Black and White (4 page)

Read Black and White Online

Authors: Zenina Masters

Tags: #Paranormal, #Shapeshifter, #erotic Romance, #Magic

BOOK: Black and White
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From the dining room, Al’s voice called out, “About time, sleeping beauty.”

She came around the corner and he amended his statement. “All right. That was well worth the wait.”

She gave him a smile and a flirty curtsy. “Morning.”

He had been cleaned up as well. He no longer looked like a Maori biker. He was wearing a deep blue shirt, and Ty assumed he was wearing trousers or jeans. She wasn’t going to bend to check.

Teebie came in with a pot of coffee. “That looks lovely on you. You are much improved this morning.”

Al looked her over from head to toe. “You certainly are. I don’t think I have ever seen your legs when they weren’t covered with hair.”

Teebie paused. “I beg your pardon.”

Ty laughed. “I am a furry shifter, madam. Al and I tend to run into each other after things have gone wrong for one or the other of us. We both wear fur at those times.”

Her host smiled. “Got it. Well, breakfast is on and you are here to work. Your disguise is intact, but you need fuel to get your work done. Eat.”

When a djinn offered you hospitality, you took it.

Ty settled on a chair across from Al and she filled her plate.

He gave her a sly look. “I thought you just ate bamboo.”

She nipped at the bacon. “Common misconception. I just eat things that I can catch. Bacon is easy prey.”

His dark eyes warmed to deep gold. “Good to know.”

He got to work on his own breakfast, and Ty realized that he had been waiting for her.
Aww, how sweet.

They worked their way through the food with Teebie dancing attendance on them and keeping all the platters filled. The coffee was dark, rich and gave her the jolt that she needed.

Ty smiled again when she was finally full. “That was wonderful, Teebie. Thank you so much.”

Her host sighed and took a seat. “Well, I haven’t had to run that much for two in quite a while. The exercise was welcome. There have been waves of birds coming through and they are perpetual snackers.”

Al leaned back in his chair with a smile. “I thought she only ate bamboo. This has been a revelation.”

Teebie paused and then looked at Ty. “You are kidding. I have never met a panda before.”

Ty made a face at Al. “Squealer. He is rarer than I am.” She pointed at him accusingly.

Teebie raised her dark eyebrows. “Really? I have not been able to figure him out at all.”

Ty snickered. “Bearcats have their own matchmakers.”

Teebie looked delighted. “I haven’t seen a binturong before.”

Al let out a gust of air. “Well, you have now.”

Teebie put her chin on her hands. “I don’t suppose either of you would be willing to shift for me so I could see?”

Ty shrugged. “It is the least I can do for your hospitality. Is anyone else here?”

Teebie looked hopeful and shook her head.

Ty got up and walked across the main floor to the sitting room. She closed the doors, made sure that no one could see her through the window and quickly stripped off her new clothing.

She shivered happily as she shifted into her panda fur. She could use the tremendous strength whenever she wanted, but there was nothing like wearing her beast proudly. She padded back into the dining room while her claws made ticking sounds on the tile and wood.

Teebie was stunned as Ty lumbered toward her. The joy of childhood was on her features and it made Ty’s little exertion worth it.

“Can I touch you?”

Ty sat on her wide backside and nodded.

Teebie trailed careful fingers over her head and shoulders then ran that light touch over her little, round ears.

Ty wiggled her ears and Teebie laughed excitedly.

Al disappeared and his furred form waddled in a few minutes later. His long, low body was charming, but his fluffy tail was adorable.

Teebie asked him for permission to touch, and he moseyed toward her. She touched and admired him before finally sitting back to admire them both. “This is just the best thing ever. One species I always wanted to see and one I hadn’t even seen a picture of.”

Looking down at Al, Ty was wrapped up with something she always wanted to do. It was always one of them shifted or the other. Never both at the same time. She reached down, curled her paw around him and hauled him up against her chest, cuddling a very surprised bearcat against her.

He squirmed a little, but when his nose touched hers, he huffed in surrender.

She rubbed her head against his and he made small noises in return. When he squirmed to be let down, she reluctantly let him go.

