Blackbird (27 page)

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Authors: Jessica MacIntyre

BOOK: Blackbird
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              “If she does it will be a while before we can replace them. Better have everything up and running before we start, we want to collect as much data as we can.”

              “Roger that.”

              “What exactly are you collecting data for?” Robert asked.

              Both of them stopped for a moment, looking at each other as if deciding what to say. “Well, she wants answers doesn’t she?”

              “Maybe not. She said she already knows what she is.”

              “Well…scientifically speaking she’ll want to know how it all works…won’t she?” Greg asked.

              “Perhaps. I don’t know. We haven’t talked about it.”

              “Well then we better collect it all and let her decide what she wants to do with it.”

              “Alright, Chelle,” Greg said pressing down on the mic. “If you’re ready to start we’ll give you the same type of shock we did last time.”

              “No. Let me try it on my own. I don’t think I’ll need it.”

              Greg zeroed in on Chelle’s back with the camera that had been angled to capture it. The black leather suit had two long slits which showed just a tiny bit of skin. “We’re all set. Why don’t you go ahead and give it a try?”

              She nodded and closed her eyes, drawing in a deep cleansing breath. Both Michael and Greg were fixated on the close up of her back. Robert however, alternated between that and watching her through the glass. He waited, anticipating the pain for her. He could see she was scared, but knew she had to do it anyway. Her inner toughness was something he both admired and couldn’t fathom. If he were in her shoes he’d never be so brave. As far as he was concerned, Chelle was a force.

              “Look,” Michael said. “Something’s happening.”

              Robert stared at the screen along with them now and could see through the slats in the rubber something silver and sharp protruding. More slowly than the other times. Not only was she forcing it to happen, she was exerting a degree of control he hadn’t seen previously. “Amazing,” Greg said.

              “Here we go.” Michael craned his neck to the other side of the desk to watch as a series of numbers rolled by that Robert couldn’t make head or tail of. “Shit. That’s a huge output of energy.”

              Greg glanced back at the screen as well. “That’s our little lightning bolt.”

              Moments later the wings flew out, extending themselves to their full span. Chelle stood, smiling. Aside from the time they had spent in bed this morning this was the happiest and most beautiful he’d ever seen her.

              “How are you doing, Chelle?” Greg said.

              “Greg, it barely hurt at all. I think I’m gonna kiss you.”

              Robert had never seen his brother blush before but he was doing it now, and for once he had no snarky, sexist comeback.

              “Chelle,” Michael said. “I don’t suppose there’s any way possible you could take yourself up for us? Not far because of the wires, but just maybe a foot or two off the ground. Is that doable?”

              A look of curiosity crossed her face. “I can try,” she said. She focused hard and for a brief second it seemed like nothing was going to happen. Then, in a heartbeat, she was up off the platform, her feet floating just a tad off the ground at first, then up as far as the wires would allow. About two feet like Michael had suggested. A giddy laugh escaped her and Robert couldn’t help but laugh as well. She was pleased with herself, and why shouldn’t she be? She was amazing. More numbers flashed and lights were going off, but Robert failed to notice any of these things. He was simply to entranced with the beautiful winged woman in front of him

he thought to himself.
My Blackbird.



              “I don’t see why we have to fly on an airplane when we both have wings,” Lindsay said. It was meant to be a complaint but hearing herself say it she realized there was more excitement in her voice than anything. The airport was buzzing with activity and she took in every little bit of it she could. The outside human world had sure changed in the last forty years. People acted so much busier now, and everyone had a little hand held device that they seemed to be obsessed with.

              “Well now, my dear, that wouldn’t be very inconspicuous would it?”

              “I’m nervous. What if the plane crashes?”

              Victor gave her a sarcastic smile. “Well then you can open your wings and fly away. It won’t hurt you.”

              “Oh.” Lindsay had been in such a bubble she’d forgotten even the most basic things. Sticking close to Victor she looped her arm in his. “There are so many people. I’m afraid to get lost.”

              “You seem to be afraid of everything today. Why don’t you tell me what’s really troubling you? I suspect I know what it is.”

              She reached up and twirled a strand of hair around her finger, as she always did when she was nervous. “I’m afraid she won’t like me. She didn’t want to meet me.”

              “She just doesn’t know you yet. In time she’ll come to love you as much as I do.”

              “Do you really think so?”

              “Absolutely. Now let’s step it up. We need to get through security. You have your little card?”

              “Yes. It works how again?”

              “When you go up to the x-ray machine you pass it to the security people. They’ll have no choice but to not put you through. They’ll have to give you the pat down. That card tells them you have a defibrillator in your chest.”

              “What’s that?”

              “It’s a device for people with heart problems. If your heart stops it shocks you, starting it again.”

              Lindsay’s mouth gaped open. “They can do that now?”

              “Indeed they can. The humans have made many advancements.”

              “They’ve also gotten fatter,” she mused as she eyed a row of eateries and bars.

              Victor laughed. “That they have.”

              Lindsay’s hands began trembling as she noticed a young couple, kissing goodbye at the security point. “What if she wants to pick him over us? I’ve never been in love but it looks pretty powerful.”

