Bind Me Close: 3 (Knights in Black Leather) (17 page)

BOOK: Bind Me Close: 3 (Knights in Black Leather)
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Giles lifted both her breasts, the fullness turning his
knees to water. He cupped her nipples, the skin soft as chiffon. Were they red,
pink? He’d know soon.

He thrust a leg between her own, the better to support them
both, as he sank an open palm down her ribs. She was tight. Her skin growing
hotter. Flicking open the button to her jeans, he sent his hand down to her hip
and her mound. Christ. She wore no panties. And she was smooth, shaven. All the
better to eat.

“Shall I stroke your clit?”

“Yes,” she said, her voice high and tight.

He did it for her, and god, was she slick and engorged.

“What’s your favorite part of making love?”

She inhaled and seemed to lose herself in whatever her
answer would be. “Oh, Giles, I like it all. Being pampered, stroked, eaten.
Especially eaten.”

As she spoke he drifted his hand down to invade her slit.
She was so wet she was dripping with want. “And has a man ever had your ass?”

“No. Are you going to?”

He kissed her neck. “I’ll prep you so that I can eventually.
Wouldn’t want to tear you or cause you hurt.”

“Why do men fuck like that?”

“Because a woman is so tight. Because when she’s
well-prepared one man can have her there and a second can have her pussy.”

She shivered.

Oh, baby, you re so sweet.
“Do you give a good
blowjob, darlin’?”

She tried to turn, but he clamped her close and wouldn’t let
her. “I do. Will you let me give one to you?”

“If that pleases you, yes. But only after I’ve had you my
way. All my ways.”

“You have to tell me.”

“In this succulent swollen pussy.” He sent two fingers up
inside her juicy cunt to demonstrate. “Standing, sitting, from behind. Then if
you’re able, in your ass.”

She struggled then to be loose of his arms and he let her
go. She faced him and threw him a seductive smile. Caught in his need for her,
tangled in her own desires for him.

He was rewarded at once with the sight of her hand to her
jeans, and she faced him and let the denim fall. The sight of her naked took
his breath.

He worked at words. Shook his head. If this was déjà vu, if
he was—what?—genetically reliving or compensating for any part of his
ancestor’s failure to have her ancestor, to make love to Willow Talks, then he
knew he was paying a heavy price for a karma he had never believed in.

She was so much woman. Big and strong, generously curved but
captivating in her sinuous grace.

“You like me,” she whispered, pleased and surprised, a
kitten in her joy.

“You can’t imagine, darlin’, how much I do. Walk around the

“You don’t want to fu—make love to me?” She sounded as if
she were pleading for a treat. “I want to make love to you.”

“I…I need a minute to absorb how damn beautiful you are.
Walk. Over there.”

She did. And the muscular play of her legs and her buttocks,
the way she swung her long arms and swished her midnight hair nearly sent him
to his knees. He walked to the cabinets and took out a box of rubbers. He’d use
every one if she let him. Extracting a packet, he dropped the box to the floor.

“Come here, darlin’, right here.” He opened his arms and she
walked right inside. “Your skin is like a furnace.”

She lifted a brow. “So are parts of you. Can I undress you?”

He laughed, hugged her and bracing his hands on her hips, he
sank before her. There he kissed her navel and nudged her thighs apart. With
gentle fingers he pushed apart her labia and inhaled the heavy musk of her
desire for him. She glistened with her juices. And he put his lips to hers and
sucked her into his mouth.

God almighty, she was his every dream. Wet and moaning, she
clutched his shoulder and bucked. “You can’t have me standing. I can’t come
this way. I’ll fall!”

He didn’t care. He grabbed her around the knees and ate his
fill. God, she was gorgeous and giving and his.

She screamed his name, her hips bucking while he stuck his
tongue inside her and felt her palpitations of ecstasy. He needed more. With
two fingers up her cunt he got her G-spot. She was sagging, beating his
shoulder. He had to have more.

She drifted down and spread herself on the floor tiles.
Flowing over her, he went for her sweet pussy again. This time he would milk
her and then he would let her milk him.

She whimpered. “Let me have you. Put your cock inside me,
please,” she moaned as she came once again.

He found her clit and pinched and played. She beat his
chest. He laughed lightly and licked her nub, sucking on it, pulling until she
shouted and came again.

This was the way he needed her. Flush from a fresh new
orgasm. Her mouth parted, her eyes dreamy, her voice wild.

Then he stood up. With half-lidded eyes she watched him like
a hawk and beckoned him with one hand.

Smiling at the lover he had always wanted—compliant, happy,
multi-orgasmic and free of old strictures—he shucked off his clothes and
returned to her. This time, as he bent over her, he settled his hands under her
ass cheeks, laved her to distraction and brought her to a climax one more time.
Then he sank his turgid cock inside her tight, tight cunt and fucked her.

