Read Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) Online

Authors: Selena Kitt,Tawny Taylor,Ava Lore,Terry Towers,Anna Antonia,Amy Aday,Nelle L'Amour,Dez Burke,Marian Tee

Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) (117 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle)
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“You’re too good at this,” he groaned, his fingers digging into her hair.

She did not answer, her mouth working his cock like a pro even though he knew she wasn’t. But she
good – all raw talent, and Damen could only imagine how much better Mairi would be under his own tutelage.

He looked down and their eyes met.

She smiled at him, and the sight of her beautiful pink lips curving around his cock made his entire body shudder. And then she was sucking him hard, her teeth scraping deliciously against the rigid throbbing veins, her tongue licking the slit on the head of his cock---

“Enough,” he said harshly, feeling like he was about to explode.

Mairi gasped when he suddenly pulled out of her mouth, the popping sound making her blink and then blush because it was too intimate and erotic. She caught sight of Damen’s face, the glitter of desire in his eyes making her gasp.

“Damen!” She couldn’t help whispering his name.

Damen’s fingers were shaking as he took out one of the condoms from the bedside drawer. She said his name again, this time in a moan, and the sound of it caused him to struggle with sheathing himself.

In a moment, he was back with her on the bed, with Damen’s powerful form on top of hers. His hand slipped between their bodies, teasing her already wet folds. It surprised her, how wet she had gotten just by loving his cock with her mouth. She whimpered when his one – two – fingers penetrated her pussy.

The foreign sensation of fullness between her legs made her moan and sigh, her body tossing and turning under him.

Every little wriggle Mairi did only inflamed his senses. Unable to help it, he dipped down to take her nipple into his mouth, sucking hard and matching the rhythm of his fingers. He kept the thrusts steady, deepening his possession with every instance he dipped his fingers back into her warmth, making sure to prepare her for the entry of his cock.


The way she moaned his name told him she was finally ready and he reluctantly released her nipple as he straightened over her. He pulled his fingers out of her, making her cry out.

“I’ll give you something better in a second,” he promised hoarsely as he held his cock and guided it towards the moist entry of her core. Damen rubbed the head of his cock against the folds, pushing it in slowly, inch by inch.

Her next moan was his cue and without any warning he slid inside, pushing his cock deep inside Mairi until he felt her barrier giving in. She was indescribably tight, the sensation like nothing he had ever experienced. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead as he leaned heavily on his arms, making sure he did not push harder into her while Mairi’s body adjusted to having him inside her.

There were no words to perfectly describe the way it felt to have Damen inside her, his cock pulsing like a force of its own between her legs. She could feel him trembling on top of her, doing his best not to move.

“How do you feel?” His voice was tight.

Mairi bit her lip and instead of answering, she tried moving her hips under him slowly. Damen automatically adjusted, his cock withdrawing then slipping back in a few inches.

She gasped.

He stiffened. “Does it hurt?”

Mairi shook her head. “No.” She lifted her head, looking at him with eyes cloudy with need for him. “It was…” Her voice was filled with wonder as her hands slowly moved to clutch his shoulders. “It felt wonderful.”

Her words giving him encouragement, Damen tried moving again, this time withdrawing halfway before sinking back in leisurely. As he did, her inner muscles tightened around his cock like a seductive vise and Damen groaned as a wave of lust washed over his body.

Mairi’s legs wrapped around his hips. “Damen?”

“Yes,” he growled, knowing what Mairi needed. He began to move then, using slow but steady strokes at the beginning. When she began to whimper, her nails digging into his back, Damen moved faster, hips pumping hard as his cock plowed into her again and again, like a honey pot he could never stop dipping into.

Her moist warmth enveloped his cock in a pool of pleasure, intensifying his craving for her delectable body. Gripping her hair, he pulled her head up so their lips could meet. He kissed her, tongue thrusting in the same time his cock pistoned back into her pussy.

She moaned against Damen’s lips, her arms curling around his neck. She held on to him as he rammed into her, her body molding to him as it strained to take more and more of his cock. Every thrust sent her reeling and gasping, his engorged cock making her feel so unbelievably filled by him that everything in the world but Damen simply melted away.

Her head fell against the pillows when he released her mouth and as he thrust harder and faster into her, Mairi could only whisper his name again and again.

The sounds were pitched higher now, more like keening, and it told Damen that Mairi’s orgasm was fast approaching. Cupping her buttocks with one hand, he lifted her up so she could meet his thrusts head on.

“Look at me,” he commanded.

Dizzy with pleasure, Mairi took more than a moment before she could do as he said. His beautiful face was taut with desire and a deep unquenchable passion glittered in his gaze.

