Wow,” I said with wide eyes. “This is nice. No wonder you're over here all the time. It sure as heck is a major step up from your tiny, junky apartment.”
“Maybe so, but my apartment is much bigger, better, and cleaner than your loft is. It doesn't surprise me that you're impressed by Keith's house, especially coming from where you just came from.”
I threw my hand back, ignoring Trina's comment. Besides, by the way she looked me over, I could tell her attitude was because she was jealous. I watched as she opened the envelope and pulled out the card. I tried to snatch it, but she pulled it away and started to read it.
“‘Hope you're feeling better and welcome home. Trina will definitely take good care of you, but if she doesn't, be sure to let me know so I can hurt her.'” Trina pursed her lips and ripped the card in two. “You can be sure that I will take good care of him. This is going overboard, don't you think?”
“No, I don't, but I understand how insecure some women can be at times. It was simply a nice gesture. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“I'm sure you said the same thing to Kayla about Cedric. But on another note, thanks for the wine. Dinner is almost done. I hope you can't stay long, and before we go to the kitchen, would you mind telling me why you're here again?”
I released a deep sigh and folded my arms. “Stop being so bitter and just enjoy my company. There was a time when we used to have so much fun. I would certainly like for our friendship to get back to what it used to be, but that's up to you. In addition to that, I had an abortion today. I've been feeling kind of bad and lonely. Wanted to spend some time with my best friend. Is there any harm in that?”
Trina hesitated before saying anything. I could tell that she wanted to reach out to me, but she held back. “I'm sorry to hear about the abortion. Even though I wish you wouldn't have gone there, I respect your decision. Now, do me a favor. Let's not talk about your situation with Kayla and Cedric tonight. I'm so done with that. Have a piece of chicken, drink a little wine, and then get your tail out of here so I can make love to my man. It's been awhile, so you can understand how hungry I am.”
Trina laughed and so did I. “Then get your horny self in the kitchen and finish up. And where's Keith? I must tell him how much trouble you really are. Obviously, he doesn't know better yet.”
I followed Trina, and when I made it to the kitchen, I damn near stumbled in the doorway. Keith sat at the table with his shirt off and many colorful tattoos were on display. His skin was a dark, luscious chocolate and was shiny and smooth. There was a small bandage at his midsection; I assumed that was where he had been stabbed. His fade was lined to perfection, and the second his eyes locked on me, I felt a trickle in my panties. I wasn't sure if it was blood from the abortion or a gathering buildup from me feeling excited. Keith was almost identical to his brother, Bryson. It was a tossup on who actually looked the best. I mean, I loved the look of Keith's numerous tattoos, but if Bryson didn't have as many, he would be voted the best looking in my book. Maybe one day I'd get a chance to see them both naked. Then I'd be able to confirm either way.
“Evelyn brought us some wine,” Trina said, showing the bottle to Keith. He stood and a warming smile washed across his face. His teeth were straight, white, and perfect. I was a little jealous that my best friend had a man like this in her possession.
Keith thanked me for the wine. He moved at a slow place toward me, and then reached out to give me a hug. I purposely pressed my breasts against his muscular chest and held on to the embrace for as long as Trina would allow it. I could see her eyeing me from the corner of her eye.
“You're so welcome,” I said. “I also brought you a ca—”
Trina cleared her throat. “Go ahead and have a seat. And I told you I didn't need a
of veggies, because I like mine fresh. Keith and I go to the Soulard Market every weekend to get fresh vegetables, don't we, baby?”
“Yeah, we do,” he said.
He walked back over to the chair and stretched before sitting down. I couldn't help but to notice his sexiness in the black jogging pants he wore that tied at his perfect waistline. There was also a bulge in his pants. I wondered if his goodness was on the rise, due to our close embrace.

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