Read Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) Online

Authors: Selena Kitt,Tawny Taylor,Ava Lore,Terry Towers,Anna Antonia,Amy Aday,Nelle L'Amour,Dez Burke,Marian Tee

Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) (116 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle)
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“Yes?” Her heart started beating madly.

“Once you meet with me tomorrow, there is no turning back. You will be mine – and only mine until I let you go. If you are thinking of playing around,
I’m not the kind of man you would want to cross.”

Another sigh.

This time, Damen ignored it. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Oh dear – he was such an
Just like the Greek billionaires in her bedtime stories, only this time he was real and so, so, so much better than she could ever dream of.

She said tremulously, “I understand, Damen.”

“And you will be mine?”

Mairi answered simply, “I was meant to be yours.”

She sighed.

He wanted to groan. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Those words just made sure he needed a long cold shower to see him through the night.




Lesson 5

To catch a Greek billionaire, you must be prepared to give him your most precious gift.

She said: And that is your love.

He said: And that is your virginity

(Note to editor: Matter to be decided before the last round of edits)


“Ms. Mairi Tanner?” A uniformed chauffeur came out of nowhere, a bland expression on his weathered face as he said Mairi’s name.

“That’s me.” His tone was deferential, his posture so absolutely correct that Mairi felt like she was talking to a king who had gone undercover. Even his uniform seemed more expensive than her own outfit, which she had bought from a beach bazaar the past month.

“If you could follow me, Ms. Tanner?”

She certainly could, and she did her best to not cause too much noise as she followed the older man to the limousine parked at the far end of the road.

Mairi had texted Damen several times this morning, stressing the importance of
being caught by anyone because she couldn’t afford to lose her job.
Maybe when they were married
, she mused. But for now it was better to play it safe.

The chauffeur opened the door for her. “Ms. Tanner?”

She had barely taken one step inside before hard arms pulled her forward, the strength in those muscular arms making Mairi feel like she was no heavier than a tiny bird, even though she knew she was more like an ostrich than a swan.

There wasn’t even time to breathe, to say hello, or to think about what was going to happen next.

Damen Leventis simply kissed her like she had always been his.

Honestly – she liked it that way.

It made her feel like all the time she had been dreaming of belonging to him, her Greek billionaire had also been dreaming about possessing her.

Damen had expected Mairi to protest, to perhaps pretend she was offended, frightened, or stunned at the fierceness of his need for her. But instead she became completely willing in his arms, her lips parting willingly even as she kissed him back with seemingly untutored passion.

He cupped her face, deepening his kiss as he did. His tongue pushed in, tasting her and becoming addicted to the sweetness of her in an instant. She whimpered against his lips, as if begging for a reprieve but that only made Damen kiss her harder. There was no fucking reprieve – not this time…not when his body was aching almost violently in his need to take her.

She gasped for breath when he finally released her mouth, and then she gasped again when his lips moved down, followed by his hands. As he nuzzled her neck, his hands cupped her breasts, fondling and kneading them like they were made for his touch.

Mairi arched her neck, her ability to speak or think blown away by the force of Damen’s passion. The simplest kiss, the briefest touch – all of it was more than enough to set her body on fire. And now, with his hands delving into the cups of her bra, his fingers gripping her bare breasts – the sensations it evoked were beyond anything she could imagine.

She had read about this so many times. She knew everything that could happen between a man and a woman, but the knowledge hadn’t prepared her for the reality. Oh, it so did not.

There was nothing as sexy as the harsh breathing sounds Damen made as he impatiently threw her blouse to the floor and tore her bra away, nothing as thrilling as the way his gaze devoured every inch of her, making Mairi feel like she wasn’t the too-curvy nerd she had always felt she was all her life.

Oh, and nothing – there was just nothing that could compare to the sheer pleasure she felt when he whispered to her, “You’re the hottest little thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Mairi shuddered.

Oh, oh, dear – she really was falling hard and fast for Damen Leventis.

