Blazing Hotter (Love Under Fire Book 2) (18 page)

Read Blazing Hotter (Love Under Fire Book 2) Online

Authors: Chantel Rhondeau

Tags: #romance novel series, #firefighter, #Love, #Serial killer, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Blazing Hotter (Love Under Fire Book 2)
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“When do you leave?” he asked.

Cassie hesitated, already worried about giving so much information away even though her friends thought it was the best idea. “I’m booking a flight tonight. I’ll take the first one I can get.”

“So you don’t know where you’re headed?” he asked, sounding incredulous. “Is that smart? You should tell someone where you are in case something happens.”

“If I don’t even know, the killer can’t figure it out either.”

“Good point. Make sure you buy the ticket with cash and not over the internet,” he warned. “This guy might have hacked your computer if he’s truly been stalking you. Don’t worry about anything here. I’ll cancel your appointments next week and redistribute them to different therapists. If the killer isn’t caught by next weekend and you have the money, you should stay gone longer. You could always head to your parents in England and hide out there if need be.”

Cassie breathed out a sigh of relief. If Stan was trying to think of ways to keep her safe, chances were he wasn’t the one responsible for the flowers. “I’ll keep that in mind, Stan, but I don’t want to involve them if I can help it. Thanks for understanding why I need to leave. I’m going to call the front desk at the rehab center and give them a heads up.”

“Rose is working this afternoon,” Stan said. “I wouldn’t recommend telling them the real reason you’re leaving, but maybe make it clear you’re going out of town. We don’t need to start a panic, but I know how the nurses like to talk about everyone else’s business.”

He was one to chastise about other people’s gossiping tendency, but Cassie decided she would let that go. Stan had played into their plans perfectly, what with him agreeing they should spread the word that she was leaving town. It was the most she could do for any other victim the killer might try to get. Maybe he’d give up with her out of reach.

“Thanks, boss. I’ll be careful about what I say.”

“Take care of yourself,” he warned before hanging up the phone.

After a quick call to the nurses’ station and a shorter explanation to Rose, Cassie handed Laura’s phone back.

“The plan’s in place,” Cassie said. “Rose and Stan are only too happy to talk about things. Rose was there when the first batch of flowers arrived at the rehab center. She hoped I’d get a date out of them, and now I think she’s convinced herself that I’m leaving town with my mystery admirer to have wild sex all week.”

Laura shrugged. “As long as she tells people you’re gone, it doesn’t matter why she thinks you’re going.”

Cassie nodded, wondering if she should confide in her friend about her more pressing problems. “About the wild sex...”

Laura gave a throaty laugh, eyes sparkling with joy. “Thayne and I knew something was going on. Tell me all about it.”

Shrugging, Cassie slumped backward against her chair. “There’s not much to tell. The sex is fantastic, but I worry that I’m making a mistake.”

“Why? Don’t you have feelings for Frankie?”

“That’s the problem.” Cassie propped an elbow against the table and put her chin in her hand. “I do have feelings for him, more than I should. I tried to deny it to myself, but they’re there.”

“But that’s great.” Laura reached across the table and squeezed Cassie’s arm. “If the sex is fun and you have real feelings for him, I’m not seeing the issue.”

“It’s only a matter of time before Frankie realizes that he’s only infatuated with me because of our working relationship. After the killer is caught, I’m pretty sure Frankie’s interest will fade. He has confidence back now and wants to start living life again, which I’m truly happy about and don’t want that to change, but once he realizes more people than just me are interested in him, he’ll know what he feels for me isn’t love.”

Laura stayed quiet for a few moments before clearing her throat. “And you love him? That’s what you feel?”

Although she wanted to deny it, Cassie could only shrug again. “Maybe. I’m not sure. The worst part is, I manipulated his emotions last night to get him to make love to me, making him think I was the one insecure about doing it.”

She glanced up, afraid to see the disapproval sure to be in Laura’s gaze, but knowing she needed to face the consequences of what she had done.

To her surprise, Laura simply nodded, not looking disappointed in Cassie at all. “Sometimes when the heart is involved, people do stupid stuff. It’s true you shouldn’t have manipulated him at a time when Frankie is vulnerable due to his history, but I assure you the man won’t suffer from having sex with someone who might love him. From what Thayne said about Frankie’s past, you might be the first woman who has truly cared about him, or vice versa, when you did it.”

