Blasphemous (2 page)

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Authors: Pamela Ann

BOOK: Blasphemous
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“Miss me?” Bass asked in that sexy bedroom voice of his as he nuzzled my neck, seeking for the soft spot where he usually made me weak in the knees.

Being with Bass was always like this. I always felt like fainting, weak and deliriously happy.

“Yes, very much,” I whispered breathlessly. I was out of breath due to the fact that I really did miss him and also because I was contemplating telling him that Carter was in London. “How
Paris?” He, along with Dimitris Kosta and Taylor Montgomery, were partying all weekend. With women, I was sure of that.

The gorgeous man spun me around, granting me a view of his handsome self. His striking eyes probed into my soul, reaching in, pulling on my heartstrings. “Paris was lonely without you. I was tempted to come see you, but I knew you girls wanted to spend some time together. So, as much as I wanted to, I stayed on the other side of the English Channel.”

Bass was truly great—
no, make that phenomenal
—with melting me inside out. Here I was, lacking sleep, and still he managed to wake me up with mere words. I wanted to ask about women in Paris, but I was hesitant. Why? Maybe because Bass and I hadn’t really discussed our relationship, or that we never brought it up after that first time we agreed with this sexual arrangement. Every time I thought about it, I got antsy and so I tried to ignore the subject.

Because whatever this was between us, I wanted it.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I lavished the feeling of his body against mine. It seemed that my emotions connected with his because, when he finally kissed me, I was transported into another world where no one existed except this very man. This was where I wanted to be. In his arms I felt safe, cherished, and treasured, but most of all, he never took me for granted.

Bass was the first one to pull away, smiling as he planted a few more chaste kisses on my lips. “You look sleepy. Partied that hard, huh?”

If he only knew
, I thought with guilt.

He kissed my forehead before escorting me towards our ride. “Good thing you’re not filming today because, by the looks of it, you’ll be sleeping the day away.”

Hear, hear. I yawned before responding to him. “That’s the plan.”

After the quick ride from the airstrip to the cottage, I was ready to pass out. I was dizzy from no sleep last night, plus I had barely gotten any the night before.

“How was London? You had loads of fun?” he asked as he opened the door and entered our cottage with my things in hand.

How was London?
Tricky question there, really. Well, it was a nightmare. One I did not see coming, but I wasn’t going to tell him about it at this instant. Maybe later, when the time was right. “It was not what I expected, but it was fun nonetheless.” It really was, for the most part. The other, where Carter was in the equation, was trivial to say the least.

I was adamant to give back all the things he had given me—most especially that token of utter mind-fuck, his great-great-grandmother’s ring. Hell, he didn’t want any of it anyway. So, I had to drag most of that crap with me, hidden of course. Being this secretive made me feel edgy, but it was hard to open the toxic can of worms with Bass.

This unprecedented situation wouldn’t have been such a major deal if that interview we did a couple of weeks back didn’t plant a seed of doubt in Bass’s mind. Imagine my horror when they pulled out old pictures of Carter and me together. It shouldn’t have mattered since Carter and I were through. Maybe not a lot of people know about it, but certainly everyone that I loved knew about it. More importantly, Bass knew it. However, those old, blasted pictures sprouted old doubts from Bass and I wasn’t about to bring it back to the surface after the weekend I had.

We entered my bedroom where he gradually placed my things on the opposite side of the room. I watched in fascination as he moved about before joining me on the bed. “The girls left okay?” he asked while those magnetic eyes roved over my face, lingering.

My cheeks burned from the intensity of his gaze. I had to lick my lips before responding to him. “They did. I just hope that Trista will make the right choice.” I was worried about her. Apart from the mess with Harry, her other baby revelation, simply broke my heart. I was protective of her and I didn’t want her to hurt. If Harry was the one who made her happy, though, then I will—though reluctantly—support her on that. I may not agree to most of her decisions, but I was her friend and friends don’t judge each other. They listen and hold you when you’re falling apart. They tell you that everything is going to be okay, even if it isn’t. They’re there to make you feel better, through thick and thin. That’s what true friendship is and that’s what I had with those women.