Damen groaned at the way Mairi’s breasts quivered when her body started to tremble. He snatched her back to his lap, his cock rising demandingly against his pants as Mairi automatically straddled him. He gritted out, “I’m not going to fuck you here. You deserve better than this – but at least let me make you come now.” It was the only way to stay sane until they reached the secluded villa he had booked for the rest of the week.

She swallowed.

He groaned again. “Dio, Mairi, didn’t I warn you not to swallow like that? You make me want to fuck your beautiful mouth.”

She was halfway to swallowing again when she realized what she was doing. “I can’t help it,” Mairi admitted nervously. Between her legs, Damen’s cock felt too long, too hard, and just too impossibly large to fit inside her. It made her move restlessly but she stopped when Damen growled.

“Stop moving!”

She froze, her thighs automatically pressing together, causing her mound to rub against his cock.

“Fuck.” He was too fucking close now. “Tell me I can make you come now.” His voice was rough and commanding, and she loved it.

Mairi whispered, “Yes.”

The word was barely out of her mouth when Damen moved with incredible speed. The next thing she knew, she was on her back with her skirt unzipped and he was pulling it down her legs.

Oh. My. God.

This was really happening.

It was really happening.

Damen was working on her silk panties now, pulling it down just as swiftly. But instead of throwing it on the floor, he stuffed it inside his pants pocket.

He caught her confused frown as her panties disappeared into his pocket. “It’s mine now.”

Her eyes widened, as if she had never heard someone say something like that to her. She looked so innocent he almost believed her. But then he remembered how she was with Ioniko Vlahos and he pushed the thought away. She was simply playacting. If anything, he was likely the first of her dozens of lovers to even take the time to explain his plans with her underwear.

Mairi whimpered, trying to close her legs when Damen’s gaze centered on the core of her womanhood. “Please don’t stare,” she begged.

She sounded extremely embarrassed.
Maybe none of her past lovers had ever gone down on her
, Damen thought with a frown. “Relax, darling,” he said gently, running a calming hand against the silky softness of her leg. He bent down, his chest pressing down on her breasts as he took her lips, kissing her luxuriously until he felt her relaxing.

Releasing her lips once more, Damen kissed his way down, making her giggle when he bit her neck playfully and then making her sigh when he cupped her breasts. A moan escaped Mairi’s lips as Damen took one nipple into his mouth.

Every cell of Mairi’s body centered in that one spot as Damen continued sucking, slowly at first before he sucked on her nipple harder, the sounds he made making her arch her body. She wanted more of it – she wanted
he could give and she started feeling restless, needing to get closer to him. Her arms started to move almost involuntarily. She started stroking his back, loving its golden smooth hardness before eventually moving up to touch his beautiful thick hair.

When Damen moved to her other nipple, this time surprising her by clamping the tip between his teeth, Mairi let out a little shriek of pleasure. Her fingers sank into his hair and then she was gripping him hard, arching her body closer to his mouth.

“Please,” she begged. She knew what she wanted but she just couldn’t find the words to say it.

Thankfully, Damen seemed to understand her. She moaned in protest when he released her nipple but she started to tense when, after placing one gentle kiss on each of her breasts, Damen was again moving down, his lips making her body shake as it moved past her belly.

“No!” Instinctively, Mairi tried to clamp her legs together. She just wasn’t ready for that kind of kiss yet.

But Damen, being the alpha Greek billionaire she had wanted him to be and was, laughed, the sound dark and triumphant. “Remember what you said, Mairi?” he purred as he pushed her legs wide open, her strength a puny match when pitted against his.

“If you meet me today, you would be mine – and that means following my every word. Do you remember that?”

“Yes.” The word was pried out of her in a little whimper. Mairi closed her eyes, her head tossing restlessly from side to side as she felt her body go up in flames under his gaze. 

She felt Damen bending down again, and Mairi bit her lip hard as his breath fanned the folds of her womanhood. “Ready, darling?” he whispered.

“Ye----aaah!” There was no warning whatsoever. Suddenly, his tongue was there, licking and then thrusting inside, completely possessing Mairi.

