Billionaire Stepbrother - Secret Lives (19 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Stepbrother - Secret Lives
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Chapter 36


Cynthia put her book down next to her on Dante’s bed and began to flip through channels before finally landing on the news. Sometimes she felt guilty for not being in the know. Then Dante came out of the shower in nothing but a towel, begging her to tear her eyes off the television again. “Wow, I’m still getting used to having a hot woman in my bed at all hours of the day,” he said, coming around to kiss her with a still dripping wet face. She squealed and playfully batted him away.


“Well, if you want me to go back home, I can,” she teased. She had been practically living there for a week, only leaving to switch out clothes or grab other items she might want. She was pretty sure she was just going to move in with him officially at the end of her lease.


“Hell no. I like being able to reach over and grab you whenever I want.” He gave a predatory look, hopping over her in the bed and landing on the other side with his hand on her bare leg. She had been lounging around in his tee shirts and shorts whenever she got the chance too. It was somehow more comfortable than her own clothes and made her feel like she belonged somewhere.


He dived down and began kissing at her neck, trying to get her going, but they both froze as a news story came on the television mentioning Essential Steel. Cynthia plucked up the remote and turned the volume up, her eyes growing as big as saucers. He had finally come out to the company as the true owner, and everything seemed to be quiet with Winslow and the MC. What could possibly be going on?


She listened closely as the news reporter spoke. “Essential Steel is a successful company about eleven years old. It has reached over a billion dollar valuation by expanding to offer services to clients overseas, but along with its success has come some great controversy. Citing personal reasons, the CEO has resigned amidst rumors that he was actually fired for misconduct. A few weeks after that, it came out that he was only a figurehead to begin with. The true owner and president is a man named Dante Cross. Previously, he was just thought to be another employee. An anonymous source has provided us with a little information on this man, but we cannot confirm nor deny it.”


“Well fuck,” Dante said under his breath as the new reporter went on. Cynthia felt a sudden chill in the room. Just when they thought their enemies were silenced, a new one was coming out with info on Dante.


“The source says that Mr. Cross has a pretty sketchy background. After leaving home at a young age, he got involved in a notorious motorcycle gang known as the Devil’s Pirates.  For a while, they terrorized Detroit with their illegal activity. Not too long after Essential Steel started becoming a success, he was promoted within that organization, becoming the president of the gang.” Cynthia scrambled for the remote and shut the television off, as if doing so could shut the whole thing out of their mind. But as the phone began ringing, she knew there was no escaping it this time.


“Who do you think did this, Dante? What are we going to do?” She looked to him to see that he was awfully calm as the phone kept ringing off the hook. It was probably reporters calling for a statement. For all she knew there would be camera crews waiting for them to leave in the morning as well.


“Honestly, Cynthia, I think we need to remain calm about this, and I couldn’t care less about who did this. It could be anyone. It could be the damn janitor for all we know. There’s nothing we can do about it now. We’ll do damage control tomorrow, but right now, I just want to be with you. I am sure I can get through this as long as I have you by my side.”


Cynthia felt a calm come over her too, and she looked down at his fingers playing with the white gold pearl ring that was sitting on her left hand with an absent look on his face. She had a feeling she knew what he was thinking about. She smiled up at him and gave him a loving kiss on the lips. “You’re right. We should be fine as long as we have each other. We’ll weather this storm together, whatever it brings. Who knows, you could set the standard for biker bad asses everywhere.” They laughed, and he wrapped his fingers between hers causing the ring to press an indention into her skin; it was a feeling she still wasn’t quite used to. But she figured she’d have quite a few years to acclimate to the feeling.


She let herself go limp as he pulled her up on top of him, sinking down into the bed. She grinded up against him, feeling him grow underneath the damp towel he had wrapped around his middle. There was nothing but that and the shorts in between them. He took her finger into his mouth and began to suck on it, causing her to bite her lip.


“You know, I think I’m going to like getting to do stuff like this with you every night,” she confessed with a grin as she tried to ignore the pleasure his mouth was bringing to her skin.


“I second that,” Dante responded, taking her finger out of his mouth.


“I love you,” she told him, matter-of-factly.”


“I love you too, Cynthia.”


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