God help him. He fucked her. Hard, fast, screaming his own
delight, he rammed her, merciless.

She shouted out her own madness, cupping her breasts and
tweaking her nipples with the force of her climax and moaning how good he was.

Proud he had done her right he picked her up and walked down
the steps into the pool with her. “Let me wash you and then we’ll do this all

“Ohhh, no. I have to go home, Giles,” she said as she clung
to him, her voice hollow with sexual exhaustion. “The town. I don’t want people
to think I’m—”

He cupped her chin and kissed her lavishly. “I’ll take you
home in a few hours. Before sunup. You’re here and mine. I’ll make love to you
again and then I’ll take you home to sleep in your own bed.” He combed her hair
back from her face and admired her gorgeous bone structure and her strength of
will. “I hate to give you up but you and I are going to do this again.”

She cuddled him close, avoiding looking at him.

Christ, Wade had gotten to her.
Before me.
clutched her close. How could he keep her? Did he have a chance against Wade?
Or was he doomed to fail? With his hands stroking her nipples and her belly he
tried to draw her to him but she buried her face in the hollow of his throat.
He wanted to scream, cry.

She sniffed and pulled away, calm in her features. “Before I
go you must show me the picture of Willow Talks.”

“Sure. Have to give you what you came for.” He grinned.
“Aside from me and good lovin’.”

She hugged him, her smile genuinely pleased with him and
herself. When she looked at it would she see what he knew about the portrait?

Having held her and made love to her he did have a woo-woo
experience and he understood now why that photograph, ragged and brown and
faded as it was, had meant so much to the Benedicts. That was the woman who had
changed so many of their lives. Willow was her spitting image.

He wondered if he continued with her, if she might change
his own.


Chapter Eleven


Giles drove her home before dawn. She crawled into her bed,
naked and sighing, and fell deep asleep. At ten she was up in a flash, darting
for the shower and all the things she had to do.

Avoiding the image of Wade at the Two Step she told herself
she’d figure out what she must decide about the two men in her life…later.
Never had she been so head over heels for one man and at the same time
delighted by a second. She didn’t think she was fooling herself about her
regard for both men. Yet never in her life had she enjoyed herself more with
two different men. If she yearned for Wade more than Giles she put that down to
Wade’s way with words and constant caresses. But his churlishness turned her
off. Hell with him and his bad humors.

She had work to do. And she was not going to go mooning
after the local sheriff like some silly star-struck schoolgirl.

Yet that afternoon, as she waded through the historical
records in the Bravado County Library, she forced herself time and again to
read the words, focus on her facts and figures.

By two o’clock she was done fighting with herself. She
returned the boxes and record books to the librarian, said her thanks and
headed her car to her B&B.

* * * * *

“You need to go home.” Wade’s deputy Chet Harris leaned over
him and hit the button to turn off his computer. “You have been looking at the
blank screen for more than half an hour. Either go get some sleep or go shoot a
rabbit, will ya?”

“Smart-ass,” Wade shot back.

“Takes one to know one. Go home. Bite what’s eating you. You
sure are not getting anything done here.”

“The paperwork on that stolen car?”

“Yeah. I told you I took care of that. Sent it over to the
B&B for Miz Turner to give to her insurance company. All set.”

Wade ran a hand through his hair. Looked out the window and
blinked at the sun blazing over the line of the far hills. “Thanks.”

“Yeah. Take a powder.”

Wish I could. Not so easy to solve my issues with Willow.
Issues, plural. Such as how he could make it up to her for barking at her. So
she had gone out with Giles? What of it? He and she had partied and he had no
permanent claim on her. But he wanted one. Damn it to hell he needed one. He
glanced at his young deputy. “I could fire you, you realize?”

“Yeah. Tomorrow, Sheriff. I sure am ready. But until you get
your head screwed on straight I am running this office. Scram!”

Wade got up, reached for his Stetson and searched mightily
for some of his dignity. “You call me if anything pops.”

“Would I handle it on my own? I would and I will. At the
moment you couldn’t help a little old lady across the street.”

Wade pointed his hat at the upstart. “Your ass is definitely

“Good. I could use a vacation.”

Wade grumbled and strode to the door. “I’m leaving.”

“Hot damn,” the guy mumbled and waved bye-bye, eyes on his
own computer screen.

Wade shut the door with a thud. “Last time I rehire a
sergeant straight out of Afghanistan.”

He loped to his truck, swung in and fired up the ignition.
Damn if he wouldn’t go home and rest. He needed time off from…wanting Willow

He pounded the steering wheel with his fist. “Fuck it. No
time like the present to go have a drink.”