She clutched his shoulders. “Damen…Damen…Damen…” His tongue didn’t stop thrusting in and out of her. Mairi’s legs started to tremble, falling wide open, but still he didn’t stop.


It was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. Understanding the need threading Mairi’s voice and knowing that he alone could satiate it, Damen didn’t stop fucking her pussy with his tongue even as he reached for her clit. Twist, pinch, press----

“DAMEN!” She screamed as she shattered, little sobs coming out of her mouth as her legs twisted around his neck, her hips moving up to keep his tongue in her pussy. He dug his hands under her bottom and covered her with his mouth, lapping up every drop of her come.

When she opened her eyes, feeling like she was still floating, Mairi found herself cradled in Damen’s lap, his silvery gray gaze all sensual heat as he studied her.


Damen’s lips twitched, the dreamy tone of her ‘hi’ now familiar. He returned solemnly, “Hi.” He caressed her cheek with his knuckles. “You were amazingly passionate.”

She wrinkled her nose. “That sounds like a nice way of saying I was so…” Mairi blushed. “…horny.”

“And that,” he deadpanned.

She gasped.

Damen smiled. “But your passion did blow me away. I liked it. A lot.”

She could only smile back at him, totally dazzled.

“But you know…”

She tensed a little at the way his voice dropped a notch. “You know…what?”

Damen moved forward, his lips touching her ears as he said, “That was just a taste. You know that, don’t you? I still have to fuck you, Mairi – and I’m going to do it the second I have you alone in my room.”



Lesson 6

To catch a Greek billionaire is in many ways no different from catching any man you fancy.

She said: What I mean is, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

He said: Says the girl who told me she loved me after I fed her a 300-gram steak.

(Note to editor: Please edit 300 to 150. Please. I mean it.)


“It’s okay to admit you’re hungry.” For all intents and purposes, Damen shouldn’t give a damn about whether the woman he was dating was on a diet or not. Most of the time, they
on a diet but wouldn’t admit to it since in their twisted little brains, admitting to dieting was equivalent to admitting they were overweight.

But this was Mairi, and her stomach had growled repeatedly even after she finished her soup and salad in record time.

She shook her head, red-faced. This would teach her
to skip a meal before meeting with a man she very well knew was determined to take her to bed. She couldn’t make herself meet Damen’s gaze at the moment, instead letting her eyes roam around the elegant décor of the villa’s dining room.

Damen told her he had rented it for the week, and in the same sentence he had also told her that he expected her to sleep there – in his bed – every night for the rest of his stay in Oneroi.


She winced.

Damen said gently, “Mairi---”

She forced herself to look at Damen, pasting a bright smile on her face. “I didn’t hear anything.” She peered up at the waiter, whom Damen had solemnly vowed to her knew how to keep his mouth shut. “Did
hear anything?”

The waiter, a man who looked to be in his late teens, tugged at his bowtie uneasily. “Err…”

Mairi looked at Damen with a triumphant smile. “See? He didn’t hear anything either.”

He shook his head. “Enough, darling. You
eat and you shall eat now. If you do not want to order for yourself then I shall order for you.” He spoke to the waiter, giving the orders in a decisive tone.

When the waiter left them on their own, her shoulders slumped. “Sorry.”

“There’s nothing wrong about taking pleasure in food.”

“It is when I’m eating more than you are,” she told him seriously.

He barked out in laughter.

“Aren’t you going to join me? Please?”


She frowned. “After what?”

“After I make love to you. I am usually ravenous after I have sex.”

At his unexpected words, Mairi nearly dropped the glass of water she had lifted to her lips. “Oh.”

The waiter came back half an hour later, and he looked a lot more relaxed when Mairi didn’t make any further attempt to get him to choose between her and the famous and powerful Greek billionaire seated on the other side of the table.

Mairi’s mouth started to water as the waiter set dish after dish of the most delicious creations in front of her. Oh, oh dear. It was food porn at its worst and she was in danger of salivating.

“Would it make it easier for you if I leave you to your meal and do a little work?”

