Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (142 page)

Read Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels Online

Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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“Mister Thompson asked if your question got popped. I heard my aunt say that when she got her husband. She said he popped her question.”

Darren covered his laugh with a cough. “Popped
question, Jordan. Not her. The.”

The boy’s brow furrowed, but before he could retort, one of the other children gave a loud squeal, dropped her bean shaker and ran for the front window. “Look! It’s a limo! Like the movie stars drive!” She plastered her face against the glass.

All the other kids abandoned their instruments to crowd against the window and ooh at the car too. “Miss Sophie, is that your husband?”

Henry stepped out of the limo, looking handsome in a pale grey suit with a powder blue button-down. He wasn’t wearing a tie and the top few buttons of his shirt were undone. He took Sophie’s breath away, still.

“That’s my
, yes.” And didn’t that sound surreal enough. Husband? Her stomach swooped like a bird of prey inside her.

Darren nudged her with an elbow. “You sure it’s just ‘boyfriend’?” She bumped him with her shoulder.

“Call me if you need me. Don’t forget.”

“I won’t. Now go. Have fun!”

Henry was waving to the children when Sophie caught his eye. His grin was broad and handsome, the dimple in his cheek deep and his gaze molten on her. He beckoned her out.

She brushed a quick kiss on Darren’s cheek and hurried out to meet him.

“I missed you.” She’d just seen him this morning, but that didn’t make it not true.

“I missed you, too, Miss Becker.” His hand stroked the small of her back as he bent to brush his lips over her briefly. “Are you ready to fly away to Switzerland with me? You sure you’re going to be able to handle all the boring business stuff I’ve got to do?”

He held open the car door, his hand extended palm up to help her in. Sophie laid her fingers in his, shivering at the tingle of warmth the touch sent singing up her arm.

“I’m ready for whatever you’ve got planned, mister.”

Henry’s eyes glinted, his lips twitching. “That’s very good to hear.”

Sophie kissed him, pressing her mouth to his and flicking her tongue quickly inside before bending and sliding into the limo. Henry gave a low growl of warning as he tossed a wave over his shoulder to Darren and the children.

“Watch it, dolce. You’ll get me riled.” He slid into the seat beside her, grinning.

“And that’s a bad thing?” Sophie fluttered her lashes at him in mock innocence.

He tugged her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Not bad, no. I just want to take my time.”

“How much time do we have?”

Henry nuzzled her throat. “As far as I’m concerned? All the time in the world.”

Sophie chuckled, reaching over to the center console and flipping a switch. The zing of music filled the limo. Grinning, she reached for the buttons of Henry’s shirt. “Hey, Henry?” He inhaled a small breath as she tugged open a button and touched his chest.

“Yes, Sophie?”

She slipped her hand into his shirt, pressing her palm over his heart, her mouth a wide curve of delight.

“Want to dance?”

His arms tightened around her. Sophie kissed him, swallowing his laughter.

The End


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The Surrender Series Character Interview #2

A character interview from Priscilla West’s highly anticipated Surrender Series!


Vincent, thank you for agreeing to the interview. How are you today?

I’m great. Just got back from Cape Town, South Africa. Good business. Even better pleasure.

Let’s talk about that. Pleasure. What pleases you Mr. Sorenson?

*grins* I met an interesting person on my trip. Someone daring. Brave. Exciting. Smart--but also dumb enough to pinch my nipple in the middle of a business meeting. She was trying to win me as a client for her wealth management firm. Needless to say, she left an impression on me but probably not the one she intended. I’m looking forward to a follow-up meeting. Just with her--without her partner there.

Can I pinch your nipple?

Not on the first interview. *winks*

Shucks. So what else pleases you?

Surfing, bungee jumping, cliff diving, anything that gives me a thrill. Anything that makes my blood rush to all the right places. Know what I mean?

Sounds crazy. Especially for someone with your status. CEO. Billionaire. If you don’t mind me saying.

