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Authors: Stacey Kennedy

Bless The Beauty

BOOK: Bless The Beauty
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Bless the Beauty

Special Agent Fang—Book One

Stacey Kennedy

Published 2011

ISBN 978-1-59578-787-3

Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509

Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © 2011, Stacey Kennedy. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

Manufactured in the United States of America

Liquid Silver Books


[email protected]


Tracey West

Cover Artist

Amanda Kelsey

This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.


In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a serial killer has been arrested for the deaths of nine women. This case, however, is far from closed. Two of his victims are alive and time is counting down to discover their whereabouts. Thus, brings in the assistance of the FBI.

Hadley Sloan and Chase Finley might be Special Agents within the Criminal Investigations Department, but what their comrades don’t know is, they’re in love…or that Hadley is a vampire.

Soon, Hadley’s personal life is uprooted and she is left with even more of a mess on her hands when Kellen Boyd, her vampire husband returns to sink his fangs back into her life…

Hadley must juggle the two men in her life, keep her secret hidden, and locate these missing women before it’s too late…


This story goes out to my super wonderful, totally incredible, just down-right awesome critique partner, Sara Brookes. My stories would have endless plot holes, lots of ick factors, and crummy grammar if it wasn’t for her. Big hugs!!

Chapter One

The warm salty rush poured through my mouth as my fangs retracted back into my gums. An explosion of energy coursed through my veins, as it always did after I drank a mortal’s blood.

With my need met, I licked the wound along Chase’s warm neck, lowered my head back onto the pillow, and met the gaze of the luscious man above me.

Chase’s short blond hair and deep blue eyes more than appealed to me. Nothing about him was unattractive—right down to his succulent body defined by sculpted muscles. He was a splendid display of delicious mortal man.

With the release of my fangs from his neck, he braced himself against his hands and thrust harder. His body slammed against mine as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

The blood may excite him, but it fuelled me. The need to feel more of him consumed me. I thrust back while he moved between my legs. My moves matched his speed and added to the pressure building inside of me.

Apparently, his need was just as strong. He leaned back on his knees, placed his hands on my thighs and pulled them back along my body as he filled me completely, reaching down into my very soul.

My back arched as a rush of pleasure rocketed through me. An unrestrained whirl of pleasure stole my breath from the angle he forced upon me. With hard, powerful thrusts, he demanded my climax and I wasn’t unwilling.

I screamed, encouraged him to go harder and demanded him to free me from the intense rush of pleasure as he kept me at the very edge of release. He pounded against me as if he hated me and wanted to cause me pain, but I relished it—wanted more.

Only a few more hard thrusts and the power of my release rushed through me. A scream of indulgence tore from my throat as I crumbled into pieces, reeled in the enlightened sensation that only existed when a body erupts into a state of bliss.

Sometime later—who knew how much time had actually passed, I was too busy recovering to give a damn—my mind began to clear and I laughed quietly. “That never does get old.”

Chase raised his head from where it was buried in my neck. His eyes soft in satisfaction as sweat poured off his skin. “Not with you it doesn’t.”

“Why?” My tone was playful and light, as I intended. “Is it because I’m dangerous and drink your blood?”

He winked, grinned with the same playful edge. “You know I love danger and don’t give a shit that you’re a vampire.”

I did know. We’d been together five years and our relationship was still as strong as the first day we met. After I had the balls to tell him—show him, that is—the creature I was, our love had only deepened. Sure, it was an adjustment for him to realize such things existed. But after some time, he came around to the idea and I think even thrived off the fact that I wasn’t

Reaching up, I took his face in my hands to pull his mouth back to mine. Sadly, I was disappointed when my phone beeped. “And there goes the fun.” I sighed against his mouth, placed my hands on his chest and gave a steady push.

He slid out of my sated body then slumped into a tired heap beside me, only to groan with echoed disapproval when his phone beeped seconds later.

I leaned over toward the night table, grabbed my phone and scrolled down the messages. The bright screen displayed,
“Headquarters, 911.”

An urgent call from headquarters meant only one thing—a shitload of trouble. My annoyance at the interruption might have matched Chase’s if I didn’t love the rush of solving a crime. It took an embarrassing amount of years to settle into what I would call my dream career, but this was it. I’d found my place as part of the FBI Criminal Division.

There would come a time to move on, though. In ten years, it’d be obvious I didn’t age and would arouse suspicion. Certainly, a brand of trouble I did not need. I had five more years to enjoy the life I’d built for myself and I wasn’t about to waste a moment of it.

“We have to go.” I jumped out of bed and grabbed my clothes that rested on the floor. Eager and ready to work, yep, that was me!

Chase groaned again, nearly not as eager and reached his arms over his head. “This job is going to be the death of me.”

The death of him.
I cringed with deep heartache and I tried not to realize how much of a sore spot that statement was. I stepped into my panties, pulled them up and felt sick at the thought that one day he’d be gone. But he was a mortal. I couldn’t change that fact.

Well, I could, but I wouldn’t. Chase was a fine human and one I wanted left that way.

Maybe it was selfish of me not to offer him immortality, but I loved him just the way he was. So, if that made me a self-centred bitch, then so be it.

Making quick work of my pinstripe pantsuit, I mentally swore at the department for making me hide my legs. It was a shame the FBI didn’t approve of short skirts. My thin, muscular calves were my best attributes and I hated hiding them. However, it just added to fun with Chase. He loved them just as much and I liked to tease him accordingly when I had the chance.

