Black Pawn (Michael Cailen Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Black Pawn (Michael Cailen Book 1)
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As they left his room, Jessica asked if Michael was hungry. 
He wanted to continue their conversation but she appeared to be avoiding it. 
He let it go for now.  He sat on the couch and rested while she prepared lunch.

Afterwards, they raided Josh's DVD collection and put in a
movie.  It was a comedy and even though the movie was funny, their laughter was
modest at best.  They both had a lot on their minds.  It served as a temporary
distraction at least.  Josh emerged from his slumber right when the movie was
ending.  He sat next to Jessica and watched the conclusion with them.  When it
was over, the three of them were left sitting on the couch as the final credits
scrolled on the screen.  Josh got up and turned off the movie.  Michael asked
to speak to him alone.  They moved to Josh's bedroom and Michael shut the door.

“I need you to play scout.”  Michael spoke softly in case
Jessica was trying to eavesdrop.  “I'd like you to check out Kevin's home. 
Make sure no one's watching him.  You know the drill.”

“You really think they know about him?”

“I don't think so but I don't want to take any chances.”

“Alright, what do I need to know?”

“His flight gets in at 6:40.  He lives about an hour away.”

Michael gave him Kevin's address and Josh got ready to
leave.  Jessica and Michael settled in for another movie as Josh told them he
had to step out.   Michael didn't want to tell Jessica what he was doing until
after he got the report from Josh.

Chapter 27

Michael was chopping an onion in the kitchen when his phone
rang.  Jessica took over and he stepped out to take the call.

“Yeah,” Michael answered.

“It looks clean to me,” said Josh.

“Alright. Come back.”  Michael trusted Josh.  If he said it
was clean, then it was clean.  “We're having pasta for dinner, so come hungry.”

“I'm already hungry.  Hopefully I won't pass out on the way

Michael smiled and hung up the phone.  He walked back to the
kitchen and watched Jessica at the stove.  He let himself imagine what a normal
life with her would be like.  Cooking dinner together, watching movies, and
waking up next to her every morning.  Like how things were now only without the
running for their lives part.  He walked up behind her and slid his arms around
her waist.  He lowered his lips to her ear.  “Why do you think I wouldn't want
to see you after this is all over?”

“Don't you want to go back to your old life?”

He turned her around to face him, but she only stared into
his chest.

“What makes you think I wouldn't want a new life, with
you?”  He gently stroked her cheek.

A smile grew on her face and she looked up at him.  He
leaned in tenderly, kissing her on the lips.

“Mmm ... It's been too long since we did that,” he remarked.

“Yes, it has,” she agreed.

He cradled her neck as he pulled her to him for a long,
passionate kiss.   After their lips parted he pressed his forehead to hers and
grinned.  “You should probably check on that sauce.”

“Yeah, like I care about dinner now,” she joked as she
turned her attention back to the stove.


When Josh
returned, they sat down to eat.  Michael informed Jessica they would be able to
see Kevin tomorrow.  She squealed, leaping up and wrapping her arms around his
neck.  He wasn't expecting it and had just taken in a mouth full of food.  He
didn't even have time to drop his fork.  She kissed him while he tried
desperately to swallow his food without choking.  She sat back in her chair
with a huge grin on her face.

“If I had known you were going to get that excited, I would
have told you while Josh was still out,” he teased.

“I have a question,”  Jessica blurted.  “If you guys were
such good friends, how come you hadn't been in touch for so long?”

Suddenly, the mood got very somber between the two men and
she was afraid she had brought up something she shouldn't have.  Both quietly
stared down at their plates.  Michael looked up and after a minute so did Josh.

“Colombia,” said Michael.  Neither smiled.

“I couldn't handle it any more,” Josh explained.  “I just
didn't have the stomach.”

Jessica was afraid to ask what happened in Colombia. 
Thankfully, she didn't have to.

“We had a mission in Colombia,” Michael explained.  “We were
sent to rescue someone who had been kidnapped.  We got there too late.  It was
the last straw for Josh.  I stayed on, but he couldn't.  He needed to get away
from the life, and I was constantly on missions around the globe.  We just lost

Michael didn't want to go into details about the mission. 
Jessica didn't need to know it was a little girl they were sent to rescue.  The
DEA agent's daughter who died in Michael's arms.  Josh was part of that mission,
and while the girl's death haunted them both, they dealt with it in different
ways.  Josh needed to get away, while Michael just buried himself further in
his work.  He occupied himself with anything and everything that would make him
better at his job.  He studied martial arts and earned his black belt in
karate.  He also took lessons in Krav Maga and Taekwondo.  What time he didn't
spend in combat training, he spent on the firing range.  He became an even more
efficient and deadly soldier.  He earned a reputation for being ruthless.