He scampered off and returned a few minutes later, tucking his shirt into the snug trousers. She rolled onto all fours and walked past him into the sitting room.
Aw, how cute, he folded my clothing.

She waddled up to them and paused. She shifted into human and eyed her clothing. “And he licked them. Lovely.”

She got dressed and ignored the damp patches on the panties. Scent marking was common enough among shifters and they were in the romance capitol of all shifters. It was completely normal, but she was still going to have a little chat with him.

Back in the dining room, she glared at Alatas, but he gave her an innocent look. “If you want to lick, ask.”

Teebie looked between them and sighed, “Oh dear. Well, I guess you two have work to do, so I will be on my way.”

Teebie waved her hand and the dishes from breakfast disappeared. Teebie followed a moment later.

Al sighed and stepped toward her. “I shall ask next time, but the scent was too tempting. Apologies.”

She sighed. “So, since we are supposed to be looking for mates here, we might want to split up.”

A flicker of disappointment rippled across his face. “Right. Of course. I will head out first.”

He left immediately.

Ty sighed and waited a few minutes before she headed out on her own. Clothing was on the agenda as was a manicure if she could manage one. Her clawing at the wood of the crush box had left some grime under her nails that she couldn’t get out.

With her shoulders straight, she headed out into the bright light of a day at the Crossroads. Looking for Jeremy Wax was still a priority, but she didn’t want to upset any of those folks who had genuinely come in looking for a mate to be with them for the rest of their lives. She would proceed carefully.

The clothing was pretty and she selected a few more ensembles from the skin out. With her bags being delivered to the Open Heart, she headed for the newly opened beauty salon.

Monique was a shrike and excellent for finding the smallest flecks of dirt. She had Ty’s nails in factory condition within an hour.

After passing the payment chit over the icon that was rigged to her account, Ty got to her feet and left the seat to the next woman waiting.

The woman smiled, “I would wish you luck, but it seems you are well on your way.”

Ty inclined her head. “Good luck to you as well. May you find what you seek.”

As she walked out of the nail salon and into the street, she narrowed her eyes and started looking for either one of the men that she wanted to strangle, one for business, one for pleasure.

She sought out the Crossed Star Bar and went inside. It was easy enough to find Al. He was sitting at a table and surrounded by a flock of women who were leaning in to speak to him and giggling when he replied.

Ty rolled her eyes and headed for the bar. A grim man with a twinkle in his eye was putting glasses away. “Beer, please.”

He picked up a glass and pulled a beer with the ease of long practice. “Are you new here?”

“Yes. I arrived late in the night. It was the worst transport connection I have ever had.” She shuddered and took the beer he handed to her.

It was a damned good beer.

She took her beverage and headed for one of the small tables, going against her instinct and putting herself out where she could be seen.

After a few interested but hesitant overtures by some of the men, she reached behind her and unravelled her braid into a rippling black curtain down her back. It seemed to be just the bait that the men were waiting for.

She chatted with several guys, danced with a few, and eventually, she found herself in the arms of Jeremy Wax. He had the perpetually sleepy look that some women found sexy. She preferred to have a man earn it.

“So, how long have you been here?” He pressed her tight to him and turned her slowly to the music.

She moved her hips away from his erection and leaned away from him slightly. “I arrived this morning. I have been waiting for weeks to get the transport window.”

“It is just my luck then. I arrived yesterday.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to her neck. She felt him inhale and she waited.

He cleared his throat. “Apparently, I haven’t been the first to admire you.”

She shrugged. “The Crossroads is all about finding eligible prospects and weeding out the rejects as quickly as possible. I am not here to waste time.”

He looked surprised but a calculating look filled those sleepy eyes. “So, am I in the running?”

“Well, I haven’t sprinted away from you yet.” She smiled and ducked her head. Forcing a blush had never been her forte, but she looked up at him through her thick lashes and smiled again.

He gave her a dazed look. “Can I entice you to dinner and then more dancing, Anna?”

She smiled shyly. “I would like that.”

Anna was a solid alias and she answered to it, so it was safe to use.

The song finished and they parted. The cool air rushed between them, and Ty couldn’t have been more relieved. “Seven o’clock at the restaurant?”