Sighing, I folded my legs and placed my head on his shoulder, the tip of my nose caressing his soft skin. “How’s Taylor, babe? Is he okay? I know he wasn’t when he left, so I’m curious to know how he’s holding up.”

“Hanging in there, but enough about them, I want to focus on you,” he whispered before sensually kissing me. One kiss was all it took to cease any thoughts. I let out a soft moan as my hands grabbed onto his shirt, pulling him closer. Our little display of affection earlier aroused me to distraction. Right now, I was sure I’d combust if he didn’t soothe my burning body.

“Emma,” Bass whispered with such fevered passion that I almost came.  He kissed me deeply as he lowered me onto the bed and my legs instantly parted to accommodate his hard body. This particular position made me love being a woman. There was nothing more amazing than the feel of a man—a well-honed body—atop yours. Dominating, yet passionate, as he set the pace; a man in control, a man who could make a woman feel like she’s the very reason he’s alive, a man who captured you by a simple look alone.

His hands desperately caressed everywhere; hungry, seeking over my clothed form.
Jesus, I was losing it
. A hungry moan came from him as he pushed himself harder against my mound. The friction was heavenly and I wanted more. My hands slid inside his shirt, stroking his arched back before I sought his nipples, scratching them fiercely.

“Fuck!” he howled with pleasured pain. It was one of the things I noticed that he liked—scratching. “I’m late, but I don’t want to stop kissing you. Stop casting this damn spell on me woman.”

Martin wasn’t going to throw a hissy fit if his godson showed up five minutes late. “No, stay—”

“Tonight. We’ll finish this tonight.” He was slowly unclasping my legs that were clutched around his hips, while his head moved downwards, nipping the valley of my breasts. Such a contradiction. “There’s a party tonight at one of the taverns. It’s Jack’s birthday, apparently.”

Jack, Martin’s assistant. Right. I forgot about that. “What do I get him for his birthday?”

“You need not worry about that. I’ll take care of it. He’s taking donations, as he put it, for his home savings fund.”  

Hollywood and their bright ideas. Pretty amazing thing, I guess. “That’s an awesome solution. That’s ingenious.”

His face was close to mine, smiling down at me. “Do get some sleep, my love. You need all your energy for tonight. You might find me insatiable. So be warned.” He kissed me one more time before immediately departing my bedroom and the cottage.

He called me
my love
, a first from him. I was rolling from side-to-side, bunching the pillow in my arms, hysterically happy. After Carter, I vowed to be cautious about relationships, but being with Bass made me irrational and threw caution to the wind. It was worth it. Feeling this kind of high was addictive. And I was a willing addict.


That night, we dined in the tavern before we joined the rest of the crew who had a bonfire party going on.

Bass and I separated from each other and mingled around. Everyone knew that something was going on between us, but nothing had been confirmed. When we were around other people, apart from our friends, we were professional and didn’t do much PDA. However, I always caught Bass glancing my way or giving me a secretive smile. The man truly was the master of melting me to the core.

I was talking to Mo, another actor from the set, when I saw a few women gathered around Bass, capturing him in a circle. The big smiles, the damn annoying giggles and the fluttering lashes were now in place. “You weren’t listening, Emma.” Mo sighed as his gaze followed mine and he kept silent for a minute. “A lot of actors get jealous of him, you know? I’m one of them. We’re good, I like Bass and all, but I can’t help being jealous of his success. At times like right now, though, I feel bad for the dude. He knows you’re watching, but he’s also letting you know that he’s being friendly without telling you directly. Watch as his hands are stuck inside his pockets, his smiles don’t reach his eyes; signs like that you need to see. He’s yours, Emma. You don’t have to worry about that.”