She totally had no pride left by the time the waiter lifted the silver tray with a flourish and revealed a huge slab of steak, its wonderful scent making her swallow several times. Looking up at Damen, she said baldly, “It would be a huge help.”

Damen was still smiling when he reached the study where he had temporarily set up office. He made the necessary phone calls, delegating as was necessary and enforcing his command in situations where only his ruthlessness could save the day.

“Your mother called again, Mr. Leventis,” Bart, his secretary, said awkwardly when Damen asked if he had anything else to say.

Damen bit back a curse. “What does she want?”

“I believe she wants to set a date for the meeting between your family and the Kokinos.”

“All right,” he said finally. “Set a date anytime next week. We might as well get this over with. Anything else?”

“Not anymore, sir.”

“Good. I am taking as much time off as possible this week, so do your best to keep everything under your control. Let everyone know that I will
be pleased if I were disturbed.”

Bart gulped. “Yes, sir.”

After the call, Damen checked the time, decided forty-five minutes was more than enough for Mairi to enjoy her meal, and made his way back to the dining room.

The food had been cleared away and Mairi was nowhere in sight. Frowning, he went to the bedrooms and still didn’t find any sign of her. “Mairi?”

“I’m here.”

The voice came from downstairs and he quickly made his way towards it, eventually finding Mairi in the villa’s patio, which was designed like an oasis in a desert. It had sand-colored walls, ocean-tiled floors, and an all-glass ceiling.

As for Mairi, she was right in the middle of it, seemingly busy preparing --- Damen walked closer. He raised a surprised brow. “You are preparing coffee?”

“Just the way Greeks like you want it.” Mairi was nervous, proud, and excited at the same time as she handed him a cup of steaming coffee, its aroma exquisite enough to have Damen nod in approval.

He took a sip.

And then he took another, a longer one this time. “How did you know how to prepare this kind of coffee?” Damen sounded impressed.

Mairi coughed. She couldn’t exactly let him know she had always dreamt of being a Greek billionaire’s wife and had prepared her entire life for such a role. Maybe after, when they were deliriously in love with each other, but right now?

Crossing her fingers behind her back, she said vaguely, “The Internet?” And then she let out a little shriek as Damen unexpectedly pulled her close. He kissed her, his lips tasting like coffee and passion and her toes totally curled as he pulled her harder against his body.

When Damen released Mairi, her gaze was still a little bemused. And when he smiled down at her, she smiled back dazedly. “Hi.”

He laughed. “Somehow I knew you would say that.” Not wanting to let her go completely, Damen kept an arm around her waist while lowering the cup on the table. Afterwards, he swept her up in his arms.

She gasped. “Damen!”

He mock-gasped in return. “Mairi.”

She swallowed.

He slowly shook his head.

Mairi blinked at the disapproving twist of Damen’s lips. “What did I do?”

“You swallowed,” he said seriously. “And this time I can’t let that one go. This time, you
swallow something else.”

She was still choking by the time he had carried her all the way up to the master’s bedroom on the second floor. And instead of gently laying her down on the bed, Damen surprised her once more by tossing her in the middle of it instead. She laughed as she bounced on it and she shrieked and giggled when he came diving after her.

This playful side of Damen Leventis was not something she had expected to see, but she loved it. She loved it so much because she had a really good feeling that Damen did not reveal this side of him to just anyone.

Again, he made swift work of her clothes but this time Mairi did her best to undress him as well. Her fingers fumbled a lot of times but by the time he had her completely bare, she had at least succeeded in getting his shirt off.

He started to take off his belt and pants, but she shook her head. “Let me.”

She had a cute look of perseverance on her face, looking at his lower half like it was a Sudoku puzzle for her to solve. It was a very sexy look, dammit, and it took extraordinary control for Damen to let go and allow Mairi to take over.

When she finally managed to wrestle his pants off, she immediately tossed it off the bed. She looked back at Damen, but her smile faded at the sight of his burgeoning cock under his boxers.

Oh dear.

She had somehow managed to forget that he was
exactly lacking in size.