“I'm sorry,” she said, regretting bringing up the subject.

“It was a long time ago,” said Michael.  Both men seemed to
shake it off and gave her smiles.

After dinner, Michael and Josh told Jessica to relax while
they cleaned up.  She went into the living room to watch TV.  Josh gathered up
the plates and Michael put away the leftovers.  They were both quiet for the
first few minutes.  Memories of Colombia were crowding their thoughts.

Michael broke the silence.

“I need to get another car.”

“You need a clean one, I'm assuming.”

“Yeah, I really don't need to get in a car chase with
police.  You have any ideas where I should start looking?”

“There are a few places, but I know a guy who might be able
to help.  He's gotten me things in the past.  He's smart and he's always come
through for me.”

“What kind of things?”  Michael was curious what items Josh
might have needed to obtain in a not-so-legal way.

“Silencers, tracking devices, bugs, mini-cams.  You name
it.  People don't hire me to guard them per se.  They hire me to stop the
hostiles.  I don't wait for them to strike.  I try to find them first and stop
them before they act.”

“How exactly does he acquire those things?”

“You can trust him, Michael.”

“That doesn't answer my question.”

Josh sighed.  “He's ex-CIA.”

Michael frowned.  “Why should I trust him?”

“He's my cousin.”

“I didn't know you had family in the CIA.”

“Neither did I.  We all thought he was an accountant.  After
I left black ops, he confided in me that he was leaving the CIA.  He had grown
tired of the way they operated.  People who were your friends one day were your
enemies the next and vice versa.  You never knew who to trust.  When I told him
what I wanted to do for a career, he offered to help me obtain whatever I
needed.  He had connections he made while in the CIA who were loyal to him. 
He's come through every time.”

“Okay, set it up.  And see if he can get us a safe house. 
Some place neutral in case things go south and so I can store my things.”

Josh nodded.  “Will do.”

Chapter 28

Michael woke in the morning to the smell of coffee.  He
stepped into the living room where Josh was sitting watching TV.

“Did you make the call?” Michael asked referring to Josh's

“Yep.  He said he'll have the vehicle for us by noon.  He might
also have a safe house by then too.”

“That quick?”

“Yeah, he's pretty resourceful.”


Michael dragged himself into the kitchen to pour himself a
coffee.  He was joined by Jessica, who put a mug down next to his and waited
for him to fill it.  Armed with coffee, they walked back to the living room
which was now empty.  Josh went to catch a few hours of sleep.  Michael turned
on the news.


Josh arrived at a crowded mall parking
lot and took a spot down at the end of a row.  A few minutes passed before a
black Chevy Tahoe with dark tinted windows parked in front of them.  A tall
blonde man emerged and immediately Michael could tell he was related to Josh. 
With the same eye color and very similar facial features, they could have been
brothers.  They even dressed similarly.  The man walked to Josh's car and sat
in the back seat.

“Michael, this is my cousin Martin.  Martin, this is
Michael,” Josh introduced them.

“Josh said you were partial to the Tahoe.  I hope you like
it.” Martin handed him the keys.

“I love it,” Michael replied without hesitation.

“The vehicle is registered to a company.  It's not stolen. 
You shouldn't have any problems.  I also left a few goodies for you in the back
as an added bonus.”  He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it
to Michael.  “I got you a safe house just outside the city.  It's a repair
garage a friend of mine owns, but it's not being used right now.  He said you
can stay as long as you need, he doesn't need the rent money.  It's set back
off the road near an industrial park so you don't have any neighbors to worry
about.  The key is on the ring with the truck key.”

Michael looked down at the address on the paper.  “Sounds
perfect.  What's the bill come to?”

“This one's on the house.”

“So I'll owe you then,” Michael remarked knowing full well
Martin wasn't doing this out of the kindness of his heart.

Martin grinned. “Something like that.”  Being able to pull a
favor in the future from someone like Michael was more valuable than money.  “Also
Josh told me about your problem with the CIA.  I'll do what I can to help.”

Michael smiled.  “I appreciate it.”

Martin turned to Josh. “It was good seeing you again.  Stay
out of trouble.”

“You too, Martin.  Thanks again.”

Martin exited the car and headed towards the mall.  Michael
climbed into the Tahoe.  It had very few miles on it.  He wondered how Martin
had been able to acquire it without it being stolen.

Michael parked on the street in front of Josh's apartment
building.  He followed Josh into the apartment and could hear the shower going.

“How are you feeling?” Michael asked Josh.

“What do you mean?”

“How tired are you?”

“Oh, well I'm a little wiped, but you know me.  I got a ways
to go before I reach my limit.  Why?”