With what Frankie had said about frequenting the clubs and wanting to have three-ways, Cassie had a feeling Laura was right. Frankie had never been involved in anything serious before. Unfortunately, that made it more likely he’d never be serious about Cassie. She was a type of rebound relationship, getting back in the groove and remembering what romance was about, but not actually a woman he would take home to meet his mom.

“It gets worse than that,” Cassie admitted.


“We didn’t have any condoms. I lied and said I couldn’t get pregnant. I didn’t want to stop what we had started. Afterward, he wanted to have a serious talk that I wasn’t ready for, so I had sex with him a few more times, just to wear him out.” Cassie looked at her stomach, for the first time since waking up this morning really thinking about the ramifications of what she might have done. “What if I tricked him into getting me pregnant and he doesn’t even want to be my boyfriend?”

The sound of a loud whoosh of air came from Laura’s side of the table. “I know he cares for you, but I can see your concerns about the situation. Are you ovulating? If not, chances are you’re fine.”

Cassie shrugged. “My last period was right before I went to England for my brother’s wedding, so a little more than two weeks ago.”

“That’s...” Laura hesitated, letting out another loud breath. “I could go pick up the morning after pill. You can’t leave the room, but I can. If you aren’t pregnant yet it could—”

“No.” Cassie shook her head vehemently. “I’m cool if others choose to do that, but I can’t. If I screwed up and got myself pregnant, I’ll deal with the consequences. My biggest worry is that Frankie might have to deal with them.”

“I heard the pill doesn’t hurt the baby if you’re already pregnant. It stops your egg from getting fertilized before pregnancy happens.”

“Of stops a fertilized egg from attaching, which to me sounds a lot like abortion.” Cassie shook her head again. “Besides, let’s assume for some reason everything happened really fast and I’m already actually pregnant. What if the pill does something to hurt the fetus despite them saying it won’t? You forget I used to be a nurse. I can’t take a chance of some side effect hurting my kid.”

“Okay, I can see your point. That isn’t an option for you.” After a few seconds of silence, Laura grinned. “Besides, a baby wouldn’t be the end of the world. Right now all Thayne and I have is our cat, but he loves kids. One day soon, I’m sure we’ll be talking children. Most men want kids. Frankie’s always been a bit immature, but I think getting caught in that fire helped him grow up. If you have a kid it might be a good thing for you both.”

“Just promise you won’t say anything to him or Thayne until after the murderer is caught,” Cassie pleaded. “I’m going to tell Frankie the truth, let him know I lied, but unless I find out I’m actually pregnant there isn’t a reason to upset him about it now. I don’t want to pressure him into choosing to stay with me once all this is finished.”

“He’s going to choose that anyway.” Laura’s voice held as much confidence as Cassie’s own thoughts lacked. “Thayne has been saying for months that he thought Frankie had feelings for you as more than his physical therapist. There was no doubting that today when I saw the way you guys argued with each other. He loves you, Cassie. I really don’t think it’s simple infatuation.”

“I wish I could be as sure of that as you are.” Cassie forced a smile. “Just promise me we can pick up condoms before meeting the guys tonight.”

“Condoms?” Laura laughed. “If you’re so sure this isn’t love, why have sex with him again?”

“Because I’ll take whatever I can get until this ends. Maybe you could teach me a few of those erotic dance moves you talked about while we wait.”


ow deep are you in?” Thayne asked as he drove the van toward The Flower Shoppe. “I mean, it’s obvious you love her, but just how bad is it?”

Frankie grinned at his friend in the rearview mirror. “Remember how much you wanted Laura even though she kept denying you could be anything more than friends?”

“Boy, do I ever.” Thayne gripped the steering wheel harder. “Talk about a stubborn woman, but she was worth my patience.”

“I’m in the same boat with Cassie. She’s one-hundred percent positive nothing but friendship is happening here. I’m trying to be a bit more tactful than you were with Laura, but now that Cassie and I have made love, I’m not sure I can hold back.” Frankie stared out the window, avoiding Thayne’s gaze in the mirror. “She doesn’t seem to think I know my own mind, and I think it’s because she doesn’t see her own value. The facts are that I love her. I’ve probably been in love with her for a few months but kept trying to deny it. She’s the perfect woman for me, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her happy and safe from this bastard who’s after her.”