“I want to see your face as I make you climax.” He started flicking her clitoris and he was immediately gifted with Mairi’s involuntary shudder just as a moan erupted from her.

Oh, those fingers of his were creating such havoc on her senses. Her hips started to shake and so did her legs, and it was all she could do not to lose control and just fly.

“Do you understand what I need you to do, Mairi?”

“Yes.” She sobbed the word out, mindless with need, her hips moving up instinctively now to meet his every thrust.

“Then do it. Give it to me!” He pinched her clitoris as he sank the entire length of his cock into her, pushing as hard as he could that it was almost as if he had brushed against her very womb.

Mairi screamed, her gaze locked with his as a form of pleasure so dazzling took over her entire world. Her body trembled violently at the strength of her orgasm, and moments later she dimly heard Damen shout. His body jerked above her as he came, and his thrusts took on a feral quality, triggering a second wave of pleasure inside her.

Euphoria, heavy and satisfying, settled on him as the last of his come spilled into the condom sheathing his cock. Damen pulled out carefully and a dark primitive sense of triumph filled him when he saw the faint marks of blood on Mairi’s inner thighs. She had been a virgin, and now she was his, with her body knowing only his touch and no other man’s. And if Damen had his way, it would stay like that until their passion ran its course.

He looked down at Mairi, whose eyes had drifted shut, her face peaceful as she slowly slipped into an exhausted slumber. He touched her lips and she sighed. “I love you,” Mairi mumbled without opening her eyes.

Damen snatched his fingers away, the tender light in his eyes dying at her words.

Even in her sleep, she still lied.

Love did not exist, and the sooner he could make her realize that she would never fool him into believing it, the better it would be for both of them.




Lesson 7

To catch a Greek billionaire, you must be prepared to fight for him.

He said: With other women you mean?

She said: No, with their mothers.


Mairi woke in Damen’s arms, her body cushioned against his naked chest while they were both snuggled under the covers. When their eyes met, she opened her mouth to speak, but he beat her to it.


She choked on her laughter. “Hi.”

He answered with a devastating smile but didn’t say anything else, content to simply gaze at her as he stroked her hair and caressed her cheek, his fingers occasionally drifting down to draw lazy shapes on the upper swell of her breasts.

She said slowly, “I love you, you know.”

He nodded. “I know.”

Mairi tried not to roll her eyes. Sometimes, he really was too much like the Greek billionaires she read about, the way he kept himself in a state of denial about his feelings for her. She was about to ask him if someone had hurt him in the past, but something interrupted her.

Damen’s fingers stilled.

And then---

There it was again.

Her stomach – growling.

“I’m going to call for room service.”

She caught his arm just before he could start dialing. “There’s no need,” Mairi told him. “I can prepare something for myself as long as the kitchen’s fully stocked.”

“It is.”

She beamed. “Good.” She gently pulled away from Damen. “Would you like me to prepare something for you, too? Maybe a sandwich or salad?”

“Sandwich, I suppose.” He looked at her blandly even as his eyes gleamed wickedly. “I developed an appetite after fucking---”

Mairi nearly stumbled out of the bed in her haste to get away. “I’ll go get the sandwich now.” Dirty talk while making love, she could handle. But dirty talk when they were not making love still easily made her blush.

Slipping into Damen’s shirt after asking for his permission, Mairi rushed downstairs and found the entire floor empty. After playing with several light switches, she finally found the right combination that would light her way to the kitchen.

The doorbell for the main entrance started to ring by the time she finished slicing some bread and cheese. Walking towards it, she tiptoed to look through the peephole and saw a glamorous older woman waiting impatiently outside. She recognized the face immediately. Unlike her son, Esther Leventis was frequently photographed for the society pages.

Mairi’s fingers hovered over the doorknob – should she open the door herself or get Damen to do it? But what if Esther found out that Mairi had made her wait?

The doorbell rang again, making Mairi jump. Oh drat. Here goes nothing, Mairi thought, taking several deep breaths before reaching out to open the door and then hiding immediately behind it. She tried her best to flatten herself against the wall as she heard the sharp clicking of stilettos on the marbled floor.

?” The voice had a very strong Greek accent with an imperious tone to it.
was a woman who sounded like she was better suited dressed in Spandex and leather than silks and furs.

The door swung shut, leaving her completely exposed. Shiiii---

Esther Leventis spun around at the sound and immediately saw the young woman positioned against the wall like a scarecrow. In seconds, she zeroed in on several key facts about the stranger in her son’s villa.