With risk, comes reward. There’s a thin line between ‘risky’ and ‘irresponsible’ just as there is for ‘confidence’ and ‘arrogance’. I like to ride that line as close as I can without crossing over. I’ve heard other CEOs say they believe in ‘Work hard. Play hard.’ But I don’t believe in that. I mix work and play. That’s what makes me and my company so successful.

Mixing business with pleasure.

*smiles wickedly* You took the words from my lips.

Well I have a lot more questions but I really feel I need a drink of water and a hot bath right now. Would you be interested in doing more interviews in the future?

It would be my pleasure.

Reviews for the Surrender Series (4.5 out of 5 stars on
“I can’t wait for the next book in the series. Very steamy, hot scenes between Vincent and Kristen.”

Forbidden Surrender (Book One) – Available Now!

Secret Surrender (Book Two) – Available Now!

Beautiful Surrender (Final Book) – Release Date: November 4
, 2013

Click the links above to meet the deliciously sexy Vincent Sorenson.

He’s waiting for you…

His Every Touch

by Harriet Lovelace

Courtney Bell thought she was going to have it all. A recent graduate with an MBA from Stanford and a job offer to the prestigious Asgard Corporation--the world was going to be her oyster. But years later, she's still stuck in the same entry-level position she started in. Dissatisfied with corporate culture and office politics, she walks into her annual performance review expecting to be turned down again for a promotion. What she doesn't expect is that her reviewer is the CEO, Vance Forster, and his plans for her extend far beyond a simple promotion...

*Warning: This novel contains explicit BDSM scenes. It is written for adults only.

Sign up for Priscilla West’s mailing to find out about when the next boxed set will be released!

Part One


She wasn't entirely sure how she'd gotten herself into this position. Palms flat against the top of his desk, the only sound in the office that of their breathing – his even and controlled, hers shallow and quick. The anticipation curled in her belly, heat spreading through her cells as she waited for what he'd do next. When her day began, she'd never imagined that she'd end it like this...



Twenty-seven year-old Courtney Bell hated her job. She'd started at the Asgard Corporation shortly after she graduated from college, full of ideas about how she was going to change the world. Sure, she'd started in a low-paying entry level position, something more suited to someone with a basic accounting degree rather than someone with an MBA from Stanford – a summa cum laude graduate, no less. But she'd assumed she'd move up quickly, get into positions that would allow her more control over what projects the company invested in. She'd dreamed of some big project – just what she never entirely envisioned – that would lead to her meeting the man of her dreams. After a whirlwind romance, during which he'd shower her with lavish gifts and drive other women mad with jealousy, they'd have a huge wedding and then move into the perfect house – white picket fence optional. Instead, she found herself worn down by the nattering of interoffice politics, the currying for favor and basic ass-kissing. Now it was just a paycheck. She did what she needed to do to get by and that was it. After all, what was the point of trying when it was more about tits and cock – if you had one or were willing to suck one – than about actual qualifications?

Speaking of which
, Courtney thought as she scowled at her reflection in the shiny metal of the elevator doors. She hated these annual reviews. They were always the same. Some big-wig, usually a man, sat across some obscenely expensive desk and judged everything she'd done in the past year. Or, at least that's what they said they were doing. The lecherous eyes that ran from her sensible pumps to her tastefully modest business suit conveyed a different story. It wasn't that she was ugly, she knew, just average looking. If she'd tried a little harder, maybe wore her ash blond waves down around her shoulders rather than back in a clip, used more makeup to accentuate her dark gray eyes and full lips, maybe she'd have more luck. Maybe if she wore a shorter skirt or a tighter, lower-cut shirt to show off her curves, maybe that would get some attention. Instead, she wanted her work to speak for itself and, unfortunately, it didn't shout louder than the buxom brunette with her tits hanging out. So Krissy and Shannon and Cindy and dozens like them got the promotions that didn't go to men.

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