Was Bass really mine?
I wanted him to be mine, all mine and that’s fact. “Thank you, Mo. I appreciate how blunt you are. I’m letting myself get used to it.”

“You guys will be fine. You think too much. We should get you some more ouzo.”

Oh, darn
. “Why the heck not?” I responded as Dimitris strolled towards us.

Three hours later, I knew I was beyond my usual limit when everything started to double before me. “Dude, I’m seeing two of you.” I started to giggle when Dimitris’s frown looked like it was from a horror house. “
Why so serious?
” I did my best Joker impersonation before another giggle-fit took over and I was in tears with my butt on the sand.

“YUP! I like Emma drunk.” Mo saluted his Corona bottle at me before emptying it and taking hold of another one.

“If Trista and Lindsey were here, this party would’ve been much livelier.” Damn, I missed those crazies. Looking at Dimitris again, I started to worry. He usually was fun, but now he was just plain depressing. It was odd how Dimitris showed the tiniest interest in me before, but the moment he found out that Bass was after me, he backed away. Bass respected him after that. We got on fine then, but when he started hanging out with us more and dated Lindsey, I considered him a great friend.

“Come on, Greek McHottie! What’s wrong with you tonight?”

His handsome face contorted with confusion. “Greek McHottie?
Like McDonalds?

So cute. I loved how we never got each other’s jokes. “The girls called you that. Well, all the hot men were McHotties.”

Bass strode over to us, shaking his head, amused at my inebriated state. “I think it’s time to bring my woman home. Can you walk or do you want me to carry you?” He was smiling down at me and I looked at him beneath my lashes as it roved over his hot body.

The simple white shirt looked deadly on him. It showcased his broad shoulders and those ripped arms. He was a hot, walking orgasm. “Bass, do you know how sexy you are?”

He barked out a laugh before returning his happy gaze to me. “I do now.” He held out his hand to pull me up with a tight grip. “Turn around really quick. Your butt is covered in sand.” Bass gently tapped it away while I laughed at his light spankings.

“You can do better than that!”

“Really, we don’t need all the details. We’ll see you lovers tomorrow.” Dimitris waved goodbye before Bass and I started to walk home along the shore.

Every night, I saw the same scenery, but it never fails to take my breath away. It was just so mesmerizing to gaze at the sea with everything dark around you with the only thing illuminating it all was the moon hanging above. It was mysterious, compelling and downright magical. Moments like these left me in awe. The ethereal beauty of nature truly was fascinating. “It’s so beautiful tonight.” I paused, smiling as I took in my surroundings. 

I heard him murmur the same sentiment before he lifted me from behind and started twirling me around, laughing. “Bass! You are beyond drunk,” I squealed, matching his enthusiasm.

When he put me back down on the sand, we both sobered up as our gazes locked, drinking each other in with such wonderment and amazement, I instantly felt heady with grappling emotions so profound, I felt like fainting. Time stood suspended as I focused solely on this beautiful creature before me. I had never felt this consuming, terrifying pull towards another man. I felt so connected to Bass in ways I couldn’t even fathom to describe. This fascinating, mind-numbing connection was always there, but I was slowly starting to embrace it instead of being scared by it.

“Dance with me.”

Right now?
” I was ready to make love to him on the spot if he asked it of me.

Bass gathered me in his arms, pulling me close against his chest. “Yes, right here, right now,” he whispered as he looked down at me with such tenderness, I felt somehow guilty.

We were falling in love. Even if neither of us spoke about it, it was blatantly there—growing and simmering—waiting for the right time to explode.

“Listen to our hearts beat as one.” He inched his lips closer to my ear before whispering, “We make our own music, Emma.”

My eyes were shut as I felt his heart against mine as I slowly swayed against the music it played. However my thoughts were elsewhere.

My thoughts were running amuck with doubts. If things went according to schedule, we only had four weeks left before we go back home.

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