Black Beauty (19 page)

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Authors: Anna Sewell

Tags: #novels, #Young Readers

BOOK: Black Beauty
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One day during this summer the groom cleaned and dressed me with
such extraordinary care that I thought some new change must be at
hand; he trimmed my fetlocks and legs, passed the tarbrush over my
hoofs, and even parted my forelock. I think the harness had an
extra polish. Willie seemed half-anxious, half-merry, as he got
into the chaise with his grandfather.

"If the ladies take to him," said the old gentleman, "they'll be
suited and he'll be suited. We can but try."

At the distance of a mile or two from the village we came to a
pretty, low house, with a lawn and shrubbery at the front and a
drive up to the door. Willie rang the bell, and asked if Miss
Blomefield or Miss Ellen was at home. Yes, they were. So, while
Willie stayed with me, Mr. Thoroughgood went into the house. In
about ten minutes he returned, followed by three ladies; one tall,
pale lady, wrapped in a white shawl, leaned on a younger lady, with
dark eyes and a merry face; the other, a very stately-looking
person, was Miss Blomefield. They all came and looked at me and
asked questions. The younger lady—that was Miss Ellen—took to me
very much; she said she was sure she should like me, I had such a
good face. The tall, pale lady said that she should always be
nervous in riding behind a horse that had once been down, as I
might come down again, and if I did she should never get over the

"You see, ladies," said Mr. Thoroughgood, "many first-rate
horses have had their knees broken through the carelessness of
their drivers without any fault of their own, and from what I see
of this horse I should say that is his case; but of course I do not
wish to influence you. If you incline you can have him on trial,
and then your coachman will see what he thinks of him."

"You have always been such a good adviser to us about our
horses," said the stately lady, "that your recommendation would go
a long way with me, and if my sister Lavinia sees no objection we
will accept your offer of a trial, with thanks."

It was then arranged that I should be sent for the next day.

In the morning a smart-looking young man came for me. At first
he looked pleased; but when he saw my knees he said in a
disappointed voice:

"I didn't think, sir, you would have recommended my ladies a
blemished horse like that."

"'Handsome is that handsome does'," said my master; "you are
only taking him on trial, and I am sure you will do fairly by him,
young man. If he is not as safe as any horse you ever drove send
him back."

I was led to my new home, placed in a comfortable stable, fed,
and left to myself. The next day, when the groom was cleaning my
face, he said:

"That is just like the star that 'Black Beauty' had; he is much
the same height, too. I wonder where he is now."

A little further on he came to the place in my neck where I was
bled and where a little knot was left in the skin. He almost
started, and began to look me over carefully, talking to

"White star in the forehead, one white foot on the off side,
this little knot just in that place;" then looking at the middle of
my back—"and, as I am alive, there is that little patch of white
hair that John used to call 'Beauty's three-penny bit'. It must be
'Black Beauty'! Why, Beauty! Beauty! do you know me?—little Joe
Green, that almost killed you?" And he began patting and patting me
as if he was quite overjoyed.

I could not say that I remembered him, for now he was a fine
grown young fellow, with black whiskers and a man's voice, but I
was sure he knew me, and that he was Joe Green, and I was very
glad. I put my nose up to him, and tried to say that we were
friends. I never saw a man so pleased.

"Give you a fair trial! I should think so indeed! I wonder who
the rascal was that broke your knees, my old Beauty! you must have
been badly served out somewhere; well, well, it won't be my fault
if you haven't good times of it now. I wish John Manly was here to
see you."

In the afternoon I was put into a low park chair and brought to
the door. Miss Ellen was going to try me, and Green went with her.
I soon found that she was a good driver, and she seemed pleased
with my paces. I heard Joe telling her about me, and that he was
sure I was Squire Gordon's old "Black Beauty".

When we returned the other sisters came out to hear how I had
behaved myself. She told them what she had just heard, and

"I shall certainly write to Mrs. Gordon, and tell her that her
favorite horse has come to us. How pleased she will be!"

After this I was driven every day for a week or so, and as I
appeared to be quite safe, Miss Lavinia at last ventured out in the
small close carriage. After this it was quite decided to keep me
and call me by my old name of "Black Beauty".

I have now lived in this happy place a whole year. Joe is the
best and kindest of grooms. My work is easy and pleasant, and I
feel my strength and spirits all coming back again. Mr.
Thoroughgood said to Joe the other day:

"In your place he will last till he is twenty years old—perhaps

Willie always speaks to me when he can, and treats me as his
special friend. My ladies have promised that I shall never be sold,
and so I have nothing to fear; and here my story ends. My troubles
are all over, and I am at home; and often before I am quite awake,
I fancy I am still in the orchard at Birtwick, standing with my old
friends under the apple-trees.

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