              “For the humans, maybe. For our kind, not so much. Like I said, once we kill him the bond will be broken and she’ll re-bond with us. You worry far too much.”

              “How will we…” she lowered her voice to a whisper, “kill him?”

              “You needn’t worry. I’ll take care of all that when the time comes. We just need to find him first.”

              Lindsay nodded indicating she understood and they walked, arm in arm in silence to the security check point, where each of them in turn handed the security people their cards. “Both of you?” the balding fiftyish man said.

              “Yes,” Victor said, giving him a confident smile that didn’t betray them in the least. “Heart problems. Runs in the family you know. My poor young niece here has it as well.”

              Without batting an eye the security guard called over to his co-worker. “I need two pat downs here. Both of them have defibs.”

              “I’m on it,” the other guard said. They received their physical inspection and were on their way to the plane mere moments later.

              As they taxied down the runway Lindsay’s heart was beating so fast that the blood rushing in her ears was the only sound. “Halifax, here we come,” Victor said. “Smile Lindsay. We’re going to collect your sister and take her home.”

              She did.









































Chapter Thirty-One

              “You, put that down over there. And you, uncover all of the furniture. Open the curtains and get some light in here, the place is like a tomb.” Lillian Cole was giving orders to multiple people around her. All of whom seemed more than happy to take her direction.

              Chelle watched Robert’s face upon seeing his mother for the first time after leaving the hospital. It was the look of joy one has after not seeing a beloved friend in many years. “Mom,” he said.

              Turning at the sound of his voice Lillian saw her son. She looked at him in the same way he was looking at her. She strode up to him with an agility that Chelle guessed she hadn’t had in years and took him in her arms. Robert wrapped himself around her, bear hugging her and trying to contain himself. They were laughing, and then they were crying. Then they were laughing again as she looked him over from head to foot.

              “You’re so shaggy. That beard makes you look like your father.”

              Robert had tears in his eyes. One of them made their way down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away. “I know. That’s why I like it.”

              Lillian ran her hands over her son’s face over and over again as if not really believing he was there. Like she had to make sure he was real. “Robert I’m so happy to see you looking well. I’ve been worried about you, but I haven’t been able to tell you so.”

              “You don’t have to worry about me, mom. You just need to get settled in again.”

              Just as Chelle was starting to feel like she should perhaps back out of the room to let them have their reunion in private, Lillian came toward her, taking both her hands and holding them. “Chelle,” she said. “I don’t know what you did or how I can ever thank you. I just know that you’re responsible. It’s all a bit blurry though. Please, come sit on the couch with me. I have so many questions.”

              Once they were seated Chelle said, “You don’t have to thank me Mrs. Cole. After everything each of your sons has done for me it was the least I could do. Although I’m a bit stumped as to how it happened myself. It wasn’t something I set out to do, it just kind of happened.”

              “Well, no matter. We’re all here now and healthy aren’t we?”

              “We are,” she said.

              Lillian turned to her youngest son and gave him a warm yet firm smile. “Robert, go upstairs and see to it that they are putting my bedroom back in order just the way it was. If they bungle it up I’m not going to be happy.”

              Robert seemed to know that wasn’t the real reason he was being sent off but he nodded and obliged anyway, giving Chelle a wink on his way up the stairs. Robert ascended the grand staircase of the beautiful three story home and when he was out of sight Lillian turned back to Chelle. Her expression changed from one of smiling gratitude to stern politeness. “Listen, Chelle. I mean what I said. I don’t know how I can ever thank you. You’ve given me my life back. I plan to make the most of it because everything is so fragile. One never knows when they’ll lose their mind and be at the mercy of their relatives. If there’s anything I can ever do for you, just come see me, ok?”

              Lillian’s words may have been pleasant but her tone was not. She knew what was coming. “But…?”

              “But…I need you to stay at arm’s length from us, especially Robert. The things you can do are incredible and more than that, you’re a smart girl. Smart enough to know that at some point, somebody somewhere is going to want to exploit you. Hurt you even. When that day comes the people closest to you might find themselves in danger. Surely you know that, and that’s part of the reason you’ve kept to yourself all these years.”

              Chelle was floored. As much as she wanted to scream at her for verbalizing her thoughts, she just couldn’t. Partly because she was too shocked, but mostly because she was right. Lillian Cole had just summed up in a nutshell the reasons why she should never get attached to anyone. She didn’t want them to be true, and she could see Robert’s mother didn’t want them to be true either, but still she said, “But I love him.”

              “I know you do. I felt it when you did whatever it was you did to me. I’ve heard people say they see their life flash before their eyes, but when you cured me I didn’t see mine, I saw yours.”

              Suddenly Chelle felt violated and exposed. Lillian must have seen the look of sheer embarrassment that crept across her face because she reached out, planting an old wrinkly hand on her cheek. “I know there are things you don’t want anyone to know, and I swear I’ll take those things to my grave. I’ll keep all your secrets, but you have to stay away. If you love him like I know you do, you’ll just go and never come back.”

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