Minutes later he walked into the private digs of the Bravado
Club, minus his hat, his badge and his gun. No authority needed here other than
the dungeon master’s. No violence here at all ever. He wanted a stiff drink and
a friendly face.

“Hey, Wade.” Jed MacRae came around the edge of the U-shaped
bar. Two other men sat at the opposite end, talking with a woman Wade didn’t
know. Floor-to-ceiling glass and subtle lighting had him looking at himself and
noticing the shadows under his eyes. He was happy for the diversion to say
hello to Jed.


“And branch. Make it a double.”

Jed dug in the well for the bottle. “Tough day?”

“Mmm, you could say.” He drummed his fingers on the black
granite, impatient to be rid of his problem, knowing liquor was not the cure.

“Glad you came the other night.”

Wade blinked at him. Then he realized with a start that Jed
was not talking about climaxing with Willow Turner in his nice, broad bed but
about his appearance at their party for her. “Yeah. Fun.”

“You wouldn’t shit me now, would you?” Jed set a crystal
glass before him and arched his brows.

“Could I?”

“Maybe some other day. Right now you look like hell. Want to

“Do I have to?”

“Your call.” Jed turned.

Jed was a step away when Wade thought better of it. “Hey.
Wait. I did come looking for a shoulder to cry on.”

“So hurry up.” Jed tipped his head toward the three at the
other end of the bar. “These folks want to do some business.”

“I don’t know the men.”

“New members. They own a computer-based buying service.
Moved it here from Vegas. Nice guys. I’ll introduce you but at the moment
they’re busy.”

“I see that. They want a room?”

“So they say.”

“Who is she?”

“From Compton. Comes in only during weekday afternoons. I
told her she’d meet a lot more of our members at night but she says she can’t
come then.”

Wade looked her over. Liked her smile, her laugh. The fact
that she wore little makeup. “No collar on her.”

“Up for claiming.”

Wade took a swallow of his drink. A brunette with
sun-streaked blonde highlights, she was petite with an oval face and small
tits. Not his type. Not anymore. “Nice-looking.”

“Seems like she knows what she’s shopping for.”

“Yeah. What’s that?”

“She likes to try out two men at a time. She even has a
formula. One dark. One blond and buff.”

“That’s a kink I’ve not heard of.”

Jed shrugged. “Everyone’s got a wrinkle they need to iron
now and then. Hers? Well, whatever it is, these two fit her bill. Of course, a
man has to like that sort of thing.”

“In a big way,” Wade agreed.

“Not interested?”

“Not with her. Not with another man.” Wade skewered him with
a hard look. “You know I’m not.”

“That was long ago, Wade.”

He downed another swallow. “Some things make an impression
on you and you don’t forget.”

Jed polished the granite. “So how are you taking the fact
that Willow went out with Giles Benedict last night?”

“Did you have to ask?”

“I hate guessing games.”

“As dungeon master is there anything you don’t know?”

“Some.” Jed lifted his chin. “Need a refill?”

“Hit me.” He waited until Jed topped off his glass before he
said, “Does everyone in town know I’m pissed?”

“Maybe just everyone who saw you at the Two Step last

“What about Giles?”

“He hasn’t been in. So I can’t say. Would it bother you if
he did know?”

Wade glanced away, catching a glimpse of how the two men paid
attention to the young woman. One man had his hand on her arm, the other joked
with her. Her full lips parted as she gave up a husky belly laugh and then she
cast appreciative eyes on the man holding her hand. Eyes like that…

Wade snapped himself to attention. “I have a problem with
Willow. She wants…that.”

Jed followed Wade’s gaze and for some reason Wade noted Jed
wasn’t surprised. “And what’s wrong with that?”

Wade shifted, trying not to watch the trio at the bar. His
balls ached. His cock twitched. Man, his whole body yearned and needed Willow
Turner to look like that for him. Again. “I don’t believe in sharing.”

“I’m not asking about your religion.”

“Funny,” Wade said, tipping his glass at him. “Sharing a
woman creates problems. Mixed emotions. Affections that get out of hand. One
wants this. The other wants that. And then the third one wants something
entirely different.”

“Ever think it could be exciting?”

“You outta know.” Wade grimaced. “Don’t take that wrong. You
get to choose what you want and you and your brothers have chosen well with

“We treat her right. We love her and she loves us back. Our
foursome could not be better.”

“That kind of love is rare. And you have to be up for it.
Literally. She has to handle it well too.”

“Cara knew what she was getting into. She grew up here. We
four knew each other when she was a kid, although I have to add we never
approached her. She was too young for us then and we three thought we’d always
want the ordinary.”

“Each of you have your own wife, you mean.”