I buttoned up my shirt, settled my waist length black hair appropriately and glanced in the full-length mirror across the room.

Yes, I could see myself in the mirror. Vampire myths came in abundance. Most were funny, some annoying.

Old vampires, like me, with a few decades behind them, weren’t burnt to a crisp by the sun, but it drained our energy. Powerless and more mortal-like was not a state any vampire wanted to be in. The older one got, the longer they could stay out in the sun. I could top half-an-hour before I fell to the ground in a heap and then the sun had the power to kill me.

Another truth was our abilities to warp minds. That talent always did come in handy.

I may have—but would never admit to—altered some of the big-wigs in the FBI to ensure we always worked during the night hours. A girl’s gotta do, what a girl’s gotta do!

But I did try my best to limit altering anyone’s mind, there is guilt after all, which I usually felt lots of when I did it to someone I knew.

With that wonderful guilt in my mind, I tore myself away from the mirror, grabbed my jacket and slipped it on. Just as I finished up with the last button, Chase asked,

“Ready, doll?”

I looked up to find him fiddling with the navy tie around his neck. I smiled softly and approached him. “You think a man of thirty would know how to do his own tie.” Taking the tie from his hands, I looped it around, and pulled it tight.

Chase grinned with a sweet innocence. “But then I wouldn’t need you around, would I?”

“Touché.” I laughed and pulled the knot up to his throat before giving his chest a light pat.

“Done and as handsome as ever.”

He stepped closer, his hands around my waist to keep me locked in close to him. “If you believe that then why are you so hesitant to move in with me?”

I sighed exasperated. “You know why.”
Not this again…

“Hadley.” His sigh equalled mine. “We have been together five years now. I think you could say we are in a committed relationship.”

“I do
commit to anyone,” I retorted, feeling right annoyed that we were having
conversation again. “You knew this about me when we started our relationship. If you are looking for that then it’s time you looked elsewhere.”

Yes, I was being harsh, but I wouldn’t lead him on. As much as I wished I could be solely his, it was an impossible feat. I belonged to another, Chase just didn’t know it.

Kellen Boyd, the vampire who gave me immortality, and the one I didn’t doubt for a moment that I belonged to, loved me. But after centuries of being with him, I needed to make something of myself. I couldn’t
be the bride of Kellen anymore.

At the time, he had let me go when my need for a life of my own had become evident. But he hadn’t hidden the fact that he would eventually come for me. I’d been glancing over my shoulder ever since. Not that the idea of seeing him wasn’t appealing, it was. Yet, with Chase in my life now, I didn’t need the added complication.

Numerous times, I had wanted to explain this to Chase, but I doubted he’d understand
, ‘By the
way, I’m married under vampire law. Sorry.’
He wasn’t likely to be okay with that.

Mortals just had different standards than vampires. And by Chase’s rules, leading him to believe we could have more was wrong. Mortals didn’t commit twice—well some did—but they were considered scum. Which is exactly why I’d chosen this approach.

Chase reached out, grabbed my arms and pulled me tight against him, breaking me away from my thoughts. “Never say that to me again.” His entire body was tense and his expression severe. “You know I don’t want to look elsewhere.”

I smiled at his tough demeanour and leaned up to kiss his lips, knowing just how to placate him.

“Then no more talk of the
word, got it? You know how I feel about you.

Let’s not ruin it with that kind of talk.” I placed my lips against his tight mouth and leaned in giving him a good hard peck.

When I drew away, his look hadn’t wavered. He stared down at me intensely and I had to hold back a laugh at his typical mull-over-it-and-keep-quiet behavior. When I stepped out of his arms, he said nothing as I made my way to the door.

Once out of the bedroom, I glanced around Chase’s bachelor apartment as we walked toward the front door. The small space consisted of leather couches, a big entertainment center against the wall, white washed paint on the walls and not a decoration in sight. The idea of stepping one foot into this man-hole and calling it home was absurd.

“Your car or mine?” I asked over my shoulder as I opened the front door of the townhouse and made my way down the porch steps.

“Mine of course,” Chase called behind me. He shut the front door with a loud bang, locked it, then quickly made his way to the black ‘69 Dodge Charger, grinning with pride.

“You think you’d have better things to spend your money on than this old piece of tin.” I hoped to get his goat in the off chance to ease the tension from earlier.

Chase stopped dead in his tracks to glare at me across the roof and frowned. “Knock the car again and I’ll flatten you on your ass.”

I opened the passenger door and sat with a loud thump. “I’d like to see you try, tough guy.”

Chase slid into the driver’s side and when his gaze met mine, we both laughed. I loved the playfulness he and I shared. When we first met, I broke through his tough cop façade quickly to discover what lay beneath was a gentle soul. Getting him to laugh was the only way to break his irritation and I was pleased to see the attempt had worked.

What I didn’t need was him pissy while we were on assignment.

I settled in and buckled my seat belt—we do enforce the law after all—as Chase started the engine. A soft purr came around us as he put the car in gear and drove off.

As we made our way downtown, the streets of Washington, D.C. were busy tonight.

It didn’t surprise me to see the city booming with tourists. It always was and I’d grown to love it for just that reason—it hummed with energy.

Within minutes, we began our approach down America’s Main Street toward the J.

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