He nodded. “See you then.”

She returned to her beer, and Jim shook his head when she glanced at him. A woman with streaky hair was sitting at the bar drinking something in a glass covered with umbrellas and fruit slices. She was looking at Jeremy with a narrow-eyed look.

Oh crap.
Ty got to her feet and walked over to speak to the woman. “Hello, I am Anna.”

The woman shook her hand. “Lee. This is my husband Jim. Did you know that your last dance partner put something in your drink?”

She shrugged. “I suspected as much. I am here for work. My dance partner is wanted by the Shifter Council, but I didn’t want him to kick up a fuss in here.”

Jim smirked. “You should have mentioned it to that large fellow who went out after him.”

Ty looked around, and sure enough, Al was gone. “Damn it.”

She headed out of the bar with a long stride, pulling her bear under her skin in preparation. She needn’t have hurried. Jeremy and Alatas were having a nice little fistfight in the middle of the street.

She saw the move happening before Al completed it. He wrapped his arms around Jeremy and they disappeared.

She groaned and headed for the Meditation Centre.

Tony and Teal were already aware of it. She held out her hands. “I am so sorry, but Al grabbed him and they are gone. I will get out of your hair and leave the Crossroads.”

Teal sighed and patted her arm. “I know you didn’t have control over it, but you are stuck here. That transport yanked us off course. We won’t be back in place for another twelve hours.”

Ty grimaced. “Thank you for the notice. So, in twelve hours, I can come back here and you can send me to the council?”

Tony nodded. “We can. It will be a little painful as our transports are designed for two, but we can make do.”

“I am going to turn him into the trim on my coat and boots.” She smiled pleasantly.

Teal laughed. “It will be fine. You just need to rest for the next twelve hours. Have some dinner, maybe meet someone? Just because you are here for work doesn’t mean you can’t do some shopping.”

Tyanna sighed. “Valid point. I am going back to the B and B and change into something a little more festive. Maybe I can get my flirt on.”

With Teal and Tony wishing her luck, she returned to check out her new purchases and plot her revenge on the moron who had stranded her.


* * * *


Al got off Jeremy Wax and left the glyph circle. Jeremy charged after him and collided with the power barrier that did not recognize him as authorized.

Al looked over to Ty’s spot and was a little surprised when she didn’t appear right away. He headed out to tell Tamora of his success, and he figured that Tyanna would be along when she had gotten their bags.

Tamora was waiting for him, and she was tapping her fingers on her desk. “What the hell did you do?”

He blinked, suddenly unsure. “I captured Jeremy Wax. He is in holding.”

She rubbed her temples. “Where were you when you transported? Were you in the Meditation Centre?”

He felt his skin heat. “Um, no.”

“Well that would explain why the Crossroads is off any transporter pathway. You were briefed on this before you left.”

He scrubbed his hand over his hair. Sheepishly he said, “I was a little less than alert when we were briefed but failed to mention it. Is Tyanna all right?”

“Everyone there is fine, but we are trying to get in touch with one of the Crossroads’ designers to move it back into line as soon as possible. No one can leave, but no one else can arrive either.”

“Shit. What can I do?”

“Go home. There is nothing that you can do here. I will let you know when Tyanna is safe and sound. Who knows? Her time in the Crossroads might bring her home with a mate of her own.” Tamora smiled brightly, but there was a darkness to her eyes. She was irritated and wanted him to know it.

The comment about Tyanna finding a mate stung. He had been trying to figure out a way to start courting her, but when they were together for work, everything seemed to go wrong. Yes, that was part of their job, but he thought they were really making progress at the Crossroads until they had to split up so she could use herself as bait.

“Fine. I will go, but Wax doesn’t know that Tyanna was involved. He thinks her name is Anna and they had a date for tonight.” He got up and nodded to Tamora.

She stopped him. “Thank you. I will call you when she is safe.”

He nodded again and headed for the door. At his cubicle, he grabbed the bag that they had retrieved for him and he grabbed his phone. A few minutes later, he had found the number that Teebie had written down for him.
In case you need it.
She had said.

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