“Mairi?” She was paler than usual for some reason.

She managed a weak smile. “That…umm…” Her gaze went back to his boxers, which was stretched tautly across his hips and thighs. “You’re…umm…”

“Say what you want to say, Mairi.”

“Well…” She coughed delicately before mumbling in Latin.

He demanded, “What do you mean you’re a virgin?”

She cried out, “How can you speak

Damen stared hard at Mairi, wondering what the fuck it meant if she was indeed a virgin like she had just said she was. From thinking he had everything planned and under his control, Damen suddenly felt like he didn’t know a goddamn thing. If Mairi was a virgin, if she was not a gold digger…

Just because she was untouched did not mean she was entirely innocent
, a snide voice intruded in his mind. Mairi could just be a lot smarter than most other women, biding her time and making sure she offered her virginity to the man who could offer the highest possible bid.

Mairi covered herself when Damen only continued to look at her, his gaze cold.

The hurt on her face made Damen curse silently. “I’m sorry,” he said roughly, pulling her into his arms. When Mairi remained stiff against him, Damen found himself pressing a kiss to her hair – a first for him, actually, since he did not do tender gestures as a rule.

Slowly, she relaxed against Damen. “I thought you’d be pleased I was a virgin,” she admitted, determined to be honest even though she was more than a little confused and hurt. In all the stories she had read, the Greek billionaire hero was supposed to be happy about his woman being a virgin. So why was Damen Leventis different?

Damen could not believe Mairi had said such words. It was as if she truly was admitting that she had deliberately kept herself pure, waiting until a man wealthy enough for her tastes would take it – for the right price.

Could she be that calculating?

But then – hadn’t his mother been just as calculating?

“I am pleased.” He paused and when he resumed speaking, his voice had hardened. “But it will only make me more possessive towards you, Mairi. Do you understand what that means?”

Her heart beat madly. Yes, she knew. It meant he was basically telling her he loved her, but like the Greek billionaires in her favorite stories, he just had some weird hang-up from his past he needed to get over. And when he did, he would realize he was in love with her---

The truth dawned on her.

Oh dear.

He would realize he was in love with her, just like she was just realizing now she had fallen in love with him…at first sight.

When she didn’t answer, he looked down at her and demanded, “Mairi?”

She smiled up at Damen, still a little overwhelmed at the realization that insta-love was indeed real. It shouldn’t be real. It didn’t make sense. But it had happened, just like it did in her favorite books, and it had happened to her.

His gaze narrowed. “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

She swallowed.

Damen stiffened. “You know what I told you about---”

Deliberately, she swallowed again.

This time, his voice came out harsh. “Do you fucking know how you’re pushing me so close to my limits? That I’m this close to---”

Mairi cupped his face.

And then she swallowed again.

Fuck it. Fuck everything. Fuck all the sensible thoughts in his head.

In a few seconds, he had his boxers off and Mairi was on her knees, looking down at his cock, which was jutting proudly and demanding her attention.

“Have you ever done this before?”

She shook her head.

Her answer had him nearly pre-ejaculating. His voice a little hoarse now, he said, “We’ll take it slow and easy then.”

“But I want to please you.”

“You will,” he promised, and nearly jerked off the bed as she suddenly held his cock in her hands.

“I’ve read a lot about this, though,” Mairi confessed as she started to stroke him while her other hand caressed his balls.

As she became more confident with her hold, her strokes becoming bolder, fingers tightening around his cock, Damen gritted out, “I can say that you’re reading the right books.”

She couldn’t help smiling at his words.

He caught her smile, which somehow made her touch even more erotic. “Was it the Kama Sutra?”

Mairi shook her head. “Nothing like that. It was…

He raised a brow. “Let me guess. Fifty Shades?”

She shook her head again, her smile becoming even more secretive and a hell of a lot sexier. “Nothing like that.”

Before he could make another guess, she had taken a deep breath and then slowly but determinedly took his cock into her mouth.


So fucking good.

The best fucking blowjob of his life.

BOOK: Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle)
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