“I'm going to be taking Jessica to see Kevin.  I'd like to
have you watching my back.”

“No problem.  When are you guys leaving?”

“Soon as she's ready.”

“Then I should probably get going.  I'll call you.”

Michael nodded and Josh left.  A minute later Jessica
emerged from the shower.  She was startled to see Michael lying on the bed when
she came out.

“I didn't hear you come in.”  She tried to catch her breath.

“Meeting was brief.  We can leave whenever you're ready.”

Michael loaded the truck while she got dressed.  When she
was ready, she grabbed her laptop and they piled into the truck and headed to

Michael was very interested in meeting Kevin, the man who
had rescued Jessica from hell.  Good Samaritans like that were few and far
between.  They drove for a while in silence.  Jessica seemed anxious and

“What's wrong?” Michael asked.

“Nothing.  Why?”

“You haven't stopped fidgeting since we got in the truck. 
You're edgy.  What's wrong?”

“Nothing, I'm just nervous I guess.  I don't know how I'm
going to explain everything and I don't know how he's going to react.”

“You don't have to blurt it all out when you first see him. 
We can ease into it.  I'll do the talking if you want.  You don't have to
explain anything.”

“Okay.”  She looked out the window, still seeming worried.

“What else?”

“What do you mean?” she turned to him.

“What are you not telling me?”  He looked back at her.

“Nothing.  I'm just anxious.”

He wasn't sure he believed her.  Josh's words rang through
his head, “She's still hiding something Michael ...  it has to do with why she
wants to see him.”  There was a reason she wanted to see Kevin that went beyond
simply needing his help to decrypt the flash drive.  Maybe he should stop the
truck and demand that she spill it, he thought.  He could use her desire to see
Kevin as leverage to get her to talk.  But he pictured the tears and crying
that would no doubt ensue and he couldn't bring himself to do it.  Against his
better judgment, he let it go.

Josh called, letting him know the coast was clear.  A short
time later, they turned onto Kevin's street which was lined with well-manicured
and expensive homes.   They pulled up to Kevin's house and Michael let out a
whistle.  It was the largest house on the street and considering how big the
other homes were, that was quite an accomplishment. 

Its exterior was made of split-cut, cream-colored granite. 
Elegant windows and balconies decorated the front of the house.  A stone-paved
driveway led to three garage doors on the side and forked off forming a
circular drive in front of the house.  Large granite steps led to the front
door.  The house was surrounded with trees and shrubs which offered privacy
from the neighbors.  It was beautifully landscaped and the house oozed luxury. 
A black metal fence surrounded the vast property and a gate in the driveway
blocked access to the house. 

Michael punched in the code Jessica gave him for the gate. 
It slowly opened and they made their way up the driveway towards the house.

Michael parked the truck in the circular drive by the massive
front door.  They walked to it and Jessica rang the bell.  Nervously rubbing
her arms, she appeared even more tense.  He knew something was up.  Soon, he
would learn what it was.

A voice came over the intercom by the door.  “Jessica, you
don't have to ring.  You can let yourself in.  I'm in the kitchen.”

Michael followed her as she left the front door heading to
the back.  As they rounded the back of the house, a large sculpted pool became
visible.  It was surrounded by flowering plants and looked like something you
would see in a high class resort or spa.  There was an in-ground hot tub close
by, but it was covered at the moment. Another building behind the pool looked
like a small house.  A pool house maybe?  If so, it was the biggest one Michael
had ever seen.

They entered through the back door into the kitchen.  The
area was bright and spacious with a large dining table and chairs over to the
left.  On the right, was the kitchen area.  Large black granite counters lined
two walls and continued out into the middle of the area forming a U.  A few
stools sat under the overhang.  White cabinets with etched glass doors hung
above the counter. 

A man walked around the corner wiping his hands on a towel. 
His face lit up when he saw Jessica.  He tossed the towel on the counter and
gave her a big hug.  Michael was in shock.  He expected someone much older. 
This guy looked about his age.  He had thinning blonde hair and gray blue
eyes.  He was a little heavyset, but carried it well.  He wasn't much taller
than Jessica.

“God, it's good to see you!” Kevin declared.  Then he turned
to Michael. “You going to introduce me to your friend?”

“Oh yeah, sorry.  Kevin, this is Michael.  Michael, Kevin.”

Michael walked forward and shook his hand. “Nice to meet

“I don't think I've ever heard Jessica mention you,”  Kevin
said as he shook his hand. “How long have you two known each other?”

“A little while now,” he replied vaguely.

Kevin wasn't pleased with the dodgy answer.  “How did you
guys meet?” he asked.  Michael picked up an undercurrent of suspicion and

“We met in a cafe,” he answered.