Jed nodded once. “But we saw her when she returned and we
figured we’d see if she might be interested in one or all of us. Took our time.
Didn’t want to scare her and run her off.”

“Women can get skittish.”

“Yeah. Especially when we’re talking not one man or two men
but three for one lady.”

“You boys have big hearts to make that happen for all of

“Cara is the one with the big heart. She’ll tell you she
loves three men. That’s a lot of woman who can do that.”

“That’s a big man who can love a woman enough to let her—”

“What? Finish your thought, Wade.” Jed stared at him,
challenging him to fess up to his subconscious thoughts.

“Look here. I’m not fixing for an argument.”

“None intended here either. Finish your statement. It’s a
big man who can love a woman enough to let her…roam? Fuck another man? Take two
men at the same time? What?”

“You’re out to strip me of my dignity, MacRae.”

“Hell I am. You came for a drink and advice. I’m here to
serve you up some logic.”

“Swell. Think I’ll pass.” Wade downed his drink and put his
feet to the floor.

“You leave before I’ve said my piece, then you don’t learn.
And you don’t win.”

“I’m fine the way I am.”

“If you were so sure about that you would not have come here
to see me today.”

Wade stared at his life-long friend. Not one to turn tail
and run from a challenge, Wade knew he better get his gumption up now or he’d
never have a clue what to change or how. Worse, he’d never win what he wanted.
“What’s your pearl of wisdom?”

“You want this woman?”

“I do.”

“For however long that is you have to overcome your

“Giles is a sweet-talking guy.”

“Giles, Kyle Miller, Derek Sutter. They’re all
smooth-talking boys when it comes to a woman they want.”

“Your point? My day is not getting any longer, MacRae.”

“If she wants to have two men, and you want her happy, you
can give her what she needs.”

“Easy for you to say.”

Jed smacked his lips. “You’re a hard sell, man.”

“How? Just how do I make that happen without cutting my
brain out of my head?”

“You take control. Isn’t that what you do with your subs?
Take control of this. Go to Giles. Tell him you want him to help you make her
happy. Tell him you want him to share her with you. Lay down your rules. Make
it plain who’s in charge and what the scene is.”

“Giles isn’t a Dom.”

“He does ménage.”

“Somehow with Willow I think he won’t play.”

“How do you know unless you ask him?”

“Sounds too simple. Too neat. I can’t chance it.”

“Why not?”

Wade winced. “What if he agrees and he wants to share her
all the time?”

“Sure. What if she refuses to do it your way? What if she
leaves town before you ever get this settled?”

Wade shook his head. He hadn’t considered that and panic
clogged his throat. “What if she wants both of us all the time?”

“Then you have a decision to make. Keep her for yourself on
both your terms or give her away to Giles.”

“I can’t.”

“Is that pride speaking?”

“Hell, yeah.”

“If you really care for her, more than any of your other
women you’ve had over the past twenty years, then pride shouldn’t do the
deciding for you.”

“Well, I sure as hell can’t tell her I love her.” Oh, hell.
Had he just admitted that to Jed? He’d barely admitted it to himself.

“Then don’t. Call it whatever you want. But take charge. Of
her. Of him. Do what you do best. Then see if she still wants both of you.”

Wade glared at him, hating that he knew so well what his
little problem was. When he spun away he turned right back around. “How could
you know that Willow would even consider a ménage?”

“How do you think?”

Damn. Was nothing private in this town? “Women.”

“Bravado women tell each other the truth.”

“I suppose you’re gonna tell me that Bravado men do too?”

Jed saluted. “Do I need to?”

* * * * *

He called her that night. Left a message. Willow did not
call him back.

He drove over to her B&B early the next morning,
figuring he’d catch her before she left for her research. Knocking on her door,
he got no response. So he checked at the reception desk.

“No luck,” said Miss Sykes with a matchmaker’s mischievous
gleam in her eye. “Miss Turner left before seven.”

Too late again—and she was nowhere to be found in town. Not
at the MacRaes’. He’d called to ask Cara, who politely told him to work harder
on this pursuit of his.

That’d griped him mightily but he’d said a polite thanks
then called Samantha. This time he got Case on the line.

“They’re out today, Wade.”

“Want to tell me where?”

“I’m under strict orders not to.”

Wade chewed on a toothpick. “Am I to guess why that is?”

“Yep. That is your lot, buddy.” Case chuckled. “Sorry, man.”

Apologies didn’t cut it. Wade flicked off his phone and
decided to go to work. At least there he’d accomplish something constructive.

But a slow crime day did not make for an absorbing
preoccupation. Besides, Chet Harris had that evil eye out for him and his bad
mood. Making an excuse to do paperwork, Wade shut his office door. In
frustration he called Giles Benedict.

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