She looked exactly the type to attract Damen, she was obviously young, gauche, and innocent, and most importantly, the fact that she was wearing a man’s shirt meant she had just come from Damen’s bed.

Esther thought with a lift of her chin.

Mairi felt like shrinking to nothing at the way Damen’s mother gazed at her. She opened her mouth to say something in her defense, but what could she say? Greek mothers were either terribly protective or possessive of their sons. Either way, things just did not look good for her.

“Where is my son?”

“I’ll call him right now---”

Esther raised a hand, stopping Mairi in her tracks. “I appreciate the offer, but no, your assistance is unnecessary. You may go now. I assure you that I have much to talk about with my son regarding his betrothal. He will not have much time for you.”

The woman still did not move.

She raised a brow, demanding impatiently, “

Mairi couldn’t get any part of her body to work. Her lips felt numb, her heart was crushed, and her mind had totally snapped. Had Esther Leventis said…

“Mother?” Damen appeared at the foot of the stairs, a stunned look on his gorgeous face. Dressed only in cotton slacks and nothing else, he looked like he had just stepped off an ad for a beach resort.

He also had a raging hard on, patently made obvious by the thinness of his slacks.

Esther’s lips tightened at the sight and turned her head away. “Go and change into something proper.”

  Ignoring his mother completely, he strode to Mairi, who was alarmingly pale and vulnerable. “Mairi? Are you okay?” He tipped her face up, and something inside of him twisted painfully at the sight of the unshed tears in her eyes. What the hell had Esther told her to make her want to cry?

Mairi forced a smile. “I’m fine. I think I better dress first.” She didn’t wait for his answer and simply walked towards the stairs, keeping her back straight. She gave Esther a respectful nod, but the older woman didn’t even spare her a glance. Then again, Mairi didn’t expect her to – not if what she said was true.


Surely it couldn’t be. Or maybe it was – but not anymore and Damen would tell his mother now that he would have to break it off. Mairi had reached the second flight of stairs when she heard it – Esther’s raised voice and Damen’s biting tone.

She stilled, torn between minding her own business – like she should – and risking getting caught eavesdropping to find out the truth – like she also should.

“Don’t talk about her like that!”

Mairi made an about face. She was definitely
minding her own business. That was just another term for being selfish and ignorant of other people’s needs anyway. She was just being her caring self by wanting to play mediator between mother and son if their argument escalated.

Tiptoeing her way down the staircase, Mairi peeked from behind the midsection post of the balustrade and saw that Damen and Esther had already moved out of the hallway. She ran down the rest of the stairs and she only heard the muted sounds of their voices by the time she reached Damen’s study.

She pressed her ear to the door.

Esther released a scoffing laugh. “You are seriously reprimanding me for the way I treated your slut?”

A thousand ways to counter her words raced in Damen’s mind. It never failed to amaze and disgust him the way Esther could act like a self-righteous bitch when everyone in Greek society knew the truth about her.

But at the end of it all, Esther was his mother and honor and duty both demanded that he treated her with respect, or at the very least civility. However, although he could not and would not publicly disavow her, that did not mean he would follow the same rule in private.

He was the sole reason their fortune was still intact even after the scandal Esther and his father were embroiled in. It would not do her any good to forget that.

Esther began to feel unnerved at the way her son continued to stare at her so coldly. Why oh why couldn’t he be as biddable and as easily manipulated as his sister? Her life would have been so much more different if he was.

When Damen still did not say anything, she said defensively, “You cannot blame me for thinking she’s your slut! She’s here, alone in a man’s home and wearing your clothes. What do you think the Kokinis would say if the paparazzi manage to take a photo of the two of you and it’s printed for the world to see?”

“I will say this one last time, Mother. You are not to call or think of her as a slut. If you do, then you will regret the consequences.”

Fury made her grip the handles of her designer handbag tightly, the only thing she could do to keep herself from giving Damen a much deserved slap the way she had been able to when he was young. But of course she could not do that anymore. It wasn’t just because he was a grown man. Damen also happened to control the purse strings, and in her world, that man was god.

“Why did you come here?”

“The Kokinis want to meet tonight instead of next week.”


Esther swallowed. “I have already accepted the invitation and told them you are eager to meet with them as well.” She tried not to flinch when Damen cursed. “It will be the height of discourtesy if you cancel at such late notice---” 

Damen laughed bitterly. “You dare lecture me on manners?”

Esther colored at the pointed barb. Pretending she did not hear his words, she continued, “The Kokinis want to set a date for the wedding and I agree. The girl has waited long enough – she would be a laughingstock if you keep her dangling.”

“She is only twenty.”

“But you have been her betrothed since she was fifteen.”



BOOK: Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle)
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