“I called it.” Thayne was obviously proud of himself. “I told Laura there wouldn’t be a problem changing our plans and only getting two rooms at that island resort. I’ve been telling her for a long time that you and Cassie would end up together.”

“About Laura and the wedding.” Familiar guilt ate at Frankie’s stomach. “Is she truly okay with me being there? I wouldn’t blame her if she hated me for getting you injured. Cassie says that’s not the case, but I want your wedding to be perfect and if I—”

“Shut up, probie,” Thayne warned. “Don’t ever blame yourself for that fire. Not only are you my surrogate brother and the only real family I have, Laura loves you too. You are part of us, bro. Don’t ever think anything different.”

Although he had yet to apologize to Laura, it made Frankie feel better to get further reassurance from Thayne. They weren’t angry with him.

“What about your job?” Frankie asked, unable to leave it alone. “Are you truly happy working with the medic crew and no longer fighting fires?”

Thayne looked over his shoulder, stopping Frankie from avoiding eye contact. “You know how screwed up I was when I had to go back to fighting fires and how much I wanted out. I never wanted to fight another fire after losing my last partner, let alone become partners with a pain in the ass probie like you.”

“But you started to like it again. I know you did.”

Thayne turned back to watch the road, driving in silence before they came up to the florist’s shop. “I wouldn’t say I liked it again,” he admitted. “I wanted to keep those I cared about safe, and that mostly included you, Laura, and our brothers at the station. I’m not sorry that I can’t walk without a limp. I’m not sorry that my legs aren’t quite up to speed so I can’t haul those fire hoses anymore. I like what I do now, and Laura’s happier because she knows I’m a lot safer. Besides, going through our recovery together helped you and I form this unbreakable bond. I wouldn’t give that up either.”

“Okay, bro.” Frankie leaned forward to grip Thayne’s shoulder. “I won’t mention it again, and I’m glad I get to stand up for you at the wedding.”

Thayne hopped from the front seat, rounding the van to open the back door and help Frankie get down the lift. “Speaking of standing up for me, I haven’t asked how you like that chair.”

Frankie pushed the button to exit the lift and grinned. “I stood to piss yesterday for the first time since the accident. It’s a damn miracle.”

Thayne chuckled. “I remember that freakin’ bedpan before I could walk. Hated that damn thing.”

Frankie nodded, knowing that even though Thayne was able to get most of his function back, the man totally understood everything Frankie was going through and knew how much it meant to get places under his own power. “It’s a miracle. I was even able to stand and hold Cassie in my arms yesterday. I never expected something like that.”

“Speaking of Cassie, I want you to keep on holding that woman but we need to get answers to make sure that happens.” Thayne jerked his chin toward the shop. “Let’s get inside and figure out who’s after her.”

After Thayne locked the door to the van, Frankie pushed the joystick control of the chair to roll alongside him and into the shop. Upon entering the lush green aisle of vegetation, Frankie realized his wheelchair wasn’t suited for all situations. The piles of greenery around the doorway of the shop made it impossible for him to do more than enter the space. If he tried to push forward any further, his chair was certain to take out big patches of plants and crash them toward the ground.

He glanced at Thayne, who seemed almost as uncomfortable as Frankie. “Why don’t you find that Tammy woman and bring her out here to talk?” Frankie suggested. “It’s not a good idea for me to go in there.”

Thayne walked deeper into the store without comment but obviously agreeing.

While waiting, Frankie wondered if he’d ever have reason to come to a flower shop again if he could get Cassie to fall for him. He couldn’t imagine her wanting flowers after all this. If Frankie had his way, she’d be the woman he spent the rest of his life with. That meant he’d have to find something different to do for her during the inevitable times he upset her.

Laura didn’t even like flowers. Thayne had a hard job right at the start of their relationship. Luckily, she also didn’t like cooking terribly much and was delighted to learn what a great cook Thayne was. A batch of chicken with Thayne’s special sauce blend was enough to earn her forgiveness no matter what transgression Thayne committed.

Frankie would never be able to do something like that, but even one handed he should be able to find something that would show Cassie he cared about her. Perhaps Laura would have an idea of what could help him win her friend’s heart once and for all.

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