“A cafe?” Kevin repeated in disbelief.  “You sure about

Clearly not buying it, Kevin looked back at Jessica, who
looked like she was about to be sick.  He turned back to Michael, who was as
cool as a cucumber.  “What's going on?”

“We need your help,” Michael said.

“Help with what?  What's going on?” Kevin was becoming
increasingly concerned and agitated.

Michael was about to answer when the sound of children
playfully screaming could be heard at the other end of the house.  They all
turned in the direction of the screaming and laughter as it grew louder and
louder.  Two young girls, no older than ten, wearing private school uniforms
came bounding into the kitchen, stopping dead in their tracks at the sight of
the strange man. They both had long, straight, light brown hair.  The older had
blue gray eyes like her father and the younger, honey colored eyes.

“Jessie!!” they screamed in unison when they saw her. 
Running to her, they wrapped their arms around her legs in a group hug.

She laughed and hugged them back.  “Hi girls.  I missed you
so much.”  She knelt down and gave them both a kiss on the cheek.

Michael was not happy about this.  He didn't know Kevin had
children.  He didn't even think of it.  He would have never come if he had
known.  He could be putting them in danger just by his presence.  He clenched
his jaw and took a deep breath.

Kevin cut short the reunion.

“Girls, why don't you go up to your rooms, put your stuff
away and get changed.  Jessica and I have something important we need to

The girls hugged Jessica again and faded off into the
house.  Jessica looked somber again while Michael looked angry.  Kevin didn't
know what to make of their expressions.

“Do I have to ask again?” Kevin finally said after a moment
of silence.

“No.”  Michael took a step forward. “Is there someplace
private we could talk?”

Kevin nodded. “The study.”

The three moved to a room lined with floor-to-ceiling
bookshelves.  Michael now understood where Jessica's love for reading came
from.  An antique desk sat in front of the window.  A leather loveseat was
placed a few feet from the sidewall of bookshelves and two comfortable leather
chairs sat at an angle facing the loveseat.  Kevin closed the door behind them.

“We need your help.  Jessica is in trouble,” Michael said.

“What kind of trouble, and who are you?” Kevin still didn't
know who this man standing in his house was.

“Some people are trying to kill me and Michael saved my
life,” Jessica stepped in.

“What do you mean people are trying to kill you!” Kevin
raised his voice.  A little too loud because both Michael and Jessica cringed,
hoping the girls couldn't hear.

Michael stepped close to Kevin. “Stay calm. We'll explain everything.”

“Who are you?!” Kevin demanded.

“My name is Michael Cailen.  The people trying to kill
Jessica have been trying to kill me for the last three years.  I was a
soldier.  I saw something I wasn't supposed to see.”

“Why do they want her dead?”

“Someone sent her a flash drive.  There's something on it
that relates to what I saw.”

“Who is after you?”  Kevin couldn't believe what he was

Michael paused, not sure he wanted to say who.  “The CIA.”

Kevin's eyes grew wide and he turned to Jessica.  “What is
it with you and the CIA?!”

Michael's head whipped to Jessica, who was now cowering in a
corner.  “What's he talking about?”

She didn't answer.  Michael turned to Kevin.  “What are you
talking about?”

“A little over six years ago, she hacked into the CIA.”

“What?!” Michael nearly shouted in disbelief.

“I only lasted about ten seconds before they booted me. 
They couldn't trace it,” she said in her defense.

“That's why you made her give up the life?” Michael asked

“Yes, she told you?”

Michael nodded then turned to Jessica. “So you can hack into
the CIA, but you can't crack that flash drive?”  He feared he already knew the

She didn't respond, and she wouldn't look at him.  Kevin
tensed worrying how the situation would play out.

“Tell me, Jessica!  I want to hear you say you couldn't do
it!”  He was almost shouting.  He walked right up to her and stood just inches
from her.  “Lie to me,” he dared.

Kevin quickly moved closer, preparing to intervene if
Michael became physical.  She felt sick.

“I cracked it days ago.”

It took every ounce of self control Michael had to keep from
throwing one of the chairs through the window. 

“Dammit Jessica! Why are we here?”  The anger showed in his
voice.  “We took a huge risk coming here.  Not only for us, but for Kevin and
his kids.  You better have a damn good reason!”

“I want to hack back into the CIA.  But I'll need help if
I'm going to break in for any substantial amount of time.”

Michael tried to contain his temper, which was about to boil
over.  “You wanted to ask Kevin to help you hack into the CIA?”

“Not exactly.  We'll need more people to help.”

Kevin was stunned silent.

“Well, this just gets better and better, Jessica,” Michael
replied sarcastically.  “Any more surprises you want to spring on me right
now?  Because this takes the cake.”

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